Infatuation (Nalu)

By queen3468

2.1K 113 12

Natsu struggles to control his growing feelings for his long time bestfriend. While Lucy remains oblivious to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 5

136 7 2
By queen3468

Natsu and Lucy lay there for what felt like hours, but it was actually just a few minutes.

"You know our parents are downstairs; I told them what happened," Natsu said, breaking the silence. Lucy untangled herself from Natsu and sat upright. She stayed silent for a moment before speaking, "I want to see them, but first I want to shower. I can still feel his hands on me.".

Lucy's statement both saddened and enraged Natsu. He wanted nothing more than to change what happened, but sadly, he couldn't. "I should have been there sooner," he said lowly.

Lucy didn't seem to hear what he had said since she got up and went straight to Natsu's bathroom. Natsu decided to make himself useful and get Lucy some clothes from her room.

Half an hour later, Lucy and Natsu walked downstairs, practically attached at the hip. Their parents noticed them as they entered the living room and rushed towards Lucy to cover her in hugs and kisses, tearing her off of Natsu in the process. The boy didn't complain, though.

"My baby, are you okay?" Layla asked, frantically searching Lucy's body for any sorts of cuts and bruises.

Lucy forced a smile, attempting to reassure hers and Natsu's parents that she was okay, but they easily saw through it.

Suddenly they heard the front door slam shut and little footsteps running towards the room. "Lucy-nee!" they heard Wendy exclaim as she entered the living room. Wendy ran towards Lucy and wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist.

"How'd you know that I was here?" Lucy asked, hugging the girl back. Wendy smiled brightly as she replied, "I saw your shoes by the door.".

Wendy's sudden appearance eased the tension in the room, something that everyone was thankful for. The family decided to just sit and listen to Wendy tell Lucy all about her day; they didn't bring up the events that occurred today, nor did they speak at all. They just smiled and laughed while Wendy told her story. Eventually Lucy's parents' phones rang, and they excused themselves to answer their call in a different room.

Both Jude and Layla (Lucy's parents) came back to the living room looking upset and conflicted, something everyone took notice of.

"Mom, Dad, what's wrong?" Lucy asked.

Jude and Layla then told everyone that they both got calls about last-minute meetings for their business and jobs in France and America. The meetings were very important, and they were told not to miss them. Both of them said they weren't going to go and leave Lucy, especially not right now.

"Just go; Lucy can stay here with us as always," Igneel said. Jude and Layla were still unsure whether or not to go, even though they knew that Lucy would be okay with the Dragneels.

"Mom, Dad I'll be fine here, so just go," Lucy said, urging them to go on their business trips. Jude and Layla agreed, sighing, not being able to say no to their daughter. Jude and Layla soon left to get ready for their flights in the morning, but not before showering their daughter with hugs and kisses.

Lucy spent the rest of the day with Wendy and Natsu, watching movies and eating snacks, while their parents were elsewhere in the house. Spending time with her second family made her forget the traumatic events that occurred—well,  at least until she was alone in her bedroom.

Lucy didn't know how long she was lying in bed for, but she was sure that she wouldn't be getting any sleep. Each and every time she closed her eyes, she would see Bora defiling her body; she could see herself screaming. She was scared—scared that she would relive the entire thing if she were to fall asleep. She got up, left her room, and went straight to Natsu's.

She raised her hand to knock but hesitated. 'What if he's already asleep? I don't want to wake him up, she thought to herself. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts, before taking a deep breath and knocking. The door swung open, and she came face-to-face with Natsu, who wore a surprised look on his face.

"Lucy, what's the matter? Is everything alright?" Natsu asked now, clearly concerned. Lucy looked down now, feeling very foolish for bothering him simply because she was scared. "It's nothing, nevermind. I'm sorry for bothering you. Goodnight," she said, still not looking up at him. She began to walk away but was pulled back by a warm hand on her wrist.

"I know something's bothering you, and I'd like to help in any way I can. So I'm going to ask again, What's wrong?" Natsu asked, making butterflies erupt in Lucy's stomach. Lucy became flustered. "I'm too scared to sleep alone," she said quietly, and without saying anything back, Natsu pulled her in and closed the door.

"You can stay here with me," he said, leading her to his bed. Lucy quickly made herself comfortable as Natsu joined her in bed.

"Do you want to watch something on TV or do you just want to sleep?" Natsu asked, holding the TV remote (AN: the TV is right in front of his bed on the wall, but you can imagine it wherever you want). "Tv," Lucy answered simply. Natsu nodded his head, putting on 'The Amazing World of Gumball', knowing that it was one of Lucy's favourite cartoons.

While watching the cartoon, a thought struck Lucy: 'Has Natsu told anyone else what happened?'. Lucy knew Natsu wouldn't do that without her consent, but she couldn't help but wonder. After minutes of debating with herself, she voiced her thoughts "Did you tell anyone else what happened?" she asked.

Natsu turned to look at her. "I only told our parents and the police. Nobody else." His statement made Lucy smile since it's clear that he respected her by not telling everyone without her consent. "Thank you," she said quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

Natsu smiled and shuffled closer to Lucy; his body heat radiated off of him, giving Lucy a sense of relaxation. Lucy laid her head down on Natsu's chest, and Natsu wrapped his arms around her. Surrounded by his warmth, Lucy fell asleep in a matter of seconds.

Natsu's POV

I lay there with my arms wrapped around the love of my life, smiling like a maniac and watching cartoons. This isn't what I expected to happen when I opened my door to the sound of a knock this late.

I admit I was a bit surprised to see my future wife standing there, but my surprise was quickly replaced by concern. I feel elated that she would come to me in her time of need.

My heart soared with joy when she laid her head on my chest. I had to resist the urge to shower her with kisses. Lucy snuggled more into my chest and draped her leg across mine, getting more comfortable as she slept. I placed a kiss on her forehead before closing my eyes and falling asleep.


Third-person POV

Natsu had woken up with a smile on his face, but his smile dropped upon noticing that he was alone. 'Where did my beloved go?' He asked himself, a feeling of panic taking over as he searched his entire bedroom and bathroom. He heard the low sounds of pans clanking downstairs and immediately made his way down.

The closer he got to the kitchen, the more sounds of laughter filled his ears, calming him a bit. Upon entering the kitchen, he was greeted by the pleasant sight of his beloved, surrounded by his family, eating breakfast. The sight of Lucy put his heart at ease.

"Oh, look who it is; it's sleeping beauty," Wendy jeered jokingly at him as he took a seat around the counter. Natsu said nothing but rolled his eyes.

"I guess you finally had enough beauty," Grandeeny said cheekily, placing a plate of waffles, eggs, and bacon in front of Natsu. Grandeeny's comment made Lucy and Wendy giggle, and Igneel cracked a smile.

"Oh, before I forget, you guys won't be going to school for a few days," Igneel stated, making Wendy give a little cheer. Lucy was relieved since she wasn't ready to go back to school yet, and Natsu was happy that he could spend time with Lucy.

Soon, Grandeeny and Igneel had to leave for work. "There will be some people coming today to upgrade the security system, so be on the lookout for them," Grandeeny said as she and Igneel left.

After what happened yesterday, Grandeeny,Layla, Jude, and Igneel thought it was best to tighten their security around their children to ensure that none of them would ever get hurt again. So they decided to upgrade their security systems by installing more cameras and alarms. They also hired personal bodyguards for their kids, to follow them whenever they leave the house but to never be seen so the kids don't feel uncomfortable. The kids had no idea that they had done this.

"Lucy-nee, let's bake a cake!" Wendy exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. Lucy looked at the young girl, puzzled. "But we just had breakfast," she said. Wendy pouted and was about to speak again when Natsu beat her to it: "It's not like the cake will be a meal, just a tiny snack.". For once, Wendy was glad her brother had butted into the conversation because that actually helped convince Lucy.

Much arguing took place, but they soon decided on making chocolate cake—chocolate lava cake, to be exact. The three of them got their aprons on and started gathering ingredients. "Alright, so what do we do now?" Natsu asked; both he and Wendy had no idea what to do and were just awaiting Lucy's order.

Lucy stood at the center of the kitchen with a hand on her hip and a whisk in the other. "Natsu, preheat the oven to 450 degrees and butter and flour four 6-ounce ramekins, then set them on a baking sheet and put them aside. Wendy, start boiling water so you can melt the chocolate and butter. Let's get to work, people!" she ordered.

"Yes, chef!" the two dragneels shouted, giving a salute before doing what they were told.


while at school

Nobody had seen Lucy and Natsu since school started; this left many fan girls and boys disappointed, and it also left their friends worried, especially Gajeel and Levy.

"Have any of you seen Natsu or Lu-chan?" Levy asked as she met up with the rest of their friends in the hallway.

"No, we haven't seen them at all," Erza replied.

"Do you guys think their okay?" Jellal asked

"Lu-chan hasn't returned any of my calls, but Natsu said she wasn't feeling well," Levy said. The group looked at each other, showing signs of worry and concern on their faces.

"We should go over to Natsu's after school then," Gray suggested, and everyone agreed. The group dispersed after planning to meet up at the front of the school once the day was over.


Natsu, Lucy, and Wendy stood proudly with smug grins on their faces, looking at the masterpieces that they had just created.

"We did it!" Wendy exclaimed. Everyone's grin got wider as they high-fived each other.

Natsu picked up a fork "Alright, let's dig in," he said, going closer to the mouth-watering dessert. Lucy slapped Natsu's hand and took away the fork. "We can't eat just yet," she said, making the two siblings frown.

"Why not?" They both whined.

Lucy gave them a blank stare before motioning to the huge mess they made in the kitchen. There were eggshells on the counter,dirty pots and pans in the sink,spilled melted chocolate and butter on the counters,flour everywhere, even on the walls, and they themselves were covered in batter. "Okay, we see what you mean," said the two in sync.

"Yeah, so before we eat, let's clean this mess up," the blonde said. The two siblings sighed.I'll get started on the dishes," Natsu said, going over to the sink. Wendy got a washcloth. "And I'll get started on the walls," she said. Lucy nodded and put the cakes away in the oven before starting to wipe down the counters.

Half an hour later, the kitchen was once again spotless. Lucy, Natsu, and Wendy were still in dire need of a shower, but at least the kitchen was clean.

Lucy quickly took three of the cakes out of the oven; they wasted no time eating. Their eyes lit up the moment a piece of cake was placed in their mouths. "This cake... it's simply marvelous!" Natsu exclaimed, trying to savour each bite. Lucy and Wendy could do nothing but nod. Not only had the cake left them speechless, but it also strengthened Natsu's vocabulary. It really makes you wonder what they put in that cake to make it taste so good.

Within minutes, the three of them had finished their cakes, and they were now drowning in sadness. They couldn't understand how such a delicacy could be gone in so few minutes.

Natsu caught a whiff of something; he rose up from his sulking position and turned to stare at the oven. He stood up and walked to the oven, bending down so he could see inside. He saw a cake. It had completely slipped his mind that they had made four and not three cakes. He grinned and took the cake out of the oven. He walked back to his seat and got ready to take a bite.

"No, you can't eat that," Lucy said, stopping him. His face dropped. "Why not?" he asked, pouting a bit. Lucy giggled seeing his face. "It's for Auntie and Uncle.".

"But do they really have to get it?" the boy asked.


"Oh, come on, Lucy, we are the only ones in the house right now. Nobody knows that we even baked, and nobody is going to know unless we tell them. So why don't we just split this between the three of us and get rid of the evidence? And plus, I don't think old people can eat too much sugary stuff.".

Lucy took a moment to think about it: 'He's right, nobody's going to know'. She sighed. The cake looked ridiculously tempting, and she wanted nothing more than to eat it, but she knew if she did, she would definitely feel bad later on. "Fine," she said, agreeing with Natsu.

Each of them took a large spoonful of cake and sighed in delight. "I could eat this every day," Wendy said with a dazed look. Again, within seconds, the cake was finished, and they were wallowing in sadness together.

"Let's make more," Natsu suggested, and Wendy perked up immediately, agreeing with her brother. Lucy, however, was a bit hesitant; as much as she wanted more of that delicious cake, she didn't think it would be healthy to eat more cake again, especially so early in the day.

Upon seeing how conflicted Lucy was, the two Dragneels pulled out their secret weapon, their puppy dog eyes. This was something they knew Lucy could not resist. "Please, Luce/Lucy-nee," they pleaded. Finally, she caved.

"Fine, we can make more, but on two conditions," the blonde said, sighing. Natsu and Wendy cheered in joy, happy that they were getting more cake.

"So what are your conditions?" Wendy asked.

"1: We have to make way more than we did before so that we can leave some for auntie and uncle", Wendy and Natsu nodded while listening. "2: We can only eat cake after we have lunch."

The siblings stared at each other, having a silent conversation. "Deal," they said, smiling brightly.

Lucy grinned and began taking out more ingredients to bake. She then realized that they ran out of most of the ingredients needed to make the cakes. "Oh no, we ran out of ingredients," she said, a bit disappointed since she was looking forward to cake as well.

"We can just go to the supermarket," Natsu said, grabbing Lucy with one hand and Wendy with the other and pulling them towards the front door.

Lucy wiggled herself out of Natsu's grip and said, "Wait! We can't leave the house looking like this; we should shower first," she said, pulling their attention towards their attire.

Natsu shrugged. "I don't see a problem with what we have on," he said.

"Natsu, you have chocolate in your hair."

"Luce, I'm sure nobody is going to pay attention to that."

"Natsu, we look homeless. I'm sure somebody will notice us."

"It's the middle of the day. Everyone is either at school or work; the supermarket will be empty."

"We don't know that for sure."

Wendy looked at the two as they continued bickering. 'It's like their a married couple' she thought, looking at them. She looked up at the key holder and grinned, coming up with a plan to get them out the door. She grabbed Natsu's car keys, ran to the door leading to the garage, and hopped into Natsu's car, starting up the engine. Within seconds, she saw a frantic Natsu and Lucy bursting into the garage.

"Wendy, get out of the car right now!" Natsu shouted, and the bluenette quickly slid out of the driver's seat. "What were you thinking about starting the car by yourself?" Natsu was scolded, and Wendy rolled her eyes internally as she listened to her brother scolding her. Natsu's shouting was beginning to give Wendy a headache "Can we just go to the store now, please?" she asked, interrupting her brother's ramblings. Natsu huffed angrily but got into the driver's seat. Lucy and Wendy hopped into the car soon after.

Natsu was proven right when they entered the empty supermarket. Lucy grabbed a cart and walked behind Wendy and Natsu, who kept putting anything they saw in it, only picking up a few of what they actually needed.

"Guys, we really don't need all this stuff; put some back." Lucy sighed, looking at the full cart in front of her. The two Dragneels, of course, complained but complied with her wishes. Soon, they were checking out. The cashier kept looking at them strangely, but they paid no mind.


Lucy and the others were now back at the house. Lucy insisted that they make and eat lunch before baking. The two Dragneels agreed and refused to leave the kitchen so that Lucy could make lunch, claiming that they wanted to help her.

Lucy decided on making shrimp fried rice since it would be quick and easy. While making lunch, the people who upgrade security systems came, just like Grandeeny said, and they got to work and left within half an hour. They made lunch and ate it all in a matter of minutes. They then cleaned up the kitchen and got straight into baking right after. They ate some of the cakes immediately after they cleaned the kitchen again. They had left enough cake for both themselves and Natsu's parents.

The group then went to their own bedrooms in order to get cleaned. They all took a while to get cleaned because of how much stuff they were covered in.

After bathing, Lucy headed towards Wendy's room to blow dry the blonde's hair before heading back to her room to blow dry her own. As she was finishing up, she heard a knock at her door and turned to see Natsu standing at her doorway, his hair dripping wet.

"What? Do you want me to dry yours too?" She asked the boy, and he nodded and smiled as he made his way over to her. Lucy placed him on the bed while she stood drying his hair. Natsu felt at peace, feeling Lucy's fingers run through his hair. Soon they were finished, and they made their way downstairs to find Wendy. The young girl ran up to them before grabbing their hands and pulling them with her as she ran towards their mini movie theater.

They settled onto the couches, huddled close together. Wendy had the remote in hand and pressed play. They sat in silence and cuddled up watching 'Desperate Housewives', which happens to be Wendy's favourite show. And although he would never admit it, Natsu also loved the show as well.


The group had fallen asleep 3 episodes in. All that baking and eating had tired them out.

Natsu stirred in his sleep. He kept hearing the sound of the doorbell ringing. He, of course, ignored it and tried to fall deeper into sleep but couldn't because it kept bothering him. He untangled himself from two of his favourite girls and got up, heading to the front door. He was the only one who heard it. This was one of the times he cursed himself for having keen hearing.

Natsu was more than annoyed when he opened the door to find his friends standing there. 'At least they didn't bring Lisanna,' he thought to himself. He wouldn't be able to handle it if they brought that white-haired witch with them.

Before Natsu was even able to open his mouth, he was bombarded with questions asking why they weren't at school. They were getting loud, and he didn't want them to wake up Lucy and Wendy. "Tone down!" he whispered. And as if on cue, Lucy and Wendy sleepily walked towards where everyone was. Natsu was their source of heat, so without him there, it was only natural that they would wake up too. It didn't help that their friends were so loud either.

Upon seeing her best friend Levy sidestep Natsu to throw herself at the girl, they fell to the ground, dragging Wendy with them. Natsu was quick to pull Levy off them and pull them up from the ground. Natsu then led everyone to the living room, seating Lucy, Wendy, and himself on a loveseat (with Lucy sitting between him and Wendy).

Their group of friends noticed something. They noticed that Natsu seemed to be more protective of Lucy than before. They didn't dwell on the matter for too long before bombarding the three with questions again.

"Why weren't you at school today?" Erza asked sternly.

"We weren't feeling too good," Natsu answered simply.

"Why haven't you answered our numerous calls?" she asked.

"I didn't see them," he replied nonchalantly.

Each question Erza threw at him, he answered effortlessly. He never gave away the actual reason why they stayed home, something Lucy was grateful for. The group's worry had vanished once they saw that their friends were okay. Natsu thought they would leave after seeing they were okay but no. They made themselves comfortable as usual.

Wendy leaned into Lucy's side, still a bit sleepy from her nap. She yawned softly but loudly enough for Lucy and Natsu to hear. Natsu got annoyed upon hearing Wendy's yawn, not because Wendy yawned but because it indicated that she was tired. He was annoyed because he knew that they would still be napping peacefully if it weren't for his friends interrupting them.

Natsu, wanting to be a good big brother, lifted Wendy from her spot and placed her in between him and Lucy. He knew that his abnormal body heat would be more than enough to send the girl off to dreamland. Although he didn't like having people between him and Lucy, he didn't mind since it was his sister.

Wendy laid her head on Lucy's lap, enjoying the warmth that was radiating off of her brother. Lucy began stroking the girl's hair, providing her with more comfort, and she quickly fell asleep.

The group stared at the trio, bewildered by the scene before them. Natsu and Lucy seemed to be acting like parents towards Wendy; it was weird yet cute. They pondered the whole thing a little while longer before dismissing the thought and engaging in conversation again.

"Want me to bring her upstairs?" Natsu asked his beloved. He felt that Lucy's legs might get cramped being weighed down and in one position. Lucy nodded her head, and in one quick move, Natsu picked Wendy up and went upstairs, coming back seconds later.


An hour and a half later, the group was still there, chatting away.

"What time is it?" Lucy asked.

Levy looked down at her phone before answering, "It's 5 o'clock.".

Lucy got up and headed to the kitchen, "I'm gonna get started on dinner and no Natsu you can't help" she said anticipating the questions that would have been thrown at her. Natsu began sulking once Lucy was out of eyesight. 'Now I'm stuck with these idiots' he thought to himself.


It was now 6pm and Levy and the others were still there. Natsu had been stuck in a room with his friends for an hour now and he found their company to 'not be awful' and he actually enjoyed being around them. But he still missed the presence of his beloved.

Natsu heard footsteps approach the room and turned to see his younger sister walking into the room. She made her way towards the couch that Natsu was sitting on. She seated herself beside him, laying her head on his shoulder, before falling back asleep.

The group shared puzzled looks before returning back to conversation.

The sound of the front door could be heard opening and closing before Natsu heard his dad shout "We're home!". He only heard one set of footsteps coming so he assumed that his mother had gone to the kitchen. And he was proven correct once his father walked into the living room alone.


Lucy was almost finished with dinner by the time Grandeeny entered the kitchen so she didn't require much help. Grandeeny still insisted on doing something so she went to the dinning room to set the table. She heard many voices coming from the living room and assumed that Natsu had friends over and set out extra plates incase they wanted to stay for dinner.

Grandeeny then helped Lucy carry out all the food and the moment they were done they heard a stampede of footsteps coming their way. Everyone took a seat at the table and began placing whatever they wanted on their plates. Lucy was glad she made a large amount of food since everyone seemed extremely hungry,even Wendy who looked like she had just woken up.

Natsu, Igneel and Gajeel finished their large piles of food within minutes and went in for seconds then thirds. Everyone else paid them no mind since they knew how much they could eat. Jellal and Gray looked at the other males with a puzzled look wondering how they could eat so much but then remembered that it was most likely another family trait of theirs.

Everyone was beyond full once they finished eating. "Lucy dinner was simply divine" Erza complimented. The blonde flushed a bit but smiled nonetheless, soon she was being bombarded by questions and compliments. Levy and Juvia hounded the poor girl with questions, asking for recipes and such. While everyone else told her how amazing her cooking was tonight.

Lucy didn't usually cook for a lot of people so getting this much attention overwhelmed her. Natsu noticed this and had gotten the group to quiet down a bit, giving the blonde some room to breathe. Everyone soon having their own conversations with one another.

Lucy and Grandeeny got up ready to clear the table but was told to "sit and relax" by Natsu and Igneel. The women protested of course but eventually did as they were told. Natsu and Igneel cleared the table and began washing and cleaning everything as soon as they entered the kitchen.

"How is she?" Igneel asked breaking the silence that had enveloped them. Natsu knew immediately that he was asking about Lucy.

"I'm not sure to be honest, but I think she's doing better than yesterday. I tried keeping her mind of it today since I don't think she's ready to talk about it. She was genuinely happy today. Wendy helped a lot too even though she doesn't know what happened." Natsu replied.

Igneel hummed and continued cleaning in silence before speaking again. "I went down to the station today, they want to talk to Lucy about what happened tomorrow so that they can put Bora behind bars for good" He said. Natsu's anger began flaring up at the mention of Bora but he kept calm.

Natsu nodded, "I'll take her down there tomorrow then" he said.

The Dragneel men continued cleaning in silence.


Natsu and Igneel finished cleaning up and headed to the living room where everyone else had moved to. Upon entering Natsu's face visibly brightened, Lucy was laughing joyfully. A sight he loved to see, he smiled softly before taking a seat next to her.

"Oh my! Would you look at the time. It's 8:30. You kids better get going" Grandeeny said. Only then had everyone realised how late it had gotten.

"Thank you for your hospitality this evening. We shall be on our way now. Goodnight" Erza said bowing slightly before leading Jellal,Levy,Juvia,Gajeel and Gray outside. Lucy followed them outside to give the girls hugs, promising to text and call them. Natsu had also went outside with Lucy and he and the guys did their "bro shake" as they like to call it.

Natsu and Lucy stayed outside until the group drove of the estate.

"I have to take you down to the station tomorrow" Natsu stated.

Lucy nodded her head before turning around and going inside, Natsu following suit a few seconds later.

"Lucy-nee! The cakes!" Wendy exclaimed running towards the duo as soon as they entered the living room . It was as if something had clicked within them Natsu and Lucy were reminded of the delicious desserts that they had made earlier. The three rushed towards the kitchen leaving Igneel and Grandeeny utterly confused.

The three soon came back with a tray of five small cakes grinning from ear to ear.

"We made these today" Wendy said smiling as Lucy handed out the cakes. Natsu, Wendy and Lucy wasted no time and started eating as soon as they sat down. Meanwhile Grandeeny and Igneel looked a bit skeptical. They knew that Lucy could do wonders in the kitchen but Natsu and Wendy had a helping hand in making these. Everyone knows that both Dragneel children are either too clumsy or impatient to cook or bake.

Igneel and Grandeeny looked over at the children to see them devouring the cake as if they hadn't eaten in days. They shared a look before taking a bite. Their taste buds exploded with flavour and in mere seconds they were devouring the cake like the children were.

Everyone finished their cakes in record time. They each breathed a sigh of content.

"That was absolutely delicious, is this what you've been doing all day?Baking?" Igneel asked.

The children nodded still in a trance like state. It didn't matter how many times they ate cake, they were still in awe of the mouth watering taste of it.

While the family was in their dazed state, practically dreaming about the cake, the front door opened and in walked a black haired man and a blonde woman carrying a baby. The family hadn't heard the front door open nor did they hear footsteps approaching the living room.

"Family! Guess who's back!!"

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