Dance, Even When No One Is Wa...

By Redsoxrulemysox

25.9K 427 54

Vivianne doesn't have a very interesting life. She is tired of anything school related and there isn't much t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 7

1.5K 25 3
By Redsoxrulemysox

Silence. I grasped for something to say, struggling quietly. I was sure disbelief was painted across my face. I felt like someone had just slapped me awake. Satirick? Of course he’s a Satirick. It makes perfect sense, but why didn’t I see it earlier? Why didn’t Carter tell me?

John looked at me, waiting for a response and looking a little nervous at my expression. I could feel Carter standing beside me, I could feel his eyes on me, but I couldn’t look at them.

“Vi? Are you ok?”

I could hear the apology in Carters voice as he spoke, the plead to snap out of it. I tried to grasp myself, slowly taking hold of the situation.

Carter hadn’t told his parents he was dancing and he didn’t want them to know, so they obviously wouldn’t know who I was. I had no idea what to believe at this moment, but I knew I shouldn’t give Carter away until I knew what was going on.

I shook my head and smiled, nodding politely.

“I’m sorry, I was just... I was just surprised at the size of your house. I was momentarily shocked.”

I lied, stuttering softly. John’s eyes narrowed slightly, considering whether or not he should believe me. He nodded slowly, still cautious, but too worried about his son to continue questioning me.

“Carter! What have you done to yourself? How did this happen?”

He pushed passed me, my presence momentarily forgotten. I turned and winced, scrambling to think of an excuse for Carters leg.

“We were walking sir, and he took a stumble, hurting his leg on the way down. I’m a friend of Carters.”

I added quickly as John stared at me accusingly once more. Carter raised his eyebrows at my excuse, wincing at its falsity. I shrugged helplessly. I did the best I could in the circumstances.

John busied himself pulling Carter through the door and calling out for a maid to help. I stood awkwardly in the doorway, waiting for someone to notice me.

I watched for a few minutes as the chaos around Carter thickened. Eventually I could tell I wasn’t need anymore, and my presence wasn’t helping.

“I.. I think I’m going to go. I’ll see you around Carter, I guess. Hope you get better soon.”

Carter gave me a sad smile and a nod as his Dad closed the door behind me, pushing me down the steps. I gave one last look to the huge house, sighing in exhaustion before climbing into my car once more.


I lay in my bed that night, listening to my parent’s shouts floating up the stairs from the kitchen. I fiddled with my necklace, twisting it around my finger over and over again. I stared out my window, toning out the fighting.

I didn’t understand why Carter would keep something like that from me. What did he think I was going to do?

He acted so differently than I thought the Satiricks would act. Then again, I didn’t know the Satiricks very well. I had only heard about them from rumors, and rumors were rarely true. But still, aren’t rich people supposed to be snobs?

I sighed, pulling the covers farther up my body, and sliding into my bed. I needed to sleep, I would think about what I would do with Carter tomorrow, tonight I was going to dream.



“Who is she? What were you doing with her?”

I sighed, pulling my leg away from my Dad’s worried, anxious touch. I turned my head away, refusing to meet my Dad’s scrutinizing gaze.

“I told you Dad, she’s a friend.”

“And you really expect me to believe that? And what were you doing outside when we told you you weren’t to go anywhere?”

I sighed, turning back towards him and standing up.

“I’m tired of always being locked up, I needed my space Dad. But of course, you wouldn’t understand that.”

I walked out of the room, leaving my father sitting beside the spot I was just at, gazing at the pillow my head was laying on just moments ago. This was how it was supposed to be, how it was always going to be: me walking away from him, leaving him behind.


I spent the rest of my day sulking in my room. I wasn’t allowed anywhere near the front door, assuming I would just end up hurting myself. I knew I wouldn’t last very much longer stuck in my room, my leg covered in ice and propped up on a chair.

The house was silent, as if it was holding its breath. Something was going to snap, it was just a matter of time.

I could hear my parents discussing my situation quietly downstairs. They were stupid if they thought I couldn’t hear them arguing.

“We can’t just tell him he can never dance again. It would destroy him. You know how much dancing means to him. After Jean, I didn’t think he would ever find that again.”

“How can you even think of letting him do this? Have you seen what it did to him? He can’t take it! He’s just not built for it anymore.”

“I know, but honey... ”

“No, that’s it, end of discussion. It’s just too dangerous.”

I heard my Dad stomping off into the bedroom, leaving my Mom in the kitchen. I turned away from the door, covering a pillow over my head. I couldn’t take this anymore. I needed to get out of here.



I pulled up slowly in front of my house, pulling the keys out and grabbing my bags.  The front door was unlocked, and I let myself in, shouting up to my parents, announcing my arrival. I got no response as I dragged myself up the stairs slowly. I didn’t care, I was just looking forward to a place to finally crash and think.

I fell face first into my pillows, sighing deeply. I didn’t know what to think. Carter was a Satirick, a billionaire and I hadn’t known it.

Not to mention the fact the he was now incapable of dancing. I didn’t know what we were going to do with his leg. He couldn’t possibly practice with it until it was better, and even then we had to be careful. What was he thinking when he danced? Didn’t he know the risk?

I lay in bed for what seemed like hours, contemplating the situation. I could feel the darkness of night coming out, erasing the sunlight from its spot.

Knock Knock.

I stayed on my bed, waiting for someone to open the door, not wanting to get up myself. After all, it couldn’t be anyone for me, I wasn’t popular enough for that.

“Vi, can you please answer the door, I’m busy.”

I groaned, pushing myself up off my bed and dragging my feet down the stairs.

I pushed open the door slowly, expecting to close it quickly after telling the guest that we weren’t available. But I was not expecting Carters face to stare back at me through the door way.

I stood there, shocked. What was he doing here?

“Hey Vi. I need a place to crash.”


Hey guys. New chapter finally!

Sorry it took so long for me to start writing up again, school work really got in the way. The workload went down a little bit though, so I'm starting up again. 

Sooo a little view of Carters world. Tried to make his family seem a lol they r supposed to b pretty rich so hope it worked =p

I have no idea how Carter is going to dance....Im a little nervous about that myself but we'll see =)

As always, vote and comment! Thanks!

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