Angel Winged Vest ( a Daryl D...

By makenna_stanley

253K 5.5K 1.5K

*•Book 1•* EDITING "I love you're vest, you look like an Angel." "Ya, a fallen Angel." "A fallen Angel i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Next chapter soon promise...but i got tagged.
Book 2: Stitched on Wings
Book 2 is up!!

Chapter 6

10.5K 244 59
By makenna_stanley

Edited: 5/22/16

I was running as fast as I could to get to this damn house. Rick was right behind me carrying Carl. Shane and the man who shot Carl behind them.

I turned around to the man, "How far!" I screamed running backwards.

"Half mile!" he screamed back pointing forwards. I nodded and kept running.

Please god please, if your listening, please save this boy. I heard him say something to Rick about finding Hershel. I kept repeating that name over and over in my head.

Finally, after what felt like forever, I saw a White House covered up by trees come into view. There was a girl on the porch and as soon as she saw me she started screaming for someone.

As I got closer I saw more people come out on the porch. A older man with white hair and cleanly shaven, a little blond girl who looked about sixteen. She immediately reminded me of my sister. A boy who looked as old as her with a baseball bat, the girl who called them all had short brown hair and a older blond woman.

Once I got to the porch I stopped bending down and panting really hard. "Please." I said tired. "Help my friends son, I was told to find Hershel."

Rick then came behind me. "Is he bit?" The older man asked. "Shot, by your man." Rick spit out.

"Otis?" the older blond lady asked. "He said find Hershel, is that you." I asked the older man he nodded "Please, help my boy." Rick cried as Hershel ushered him into the house.

I waited out side for Otis and Shane to catch up. When they did Otis went into the house, I stopped Shane before he could. "We need to get Lori, Shane she needs to know." I panicked.

The kids mom doesn't even know he's dying. Shane looked at me worried "I know but right now we need to figure out what we even need to tell her." He sighed. I nodded before we both went to go into the house but then Rick came out.

"Is he alive?" I asked softly. He looked at me for a moment then to another direction. He's really out of it.

He went to wipe the sweat off his face but ended up smudging blood on his forehead. Shane got a rag and walked over to him "you got blood" Shane said whipping the blood off Rick's face. He then handed the rag to Rick for him to wipe his hands.

Rick then started to cry and ran into the house with Shane and I following. I can't stop thinking that Lori should be here and not me. It should be Lori, Rick and Shane. I should be looking for Sophia with Daryl.

"You know his blood type." Hershel asked Rick knocking me out of my thoughts. "A positive same as mine." Rick answered. "That's good. Don't wander far I'm gonna need you, what happened?" Hershel asked.

"I was shooting a deer, the Bullet went clean through." Otis said as if he's high.

"The deer slowed the bullet down which saved his life, but it broke into six fragments and there deep." Hershel said holding Carl's wound.

Otis started explaining himself to the older woman I now know as Patricia from Hershel ordering her to something.

Rick turned to me and Shane. "Lori don't know my wife doesn't know." He said starting to cry but Shane started shushing him trying to calm him down.

I walked out into what I'm guessing was the living room. I sat down and started to silently cry. Sophia then Carl in the matter of two days. Don't ask us to baby sit cause we suck with kids.

Rick and Shane walked out after me, Rick is calmed down a bit now. "Why did I let him come with us?" Rick asked shane after awhile. "I should of sent him with Lori."

"You start that you'll go crazy." I told him. He just looked at me then Shane. "Little girl goes missing you look for her, simple." Rick stated "You said called it head back-"

"Never mind what I said." Shane said getting frustrated with Rick as was I but I stayed out of it. "Carl got shot cause I didn't stop it should be me in there" Rick said getting mad at him self.

Shane laughed which confused me. "You've been there partner." Shane said looking at Rick. Confused I got up and walked out side letting them have a moment. I looked back and Shane nodded as a thank you, then I walked out.

I just stood there not thinking, not crying, not being able to grasp the things that have happened. That's when I hear the door to the room Carl's in open. I walked into the house into the room to see Carl wiggling on the bed in pain Rick giving blood and Shane pinning Carl down.

I walked over to Carl sat behind him lifted his head so it would lay on my lap and shushed him. Them all of a sudden he stopped. I mean stopped everything.

"No, no, no, no, no" Shane and Rick both started saying, I just sat there in shock till Hershel spoke. "He just passed out."

Hershel pulled the pliers out that were in Carl's wound. They were holding a bullet fragment. "One down five to go." Hershel said looking at it then putting it down.


Rick is relaxing from giving blood, Shane was standing in the corner of the room and, I was sitting on the floor next to where Rick's chair was.

"Lori needs to be here, she don't even know. We need to get her here." Rick said getting panicked again.

"You can't do that." Hershel said looking at Rick. "She's his mother." Rick said getting angry.

"He's gonna need more blood, he can't leave." Hershel said looking at Shane and I. Shane said he got it and pulled Rick out of the room.

"If you need anything come ask me." I told Hershel. He looked at me, "Thank you..." He said looking at me as if asking for my name. "April." I said he nodded and I walked out.

When I got out Rick and Shane were huddled together by the door. They got up at the sound of my entrance. Hershel then walked out and we all looked at him.

"He safe for now but I got to get those fragments out." He said looking at Rick. "How, you saw how he was." I said which made Hershel look at me.

"I know and I need to go deeper." He said which made everyone's heart drop. "There's more." Hershel said. What now.

"Tell me." Rick said frustrated. "There's internal bleeding." Hershel said carefully to Rick.

"That means one of the fragments hit an artery and I got to open him up, but he can't move at all." He said seriously and looked at everyone.

"I need to put him under but if I do he won't be able to breath on his own." Hershel continued. UGH!

"You need a respirator." Otis cut in. "I need a lot of thing." Hershel said. "If you had it all could you save him?" Rick asked looking at him with hope.

Hershel looked at him with sad eyes
"I can try."


Later Shane and Otis decided they'll go to the high school that has all the stuff they need. I saw Maggie walking up to Rick and I as we stood on the porch.

"I can get your wife if you want." Maggie said to Rick. "Please I'll do anything." Rick said which made her laugh.

"All I need is for you to come, show me where they are and then tell Lori to come with me." She said looking at me. I nodded then looked at Rick.

He smiled at me, "Thank you for everything." He said then pulled me into a hug. After that Maggie got a horse ready and we were off.

After about a half hour we saw them but we also saw Andrea being attacked by a walker. I saw Maggie brought a baseball bat so I grabbed it and swung it hitting the walker in the head.

Maggie stopped the horse and I got off. "What the hell?" Daryl said coming over to me I just looked at Lori.

"Lori. Carl's been shot. Rick needs you there so go with Maggie here and she'll take you there." I said and pushed her towards Maggie.

She looked at me worried and shocked. "There's no time to explain just go." I told her sternly. She nodded and went with Maggie.

After they were gone Daryl marched over to me. "What the hell was that? We don't know those people you Can't just go ridding horses with them! See this is why I didn't want you goin'." Daryl yelled at me.

I was shocked but looked back at him. "I do know those people Daryl! They're trying to save Carl's life now if you'll excuse me I'm going to the high way where I'm going to explain what happened." I said and walked away.

I heard Daryl sigh angrily but he didn't say anything else. Then the walker I hit sat up making a groaning noise. I turned around and saw Daryl shoot it saying shut up. I laughed which caught Daryl's attention and I quickly turned back around walking away.

Once we got back to Dale and T-dog I told them what happened. "Wow." Glenn said looking at me with sad eyes.

"We need to go to the house." I said looking at the group. Carol was shaking her head. "I won't." She said stubbornly.

"Carol, the group is split we need to get with the rest of them" I told her. "What if she comes back that would be awful." She said looking at me with pleading eyes.

"How about some stay, some go. We'll leave the RV and some people will stay till morning, in the morning if she doesn't come back we'll leave a note with some food and water and then head to the house to be with the ones who do go." I said thinking of a way that would make everyone happy.

Carol smiled and nodded. "I'll stay." Daryl said nodding at Carol. "If the RV is then I am" Dale said.

"I'm in." Andrea said but as Glenn was about to say he'll stay I cut him off. "Glenn and T-dog will go then. He needs medicine and fast I can tell from here." I said looking at T.

"Are you going?" Glenn asked me. I shook my head no. "I'm staying, dive up a ways and you'll see a mail box with the name Greene." I told him.

Then Daryl shows up with a big bag of a lot of different medicines. "Why didn't Anyone tell me sooner, this is my brothers stash." Daryl said looking at me.

"Here's some kick ass pain killers." He said throwing a bottle at Glenn. then another at dale. "This is first call stuff to, Merle got the clap on occasion." Daryl said walking away.


"There nice people ok?" I told Glenn before he left. He nodded then hugged me before leaving.

It was dark now so I decided to get some sleep. I went to the RV and saw Daryl laying in the walk way. So I climbed around him laying down on one of the benches at the table and fell Asleep in an uncomfortable position.


New chapter!!!!

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