
By Spandyyy

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Heimat- A place that you can call home; a sense of belongingness, acceptance, safety and connection to homela... More



35 8 0
By Spandyyy

Night had fallen, bringing with it a blanket of gloom that draped itself over Seokjin. Time an again he sighed, his father's words ringing in his head. He groaned, throwing the needle in his hand to the other side of the room. 

The neatly knit wool came undone, the hard work of the past hour going to waste but Seokjin did not care. Not today at least. Knitting always calmed him, when he was troubled but today was different. No matter what he did, the storm did not dwindle. His insides twisted in worry.

It was easy to make the decision, but he hadn't thought about the consequences. Rejecting the prince would not be that difficult. Had the royal hinted towards any consequences of his actions today? Seokjin kept repeating the entire conversation in his head, looking for any words or gesture that he had used. 

Thankfully he found none, even so, it did little to assure him. Declining him would surely place his family on the less favored side. They weren't of the highest class but their clan had managed to stay away from royal intervention until now.

Coming into the royal family's notice only meant two things. Either the clan was on the good side, or the wrong one. Witnessing the behavior of the royal family's current heir, it was a very unfavorable to end up on the other side. A sudden cold breeze made him shiver, shutting the large window entirely. He knew he it wasn't the best idea to keep the window open, risking in catching a cold however after the conversation with his father, he needed a breather.

He and Jungkook had cuddled in his room for sometime and Seokjin couldn't be more grateful for his presence. He had gone to wish Jungkook good night only to find the boy clinging onto him and refusing to let go. 

Seokjin had relented, laying on Jungkook's bed where they talked for a pretty long time. After ensuring that he was asleep, Seokjin slowed pried off Jungkook's arms that were wrapped around him, blowing out the lamp and slipped out of the room, closing the door carefully behind him, padding silently down the hallway towards his room. No matter how much Jungkook grew up, he would always be a baby for him.

Gathering the strands of wool spread across the floor, he messily shoved them into the box, not caring about the fact that the next time he needed them, it would be a headache to separate them. Standing up, he walked over to the large mirror placed at one end, opening the drawer below it, placing the box inside.

Gazing at him in the mirror, Seokjin noted how different he looked. The once pink cheeks were now pale, shining eyes dull, the smiling lips now set into a small frown. He looked tired. Seokjin wanted nothing more than a good night's sleep and some peace. 

Just a day ago he was humming happily to himself, brushing the long silky strands with utmost care, smiling like an idiot when his image appeared in front of his eyes. How fast it all had happened! 

He hadn't had time to recover from Namjoon words when the prince showed up at his doorstep. It was difficult for him to grasp all of this. No matter how much he loathed what Namjoon did to him, he could not wish for all of this to never happen.

The time he had spent with Namjoon was the time he had been the happiest, the brightest version of himself. The world was even more beautiful, the songs of birds more joyous, the people kinder and the air sweeter.

Seokjin blinked his eyes, furiously rubbing at them to stop crying. Swallowing the lump in his throat he slipped the hanbok off himself. Tying his hair into a bun, he proceeded to wash his face, arms and legs hurriedly, shivering, goosebumps rising when the skin came in contact with the ice cold water. Drying quickly, he took his place in front of mirror again.

Opening his hair, he began to comb them slowly, wincing when the comb stuck between a knot. Freeing it with his fingers, he continued absentmindedly. Flicking them back after finishing, he patted some rose water on his face. 

His eyes then trailed to the necklace hanging at the edge of the mirror. The same one which Namjoon had gifted him years ago, a token of their friendship as Namjoon had said. The memory was fresh, engraved in his heart.

"Promise me you'll remember me Seokjin", Namjoon said holding out his pinky.

"I promise" he replied with a smile, intertwining their pinkies, touching their thumbs after.

His heart burned with longing, hot tears spilled from his eyes. Seokjin snapped himself back to reality. Placing his wrists on his eyes, he willed himself to stop crying. "Stop it! Namjoon is gone and he's not coming back. Stop crying!".

"You're going to be okay. It's going to be alright" he chanted, trying to calm down.

Jus then there was a small tap at his door. It was so soft that Seokjin wouldn't have heard it if he was doing something else. He frowned, wondering who would awake at such an odd time. Assuming it was Jungkook he opened the door, to reveal that it was Seokjung instead.

Seokjin opened the door wide to let him in and walking back towards the mirror, Seokjung trailing behind him. "You haven't slept?" he asked Seokjung, to which he simply shook his head. "I'll sleep soon. Just wanted to check if you're okay. Past two days have been hard on you". Seokjin gave him a small smile, "I'll be fine hyung. Don't worry" he assured him.

"What's your decision then. Have you decided yet?", Seokjung asked him. "I did. I am going to say no but....".

"But what?"

"It's just, I'm scared of the things that could happen if the prince gets offended". "It'll be okay", Seokjung muttered, embracing him. "He'll understand. I'm sure of that".

"And Appa?", Seokjin asked. "Sooner or later I will have to tell him..". "Then we'll see what happens. I promise that I'm going to be on your side. We all are. So don't worry". "Hmm". Seokjin felt a lump in his throat, grateful for the support that he was receiving.

"Anyways if you ever feel like you need to talk or need some help, you know I'll be there right? Don't hesitate if you want to talk". 


Seokjung parted from the hug, walking back out. Seokjin was about to close the door when Seokjung spoke, "You might want to look outside your window before sleeping". The words made him frown, confused, nevertheless he nodded and shut the door, locking it after.

On opening the window, Seokjin got the shock of him life. Outside, on the wooden verandah stood the one and only Kim Namjoon. He just stared at him dumbfounded. Namjoon straightened up on seeing him, eyes softening, with a small smile. "What are you doing here?!" he whisper yelled, checking on both sides if anyone had seeing him before beckoning Namjoon to enter his room.

Seokjin stepped away from the window as Namjoon effortlessly lifted himself off the ground with the strength of his hands placed on the window sill, swinging his legs onto the other side. No sooner he was inside, Seokjin rushed to close the window, locking it before turning towards the alpha.

"Why are you here?", he asked in a hushed tone, afraid that someone would here them. "I came to talk to you" came the answer. "But why here? You could have talked to me somewhere else too".

"I wanted to talk to talk to you right now. And it's no big deal", Namjoon uttered. "No big deal! Kim Namjoon you have snuck into my room. Do you know what will happen if my father finds out?" Seokjin whispered yelled again. "Actually I did not sneak in. You let me in and besides if your father found out, I'll talk to him" Namjoon noted.

"Talk to him about what huh?". "That I am in love with his son" Namjoon whispered. That immediately shut him Seokjin. "W-What?", he muttered, the words flowing out. Seokjin almost believed he was dreaming when he heard them.

Namjoon sighed deeply. "My parents found out about this a day ago. I wasn't ready for what was to come. H-he told me how would hurt you if I did not send you away. I was afraid Seokjin. Because I knew I would not be able to live if something were to ever happen to you. So like a coward, I did just what he told me too", he explained.

"Then why are you here?" Seokjin asked, tears glinting in his eyes. He did not know where to put the newly received information. Seokjin was relieved to know that Namjoon did not break up with him because he did not like him anymore, but he did break a promise. He did not know if he could trust Namjoon anymore. 

"To apologize for what I did. I broke the promise I made to you. I acted like a complete coward. I want to apologize for the harsh words I said to you, I know they must have hurt you a lot and I...", his voice was thick with emotion, eyes closing as a few tears slipped out.

Instinctively Seokjin reached up and wiped the tears away, crying himself. Namjoon pulled him into an embrace, which he immediately returned, pressing himself onto the alpha. "I'm sorry Seokjin", he whispered. When no reply came he parted from the embrace, gently lifting the omega's face so he was looking at him. "What's wrong?" he asked.

The omega peered at him through his lashes before speaking, "It's just..", he hesitated a little. "Go on", Namjoon urged him, his arms securely placed around the raven haired's waist. "I do not know... I just cannot bring myself to trust you. So much happened in so little time, it's difficult to process all of it. I do not know why I feel so but I can't help it", he sniffled. "I'm scared Namjoon. What if you leave again?" he questioned.

Namjoon frowned a bit. "I'm not going to leave you again Seokjin. I- I fought my father for you. For us". "You did?", he asked stunned. The alpha nodded, a small smile playing at his lips. "I remembered that if you were in my place, you would never have chickened out. It gave me courage to go face it. Though appa did not confirm it yet, he said that he would reconsider it".

"But what if he says no? And what if my appa is against it too?". "Even so, you will be the only one I will ever love. If situation arises will you run away with me Seokjin? We'll live far away in a small house of our own, just like you wanted", Namjoon said. "I'd love to" Seokjin said with a smile.

"I love you Kim Seokjin" he uttered, pulling the latter closer, placing a long promising kiss on the forehead. "There's no one else for me". "You don't have to say it now. I know I broke your trust, we can work on it together. ", Namjoon assured him. 

The omega nodded in response. Cupping his face, the alpha pulled him closer, until their lips were only inches apart. Namjoon gazed at him, asking for permission. He simply closed his eyes, melting into the alpha's touch in submission, and closed the gap between them.

The kiss was soft, much like their first time, gliding over the other's lips smoothly. Seokjin hands circled the alpha's neck, bringing himself impossibly closer to the knight, whose hands travelled bellow to rest on his hip. It felt magical, special and full of love.

"I'm sorry for what I did. I won't repeat it ever again" Namjoon promised. "I won't let go of you ever again". At that moment Namjoon knew, he did not want to part from Seokjin ever. This was love that Seokjin talked about, true love. 

He was frightened a little, a little worried but a lot more happy. The emotions he felt were overwhelming to some extent yet he knew this would be the last time he ever doubted them. Namjoon found love without asking for, unexpectedly in his best friend and he couldn't be more thankful to destiny for bringing them together like this.

He peppered kisses all over Seokjin's face, making him squeal and giggle, shaking his head from side to side. The shine back in his eyes, cheeks blossomed pink and lips stretched into a wide smile. They were so into it that they did not hear steps nearing the door. A small knock sounded from the other side.

Startled, they both broke away. Seokjin looked at the door, then back at Namjoon, then back at door, eyes widening. No one should have been awake at this time. He pushed Namjoon into the corner, beside the bed. Shoving him against the wall Seokjin glared at him, "Don't. Move", he hissed. The alpha nodded dumbly to his command.

There was a knock again, this time louder. With one last glance at him, Seokjin walked up to the door and creaked it open. "Seokjin?". "Eomma?" he asked bewildered, he half expected one of his brother's or the servants to be there. "Why are you awake eomma? Is something wrong?" he asked. 

"I woke up for a glass of water and I heard noises coming from your room so I came to check. Everything okay sweetie?". Seokjin cursed under his breath, "Should have been quieter".

"Everything's just fine eomma. I uh... was washing my face", he uttered. "But why did you wake up in the middle of the night to wash your face and why aren't you opening the door? Open the door sweetie" his mother urged.

"AH no!" he exclaimed. "I- I mean I can't". 


"I'm uh... naked?". Namjoon covered his mouth, biting at his lips to suppress a laugh. Seokjin glowered at him, turning his attention back to his mother. "Well I have seen you naked before sweet heart" she said rattling the door again.

"I've grown up now eomma. I get shy every time you see me like that so uh.... I can't open the door. Don't worry I'm fine. I couldn't sleep so was knitting for sometime. Just a few minutes ago I packed up and was getting ready for bed when you came" he lied. "Okay?" she said, not entirely convinced. "Go to sleep now. It's already too late sweetie". "Yes eomma good night".

"Good night dear".

Seokjin closed the door and waited till the steps faded away. Behind him Namjoon burst into laughter, "You're naked? Seriously Seokjin! I'm sorry but that was hilarious". The omega pouted, slapping him on the chest, feigning annoyance. His face colored red in embarrassment, whining for the alpha to stop. When Namjoon finally calmed down, he pulled Seokjin into a last warm hug. Seokjin gave him a wide smile in return.

"Thank you", Namjoon said truthfully. "For giving me another chance". "I have faith in you Namjoon. I have faith in us. Don't let me down again". "I won't" he promised.

He smiled after a long time, with his whole heart. "No but seriously, the way you talked to me when your mother came was hot". "Shut up you idiot" Seokjin whinnied, cheeks bright, elbowing the alpha in the stomach.


"That's what you get for joking like this! Now go!"

Thank you so much for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote and share!

See you in the next chapter :)

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