Sophie Swan: P.L

By BlossomQueen420

61K 1.2K 70

Mommy, can you read me a bedtime story?' 'Of course, what would you like?' 'Little red riding hood.' 'Okay. O... More

Chapter one:
Chapter two:
Chapter three:
Chapter four:
Chapter five:
Chapter six:
Chapter seven:
Chapter eight:
Chapter nine:
Chapter ten:
Chapter eleven:
Chapter twelve:
Chapter thirteen:
Chapter fourteen:
Chapter fifteen:
Chapter sixteen:
Chapter seventeen:
Chapter eighteen:
Chapter twenty:
Chapter twenty one:
Chapter twenty two:
Chapter twenty three:
Chapter twenty four:
Chapter twenty five:
Chapter twenty six:
Chapter twenty seven:
Chapter twenty eight:
Chapter twenty nine:
Chapter thirty:
Chapter thirty one:
Chapter thirty two:
Chapter thirty three:
Chapter thirty four:
Chapter thirty five:
Chapter thirty six:
Chapter thirty seven:
Chapter thirty eight:
Chapter thirty nine:
Chapter forty:
Chapter forty one:

Chapter nineteen:

1.3K 30 2
By BlossomQueen420

"Just do as she says," Alice said very worriedly. I'm guessing this Jane girl is someone to be feared.

I wonder if we could be friends. I looped my arms with Alice as we walked behind the group. 

We walked down some stairs which led to an elevator. The elevator was playing rather boring opera music, we soon came to our stop and walked past a welcoming lady. 

"Is she human?" Bella asked. 


"Does she know?"


"Then why would...she wants to be."

"And so she will be." The smaller vampire behind us said.

"For dessert." Jane finished off. 

"She must be sweet then. What?"Shrugging my shoulders as I got a look from Alice and Bella. Jane turned as well with a little smirk, I winked at her which most definitely gave me a glare from the trio I'm with. Oops. 

We soon came to a set of doors, Jane opened them and walked to a boy. The room was spectacular I must say, although from vampire royalty I expect nothing less. 

"Sister, I send you out to get one and you bring back two. And two halves. Such a clever girl."

"His math sucks," I mumble to no one in particular. 

In the centre of the room sat three men. Obviously the kings. 

The third stood with a happy/surprised-looking face. He crossed the room and held onto Edward's hand. Alice did mention his gift and the others'.

"What a happy surprise! Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful? I love a happy ending. They are so rare. La tua cantante. Her blood appeals to you so much it makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?" 

While he was speaking I took in my surroundings, the detail of the trimmings and arches, and the designs on the walls. Remarkable. 

"It's not without difficulty."

"Yes, I can see that."

"Aro can read every thought I've ever had with one touch."

"So he's a mind rapest like you, that's relieving," I comment disturbed by the new information. Alice nudged my side telling me to shut up. 

"And now you know everything. So, get on with it." Edward said getting the attention away from me. 

"You are quite a soul reader yourself, Edward. Though you can't read Bella's thoughts...or her sisters. Fascinating! I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts as well. Would you do me the honour?"

"Sure." Both I and Bella hand our hands over, which were immediately taken into his grasp. 

"Interesting. I see nothing. I wonder if... Let us see if they are immune to all our powers. Shall we, Jane?"

We look at Jane, and then Edward started to run toward her.  What's his problem?


"Pain." As soon as Jane said that word Edward fell to his knees in extreme pain. 

The boy whose math really sucks came over and grabbed Bella's arm to stop her from intervening. I turned to him as he was next to me. 

"I'm beginning to like that one even more as the second goes by."

I say as I grin at Edward's body on the floor, riveting in pain. 

Although, obviously Bella wasn't in the mood for Edward to be in any pain so she was frantically yelling for Jane to stop. Which I thought was rather boring, but her choice I guess. 

Jane stopped under the command of Aro and began to try and do the same thing to my sister and me. Yet it failed to take any effect. Aro started laughing hysterically as though all of this was such fun to him. He must be a sociopath. Then again, aren't we all. 

"Remarkable! They confound us all. So, what do we do with you now?"

"You already know what you're going to do, Aro."

"They know too much. They're a liability."

The two other kings say. Damn, they are cold. 

"That's true. Felix?" One of our escorts went for Bella, of course, Edward intervened and they began to have a full-on fight. 

Alice tried to protect me until she was held by the other escort which led to both me and Bella watching as Edward is about to be killed. 

"No! Kill me! Kill me! Not him." What the hell? She is asking for a death wish, over some prick. Although to be fair I would most likely do the same for Paul. So, carry on Bella.

"How extraordinary. You would give up your life for someone like us? A vampire. A soulless monster."

"You don't know a thing about his soul."

"This is a sadness. If only it were your intention to give her immortality." 

Aro went to go for Bella, but luckily for us. Alice came to save the day. 

"Wait! Bella and Sophie will be one of us. I've seen it. I'll change them myself." Alice gives her hand to an awaiting Aro and his face seems surprised. 

"Mesmerising. To see what you have seen before it has happened. Your gifts will make for an intriguing immortal. Go now. Make your preparations."

"Let us be done with this. Heidi will arrive at any moment. Thank you for your visit."

"We'll return the favour. I would advise that you follow through on your promise soon. We do not offer second chances."

"Goodbye, my young friends." I waved to Jane with a smile, which got me an angry look from Edward. I simply stuck my tongue out at him.

"Yay, now that's done we can go shopping." I grin from ear to ear. 

We left Volterra and headed for the shopping haven of Italy; Via Del Corso, Rome. Edward and Bella left for home while Alice kept her promise and spent the entire day roaming around Rome on the largest shopping spree of my life. 

We eventually came back home. I walked through the front door after saying goodbye to Alice. 

"Sophie Skyler Swan! What have you got to say for yourself?!" Oh shit, my dad brought my middle name out. 

"Um, that I love you and brought you some goodies. Oh and that you should totally not punish me as it was all Bella's idea, I just tagged along to buy things."

"You're grounded."

"But, I bought you goodies."

"If they're good goodies then maybe I will lessen your grounding sentence."

I smile and go toward the table and began showing him everything I brought. I saw a small smile on his face when I showed him all the fishing and guy stuff he likes. 

"So? What do you think?"

"I think you can be grounded for a month with a 5 O'clock curfew."

"Do I get to spend some nights at Paul's?"

"Maybe. Depends on what you're going to cook for me."


"Well, in that case, I think we can come up with some sort of agreement."


"Don't tell your sister."

"Yes, Chief." I skipped up the stairs and chucked my bags onto my bed. I had a few stuff I had a few things to give to Paul and the rest of the pack. 

I headed for the door, only to be stopped by my dad. "Where are you going? You're grounded, remember?" 

"I'm off to give Paul his gifts, and Sam and Emily and a few other people. I won't be out that late. I'll be back to cook you dinner, why don't you go out and buy yourself some beer? Bye, dad."

With that, I left. Hopefully, Paul isn't going to be that mad that I left for a few days. I soon walked into the house with a big smile on my face and placed the bags on the table. 

"Sophie, we missed you. None of us knew where you went."

"I went to Italy to save Bella's boyfriend from being killed by like this vampire king. And I couldn't just go to Italy and not shop, so I got some goodies for everyone."

"Oh, that's so kind of you. You shouldn't have."

"Oh, nonsense Emily. Um, how is Paul?"

"He didn't take it lightly, Jake came round and said about the Cullen girl, and how you and Bella left without another word. After hearing that Paul phased and we didn't see or hear from him for a day. He came back and Sophie he looked terrible. He doesn't like the idea of you hanging around vampires."

"Emily, before they get back can I tell you something that you can't tell anyone, not even Sam. Okay, maybe Sam."

"Of course sweetie what is it?"

"When we were there, Bella kind of sacrificed the both of us. What I mean by that is, um, Bella and I have to change into them or the vampires will come after us and the Cullens. I don't know what to do, I don't want to turn into one of them." 

"Isn't there anything you can do about it?"

"I'm not sure. The Cullens will be staying in Forks again, so I might have a word with them, to see if anything can be done."

"Okay, why don't we change the subject? Why don't you show me these goodies."

Emily always knows how to brighten the atmosphere. I was halfway showing Emily the goods when the boys made a howl letting us know they were back. Let's get this over and done with. 

Embry and Jared as usual were the first ones in. "Sophie! When did you get back?"

"This morning, I brought you guys some stuff."

"It's good to see you." They both hugged me before diving into the bags like little children on Christmas day. 

"So what's for me?" They both asked simultaneously. 

I looked past them and saw my Seth. He's grown. Damn. 

"Seth!" I rushed up and hugged him. 

"Hey Sophie, I was worried about you."

"I can take care of myself. Where's Leah?"

"Here." I pulled her into a hug, to which she returned warmly. 

"Hey Soph, good to see you."

"Hey, Sam. Is he mad with me?"

"No, he's just worrying." He points behind him and I walk out of the house heading straight for Paul. 

"Hi, Paul," I say walking up to him. 

He rushes over to picking me up, hugging me. "Sophie, are you hurt? Where did you go? They touched you I can smell it."

"Pwaul, I'm fwine. Weally I'm fwine. I wust went shwopping." I struggled to speak out the words as he was still inspecting my face and neck, squishing my cheeks together making me look like a fish. 

"Shopping?! Jacob said that you were off to rescue Bella's boyfriend, from some vampire king."

"Oh, yeah that part's true too."

"What else is true?"

"That I have a curfew now, so me and Leah have to get going, so..."

"What? Why Leah?"

"Because we're having a slumber party, duh."

"We are?" I look to Leah. 

"A slumber party? Can I come?"

"No Seth, this is for big girls only. Come on Leah."

"I have patrol."

"No you don't Emily is going to speak to Sam, bye everyone. Bye Paulie."

I grabbed Leah's hand kissing Paul on the cheek before walking off. 

Leah and I made it to my house, just in time to start dinner. Dad happily ate away and after dinner he made Bella do the dishes, which I thought was kinda funny. Leah and I were now in my room, I was taking her measurements so that I could go out and buy her decent clothes. I know she is still hung up about Sam, so I thought that I could play matchmaker. The first step is always a make-over. 

"I don't see why I need to have somebody."

"Because you are still strung up with hate and it's time to forgive and move on. So I know you know that I know, so there's no reason to hide from me."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Leah, I know you're bi. I was thinking that maybe we should go for girls for a little while before exploring the other side. You know, to just get your mind off of Sam."

"How is it you know everything?"

"It's called finding resources."

"You read my journal, didn't you?"

"I admit to nothing. Come on though, how else am I meant to know what I'm up against?"

"You could have just asked me."

"Leah, you and I both know what would have happened."

"Fine, fine. Just don't read it anymore."

"No promises." I smile at her. 

She ended up staying the night, with midnight snacks and a movie marathon. We had fun, and my plan of distracting my friend from her Alpha ex was working. 

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