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Wednesday, 4:45 pm

"Look at him..." Taehyun squeezes his eyes in a specific direction "I hate him..."

"You were in a good mood minutes ago, why does he affect you so much?" Ryujin asks, not bothering to follow Taehyun's gaze as she knew for sure he was looking at Beomgyu's table.

"Because he's annoying! All of his existence is useless. And now he's just acting petty, sitting at the corner all by himself, drinking god damn tea and pretending he has no friends!"

"I really think he has no friends other than us, tho." Ryujin points out and Taehyun just ignores her.

"I don't care, he's still acting petty. And I am not his friend!"

Ryujin just sighs and observes the black-haired boy drinking the tea she had prepared five minutes ago while his fingers gently turned the page of the book he was reading.

"I don't see what's so bad about him..." She whispers.

"He literally came in and only said good morning to you! He didn't even take a glance at me and I'm his housemate!" Taehyun says every word with a tint of disgust.

"Did you give him good morning back at the dorm, then?"

Taehyun clenches his jaw "No, I didn't. But I have reasons!"

"Oh yeah? What reasons?"

Taehyun was about to tell his friend about the stupid argument they had in the morning when something caught his attention: walking towards Beomgyu's table was a pretty girl with long shiny black hair and red lipstick. Her friends were giving her thumbs up in the distance, encouraging her to touch his shoulder and ask if she could sit down with him. And one second later, they all watch as Beomgyu nods his head and the pretty girl takes a seat across from him.

"Who the hell is that?" Taehyun asks nobody in specific and Ryujin just shrugs next to him.

"I think she's trying to get his number or something."

Taehyun cringes and observes carefully as the beautiful girl starts talking to Beomgyu while the older stares at her, completely confused.

"I bet ten thousand Won on how she's going to slap him," Taehyun says.

"Hell no, her friends are watching! I think she'll just leave." Ryujin says proudly.

The two friends watch attentively as Beomgyu answers the girl, his expression still blunt as ever and his bored eyes fixed on a random part of her face. He seems to be explaining something because his mouth won't stop moving for the next two minutes and the girl's smile starts to fade into an annoyed expression. And Ryujin discreetly laughs when the girl suddenly gets up and returns to her friend's table with heavy steps. Beomgyu seems to ignore what just happened, his eyes falling back on his book and ears immune to what the other girls were shouting.

"You're owing me ten thousand Won. I'm gonna talk to him." Ryujin walks towards Beomgyu's table, ignoring Taehyun's discontent sounds.

When Beomgyu senses the blue hair haired girl sitting next to him, an embarrassed smile covers his face.

"Are you here to tell me I'm stupid?"

"Nah, I'm here to thank you because you made me win some money today." She winks at him and he sighs, helplessly closing his book.

"I guess you could tell I'm not good with girls. Or guys. Or anyone in between. I suck."

"What did you say to make her so mad, tho?" Ryujin asks curiously.

Beomgyu dramatically sighs and lets his head fall on top of the table, his cup of tea trembling for a second. "She asked me to tell her something she doesn't know so I started explaining John Nash's mathematical theory that lead him to win the Nobel. She didn't even let me finish, she just stormed out of here..."

𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 | 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐲𝐮Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon