Our Summer

By taestuIip

43.7K 4K 2.7K

Spending eight weeks at a small village in a suburb town in Daegu does not sound so bad. After a terrible lif... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51- Finale

Chapter 12

809 80 54
By taestuIip

Seori stares at the box like it has long fangs growing out on every cormer, thinking so hard about every possibility while mentally debating with herself on the impossibilities as well. It was Taehyung who told her about the box. That makes him the person who actually got her everything in the box.

But, she had never told anyone else about the coffee except Jungkook.

She never told anyone about getting an electric kettle to make her coffees at home either.

"What the hell is going on?", she grunts to herself, pacing about the space. "Screw this shit"

She runs to her room, snatches her phone from the nightstand and taps on a name from her contact list and presses her phone to her ear. She bites her lips as she waits for the person to answer her call, heart thumping so loud it feels like she is about to burst.


"Kim Taehyung", she half-shouts into the phone. "What are all these?"

Seori can hear his surprise gasp through the phone. She waits, patiently, breathing slowly and heavily as she stares at her wall.

"H-How did you get my number?"

"I have all the important contact numbers here in case I get abducted by aliens and I need someone to look after my students", she speaks hastily . "But that's not the point. What are all these things? What is the box for?"

Seori can hear him moving about in his house, like he is thinking hard for an answer.

"Not from me. Jungkook sent that"


"And Jimin", Taehyung answers with a strained voice. "Both of them. I did not get them from you so don't assume anything"

"I did not assume it was from you"

Taehyung is quiet again for a while and Seori wonders if the call got disconnected.

"Good then"

Seori is the one to go completely silent now, suddenly all the whirlpool of confusion and thoughts disappear and her head is blank now. She cannot remember why she called him. It was an impulsive move caused by the sudden waves of emotions hitting her. She was confused, still confused but at the same time, beyond overwhelmed.

She has been staring into the darkness for a whole minute, contemplating on what else to say but to her surprise, he has yet to hang up on her either. He says nothing, but she can still hear his almost inaudible breathing through the phone.

"Well then, tell them I say thank you"

He does not respond. Seori frowns at his complete silence and she dislikes the weird feeling roaming around her heart right now.

"Have a good-"

"Park Seori", he suddenly cuts her off, making her entire body jerk in surprise. Her heart almost jumped out of her chest at the sound of his deep voice calling her name through the phone. It sounds different and it feels different.

She has heard his voice multiple times but hearing the same voice on the phone does not feel the same, at all. It felt like he was so close to her ear. Too close.

"What?", she musters an answer.

Again, a long beat of silence.


He hangs up. When she realizes he actually hung up on her, she ends up staring at her phone like she cannot properly process what just happened. She gasps to herself, still holding her phone in her hand as she stares into nothing.

"What a weird ass grumpy man"


Seori lets out a long exhausted sigh as she finally gets to sit on her favorite wooden bench by the beach, letting the warm late evening air wind through her, carrying the smell of sea and summer altogether. When she first came to the village, she had found the scent slightly too sharp and unpleasant. Too salty, too pungent, too harsh for her nose that is used to the smell of the city.

But the smell is getting to her these days. Some days the smell gives her a sense of life, like a scent to mark a new beginning. On certain days it works like calming elixir, soothing her anxiety and filling her head with nothing but tranquility . Sometimes it lingers around her like a second skin, like the smell belongs with her. It blends with her so perfectly it feels like it is her own smell.

She loves it. She loves it dearly now.

Seori stretches her neck to the sides, pressing her shoulders with her fingers after long hours of meeting the entire day, sitting on the chair unmoving. She cannot even remember if she had eaten anything besides the small breakfast bun Mina gave her this morning.

Her stomach growls suddenly, making her sigh again as she hugs her herself. She never realized how famished she is until she heard it.

"I need to eat", she says to no one.

Seori gathers all her things and makes a beeline towards the main road, being extra careful not to trip over any hidden rocks or branches because she cannot afford to sprain her ankle again.

The thought of causing more troubles to the grumpy man makes her face twitch in annoyance. She gets even more annoyed when she realizes she was thinking about him.

"Grumpy ass-"

Her words get cut off when she hears a yelp coming from behind her. She turns around just in time to see an eldery woman standing in the middle of the road and with a torn white plastic bag. It takes Seori a moment to realize there is a big tear on the woman's plastic bag and there are apples scattered all over the road.

"Oh no", the woman sighs with a small pout. "My apples..."

Seori rushes to her and starts collecting the apples with her two hands, all while making sure her work bag stays put on her shoulder. She looks up at the torn plastic and decides it will be impossible to use it anymore. She fishes out a small tote bag she has in her handbag and puts the apples into it one by one.

"Oh honey, it is okay. I can pick it up myself", the woman tries to stop her politely.

"Almost done", Seori grabs the last two apples and stuff them into the tote bag. "Done"

She stands up straight and hangs the tote bag onto her shoulder instead of giving it to the woman.

"I will carry them for you", Seori smiles. "Let me help you with that"

The woman looks lost for a second before realizing Seori was referring to the two heavy boxes in her hands. "Oh, no, it is fine I can carry them"

"Is your house nearby, madam?"

"Up the small hill there" she gestures with her eyes to a spot behind Seori.

Seori follows the line of sight and then she turns to the eldery woman again. "I could use the extra workout. Let me take these for you"

The woman lets Seori take the boxes from her hands, her eyes looking at her with an unreadable expression before a soft gasp escaped her lips

"You are the lecturer, aren't you?", she asks softly.

Seori's eyes perk up, and she nods. "Yes, I think. Excuse me for not introducing myself. My name is Park Seori, the lecturer from SNU"

She gives the woman a polite respectful bow and the woman immediately returns it with a gentle smile.

"You must be very exhausted from all the work today"

"If you are trying to convince me not to help you with your things, it is not working"

The woman laughs a little, clutching on her small knitted handbag closer to her as she studies Seori's face. "I heard about you from the women at the market, they did say you are very pretty. They did not lie"

A blush creeps on Seori's face and she only smiles at the compliment.

The woman finally starts walking and Seori follows close beside her. "How is everything so far? Are the people here treating you well?"

Seori wants to laugh hysterically at herself when Taehyung's sour face crosses her mind out of nowhere. She shakes the image of him out of her head and clears her throat.

"Everyone has been very kind to me"

The woman nods to herself, hugging herself as she walks. "I hope they do. I heard a lot about you. I have a niece who is still in school and she loves the new teacher. I think she mention the teacher has a very striking blonde hair"

Seori smiles widely to herself at the mention of Eri's hair. "I think your niece is talking about my student from abroad. Her name is Mizushima Eri"

The woman gasps in surprise, her eyes twinkling with excitement as she places a hand at the center of her chest. "Oh my, that is very interesting"

"She is very interesting", Seori smiles at the thought of Eri. "And hardworking too"

The woman glances at Seori, a soft smile taking over her features. "You look like a very good lecturer. And so young too"

Seori lets the compliment pass again and tugs on the tote bag. "Are you planning on making something with these apples?"

They are now reaching the top of the slope, and the woman gestures to her to turn to the right. Seori has to take a double take at the only house at this side of the road, and she comes to a stop. There is only one house along the small road and if they are taking this road, that can only mean one thing.

The big house at the end of the road looks completely different from any other houses Seori had seen around the village. The house looks slightly modern with a high brick dutch-styled roof, light brown walls with lanterns posts at every edge, vintage style windows that stand out with the rose gold frames and the tall white automated gate that separates them and the house.

Seori turns to the elderly woman, only to find her watching as she ogles at the house. She hides the blush on her face for getting caught but the woman ushers her towards the house.

"I forgot my keys actually but I think the front gate is unlocked", she sighs. "Also, to answer your question, I have not thought of what to do with these apples yet"

The woman walks to the left side of the big wall and pushes open a small black gate that leads straight into a big garden with a  tall fountain in the middle. Seori could not help looking around in awe at how beautiful and well-maintained the small garden is. Flowers bloom at every corner, tall well-maintained bushes lined along the tall wall with a man-made wooden gazebo in the center.

A soft gush of wind blows through them and Seori cannot help but to relish on the scent of soil and flowers filling her nose.

"Park Seori", the woman calls her softly. "I hope you will come in for some snacks and tea"

Seori's head turns to the woman, finding her standing in front of a dark green wooden door with a small golden doorbell at the side. She presses on it and a distant muffled ringing sound is heard from the inside of the house.

"It is okay, madam. You do not have to", Seori walks to the door and hands her the tote bag. "I will be on my way now"

"Oh no, definitely not. I need to serve you some drinks for helping me with this"

Seori opens her mouth to reject the offer but then the door suddenly swings open and a man appears. The world tilts beneath her feet when their eyes meet and she recognizes him.

Kim Taehyung


Both of them stand there in strained silence, looking at each other with a blank expression that mirrors each other. Taehyung could barely open the door completely when he feels like everything just trips all over him  and his body jerks at the sight of the person standing at the door.

Air is completely knocked out of his chest, his grip on the doorknob tightens and his entire body goes completely still.

Seori looks speechless, her face slowly going from astonished to a look that resembles disbelief . She forgets to breathe for a fleeting second, unable to get a proper grasp of the sudden encounter and it feels like it becomes a whole maze to her head.

Why is Kim Taehyung here? Why is he opening the door to this house?

She turns to the woman, and the woman looks entirely amused at the way Taehyung and her have been silent and too obviously taken aback.

"Taehyung, my darling, please take this for me", the woman lifts the tote bag to him and he takes it mindlessly.

His eyes are still glued on Seori and hers too, are still glued on him. Like they are still processing their meeting. Like they are too perplexed to see each other, here.

"I am not sure if you both have met-"

"We did", Taehyung snaps out of his trance, clearing his throat as he fixes his crumpled shirt. "We did"

Seori did not miss the way he repeated his words, the second one sounding like it weighs more than the first.

"We did", she glances at Taehyung for a second before looking at the woman again. "I will take my leave now-"

"Oh no no no", the woman gently takes her arm, making a move to pull her inside through the door. "You have been such a dear to me with my groceries"

Taehyung's eyes perk up at the woman's words, stepping to the side to give them way.

"Tae, please get some fresh juice from the fridge for this sweet lady", the woman waves at him. "We must serve our guest"

Seori battles her eyelashes blankly, still trying to process everything. "Madam, it is okay-"

"I will not take no for an answer", she shakes her head. "Please?"

Seori swallows her rejection at the pleading tone in her voice. She would be more than willing to come in if not for the grumpy man standing in front of her, looking at her like he is about to kick her out of this house.

"Tae, get some fruits too. I bought some apples, cut them and serve it to Seori-"

"Mother, you are not supposed to be inviting random people into your house", Taehyung arches a playful eyebrow as he speaks, a slight humorous gleam in his eyes as he looks at Seori.

The woman smacks the side of Taehyung's arm and scowls at him. "You said you both have met. Seori is not a stranger to you"

Taehyung opens his mouth to speak but Seori beats him to it.

"Oh, no, Madam. Your son is very particular about the air he breathes. He does not prefer to have me polluting his air. So, I do not think I should stay"

His eyes widen in shock and he stares at her, mortified . Seori gives him a triumphant look as she smirks but quickly drops it when the woman turns to look at her.

"My son is a pain in the ass. I know that very well", the woman exhales loudly, glaring at Taehyung. "But are you sure you do not want to come in for some refreshment?"

Seori considers the woman's words but then shakes her head with a thankful smile. "I should get going before it gets dark"

The woman lets out a long 'hmm' before she lets out an excited sound and turns to her son.

"Give me this", she grabs the tote bag from Taehyung and then pulls him out of the house. "Walk Seori home and make sure she gets home safe"

"Mother, what are you-"

"I insist", his mother taps on his shoulder. "Seori helped me with these since you overslept and did not return my call. So you return the favor and walk her home. The inn is just opposite your house anyway. You both are heading towards the same direction"

The look on Seori is priceless as she scrambles for a proper word to politely reject the woman's offer.


"Now off you go", the woman waves them off with her hands.

Seori looks at the woman with a stunned face, her head suddenly cloudy with muddled thoughts and confusion. Taehyung too is looking at his mother, completely speechless. Both of them stand side by side outside the door, unmoving as the woman smiles at them.

Taehyung is the first to make a sound, sighing to himself as he rubs the back of his neck before glancing at Seori. He can see Seori thinking silently. Like she is debating with herself about the whole situation. He is so sure Seori is being very polite with his mom by not rejecting her gesture.

Seori seems like someone who would not do such things.

"I will walk her home. Now get in and lock the door", Taehyung waves his mother off, gesturing her to get inside as he grabs the doorknob and pulls the door close before his mother can say more.

As soon as the door closes, Seori mumbles under her breath and turns away from him.

"I apologize on behalf on my mother"

Seori glances at him but says nothing as she tugs on her bag and starts walking away.

"Where are you going?", he sounds alarmed at her sudden movement.

She halts at the bottom of the small stairs, looking up at him with a slightly irritated face. "Home?"

Taehyung frowns slightly as he crosses his arm. "I am walking you home"

"No you are not"

"Yes, I am", he moves down the stairs and Seori quickly steps back.

"You are not", Seori motions him to turn around with her fingers as she frowns at him. "Turn around and go back"

Taehyung stops a few steps in front of her, entertained at her annoyed expression. He finds the entire situation awkward yet very much enjoyable. Instead of responding to her immediately, he takes the chance to properly look at her. Seori still has her working clothes, and he realizes she never fails to look absolutely presentable whenever she steps out of her house.

She looks so prim and proper all the time, her hair is always tied neatly, her attires are always in neutral shades that are surprisingly so fitting with her. And she always smells the same. The musky vanilla scent that seems to infiltrate his senses whenever she is nearby.

He cannot properly describe the smell. Sometimes it has stronger hints of vanilla. At times it smells warmer and spicier, like a potent combination of cedar and patchouli. Nevertheless, it all goes back to the scent becoming that one scent Taehyung finds to be very alluring to him. Like he is constantly remembering how it smells and when he can no longer trace it, he longs to find it again.

"Are you going to stand there and think of different ways to murder me or are you going to go back up there and let me walk home by my own?"

Seori's sharp voice snaps him out of his thoughts and he blinks at her. Like he has forgotten he is standing there, in the middle of his mother's garden.

"I am walking you home. That is final", he walks past her and heads straight to the little door. "I am good son and I listen to my mother"

Seori frowns even harder when he opens the door and raises his eyebrows at her as if he is expecting her to follow whatever he says.

"I am walking home, on my own"

"Either way, we are walking towards the same direction"

The realization hits Seori like a big slap, making her groans lowly as she walks past him and exits the house through the small door.

Taehyung sucks a breath when her scent hits him, and suddenly his mind sways. He needs to take a moment to push the sudden wave of feeling rushing to his head and finally closes the door. By the time he turns around, Seori is already ahead of him.

"What a trouble", he sighs.

Seori does not even wait for him. She continues walking without even checking if he is trailing behind her. She can hear his footsteps, clear to her ears as if every other sound from the surrounding has been muted. He walks with a steady pace, and he has been quiet. She is thankful for that because she has no energy left to be dealing with him.

She has no energy left to be polite and socialize with anyone. Especially him of course.

They walk in complete silence, all the way down the small slope that leads to the main road of the village. When they reach the T-junction that leads to their respective houses, Seori finally turns around just to find Taehyung already looking at her.

"I am not following you", he suddenly says as he comes to a halt, his eyes look alarmed.

"I did not say anything"

"You look like you are about to yell at me"

"I don't yell at random people", Seori scoffs at him. "And I don't frown at people"

Her words feel like a hard slap on his face and Taehyung shifts uncomfortably on his feet. He knows those words were said intentionally. By the look on her face, he knows better than to deny that.

"Have a good day then", Seori still bows at him politely before turning away to continue walking

"Park Seori", he calls her, halting her midway

"What else do you want?", she sighs tiredly as she slowly and lazily turns around again.

"Thank you for helping my mother", he says, almost too softly.

The softness of his voice stuns her to the point she opens her eyes wide and big as her expression changes from exhausted to completely shocked. She looks at him, truly looking at him as she recalls the way his voice was so gentle when he thanked her. At the back of her head, she never imagined he could speak with that kind of tone.

"You are welcome", she musters a weak reply.

"And thank you for the bitter coffee too"

Her eyes perk up at the mention of the coffee and there is a slight cynical smirk appearing on her face. It is not obvious, but he can see it.

"It was very bitter I actually got a bad headache after finishing it"

Seori tilts her head slightly as she crosses her arm. "Why did you finish it if it was too bitter for you?"

Taehyung's heart skips a beat at the question and he gulps hard as he averts her gaze. He has no answer to that. He has no answer that will not give out the conflicted messy feelings that have been residing on his chest for days now.

He has no idea why he finished the coffee too. He has yet to venture his own heart and head for a definite answer. But for now, he will settle for any answer.

"Because I do not like to waste"



Another update and the chapter is just Tae & Seori againnn

Thank you for reading 💕💕

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