The Only Exception:ETERNALLY


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"and that was the day that i promised I'd never fall in love cause it does not exist ..but are the... More

1. "love letter"
2 . Why me
3. visitor
4. Birthday Party
5. Him
6. His best friend
7. His apartment
8 . His best friend's friends
10. Run Away
11. Smile for the camera
12. The E.R
13. Home
14. Restart
15. Vanessa
16. Test run
17. Test run II
18. Introductions
19. Returned
20. Returned II
21. "date night"
22. Facetime
23. The aftermath
24. Intro
25. Nice To Meet You ... Beautiful Stranger
26. Someone New
27. Friends Night Out
28. Undecided
29. His ex
30. Welcome back
31 Party Crasher
32. Come Back To Me
33. Forget me
34. Not over yet
35. Happy birthday
36 . Slumber party
37. Nice to meet you , Again
38 . Sure thing
39. Trend Talk
40. Pact
41. Screw the media
42. Screw the media pt2
43. I missed you
|CHAPTER 44|For us

9 . Slept over

96 4 1

"If you need anything just let me know,"hardin said robotically
"Thank you", Sydney said quietly as she walked alongside Hardin into one of the bedrooms of his apartment.
"No need to thank me," he said with a small smile", I'll be in the next room if you need anything," he said turning for the door.
"Wait "Sydney called out, stopping him in his tracks.
"Yes?" He asked stepping back into the room.
"... "She fiddled with her fingers nervously," you don't have to go," she looked down and she spoke shyly.
"You want me to stay in here with you?" He questioned "what? Are you afraid of the dark or something?" He scoffed jokingly with a cheeky smile.
"Of course not", she laughed awkwardly.
"Then what is it?"
"I just don't want to be alone," Sydney' shifted from one foot to the other nervously, "and I really like your company so...." she brought out in almost a whisper.
|She likes MY company?|he exclaimed and his thoughts - those words brought  more internal Joy than she would ever know.
Hardin's pov
".. and I really like your company".
I don't know if my body malfunctioned or completely broke down because of those words I could feel blood rush to my already hot cheeks and I could hear my heartbeat quicken and my body went completely numb. Maybe she just said it's so I could stay or maybe she really did mean it.
"Y- you really mean it ?"
She nodded slowly
I'd always wondered what she look like when she slept - probably even more beautiful; how she felt snuggled in my arms - we'd fit so perfectly in each other's arms; how her body felt under mine- how amazing it would be if I were to just -
|Calm down|

3rd person's pov
"Okay, "he said trying to look calm, "I'll get you something to wear," he said abruptly before walking out of the room.
Sydney then alone, took a moment to absorb the environment around her :to take a good look at where Hardin resided.
|It's bigger than I expected|she thought to herself as she turned around in a full circle scanning the room. He lived in what she can only call her dream apartment.
The space was so large, not to mention expensive looking.
"What kind of job could he possibly work to live here", she mumbled to herself.
putting aside the luxury that it held, she immediately noticed that there weren't any pictures of him or anyone familiar, one, and two - it didn't seem like much of her home, rather just a fancy hotel.
|Maybe he's just not into photos|

She flopped onto the huge bed at the center of the room. Just as she did so, he re-entered the room holding a large piece of clothing.
"... I couldn't find anything.. feminine, "he said hesitantly as he stepped closer to the edge of the bed where's Sydney was seated, "so I hope this will do." Hardin handed her a large black long sleeve t-shirt.
"Thank you,"she wants against it from the bed, "I need a place to change though"
"The bathroom's over there," he pointed towards the door at the end of the room.
"Perfect, "Sydney said with a small smile, walking towards the bathroom, "I'll be back in a few minutes, "she notified before closing the door behind her.
Hardin's pov
After Sydney left to change, I made myself comfortable on the one side of the bed - the other was to be occupied by her. I still couldn't get my head around the fact that she wanted to sleep with me, well not with me but next to me. I began to change into some comfortable clothes I brought for myself and slid into the warm sheets of the bed. It was then after a few minutes that the door open revealing Sydney in just a shirt - just my shirt. Although it was oversized and not in any way sight, the cotton clothing carelessly tripped over her front outlined her plump chest. Her swift movement towards the bed only gave way to showcase her wide hips in motion. Her long beautiful curls were twisted and tied into a messy bun, her face even more beautiful than when she had her makeup on. I was too stunned to speak so I just stared.
3rd person's pov
"I'm back" she said quietly and she slipped beneath the covers into the space next to him - laying on her back, she stared at the ceiling blankly.
"Does the shirt fit - I mean..... is it okay?" Harden asked in a hushed tone also staring at the ceiling.
"Yeah it's fine," she said in response," and thanks, for you no - being there with me back there."
"All I did was stand there"he briefly glanced her way then quickly averted his gaze.
"And that was more than enough" she turned her back to him to cover up the newly formed tears due to recalling the events of earlier," and for all the other times you've been here too," she' sniffled," I just hope that I'm not bothering you in any way though. You must have had a lot of other things to do rather than witnessing my mental breakdowns"
Hardin turned himself so as to face Sydney's back
|Trust me , I'd rather be here than anywhere else|
"You don't bother me", he said shifting his arm over her shoulder, slithering his arms around her small figure. Sydney's cheeks began to heat up when she felt Hardin's hot breath against her neck and his arms coil around her - the feeling so new and exciting yet familiar, warm and alluring.
"I understand how you feel," he spoke into her ear as he placed his head on the crook of her neck," it's okay not to be okay sometimes, "he comforted her as his grasp around her tightened.
At those words her heart raced even quicker and her nerves were uneased. A new spark had ignited in both of them and as much as Sydney wanted to run away and hide from it, it's pull was much to alluring - she wanted to run towards it ,towards him. She just let herself sink into his strong comforting arms .
"And if anyone is to witness your mental breakdowns", he whispered, "then I'm glad it's me. I'm here,"
|And i always will|
"I'm glad it's you", Sydney whispered back as she slithered her hand on one of his and intertwined their fingers.
The sun's rays slicing through the curtains disturbed her from the best sleep she had in a while - it was just her laying on the large bed. - it couldn't have been just a dream, could it? - her conscience asked as she sleepily set up straight. - no it wasn't just a dream - she confirmed as she looked around the familiar room. She hadn't probably taken the time to look around and now that she did - she couldn't help but gape in awe at the paintings on the wall. Large and small frames decorated on wall, all in Blue and Gray.
He must really be into art; it interested her. She scanned the wall till she came across a particular one that caught her attention .It was sort of a sketch, sort of unfinished painting of a girl around 10 years. She was dressed in a small dress, blue maybe?, Sydney couldn't really tell. The adorable little girl had long, dark curly hair that was significantly similar to hers and her distinctly dark freckles were visible from her lightly shaded skin. Her big eyes showed a glimpse of infantile joy that was added over by her wide dimpled smile. She was seated on a bench surrounded by flowers & shrubs, and notepad visible by the corner of the frame. The site was quite familiar but then at the same time not so much . She felt like a complete stranger to the drawing yet all too familiar.
"Well - I think it's starting to get to my head", she facepalmed as she walked back to the bed where her eyes fell onto a neatly folded small pile of clothes by the corner of the bed with a sticky note attached to it.
For you
She read the note out loud.
The cheeky smile on her face only grew either as she waddled to the bathroom to shower.

She walked down the spiral of stairs where she followed the sweet scent she could only describe as heaven on Earth, that led her to the kitchen.
"Looks like someone's getting better at this cooking thing," Sydney teased as she walked slowly into the kitchen where he, with all his might and concentration, attempted to make pancakes and waffles," and this time it looks like you didn't mess anything up nor did you burn anything," she said looking at the small steaming waffles, "kudos to you"
"Haha, very funny, "he rolled his eyes as he placed the last of the pancakes into the plate, "and yes I've been working on my skills, considering that take -out shouldn't be an everyday thing, here", he stated as he shoved a plate towards her who had seated by the counter.
"Thank you", Sydney smiled at him.
"Orange juice or coffee? "Hardin asked giving her options for a beverage.
"I don't do well with coffee so I'll take the juice, "and he followed her requests, pouring her a glass of juice and handing into her.

So", Sydney broke the silence after a few quiet minutes of dining, "you've got a really big, really nice place," she complimented", you must have one hell of a job to afford this" she stated as her eyes travel around the grand kitchen
"Thanks, it's nice and all but it doesn't feel like home." He spoke sadly.
"What-" she was cut off mid sentence as her arm swung over and accidentally tipped over her glass, leaving the liquid to spill all over Hardin's shirt
"Shit ,"he muttered under his breath as he hastily stood from his chair brushing off the liquid with his hands but to no avail.
"Fuck, I'm so so sorry"she apologized as she quickly picked up her glass", I'm so clumsy I didn't mean to, "she also stood from her seat,"follow me "she instructed abruptly before dragging him behind her
"No it's fine I can clean it up"he reassured her trotting behind her into the bedroom.
"You don't have to do this,you know,"
"No it was my fault so i should clean it take off your shirt,"
"Excuse you?!"
"Not in that context, take it off so I can soak it," she quickly corrected herself.
"Oh,"he breathe out as he took a hold of one corner of his clothing and pulled the shirt off.
"I'll be right back," Sydney took the shirt and jogged to the bathroom.
..minutes later, she walked back into the room, he was still shirtless, just with a shirt similar to the one she was wearing, folded beside him.
"Hie" she waved awkwardly as she slowly walked towards him
"Hey," he answered ruffling his hair,"sit" he patted an empty space beside him.
"Sorry for ruining your shirt ," she apologized, sitting beside him," I've just been really out of it lately," sydney sulked as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear ,"i don't know what's happening to me honestly. It's like when he left ....he tore me apart and took a part of me with him . I-i feel as if I'm slowly falling apart ....why did he have to go,"her voice trailed off as she faced her knees ...she could feel her throat tighten again
|Am i really that bad of a person that he'd want to leave me?|
Hardin raised her chin so she could face him with his index finger," I don't know why he left but i know one thing," he wiped a lonely tear off her cheek," nothing is wrong with you . Don't break yourself down just because he left for whatever reason,okay? You don't deserve pain, you're too precious for that." He said in a gentle voice as he cupped her face in his large soft hands .
"You think so? "
"I know so ," he nodded with a genuine smile
After that, the room went into complete silence as they just stared at each other . It was as if time had stopped and Sydney could feel heat rush up her cheeks as he caressed her cheeks with his soft thumbs .
|If I were her boyfriend. I would never let her hurt ...if only|
The strings that held his want for her were beginning to snap,one by one, as he leaned closer to her face. Her breath hitched as she felt his nose brush against hers. She wanted to pull away but at the same time she didn't , in fact she couldn't . They both knew that after last night there was an uncanny spark , an attraction for one another .It was just a matter of time till that spark got the better of them . And that time was now. Sydney unconsciously closed her eyes ,allowing him to progress further.

All hell broke loose as Hardin slithered her hand around her neck pulling her closer to connect their lips for a passionate kiss. As he felt her soft lips moving in sync against his ,his heart couldn't help but flutter at the feeling
|This feels right|
It was just after a few seconds that Sydney finally snapped out of it and pulled away |Luca| her heart screamed|this doesn't feel right|

"I-i can't", Sydney shook her hand as she pulled away ," I'm sorry i just can't," she hastily stood up ,"i gotta go home.....i-i i have to clear my head," she stuttered, making her way towards the door and was about to open it when Hardin quickly grabbed her wrist.
"No," he denied pulling her to him ,"you can't go,"
"I have to , this isn't right ," she said avoiding his gaze.
"Look at me," he commanded but she didn't comply "i said look at me ,"she still didn't budge. He took a hold of her chin with his thumb and index finger ,raising her head to look directly at him," do you regret letting me kiss you? Honestly?" He asked in a softer tone looking at her with pleading eyes"do you regret it?". There was a torturing moment of silence before Sydney spoke up..
"I can't say that ," Sydney admitted .
Hardin suddenly took a hold of both of her wrist holding them above her head ,gently slamming her against the door ,with one arm around her waist holding her against him tightly, taking her by surprise.
"Then tell me you'd regret it ,if i were to do it again," he whispered huskily into her ear, his hot breath against her neck, sending shivers down her spine.
"I -i can't say that either,"she answered looking at his eyes that suddenly darkened at his response.

There was no going back after that . Hardin brought his head from her ear and looked at her for a brief second before taking action. Hardin smashed his lips into hers . He leaned in closer pressing her wrists against the door, resulting in her back arching toward him even more. Sydney subconsciously responded to his kiss, letting herself sink into the feeling. Hardin felt overwhelmed by her intoxicating lips , savouring the taste of her strawberry chapstick .She opened her mouth slightly, allowing his tongue to enter, intertwining his with hers. His grip on her waist tightened as he further pressed his body against hers , eliminating any space between them. The arm that was around her waist moved up to her hair , gripping an handful and pulling it slightly , earning a small moan from the other. His grip around her wrists loosened and he let her hands fall to his broad shoulders before she slid them up his neck , running her hands through his hair. He slipped his hands around her thighs lifting her up so her legs were coiled around his waist. He licked and nibbled on her lower lip before reconnecting them for a steaming kiss.
He mentally claimed as his hands skillfully snuck up her shirt to cup her naked breasts .
He massaged her perfectly round breasts , earning a series of soft yet needy moans against his lips from her.
|Only Mine|
His hands maneuvered down to her bare thighs gripping them tightly has his lips left hers for a split second , moist and swollen.He leaned his forehead against hers closing his eyes for a short minute before gazing at her beautiful ones .
"I ....i-"Hardin's sentence was cut short when his phone rang loudly from the back pocket of his sweatpants.
|Fuck| he mentally cursed ," gimme a minute" he excused himself lowering her to the ground before answering the phone call ," what is it?" He deadpanned into the cellphone. There was a blunt -brief back and forth before cutting the call ,leaning over to grab his shirt, pulling it over his head.
"What's the matter?" Sydney asked concerned as she adjusted her shirt.
"They found something on Luca"

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