The Modern Fairy Tale Town Bo...

By PerkyGoth14

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The residents of Storybrooke begin to remember fairy tale life and share their pasts with their descendants a... More

Chapter 1: Out of the Past
Chapter 2: Broken
Chapter 3: We Are Both
Chapter 4: Lady of the Lake
Chapter 5: Operation: Viper
Chapter 6: The Crocodile
Chapter 7: Harry Hook and The Beanstalk Bandits
Chapter 8: The Doctor
Chapter 9: Return to the Sea
Chapter 10: Children of the Moon
Chapter 11: Into the Deep
Chapter 12: Dance of The Little Sugarplum Fairy
Chapter 13: Queen of Hearts
Chapter 14: The Cricket Game
Chapter 15: It's Goin' Down
Chapter 16: The Outsider
Chapter 17: In The Name of The Brother
Chapter 18: Ways to be Wicked
chapter 19: Evil Among Us
Chapter 20: Change of Heart
Chapter 21: Not So Happily Ever After

Chapter 22: Tiny

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By PerkyGoth14

"That's right! Run!" Anton's voice was soon heard.

"That doesn't sound very good." Doug said out of concern.

Suddenly, a car was thrown out, but luckily, it didn't hit anyone on the ground and the only thing badly hurt was probably the car if cars had feelings.

"RUN!" Anton yelled out then.

"Ohh!" Mary Margaret moaned as the car landed right behind her, David, Doug, and Evie.

Anton then walked off and continued to cause havoc for the poor residents of Storybrooke and they were panicking in the streets.

"Head to the town hall! Bring anyone you find on the way," David told the residents before he looked thoughtful. "Somebody get Leroy."

"I'm on it." Doug decided before he ran off suddenly.

"Be careful, Doug!" Evie called out.

"I'll try!" Doug called back as he ran to find his grumpy uncle.

"Guess we found our giant," Mary Margaret remarked. "I just didn't think he would be so..."

"...Giant?" David guessed.

"My mistake." Mary Margaret replied.

"Ever stop one before?" Evie asked the woman.

"Nope." Mary Margaret simply stated.

"Well... Here's to new firsts and Evie, you wanted to help out here, so no turning back, alright?" David soon replied.

"Yes, sir." Evie said softly.

"Good girl," David nodded before he soon called out to the giant. "Wait!"

Anton soon heard him and turned around.

"You don't have to do this!" Evie soon added.

"Yeah, I do. You destroyed everything in my life," Anton glared and retorted. "Now you're gonna know what that feels like."

"The man who hurt you; that wasn't me. That was my twin brother James," David soon tried to explain to Anton as Leroy and Nova ran up beside Mary Margaret as Doug had luckily come back with him. "We were separated at birth. He was raised by a-a ruthless king."

"We know how far-fetched that kinda sounds, but Mr. Nolan would never lie!" Evie soon added.

"You're not James?" Anton asked the man who he was previously mad at.

"No!" David replied.

"Then where is he?" Anton then demanded.

"He paid the ultimate price for his arrogance. He's dead!" David replied. "There is nothing more you can do to him."

"We're on your side, Anton!" Evie called out as Doug nodded. "We're good!"

"Evie wouldn't lie either!" Mary Margaret added. "We're here because of you. You know our daughter Emma. You gave her the magic compass."

"Emma?" Anton asked softly before he looked like he was going to back down. "Let me talk to her. She says you're okay, then I'll stop." he then requested.

"...Uh-oh." Doug and Evie gulped nervously.

Mary Margaret hesitated, but decided to be honest. "...She's kinda out of town!"

"Really?" Anton soon asked skeptically.

"But when she gets back, we're sure that she'll really wanna talk to you!" Nova soon piped up with a nervous smile.

Anton soon looked a bit nasty again. "How convenient. Everyone I'm looking for isn't around!" he then scoffed. "All you humans do is lie and cheat and kill, and I'm sick of it!" he then said before he started running toward Mary Margaret, Doug, Evie, Leroy, Nova, and David.

"This could be a problem!" Evie soon said before she started to run away with Mary Margaret and David as Leroy, Nova, and Doug soon joined them.

Anton roared out as he soon began to chase after them in hot pursuit since he was very unhappy right now as they went to the streets.

"So let me get this straight; you got a twin brother?" Leroy soon asked David as he ran closely with Nova.

"Yeah." David nodded as he held Mary Margaret's hand as they ran together.

"His name is James?" Nova then asked David.

"Right." David nodded.

"Well, your name is James." Leroy reminded.

"No, actually, it's not." David replied as Anton got tangled in a set of powerlines behind them.

"Weren't you Prince Charming in The Enchanted Forest?" Doug asked.

"No, that's the nickname I gave him!" Mary Margaret explained.

"Hey, hold on. What the hell is your name?" Leroy then asked.

"David." David simply stated.

"Your curse name?" Doug asked.

"My real name." David explained.

"What, you're David, James, and Charming?" Leroy asked before he soon started to get frustrated. "Is David like a middle name?"

"No! It's my name name!" David stated.

"You know what? Whatever, I'm gonna call you whatever I damn well, please! Is that okay?!" Leroy then replied as he sounded like his usual grumpy self.

"Sure, Leroy." David rolled his eyes once Anton freed himself from the power lines.

"So what's the plan?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Yeah. We can't keep running forever," Evie replied. "This isn't Coach Jenkins' track team."

"Lead the giant away from here so he can't hurt anyone." David soon suggested.

"But if we keep heading in this direction, we're gonna hit the town line!" Nova reminded nervously.

"Okay, new plan." David soon said as they all suddenly stopped running as they reached the docks.

Anton was still approaching them as things began to look ugly for all of them. David soon turned around and started walking toward Anton.

"What are you doing?" Evie asked out of nervousness.

"Giving him what he wants," David replied before he yelled out to the giant. "Anton! How about we make a deal?"

"I don't make deals with humans." Anton glared.

"Just hear me out," David insisted. "I'll surrender myself to you if you spare the lives of everyone in Storybrooke."

"David, you can't do this." Mary Margaret warned as she came to his side.

"If I don't, the whole town will suffer. I can't allow that," David told her before he talked to Anton again. "Well, what do you say?"

Anton soon began to think it over. "Deal." he then said before suddenly running at David and soon trying to jump on him.

"LOOK OUT!" Doug cried out as he grabbed Evie suddenly while Mary Margaret grabbed David and they pulled the two out of the way as Anton jumped up and soon stomped down hard on the ground.

The force of Anton's landing created a large hole that Anton got stuck in as Nova's scream was soon heard. All of a sudden, there was a swirl of blue smoke as Anton disappeared from sight.

"Where did he go?" Mary Margaret wondered as she and Leroy looked around.

"I'm not sure." David replied.

"Mr. Nolan? Ms. Blanchard? You might wanna check this out." Evie advised.

David and Mary Margaret looked at each other as Leroy peered inside the hole with Doug and Evie. Anton was hanging onto a broken pipe to keep from falling and Nova appeared to be holding onto another pipe that was more broken and was likely to break down more and fall down with her if she wasn't too careful.

"NOVA!" Leroy yelled out in concern.

"Leroy!" Nova cried out.

"Oh, crud..." Evie frowned in deep worry.

"What do we do now?" Doug wondered as his eyes widened behind his glasses.

"Don't worry. We'll handle this." David reassured the two teenagers.

"I sure hope so." Evie said softly.

"What're you gonna do?" Doug asked David.

"Wait here... I'll get some supplies and I'll be back before you know it." David said before he took off running suddenly.

Doug and Evie watched David go before they both looked nervous and worried, especially for Nova and Anton.

"Evie, I know you have a lot on your mind... Your mother, your grandmother, school... Henry going off on a brand new adventure without you." Mary Margaret said softly as she put her hand on the girl's shoulder.

"...But?" Evie soon prompted as she felt like there was more to what the older woman was saying.

"But I think you should go and check in with your mother and grandmother in spite of what's going on," Mary Margaret suggested. "It might be a good idea."

"But I wanna hang out with you guys and help out," Evie pouted. "You were always so good to me, Ms. Blanchard, especially when I was in your class back in the day."

"Yes, I know, but I have a feeling that your mother might need you now more than ever, especially with Cora hanging around town," Mary Margaret advised. "Can you do that for me, Evie?"

Evie sighed sharply. "Yes, ma'am." she soon forced herself to say.

"That's a good girl," Mary Margaret said before smiling. "It's gonna be okay, Evie. I promise."

"Hmm..." Evie pouted thoughtfully as she looked unsure about that.

Soon, David came back with his truck and backed it up against the hole that Anton had created. Other residents of Storybrooke, especially Mother Superior, Jane, and the other fairies/sisters had arrived to assist with the rescue. Granny and Kiara were also there.

"That better hold." David soon said.

"It'll hold." Leroy replied as he held the rope.

Granny then grabbed one end of the rope. "I got this. Excuse me, Kiara." she then said before she went to attach the rope to the truck's hitch as Kiara got out of the way.

Kiara nodded as she did as Granny asked her to. Leroy then dropped the rope down the hole. The residents of Storybrooke, minus David and Mary Margaret, took hold of the rope.

"Get it good and tight, Dougie." Leroy reminded his nephew.

"Yes, Uncle Leroy." Doug nodded in response.

Mary Margaret soon walked by and gave David a kiss. "Most people would let that giant die after what he's done." she then said out of admiration to her true love.

"You wouldn't," David replied as he picked up the rope. "All right," he then added as he wrapped some slack rope around his waist. "All right, guys! I'm coming down!" he then repelled down the hole. "Take my hand."

Nova bit her lip as she soon took David's hand first. Once David had Nova, he gave the signal to the others to pull on the rope to help get them out.

"Oh, thank goodness. Sister Astrid." Jane said once Nova was safely out of the hole.

Nova soon hugged Jane a bit maternally as she sniffled emotionally due to the experience. "Oh, Leroy. Thank you," she then said to the former dwarf. "You helped save me."

"Well, of course I did," Leroy replied. "People do crazy things when they're in love."

Nova blinked and blushed at that before she smiled a little as David was then lowered back down to help Anton next.

"Take my hand." David told Anton.

"No!" Anton cried out.

"No?" David asked in concern.

"I don't wanna go back up there!" Anton argued. "I should just let go!"

"You'll die!" David reminded.

Anton was still hesitating. "Maybe death hurts less than life." he then said in reply.

"If you really wanted to die, you would've let go already," David retorted. "Now take my hand."

Anton still hesitated for a bit before he soon grabbed David's hand.

"Come on." Leroy told the Storybrooke residents behind him.

Soon, they all started pulling Anton and David up.

"Almost! A little more!" Mary Margaret called out to the others.

They then finally got Anton and David out of the hole.

"You saved my life." Anton said out of surprise.

"That's what we do." Evie smiled and nodded in response.

"Thank you." Anton said.

"You're welcome." Doug replied.

"We're not all the same, Anton," David reassured the giant. "I don't know what my brother did to you, but... That's not us."

Anton sharply exhaled to that. "You have no idea." he then said.

"Well, I'm glad that that's all settled." Jane remarked.

"I agree, Jane," Mother Superior nodded before she looked over as Leroy and Nova stood together. "Now, Sister Astrid, come with us. We have work to do as well as the dwarves."

Leroy sighed as he got ready to turn around and forget about having a relationship with Nova until something suddenly happened that was a bit shocking for everyone involved.

"No, Mother Superior." Nova suddenly said.

The other fairies gasped and put their hands to their mouths in concern at that.

"Excuse me, Sister Astrid... What did you just say to me?" Mother Superior asked as she sounded like she was trying very hard not to get angry, though she narrowed her eyes a bit.

"I'm sorry, Mother Superior, I know that I'm a fairy and that The Dark Curse turned us all into nuns, but I decided... I don't want to follow that path anymore," Nova soon told the woman who was in charge of her before she looked over at Leroy. "I choose Leroy... And Dee Dee."

"Leroy and Dee Dee?" Mother Superior asked. "But Nova... You know that you can't be together-"

"Because he's a dwarf and I'm a fairy and The Dark Curse separated us, but you did as well, but I decided that that doesn't matter to me anymore," Nova argued, trying to stay firm and assertive. "He's wonderful."

"She's beautiful." Leroy smiled a little.

"He's amazing," Nova added tenderly before she nodded her head at Mother Superior. "And we are going to take care of Dee Dee together."

Evie hid a small smile as she seemed to like the sound of that so far.

"...Very well, that's your choice," Mother Superior said softly. "I suppose you'll be moving in with him now?" she then guessed.

"Yes... And I don't want to be a nun anymore, I'm going to follow my true passion," Nova replied before looking at the short-haired woman in their group. "Mary Margaret, could I use you as a reference for applying to Storybrooke Elementary as the new arts & crafts teacher?"

"I most certainly can, Nova. And I'll have a word with Headmaster Goose for you too." Mary Margaret smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, Mary Margaret," Nova smiled back. "I shall be the new Fairy Craftsmother for the darling little children of Storybrooke Elementary."

"Way to go, Nova." Leroy whispered and smiled.

Mother Superior looked firm again before she then sighed. "Very well... If this is your final answer, then I suppose I can't stop you," she then said in defeat. "Good luck to you and your new life then, Sister Astrid."

"It's Nova now." Nova then said before she smiled and took Leroy's hand.

Leroy smiled back, gently squeezing her hand in his hand as it looked like they were finally going to be living happily ever after.

Soon, everybody met up with Anton at Granny's Diner to help get him settled into Storybrooke.

"This is Granny's," Kiara told Anton. "She makes a mean lasagna and runs an inn, so I'm sure we can set you up with a room until you find a place."

"Thanks, but I think I'll set up camp in the woods." Anton decided.

"The woods?" Doug asked. "Are you sure you wanna do that?"

"Yeah, I'm better off alone," Anton replied. "I'm not too good at fitting in."

"You're in the right place. Storybrooke's got all kinds; dwarves, fairies, werewolves, you name it," Leroy reassured before looking at the older waitress in Granny's Diner. "Ruby, beers all around."

Ruby nodded as she began to do just that.

"We all miss our land, Anton, but this is our home now and we're just trying to help our descendants get adjusted to it." Mary Margaret told Anton.

"You never think about going back?" Anton asked.

"Of course we do," Mary Margaret replied. "It's just not possible."

"We have no way to get there." David added.

Anton soon looked like he had an idea about something. "How's the farmland here?" he soon asked.

"Pretty good. Why?" David replied.

Anton soon removed a vial from his pocket. "The stem is from a beanstalk," he soon informed the others. "If I plant it, it should be able to grow some magic beans. And then you just may have a way."

"Well, I suppose there's only one way to find out," Doug suggested. "Where'd you get that stem?"

"My oldest brother Arlo gave it to me before he died like the rest of my brothers when Prince James and his lady friend Jack slaughtered my family." Anton explained.

"Jack from Jack & The Beanstalk is a chick?" Evie asked with wide eyes in shock before she narrowed her eyes a little. "...Nothing should really surprise me in this town anymore."

"Try my family on for size," Kiara remarked. "My life's a zoo!"

"Come on, Anton," Doug spoke up. "Let's go see if you can help us out or not, but I think you just might be able to."

"Thanks, kid." Anton replied hopefully.

Doug smiled as he felt good on the inside about that.

After visiting Granny's, Anton was soon examining a field as Mary Margaret, David, Ebony, Doug, Evie, and the dwarves were also there with him.

"Well, what's the verdict?" Doug asked the former giant.

"Soil's got a nice loamy feel. Lot of minerals. The beans should grow well here. Only one problem." Anton reported as the dwarves, except for Mr. Clark, filed in.

"What's that?" Evie asked the giant.

"Cora," Anton frowned. "This is why she brought me. She wanted me to grow beans. So whatever she plans to do with them... Can't be good."

"Then we won't let her get to them." Mary Margaret replied.

"No one touches our crop." Leroy added firmly.

"Your crop? I thought you guys were miners?" Anton replied.

"Work is work. It's what we do," Leroy remarked. "C'mon, Dougie. Time to go to work."

Doug hesitated a bit until Evie put her hand on his shoulder, making him look back at her as she nodded firmly. "Uh... A-A-Actually, Uncle Leroy... I've got something to tell you," he soon spoke up, nervous as his voice cracked a little from both nerves and puberty. "All of you." he then told the other dwarves in his family.

"What's the matter, Kitten?" Ebony asked Doug softly.

"You can tell us." Happy added.

"Well... Uh... Don't be mad, but..." Doug began to say before he took a deep breath in and slowly let it out so he could relax a little. "...I know that being a dwarf is part of my heritage, but... I don't wanna be a dwarf."

The others gasped suddenly.

"I know I'm the descendant of dwarves, but I wanna do other things, like join The Debate Team... Play in marching band... Maybe join the Math or Science Team and even go to a good college if I can help it," Doug said before he looked down. "I'll understand if you wanna disown me or something though. Especially since I had Uncle Stealthy's leftover pic-axe."

All of the dwarves looked at each other before looking back.

"...Actually, kid. That's perfectly okay with us." Leroy said.

"W-What?" Doug asked with wide eyes. "Really?"

Dopey smiled, giving his son two thumbs up in reassurance.

"If you didn't want to be a dwarf, you should've said something, dear," Ebony told her son. "I'm not working in the mines with your father and uncles all day, am I?"

"Well, no, but you're the cousin of Snow White... You're not a dwarf, Mother," Doug replied softly. "I just thought I had to do it."

"What does your friend Ben wanna do for the descendants in your school?" Ebony soon asked as a reminder.

"He wants us to follow our own paths and not do what our parents did if we don't want to and to give the villain kids a chance for a better life." Doug memorized.

"There ya go," Leroy said then. "You're still okay by us, but we'll be a little sad to see you go."

Doug sniffled a bit before he then decided to hug his father and uncles right away. Dopey was a bit emotional as he patted his son's back.

"...We'll be fine," Leroy said before he got out of the hug before he approached Anton. "I think we have someone better suited to help out anyway... So what do you say? You up for some help?" he then asked Anton as this seemed like a better job for him than Doug anyway.

"Okay." Anton nodded in response.

"Happy!" Leroy soon called out.

Happy then walked over and soon handed Tiny the pic-axe that Doug had been using for a while.

"Here. To help break up the earth." Leroy then told Anton.

Anton took the pic-axe and soon, a new name appeared on it for a more fitting name for him since he was now an honorary dwarf. "'Tiny'. My brothers used to call me that." he then said with a sad smile.

"Ax never lies." Leroy nodded.

"Wait a second. I did my time in the mines," David frowned. "How come I didn't get one of those?"

"'Cuz you ain't a dwarf," Leroy scoffed at him before he then rubbed Anton on the back. "Welcome aboard, brother. We'll catch ya later, Dougie."

"Catch ya later, Uncle Leroy." Doug nodded with a small smile.

Leroy then started whistling "Heigh-Ho" as he and the other dwarves along with Anton started breaking ground with their pic-axes.

Evie soon gently patted Doug on the back and she had a bit of a proud smile, causing him to look back at her. "Good job, Doug," she said with a nod. "That wasn't so bad, now was it?"

"It helped that I had good company to help me through it." Doug smiled back at her, blushing a little bit.

"Oh... You're so sweet~" Evie cooed a bit.

Doug chuckled bashfully before he snorted and cupped his face nervously.

Evie blinked before she smiled and giggled a little. "Why don't you come over sometime for pizza and a movie or two?" she then offered. "It can be like a little date."

"A little date..." Doug repeated quietly before he nodded nervously. "Uh, yeah. Sure... Sure, sounds good."

"I look forward to it." Evie smiled.

Doug smiled back hopefully as now he began to feel like he and Evie would live happily ever after together like Leroy and Nova. Mary Margaret and David also smiled at the two teenagers as this looked like a very nice moment for the two of them.

Meanwhile, Ben soon went down to Archie's office. He looked around before he knocked on the door and then flinched as the door suddenly swung open and he stepped out of the way before he could get hit by the door and he looked a bit surprised to see who was in the office before him with the living conscious that was Dr. Archie Hopper.

"Now, I want you to think about those strategies we talked about until we find who you're looking for and keep that temper in check, all right Scarlet?" Archie told the teenage girl.

"I guess shopping until I drop isn't the best physical exercise." Scarlet shrugged in response.

"No, it's not, and you probably shouldn't listen to Magda in school anymore. It seems as though Amalie hasn't." Archie advised.

"Fine..." Scarlet groaned before looking over to see Ben.

"Good girl... I'll see ya later, okay?" Archie then told the girl.

"Yes, sir." Scarlet grunted a bit before she soon walked away, glancing at Ben until she was out the door and outside.

"Ah, Ben. Good to see you," Archie greeted the brown-haired boy. "Why don't you come on in and sit in my office so we can get to know each other better, okay?"

"All right," Ben nodded in response as he soon stepped into Archie's office to go over what was troubling him lately. "Also, just so you know, I'm not crazy."

"I never said you were," Archie coaxed. "Therapy is very helpful and healthy for this day and age and not just for grown-ups. I can talk to teenagers too and I'll try to spare you from hashtags and Tweet talk if that helps."

"I would appreciate that, Dr. Hopper." Ben nodded before he groaned a bit about how most teenagers talked like that nowadays.

Archie then shut the door behind Ben so that they could talk in private. "All right, Ben, you sounded pretty mopey on the phone," he soon said as he sat across from the boy who sat down on the couch across from him. "So, what's on your mind? I heard you got to win King of The Jewel-Bilee in school last night."

"That's right... I did..." Ben replied softly, but he had a very noticeably sad smile on his face.

"Well, that sounds really nice for you," Archie replied until he looked at Ben's body language. "Though you don't look very excited about it."

"No, really, it's great." Ben said in a bit of a shaky voice.

"Ben... You know this is a safe place and you can talk to me about anything," Archie told the boy. "I see people here all the time and we go over any problem that could be troubling them, especially your father when he told me about your brother."

"He told you about Baelfire?" Ben asked then.

"Yes, but that's all I'm going to tell you about that session. This is all confidential," Archie replied. "Aren't you happy that you won King of The Jewel-Bilee and that Mal got to be your Queen? I understand you two have quite the feelings for each other."

"Yeah... We do... Or at least... We did..." Ben soon said, sounding soft before he reached out and hugged a pillow. "Maybe we did... I don't know anymore."

Archie's face dropped a little. "Did something happen?" he then asked softly.

"...It did." Ben admitted as he looked down at his feet a little.

"Something bad?" Archie guessed.

"Y-Yeah... I'm gonna need a minute... Sorry, Dr. Hopper." Ben replied softly.

"That's quite alright, Ben. Take all the time you need," Archie nodded. "Perhaps you could try to do a bit of deep breathing to relax your mind a little?"

"Deep breathing?" Ben repeated curiously.

"Yeah, you know... Take a deep breath in and then slowly let it out to put your mind at ease." Archie advised.

"No offense, Dr. Hopper, but I know how to breathe," Ben replied. "I've been doing it for 16 years."

"I understand... Just take your time, but try not to take too long," Archie suggested. "I usually have people in for an hour at a time, but if you truly need it, I can give you an extra hour, but no more than that. Does that sound okay, Ben?"

"Okay, Dr. Hopper... Sorry... I just have a lot going on right now in my head..." Ben said as he held his head. "I just feel like my whole world is crumbling down."

"Because your father is going after your brother?" Archie guessed, trying to understand.

"Because of Mal," Ben said as he looked over into Archie's eyes. "I've always admired her from afar, especially since I used to have this recurring dream where I had to help a girl with purple hair."

"Hmm... Interesting... Even though Mal didn't always have purple hair." Archie remarked with a nod.

"Yeah, that's true," Ben said before blushing. "She just seemed so... Interesting. Like she missed out on the chance of a good life. I've felt that deep inside myself ever since I first met her when we were kids in Storybrooke Elementary in Ms. Blanchard's class."

"Very interesting," Archie nodded as he took note of what Ben was saying to him. "And you never thought about maybe dating Evie? You two have been best friends for a long time, especially since how her mother often visited your father."

"No, I couldn't date Evie," Ben shivered as he suddenly looked disgusted. "Kissing Evie would feel like kissing my sister."

"I gotcha," Archie concluded. "So... Why don't you tell me about what's going on with Mal? Did you two have a fight or something?"

"It's sort of a long story, Dr. Hopper..." Ben said before he moved the pillow and was about to lie down. "Can I lie down on this couch?"

"If you need to, go right ahead. That's what it's there for," Archie reassured. "Just let it out whenever you're good and ready."

"Thank you..." Ben sighed sharply as he began to lie down. He soon began to do the deep breathing that Archie had recommended until he cleared his mind and he soon got ready to talk about what happened recently and why he came into the office today. "Well... It all started on our picnic before The Jewel-Bilee..." he soon began to tell the doctor what was going on and what was bothering him, especially since he couldn't rely on parental comfort to help him out of this situation.

Meanwhile, outside of Storybrooke, Emma, Rumple, Henry, and Dee Dee were sitting on their plane as Henry tried to comfort Dee Dee about going on the ride since she felt very nervous about this, but he luckily had a distraction to help occupy her mind and soothe her fears.

"You good, guys?" Emma asked as she checked on Henry and Dee Dee.

"I guess I'll be okay as long as Henry and Ernst are here." Dee Dee said as she took out her nutcracker doll.

Emma smiled, a little endeared at that.

"You kidding? A trip with you and my best friend, first plane ride, and we're going on a quest like in the book. The only thing that could make this day better... Is more frosting." Henry soon replied to Emma as he ate baked goods with Dee Dee, showing a box they got from Cinnabon's at the airport.

Emma smiled before she walked over and sat with Rumple, noticing that he seemed a bit jumpy. "It's gonna be all right. We're gonna find your son." she then soothed him.

"I know." Rumple replied, though he looked more nervous than ever.

"Welcome, folks, to Ajira Airlines regional flight 53, with nonstop service to New York City," A woman's voice on the PA soon said. "Our flight time tonight is 42 minutes. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride."

And so, the four braced themselves for a brand new adventure outside of Storybrooke that would probably change their lives forever.


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