SURVIVOR āžø pjo x marvel cross...


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The siblings soon made it back home safely, and Percy was greeted with a punch by his beautiful wife. Nothing out of the ordinary. The kids thankfully had no clue as to what had happened, and had just assumed that it was something work related.

They all were still on high alert, and the Hunters had decided to be beside the Jacksons every second until they were a hundred percent certain that it was safe. At this moment, the twins had left to pick up Luke and Charlie from school as well as the Beckendorfs which they had close affiliations with since the Titan War.

Charles and Silena had both retired peacefully after the Titan War, getting married and also moving together to Manhattan, not far from the Jacksons, with three children; fourteen year old daughter, Delia, ten year old son, Jordan, and five year old son, Zeke.

Elias waited for Delia while Cassie had gone off to find the rest of the kids. Hordes of children rushed out of the school gates as if they'd desperately waited for this time to get away as quickly as they could, which they all probably did.

He soon caught sight of Delia, making his way over to her, to find that she was conversing with a brown-haired boy, seemingly the same age as her, the two seeming more close than he'd like.

The eldest Beckendorf grinned when she saw him. "Hey, Uncle Eli!"

Elias greeted her with a smile and a nod. "Delia."

Delia turned the boy before gesturing towards Elias. "Peter, this is my uncle, Elias."

Peter smiled at him, offering him a handshake. "It's nice to meet you, sir."

Elias accepted his handshake with a firm hold, staring hard at the teenager while Peter slightly gulped nervously. Delia rolled her eyes at his protectiveness as she hooked her arm around his.

"Quit scaring him, uncle. He's one of my best friends," Delia scolded lightly before turning to Peter. "I'll see you tomorrow, Parker."

Peter waved them goodbye, smiling nervously as Elias stared at him with one last warning look before letting himself be pulled away by Delia, who seemed to be used by his antics.

The two soon reunited with Cassie and the rest of the children as they peacefully walked back towards the Beckendorfs' place. Silena happily opened the door to welcome them all in, the kids rushing off straight away to their bedrooms with Luke and Charlie following after them.

Cassie was engulfed in a hug by the daughter of Aphrodite, returning the hug with a smile before being punched in the shoulder. "Ow!"

Silena rolled her eyes. "Oh, shut it. We both know that didn't hurt. I'm still mad at you two for not visiting often."

Elias and Cassie both stared at her sheepishly as the former also went for a quick hug, one of the only other places where the two Hunters could fully let their guard down around.

After all, it was the tri-bloods that saved both Beckendorf and Silena from their demise in the Titan War, something the two will always be eternally grateful for.

"We've just been really busy these past two weeks," Elias admitted as he collapsed on the couch.

Silena could see the tiredness evident on both their faces. "Annabeth told me what happened with Percy, we were worried."

"He's fine, but the mortals are persistent," Cassie sighed as she took a seat next to Silena. "They won't stop until they find answers, and us barging in and knocking every single one of them out, made us even bigger threats."

"Yeah, but since when has that stopped us all these centuries, Cassie?" Elias stated. "We've survived this far together."

"But these aren't any ordinary mortals we've involved ourselves with, Elias, and we both know that." Cassie ran a hand through her dark locks, before a small smile formed on her face. "Though you're right. No one can stop us and get to mess with our family."

The two shared a look, a glint in their eyes that Silena knew all too well, and still caused a shiver to run through her body, but she also found herself smiling at their protectiveness. They were brought out of their conversation with Delia plopping herself on the couch next to Elias with a bowl of chips.

Delia glanced between the three. "What's with all the glum faces?"

Elias turned to her with a smirk, stealing a few chips from the bowl much to the teenager's dismay. "It's your presence."

Delia narrowed her eyes at him in a playful manner. "Yeah, sure."

"So, how was your day?" Silena asked her daughter, a smile on her face.

Delia nodded, beaming. "Good. Uncle Eli here threatened Peter."

Elias shook his head. "I did no such thing."

"He sure did." Delia grinned at the recent memory. "He was glaring at him during the whole interaction. Poor Peter was scared out of his mind."

"As he should." Elias nodded in satisfaction.

Cassie rolled her eyes at her brother's antics while Silena laughed heartily along with Delia. Soon, the twins also cracked a soft smile, cherishing the peace that they were glad to finally receive, even if it did only lasted temporarily.

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