In a Tragedy of Love Loss

By kushkween_dizzy

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Everybody knows the story of Romeo and Juliet, right? How about the story of Juliet being a lesbian? And a te... More

Chapter 1 *2 Years and 4 Months Ago*
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 *6 Months Later*
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 *4 Months Later*
Chapter 6 *2 Months Later*
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10 *4 Months Later*
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 *8 Months Later*
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 *2 Months Later*
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21*1 Month Later*
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32: Alternate Ending
Chapter 33: Alternate Ending
Epilogue: Alternate Ending

Chapter 28

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By kushkween_dizzy

A couple weeks later, Braelyn and Jaycee were lying on Jaycee's bed, cuddling. Lately, Braelyn's been questioning her relationship with Jaycee. She thought she was a good first girlfriend to have, but she wasn't exactly someone she could see herself with for a long time. All Jaycee was to her was a small fling. Even Braelyn could see that the only person she wanted to be with was Dylan.

            Jaycee still thinks about the last time her and Dylan kissed and everything that happened between them after. He thinks about it too. He hasn't tried to talk to her since he kissed her, but that didn't stop him from thinking about her. There had been many times when Braelyn and Sapphire had been at Landen's house, he would talk to her about their relationships with Jaycee. They talked about a lot of different things, but he didn't dare mention his remaining feelings for her girlfriend, the times he tried to get her back or everything that happened between them when they last talked. They talked about similarities and differences in their relationships, how she changed and how she's still the same. One thing they had in common was they both adored her gorgeous hazel eyes and radiating smile.

"Hey, Jaycee? Can I ask you something?" Braelyn finally broke the silence.

"Depends. How personal is it on a scale of one to ten?"


"Six. I guess."

"Do you still have feelings for him?" she sat up.

"Well, we were together for two years. You can't be with someone for a long time, and just get over someone in such a short amount of time. I don't think I'll be completely over him anytime soon, but I am getting over him. He told me a couple months ago that he still cared about me and he still loves me, despite the fact that I moved on. So, if he moves on, then I will too. It's kinda like a break up hypothesis. If one of us starts seeing someone else, then we'll both fall out of love with each other. I looked to anyone else to rebound, so I could get over him. But when Sapphire and Landen hooked us up, I saw you as the kind of girl that I would wanna be with because I actually do like you, Braelyn."

"So you looked at me as a rebound?"

"No. When we met that day, I figured we would just be friends, despite the fact that I was attracted to you. As the day went on, and the more we got to know each other, the more attracted to you I became."

"Jaycee, do you think that if you and Dylan never split up, we'd be together? I mean, if you never split up the way you did?"

"Honestly. Braelyn, I don't know if we would've even met if Dylan and I had never gotten together. Things happen, people feel a connection and fall in love. Nothing in life is controlled. If Dylan and I never got together, we could've met, but we also could not have. We'll never know because there's nothing in the world that could determine what could have happened in an alternate reality. I could have met you instead of Dylan, or I could've not met either of you."

"You have a very good point, Jay. For someone who doesn't get very good grades in her classes, you sure are pretty smart and wise."

"Growing up, I never understood any of my classes other than a few math subjects, English and certain branches of science, but I have pretty good street smarts. Something I picked up over the years from everyone around me and things that people drill into my head."

            Braelyn remained silent for a few minutes, mentally debating if it was still a good idea to break up with Jaycee. They had quite a few things in common, like their love of cars, their sense of humor, their love of video games, their artistic talent. She didn't know if her and Jaycee were meant to be together, but if they were, she'd give her time to get over Dylan. Then they could get back together if that was what they wanted.

"I'm gonna go get something to drink. I'll be right back," she got up.

"Hurry back," she went downstairs. "I'll break up with her tomorrow," she after she was gone.

            Meanwhile, Dylan was sitting on his bed, staring at his phone. He's been trying to work up the nerve to ask Jaycee if she would break up with Braelyn and marry him. He honestly wasn't sure if she would break up with her to spend the rest of her life with him. He was happy she would if he asked her, but he doubted that would happen if he did. He would sit there with his phone for long periods of time every chance he got, trying to find the right words to say about asking her to leave Braelyn to marry him.

            He set his phone down on his bed, and walked over to his desk. He fell in the chair then opened a drawer, and pulled out a photo album. Jaycee had given him a photo album that was kinda like a timeline. It had the pretty big moments in their relationships, from they got together to their first kiss to the first time they said "I love you" and the first time they had sex. He had added in the break up on the timeline after he did it. The point of the timeline was for them to remember the big things, and they could add the big events as their relationship went on.

            He pulled an index card and a black marker out of a drawer, and wrote another event on the card. June 16th, 2014: Jaycee started dating Landen's girlfriend's sister, Braelyn. He put down the marker, and slid the card into an empty slot in the photo album. He had been procrastinating putting the event on the timeline the whole time they've been together, but it was something that had to be added. Whether he liked it or not. He was hoping he would get to put "Jaycee and Braelyn broke up, and got engaged to Dylan" on the timeline.

"Jaycee, we will be together again one day. I don't know when, but it will be one day," he started flipping through the album.

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