Freedom Fox

By RememberNoName

27.9K 816 2.2K

The legendary ship of the Japanese Empire that has sailed the seas for more than a century, IJN Nagato finds... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 10

830 29 61
By RememberNoName

Nagato : Javelin..... did you see that earlier?

Javelin: Yes! that little girl looks like... you!

Nagato : ah, at least I have long hair, but what we see is short hair... could it be Mutsu? (shakes head.)

Then from one of the cracks they saw hundreds of soldiers with Exoskeletons and holding rifles rushing at the swarm of insects, with their lead being a blonde woman with twin ponytails, holding some kind of machine gun and carrying a sword that glowed brightly.

But before the two of them finished watching, Morpho suddenly raised It "hand" and threw It "hand" into the water, causing a wave big enough that Nagato and Javelin were carried away by the waves.

Morpho then locked Javelin and Nagato with all It Railguns and started firing It Railguns. Nagato and Javelin of course immediately set sail while avoiding the rain of shells with the electromagnetic. And apparently Morpho started using It 1200mm caliber Railgun artillery and aimed at Nagato.



The tungsten rod instantly flew at an abnormal speed and pierced Nagato's stomach. Nagato widened her eyes when she felt the emptiness in her stomach, and winced when she saw the hole in her stomach.

Nagato of course immediately fell down and coughed up blood. She fired a Salvo of twenty anti-ship missiles back at Morpho, with several missiles from Mare Nostrum hitting the right side of Morpho's face. Morpho roared very loudly, although It face didn't suffer any significant damage, but there were still burns and some melted iron.

Javelin : Auntie Nagato!

Javelin immediately approached Nagato and carried her, but winced as Nagato's blood continued to flow, and even if Javelin carried Nagato, the wound would only get worse. Tears had started to form in the corners of Javelin's eyes.

Nagato just smiled a little between coughing up blood and just rubbed Javelin's cheek, before finally glaring at Morpho who was approaching them.

Nagato : Javelin... take me... take me away... I'll burn this bastard...

Javelin nodded and very carefully carried Nagato away at a very low speed. Several Dauntless and Zeros flew past them and started bombing or shooting Morpho with their machine guns. Enterprise, Zuikaku, Belfast, Cleveland and Washington came to the two of them. Enterprise's eyes immediately darkened when she saw the hole in Nagato's stomach.

Enterprise : Nagato! what happened?!

Nagato : (coughs) would you believe me if I said I had a stomach ache?

Enterprise : Bullshit, Belfast, do your thing.

Belfast with a smile carried Nagato in her arms, even though her maid clothes had to be stained with blood from Nagato's wounds.

Nagato : I'm sorry, Bell.

Belfast : (professional smile.) It's okay, madam Nagato. Think of it as etiquette between professionals.

Nagato chuckled before coughing up blood again. Washington again fired a salvo full of armor-piercing shells at Morpho. But Morpho's energy shield is back online and manages to fend off Washington's attacks. Meanwhile Cleveland showers Morpho with high-explosive shells that cause Morpho's energy shield to flicker. Meanwhile the planes from Enterprise and Zuikaku continued to harass Morpho with their machine guns, before being shot down with Morpho's far superior point defense weapon.

Meanwhile the Mare Nostrum, the flag ship of the Siren Navy in this timeline, began to reopen the attack by firing their kinetic cannons at Morpho. This was followed by the launch of many missiles from the remnants of the remaining VLS cells. Meanwhile Trafalgar, who finished doing emergency repairs, sent some of their aviators back into the air and helped the shipgirls to fight in the air. The escort carriers of Morpho also did not want to be outdone and began to launch dozens of super futuristic black planes.

The two sides began an epic dogfight in the air, with some of the Eagle Union naval aviators shooting down several of their enemy's super jets. But that doesn't mean they didn't suffer casualties, quite a lot of their pilots had to be shot down due to the long-range anti-air missiles belonging to the Leviathan Jets which made the pilots afraid to carry out a frontal attack.

Nagato's Phalanx CIWS roared and sprayed Leviathan's Avianca Jets, not to mention Nagato fired several of her anti-aircraft missiles, and she managed to shoot down dozens of enemy fighter planes despite being quite badly injured. Cleveland and Javelin became protectors of Belfast carrying Nagato, who was sailing as fast as she could to Trafalgar, so that Nagato could receive emergency treatment.

Several Morpho railguns buzzed again, signaling they were ready to fire their thousands of hot lead at the enemy. This time the targets are Belfast and Cleveland. Spectrum effects begin to occur in the muzzle of the Railgun Morpho.



It rained 120mm caliber bullets at an unknown speed, so fast, the fire from this railgun was like a very powerful Laser. Belfast tried to dodge, but unlucky, she had to lose her right arm and made her grip on Nagato loose. Belfast yelled in pain, and blood continued to drip from her severed arm, but she continued to grab Nagato with her left hand and dodge.

As for Cleveland.... She had to lose her lower body, and left her adrift in the ocean with a blank stare. The attacks from Morpho subsided and two of the Shipgirls were already badly injured and the other was on the verge of life and death.

Belfast : Guhk.... I'm sorry, madam... Nagato..

Nagato : Shut your damn mouth, Belfast! Zuikaku!

Zuikaku then came and was horrified when she saw Belfast's serious injuries as well as Nagato.

Zuikaku : What is it, Lady Nagato?

Nagato : Bring Belfast, I can still sail.

Zuikaku : But!-

Enterprise: no need, Zuikaku. I will carry ber.

Enterprise arrived with Washington carrying Cleveland, who didn't move an inch. Enterprise immediately carried Nagato bridal style and ordered the others to set sail for Trafalgar.

Nagato looked at her shipgirls friend and a feeling of guilt started to eat away at her, will she lose her new friends and family?

As for Cleveland, her heart rate was getting slower, even barely beating at all. She started muttering strange words that were completely incomprehensible and one more thing, her Wisdom Cube had dimmed and had cracks that every second made Cleveland's body fragile.

Until finally they saw Trafalgar who was firing all their anti-air weapons at Leviathan's Avianca jet. A fire was raging on the deck of the ship which prevented their fighter planes from flying or landing, Enterprise and Zuikaku immediately deployed their fighters and within minutes managed to clear the Avianca jets that were in the Trafalgar perimeter.

All the shipgirls immediately boarded Trafalgar and saw several medical teams already waiting along with Laffey who had some parts of her body bandaged. such as arms, legs, stomach, etc. Laffey initially put on a worried face, before finally the face turned into a horrified face when she saw the wounds suffered by her comrade-in-arms.

Laffey : Auntie...! (runs straight for Nagato.)

Nagato just waved her hand with a small smile before Enterprise finally placed Nagato near a wooden box. The medical team came and immediately carried out the first emergency treatment. Meanwhile, Captain John F. Kennedy came out of his ship's bridge carrying a first aid kit.

Kennedy : I brought first aid! I think this will be more useful in your hands than decoration in the ship's hallway.

Medical team : thank you, captain!

The medical team immediately prioritized Cleveland and Nagato, while Belfast was only given a painkiller injection and her hands were bandaged to prevent the blood from coming back out. Everyone flinched when they heard Morpho's roar which was approaching with It escorts.

Enterprise then readied her bow and prepared her final wave of planes, before Nagato's voice finally canceled it out.

Nagato: Prise! don't waste your plane, ugh...

She slowly stood up, despite protests from the medical team.

Enterprise : Nagato! What do you mean? The creature was getting closer.

Nagato just smiled a little and put her hand forward.

Nagato : The winds of victory are on our side, look!

They all heard the faint sound of the battleship cannons thumping, and they knew. Reinforcements have arrived.

Enterprise focused her eyes on one of her patrol planes and widened her eyes.

The Sakura Imperial Fleet that arrived contained two Yamato Class Battleships, 1 Nagato class Battleship, three fleet carriers, fifteen cruisers, and dozens of destroyers. From the air, she could see several Sakura Empire strategic bombers flying in from one of the nearby islands. Dozens or even hundreds of warplanes like Zero, Shinden and others came like moth groups.

The cannons from the battleship Yamato smashed into Morpho's energy shield, causing the energy shield to instantly shatter like shards of glass.

Nagato : It's just getting started. Come on, my friend!

In Africa, Libya.

Dozens of Sherman tanks along with hundreds of Eagle Union infantry soldiers advanced into the city of Tobruk. With several warships from the Royal Navy and surprisingly, the Sardegna Empire donated several warships for this operation.

General Patton who commanded one of the Shermans was watching Tobruk City with his binoculars. He had come with his troops to join Rommel, but he had not seen any Wehrmacht sightings.

Patton : Damn, where are the germans? we should have seen them. (grumble)

One of the tank commanders came to Patton.

Tank Commander: General Patton! German! The Germans are visible from the east of the city!

Patton immediately looked through his binoculars and saw columns of Panzer IV tanks and several Tiger Is, with hundreds of Wehrmacht soldiers walking alongside their tanks, and Patton could also see some artillery being towed in Ironblood half-track trucks.

Patton : about fucking time.

Patton : send a signal to the whole army, we go!

all the Tanks and mechanized vehicles resumed their engines and advanced into the Ironblood tank formation. Followed by the tired Infantry dragging heavy weapons. They wished they didn't need this weapon.

Return to the Battle against Morpho.

The Sakura Empire's warships that had arrived instantly formed a defensive wall for Trafalgar and Mare Nostrum, with Yamato again opening fire with her 460mm cannon.


Morpho lightly sprayed the shells that Yamato shot with It point defense weapon. Dozens of Morpho VLS cells re-opened and fired corrosive missiles again at the combined fleet.

All the ships that had C-RAM which wasn't much, immediately sprayed the entire Phalanx and their point defense guns into the air, and managed to shoot down a few missiles, but some still headed towards Sakura's ships.

Nagato, with her stomach already bandaged, immediately jumped into the air with her rigging and sprayed the remnants of the corrosive missile with her dual Phalanx. After all the Corrosive missiles were shot down, Nagato looked at Morpho and immediately opened several of his VLS cells.

Nagato : Mare Nostrum, do you guys still have any missiles left?

Matias Torres, captain of Mare Nostrum immediately answered.

Captain Torres : Affirmative! We can still do one more consecutive saturation attack! Why is it lady?!

Nagato : Aye, I decided to fire my nukes.

Captain Torres was silent for a moment before finally laughing like a madman. Enterprise had been beside Nagato and helped her to her feet properly.

Captain Torres : Ah finally.... Salvation! everyone! get all the ammo on this ship and throw it at Morpho! I don't care what you shoot, if you need to shoot with a goddamn can!

Nagato : To all the ships and assets of the Sakura Empire, it's me, the USS Nagato in contact with all of you. I ask for your help to distract Morpho while sailing away, break Morpho's energy shield and I will destroy It.

It took several minutes before someone finally answered Nagato.

FADM. Yamamoto : This is Fleet Admiral Yamamoto. We will assist you with all our might, Lady Nagato. lead us to victory.

Nagato smiled gently before finally nodding.

Nagati : Thank you very much, Admiral Yamamoto. I'll buy you Mad lad beers when all this bullshit is over.

Nagato grimaced again as her wound throbbed. Enterprise remained beside Nagato with a worried look.

Enterprise : now now, who will pay for all those drinks? You haven't been paid you know.

Nagato : (smiles mischievously.) Thank you for paying my bill, Enterprise~

Enterprise : Damn you and your cuteness.

Enterprise shook her head before turning back to look at Morpho who was heavily bombed by Sakura Empire's dive bombers, as well as It escorts already sunk all thanks to their strategic bombers.

Yamato and Musashi once again opened their cannon fire with armor-piercing shells and by having pierced through Morpho's outer shell. Morpho roared once again and the circle above Morpho's head shone brightly again.

Ciel, complete with her riggings, stands on the Trafalgar deck and takes aim at Morpho with a 420mm caliber induction railgun.

Ciel : Target locked. The cannon is fully loaded.... Take this, monster!


The spectrum effect had already appeared in front of Ciel's cannon muzzle and after a two second pause, Ciel's cannon launched hundreds of shells with 420 caliber at an inhuman speed.


Ciel's Railgun cannon firmly hit Morpho's mouth, causing It particle cannon to instantly destroyed, not only that, Ciel's weapon managed to penetrate behind Morpho, making the creature roar again in pain.

Nagato: Mare Nostrum!

Captain Torres : One million lives!

Dozens to hundreds of missiles were fired from the Mare Nostrum VLS cell and immediately launched towards the weakened Morpho. while Nagato fired three missiles with low nuclear warheads, just to be sure.

Nagato's three nuclear missiles merged with the Mare Nostrum missile shower and in a matter of seconds, they could see a brilliant light covering the battlefield. Before finally the bright light was replaced by a giant mushroom smoke.

Enterprise, who was holding onto Nagato, stared at it with a horrified look and tightly held onto Nagato's hand. Nagato could only let out a small sigh. It is all over.


I feel like this chapter is a little... forced but hey, at least I managed to finish it.

And okay, I have to run away. Because Cleveland and Belfast fans will kill me for what I did to their waifu, Adios!

Fucking Kaschey always had a good body laying around.

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