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By lookateeznutz

144K 9.3K 6.5K

Taehyun and Beomgyu seem to be very different people that have only one thing in common: their hatred for eac... More

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2.7K 196 98
By lookateeznutz

Wednesday, 2:00 AM

"Fuck no!" Taehyun shouts, his voice echoing through the big hall.

"Please stop making a scene. You know we don't have enough money for double beds..." Beomgyu whispers between his teeth while handing the money to the motel worker.

Taehyun squeezes his eyes in annoyance and watches silently as Beomgyu receives their room key. Seeing that the blonde boy didn't intend to move any time soon, Beomgyu grabs his arm and drags him to the elevator, carefully not to hurt his foot.

"Look, I know you're upset and you hate me and I hate you too, but I need to clear some things..." Beomgyu presses the second-floor button and the elevator's door shuts. "I won't sleep. I can't sleep even if I try to. So you'll have the bed all to yourself, okay? And then I'll wake you up by seven and we'll catch the first bus. So quit pouting and making those ugly faces..."

Taehyun's eyes twist in anger and he crosses his arms, looking away from Beomgyu's figure, the pout never leaving his face. They stay silent for a few seconds, Taehyun impatiently stamping his feet on the ground while waiting for the elevator's door to open and Beomgyu just casually leaning against the wall. When they finally arrive at the second floor, Taehyun is the first one to leave, snatching the key away from Beomgyu's hand.

The room itself wasn't so bad. They were aware that a place so cheap wouldn't include fancy sheets and great pillows, but they were totally impressed by the room's clean atmosphere. Beomgyu automatically assumes the armchair that was placed in the corner of the room as his own and opens a random youtube video while Taehyun heads to the bathroom to treat his ankle and do his nightly routine.

By the time Taehyun gets back to the small room, Beomgyu is already immersed in the gameplay he was watching, not bothering to say anything to the younger. The blonde boy then is left with no choice but to just lie down underneath the white sheets and let his million negative thoughts swim inside his mind. Really, can't I be normal?

To be more specific, Taehyun can't sleep in a place he isn't used to unless he has someone by his side. He isn't sure why, he just knows that it's been this way since he was a child, his eyes would never fully close and his attention would always be on something else. Normally, Yeonjun would be the one to volunteer to cuddle Taehyun until he falls asleep since he was one of the few people who knew about his problem. But Yeonjun wasn't there and Taehyun finds himself doomed to a long night of no sleep as he was sure big ass clown Beomgyu would mock him for the rest of his life if he asked him for cuddles. Sighing sadly, Taehyun closes his eyes and tries to focus on positive things.

Thirty-five minutes had passed and Beomgyu couldn't count the times he caught Taehyun moving uncomfortably in bed while trying to desperately fall asleep. Taking a deep breath, Beomgyu pauses the video and walks over to the bed.

"I know you're awake. Do you want me to turn off the presence light? Is that what's bothering you?"

They don't exchange a single word, only nods and soon Beomgyu turns off the light, sitting back in the chair right after. Ten minutes later, Beomgyu hears a soft whisper dancing in the room and pauses his video.



"Do you remember that time when we were in the living room and you told me that what is said in the dark stays in the dark?"

"Didn't I tell you not to talk about that?"

"Yeah, but we're in the dark right now, so I supposed it was okay..."

Beomgyu just hums, turning off his phone's screen so he could create a total pitch-black scenario.

"You cannot use the words I'm about to say against me after we tal—"

"Just say what you have to say."

"Okay..." Taehyun takes a deep breath. "I need your help. I can't sleep in new places without having someone next to me. Usually, Yeonjun is the one to help me out, but he's not here..." His voice gets quieter. "I know you won't fall asleep, but can you just stay with me until I do?"

Beomgyu stays silent for a few seconds, thinking carefully about his reply. "If I say yes you'll have to admit that I would've won the game if you didn't cheat..."

"Fine!" Taehyun answers in a grumpy tone. "Now get back here!"

Beomgyu does as he tells and lies down next to the sleepless figure, glad that it was too dark to see Taehyun's awkward face. However, after a few minutes, Taehyun is still moving uncontrollably, changing sides almost every minute.

"Why aren't you sleeping already?" Beomgyu whispers, an annoyed tone escaping from his mouth.

"Because you're too far!" Taehyun whines.

"I'm almost touching you!"

"I don't care!" Taehyun whispers/shouts and grabs Beomgyu's arm in the dark "Fucking hug me or something. I'm tired!"

"Fine" Beomgyu groans but wraps his arm around the younger's waist underneath the blanket.

Taehyun doesn't say anything, just maintains his eyes closed, the warmth of Beomgyu's body instantly doing its magic as he was starting to feel sleepy. At some point, his body unconsciously moves closer to him, seeking contact and Beomgyu finds having the younger's back pressed against his chest very awkward.

After only a few minutes, Beomgyu starts to hear little snoring and looks at the boy next to him. It's time to go, Beomgyu says to himself. But for some reason, he doesn't get up. He just stays there, hearing the blonde's constant heartbeats and feeling the warmth of his body. And then thoughts of last Friday break into his mind: them kissing roughly while Beomgyu's hands explored Taehyun's body. But this time he doesn't have a panic attack, he just moves a little closer to Taehyun and hugs him tightly, deep down liking the feeling of embracing someone.

"Are you sleeping?" Beomgyu whispers in the younger's ear and gets no reply. Then he checks his heartbeat again and concludes he's already sleeping.

Beomgyu smiles at the view; Taehyun was so much more tolerable when he wasn't awake. Fixing himself in the bed, the ravenette finds the perfect angle to glance at the younger's sleeping face without much effort. Beomgyu hated to admit it, but Taehyun looked like a flawless angel, sleeping so calmly with his beautiful resting face. But then he almost gets a heart attack when Taehyun suddenly turns around, facing Beomgyu, their faces too close.

The black-haired boy sustains his breath for a few seconds, afraid that any little thing would wake the other up. When the coast seems clear, he inhales slowly, his eyes still focused on the younger's perfect features. Everything was so weird and confusing: one-day Taehyun hates the shit out of him, the other he shows up drunk, says Beomgyu is just his type, and kisses him. And the fact that Beomgyu wasn't freaking out about the proximity showed that he had moved on from the kiss, or at least was conscious about it, accepting what happened. But something inside his gut still felt out of place.

Without thinking, he tightens his grip on Taehyun's waist and pulls his body closer to him, smiling when he hears a little satisfied sound coming from the younger's mouth and his fingers trying to reach for proximity. Out of instinct, Beomgyu offers his fingers to the sleeping boy and he interlocks them, mumbling incoherent words in his sleep. But Beomgyu immediately takes his hand away when he remembers that is Kang Taehyun in front of him, the boy he resented the most in the whole world.

What the hell am I doing?, Beomgyu tiredly asks himself. Then he feels the younger get even closer to him, to the point where his face was pressed against his chest. So he decides to wait for Taehyun to turn around again. He waits and waits, and before he knows it, his eyes are slowly closing and he's falling deeply into a good night of wanted sleep.

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