"Blind love" Taekook ff.

By pg1990042

7.7K 182 3

Mafia boss Jungkook fall in love with Taehyung who was blind since his childhood, but his eyesight come back... More

blind love Ep. 1
blind love part-2
blind love part-3
blind love part-5
blind love part-6
blind love part-7
blind love part-8
blind love part-9
blind love part-10
blind love part-11
blind love part-12
blind love end

blind love part-4

644 18 1
By pg1990042

JK puts T on the bed. And in the meantime, Namjoon opens the door and suddenly comes inside.
And looks at JK in surprise.
Hearing the sound of the door opening, JK also turns and looks at Namjoon.
Namjoon hurriedly comes inside the room to JK.
After coming inside, Namjoon first looked at JK intently.
In a state of misery, JK, drenched in water, was standing there without a shirt, only in his pants.
And then Namjoon looked at T lying on the bed, whose hands were still tied by JK's belt. The upper body was naked,
And lover body was covered by a blanket and his body was soaked in water. His face was telling clearly what had happened to him a while back.
Namjoon asked looking at JK with a questioning look.
Namjoon: (Worrying) JK What is all this? what have you done with t?
JK had no answer to Namjoon's question. That's why JK doesn't say anything. And remains silent like this.
Namjoon got upset by this behavior of JK and asked JK irritatingly.
Namjoon: JK! I am asking something, please answer. What happened to T? And what were you trying to do with that?
JK is unable to control his anger when Namjoon shouts, and annoyed, he tells Namjoon.
JK: Hyung! Are you yelling at me because of this? Are you questioning me? Why Hyung? But why? Why do you care so much for this?
Namjoon avoids JK's question and says.
Namjoon: JK! I explained to you, didn't I? Don't mess with anything. So why don't you understand me?
So! Now leave all this.
We have to leave T. We have to let him go, he was saying the truth.....
Namjoon had not even completed his word. That's when JK said interrupting in the middle.
JK: Gotta leave! Are you okay? Have you had a drink somewhere?
You know what you're saying, don't you?
JK, hearing about T's release, suddenly started behaving like a lunatic.
So Namjoon, handling him, turned to him side and placed his hand on his shoulder and said to him,
Namjoon: Listen to me, JK! T is telling the truth. He cannot see anything since childhood because he is blind since childhood. And when he hasn't seen anything! And there is no danger to us. So how can we keep him here with us?
JK: But Hyung how can you say that T is really blind?
Namjoon: JK I am coming to meet T's brother, he told me that T is really blind. JK Its brother is getting worried for this. is crying. We have to let T go.
Author POV: JK didn't know about Namjoon and Jin's relationship. That's why Namjoon was not telling him the truth yet. Because he knew that this was not the right time to tell the truth. JK can do anything in anger. Maybe Jin can even tell the truth. Because Namjoon had realized that,
JK starts liking T.
JK was shocked to hear his brother Namjoon's words. Because Namjoon was behaving in a different way today.
JK said angrily, shouting.
JK: So brother! You are caring about his brother. But don't you care about your brother? Why Hyung? Why ? What happened to you after all?
Namjoon: JK! What has happened to you? Why are you being so possessive about this guy?
JK: Because I love him Hyung.
JK nodded loudly. And suddenly in the meantime the sound of T's moaning was heard.
JK and Namjoon both start looking towards T.
T tries to sit down, but his hands were tied.
JK quickly approaches T. and holds T's hand. To untie the belt with his hand. But T was starting to recognize this Spurs. As soon as he realized that it was JK's hand. T gets scared and takes away his hand.
T said nervously to JK.
T: Cookie please don't hurt me. I will do everything for you, please. And. And I will not tell you anything that will make you angry. please
T said fearfully, JK does not respond to his words and takes T's hand in his hand again. T's pulse increases. And he starts taking long deep breaths.
JK opened T's hand and left the room without saying anything.
Namjoon also leaves the room after him.
T is sitting on the bed wondering something in surprise.
JK comes out of his room and Namjoon along with him.
JK starts trying to call someone while walking.
JK: Yes! Come here with him as soon as possible.
Hearing JK talking, Namjoon gets a little confused. His mind asked him,
Namjoon POV: Hearing JK talk, I thought, JK didn't know about Jin. And who is JK talking about bringing here? To what? I was just thinking and JK disconnected the call. So hiding my mind, I asked JK.
Namjoon: Whom are you talking about bringing JK here?
JK: Hyung! to the doctor? T has fainted twice since yesterday. I am getting worried about him.
Namjoon: JK, T wants something! T wants to go to his house. You are bothering him so much. Are you loving him? But T's just afraid of you. And maybe hates you inside. If you let him go to his house, you can slowly try to get closer to him.
JK looks at Namjoon in astonishment when Suga comes to both of them with a doctor.
Suga comes to Namjoon and JK and asks.
Suga: Cookie! I found this doctor outside  mansion, our man told that you have called him? why? Has anything happened to anyone?
JK: Hyung! Tae is not feeling well.
The name Suga just heard from JK's mouth. He couldn't believe his ears. He thought maybe he had a misunderstanding. So Suga asked confirming.
Suga: Who? What did you name now?
JK: T! The same boy who came here yesterday. Yesterday you saw him in the basement.
A small smile appeared on Suga's lips after hearing T's name. Because Suga thought, maybe it could be the same T. Jimin's friend
When JK takes the doctor towards his room, Namjoon and Suga also start walking towards JK's room with him.
When Suga, along with JK and Namjoon, reached T, the smile on his lips increased, because T was the same. which he was looking for. Suga felt that he had found a solution to all his problems.
At the behest of JK, the doctor moves closer to T. T had covered himself with a sheet. As the doctor got closer to him, T began to shrink in fear.
T POV: After coming to this place, so many things has happened to me so much that I can't trust anyone anymore. If someone even comes near me, then I feel that this person will mess something up. When the doctor came to me, I thought, maybe all these people are going to make me unconscious. He is going to inject me with poison. That's why I got scared. And tried to back away, but there was no way for me to go. No matter how hard I try, I will fail to save myself from them.
The doctor said checking T. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I have just come to check on your health.
After checking T the doctor said to JK,
Doctor: It has become a little weak, because it has probably not eaten anything properly for the last few days. And maybe it's too scary. It is because of fear and weakness that it is getting dizzy again and again, and it is becoming unconscious.
The doctor wrote some medicines on the slip and came out of the room giving it to JK.
After the doctor left, Suga asked, looking at JK.
Suga: Cookie, what's this guy to do? Have you thought about this?
JK was already very upset with Namjoon's talk. And now when Suga Hugh also starts questioning him about the same, JK gets angry again.
JK: (annoyed) Hyung, I don't want to talk about this right now. I will decide what to do with tae and what not, you both please stop bothering me.
Seeing JK's mode suddenly deteriorate, Suga and Namjoon leave the room leaving him alone.
Now only T and JK were in JK's room. T was still sitting on the bed in the same fear. T's clothes were in the bathroom. And now the bed was wet too. Because JK had pulled T out of the water and made T lie straight on the bed.
T didn't say anything to anyone because he remembered what JK had told him. T just has to do what he is asked to do. He was neither allowed to question, nor to do anything of his own free will.
But JK had realized this. And JK, looking at T, moves towards his wardrobe.
JK took out a dress from his wardrobe and extended it towards T.
JK: Take this, wear this cloth or else you will get cold.
T POV: When did JK start to care about me so much? He just enjoys torturing me. He gets happiness only when I scream, cry. And I have tears in my eyes.
T was lost in his thoughts, that's when JK said.
JK: Wrong!
T: What?
JK: You're thinking wrong. And now stop thinking and put it.
On being asked by JK, T thought to himself, how did JK know what I was thinking.
T takes his clothes from JK's hand. And comes down from the bed to change more.
When JK took T to the bathroom, T's astonishment knew no bounds. What was happening after all? Was this all T's dream?
Thinking T came out of the bathroom, JK laughed out loud.
Hearing JK laugh, T asked confused and hesitantly.
T: What happened? why are you laughing
JK: (laughs) That. That's the clothes you're wearing. It is a little bigger than your size.
You probably have no idea how funny you look.
Hearing JK's words, T said sadly.
T: Yes! How would I know, because I can't even see. I don't even know how I look like? Or the people around me What does the world around me look like?
T's talk made JK's mind a little sad too.
Since TK came into JK's life, JK does not know how many new experiences are being faced by him. which he had never felt before.
But JK and T did not even know that someone is watching them by hiding.
Namjoon and Suga, JK's Hyung was watching him and T.
Because the sound of JK's laughing echoed throughout the mansion.
Namjoon and Suga want to know why JK is laughing openly after so many years? Coming here near JK's room, he started watching him secretly.

See you in the next part.
Thanks for reading.

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