Double-Edged Words

By caribebooks

1.3K 32 30

"Kill Her! Kill Her! Do it!" Her screams echoed in my mind. The crazed look on her face seared into my memory... More



31 0 0
By caribebooks

The pungent stench of smoke and ash saturated the air. My ears rang, drowning out the shouts and hurried footsteps of the men around me.

Standing motionless at the village entrance, I gazed at the small shoe that rested in the palm of my hand. It was torn and scorched black. My chest tightened, and I struggled to breathe. The image of a roaring fire consuming everything in its path blazed through my mind. Clutching the shoe close to my heart, I prayed that its owner had met a different fate.

"Those bastards, they didn't have to do this! The villagers were evacuating, which would have left the village empty. They did this out of spite!" Calim shouted, pacing like a caged animal. His face was flushed, and his fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

Trying to regain my composure, I repeated in my head like a mantra, Just take a deep breath, come on. Breathe in, breathe out. When the burning memories of the past were extinguished, I sprung into action. "Tell me exactly what happened," I commanded to a weary-looking man who I recognized as one of the knights in the group sent to protect the village last year.

Patches of black soot stained his face and hands. His glassy eyes never strayed from the burnt remains of the village as he spoke, "We started evacuating early in the morning. We were keeping an eye on the enemy as you ordered, and we noticed some odd behavior last night. So we decided to move the villagers to a safer place. We figured that we had enough time to vacate the area before they seized the village." He took a deep breath, "We were ambushed on the outskirts. Some people were able to run away and hide. Others weren't so lucky. After they attacked us, they went back to set the village on fire." His gaze dropped to the ground, and his shoulders slumped. "It was as if they wanted to make a statement. As if they wanted to show how much contempt they have for us." 

"They knew what we were planning once again.'" I mumbled to myself. Calim—who came over as soon as he saw me walk away—shot me a look. "That is all for now. Go to the medics so they can check if you have any wounds."

He nodded and left for the makeshift medical tent.

"We need to get that rat as soon as possible if we don't want things to get even worse." Calim spat out, squaring his shoulders and clenching his jaw.

My face and voice were grave as I surveyed my surroundings. "He or she is very clever. They know how to cover their tracks. Not even the king is sure of the identity of that traitor."

The grand general—who previously was standing some meters away—ran to our side. "Your Grace, the battalion has returned to the camp on the territorial limits. It seems they are waiting for the troops stationed on the border to meet them there so they can crossover to this land."

My jaw clenched. "Are the troops mobilizing already?"

"Yes, they started their journey south about two hours ago." His voice was thick with dread.

"They'll be here by nightfall. We need to do something. We can't let this happen to the neighboring town." Full of determination, I turned to Calim and ordered, "I want all the generals to meet me here in twenty minutes. Send a soldier to escort them here immediately. I don't want them to take any detours or speak to anyone until they are right in front of me."

"Yes, sir."


Standing on a small hill, about an eighth of a mile away from the crowd of soldiers searching for survivors. The generals and I huddled close to discuss our next course of action.

My gaze swept around our vicinity a few times, making sure no one was trying to listen in on our conversation. "Gentlemen, what happened here was unacceptable. Around thirty people have lost their lives due to this ambush, and the number may keep increasing if we don't put a stop to this. So, Calim and I have devised a plan to prevent this from happening again." For a fraction of a second. I locked eyes with all the men standing around me. "We will leave two battalions here to wait for the incoming enemy troops. The rest of our division will move the campsite to the town some miles away from here. The battalions will attempt to slow down the incoming troops while we evacuate the town. As soon as we send off the last of the townspeople, we will go out to aid them in their return. The town will be our stronghold for the time being. We can't let them go further than that, or else we will lose the seaport."

"I think it's a sound plan." The grand general commented, and the other generals emitted sounds of approval.

"It's good that you all approve of the plan and are willing to be a part of it. Because to make sure we succeed. Each and every one of you will be accompanied by one of our trusted knights at all times until it's time to take action. You will not be allowed to have private conversations with anyone, and you will not give out any orders or speak of the plan until I say so."

The faces of the men contorted with disapproval.

"So, what, we are now going to be babysat? Is that it? Do you not trust us?" The Major General argued.

"This is ludicrous. Just because we haven't found the mole, it doesn't mean we should suspect each other. Distrust will only end up dividing us," another complained.

"Yes, but it's only as a precaution. One can never be too careful when it comes to the life of others. Don't you guys agree?" My smile was sharp as my eyes dared them to try to oppose our decision.

They pressed their lips together and looked at each other.

Calim waved over the knights that were awaiting orders some meters away. "Gentlemen, here are your escorts." He gestured towards the approaching knights.

After some angry grumbling, the men returned to the scorched village with their companions.

"I hope this works. If the wallerian troops figure out once again what we're planning to do, things are going to get very ugly." Calim remarked.

"Yes, but if it works, we will know who to keep a close eye on." I glowered at the retreating backs of the generals.

"Do you really think one of them might be the mole? They are all highly respected generals."

"No, I don't think neither of them is the mastermind behind this. They are too smart and too preoccupied with keeping their prestige to commit treason. But I do think they are contributing to the problem."

Calim pursed his lips and nodded with a pondering look in his eye.


A sea of townspeople filtered through the armor-clad human barrier that divided the uneasy civilians from the carriages.

"Where are they taking us? Are we really in danger?" Some asked.

"The Wallerian forces must be close by. That's why they're making us evacuate." Others speculated.

"This way, madam." An elderly woman took my outstretched hand in hers as I helped her climb into a wagon.

"Mama! Mama!" The shrieks of a frightened child pierced through the gibbering hum of the people around me.

My eyes raked the area, searching for the poor terrified soul screaming for its mother.

A tiny girl hid behind the column of a building across the road. Her face was drenched in tears, and her little hands clutched her skirt. She choked on her sobs, and another wail erupted from her lips.

Slowing my stride when I was close enough for her to see me. I crouched to her level and asked in a soft tone, "Hello, are you lost?"

The girl peeked at me under her wet lashes and sniffed, clutching her skirt tighter.

"Are you looking for your mama?" She answered with a timid nod. "I want to help you find her. Would you come with me?"

Her lower lip trembled, and more tears went down her face.

"I'm one of the knights helping people over there, see?" I pointed at them, "I can help you." She looked over to where I was pointing and then at me. After a couple of seconds, she nodded.

"Alright." A warm smile spread across my face. "So this is what we are going to do, I'm going to put you up on my shoulders, and I'm going to stand right where those knights are. Your job is to look at the faces in the crowd to see if you can find your mama, ok?" She nodded again. "Ok, so I'm going to pick you up now. Are you ready?"

"Yes." She said with a tiny voice.

"Ok." With a reassuring smile. I picked her up and placed her on my shoulders. The girl leaned left and right, craning her neck to see around the mass of people standing at the town's entrance.

"Who's this little princess?" asked one of the knights when he noticed the little girl.

"She's lost. We need to find her parents." I urged him closer and whispered, "If we don't find them. I need you to look for someone willing to take her for the time being."

"I saw some nuns passing by a couple of seconds ago. I'll talk to them if it comes to that." He whispered back.

After what seemed like half an hour, the little girl started bouncing in excitement and pointed her finger at someone in the distance. "Mama! Mama!" she yelled. Her swinging feet banged against the metal chest plate of my armor.

"Elaine!" A woman exclaimed in relief and pushed through the crowd. Swooping her child into a tight hug, she exclaimed, "Oh, Elaine. I've been looking everywhere for you. I'm so sorry. I should have kept a better eye on you." Her teary eyes locked into mine, and she grabbed my arm. "Thank you so much! I would have died of grief if something happened to her."

"You don't have to thank me," I responded with an uncomfortable smile.

"Thank you." She gathered her silk skirts and followed the fleeing people towards the outskirts of town.

With a smile on her face, the little girl waved goodbye over her mother's shoulder.

"Who you waving at?" Calim asked.

Startled by his sudden appearance, I dropped my hand and blurted out, "no one."

He smirked and narrowed his eyes. "Okay"

"Is everyone in town evacuating the area?"

"Yes, we made sure to get everyone out of their houses and move towards the outskirts. The people you see here are the last of them."

"Perfect. Any news from the two battalions?"

"Yes, it seems they're holding out pretty well."

"Very well, then after we send off the last group, we will go out there and assist our men in their retreat."


It was a long, hard fight, but we held our own. Only a few men had minor injuries by the end of the battle, and there weren't any casualties, much to my relief.

"Well, as you said, now we know who to keep an eye on," Calim mumbled.

"Yes, you know what to do," I told him with a meaningful look.

"I'll get some men to tail them for the next couple of days."

"Thanks. After that, go and rest. Tomorrow it's going to be another eventful day."

"Alright, you go and rest too. I'm afraid those black under-eye circles, will end up permanently tattooed on your face."

I chuckled at his words and nodded. Throwing the shoulder strap of my satchel over my shoulder, I went around looking for a place to sleep. Beside the town hall, there was a big tent where a symphony of snores rumbled from within.

Several soldiers lay in their bedrolls as I quietly grab one of the spare sleeping sacks and place it at the far end of the tent. Sitting down on the ground, I crossed my legs and rummaged through my satchel. Fishing Leyla's most recent letter out of my leather document case, my face broke out in a faint smile. I need to write her back, I thought as I read the letter for the fifth time that week.


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