Chapter 3: We Are Both

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One day in Storybrooke, during Emma, Evie, and Mary Margaret's absence, the people were gathering around. They couldn't go to school or work for a while due to the Wraith attacking their town. The people and descendants of Storybrooke were trying to regain order after the breaking of the curse and the Wraith attack and there were even some townspeople gathered in front of a wall of missing people. Granny's Diner was also temporarily closed which meant that Ruby and Kiara were also there together to help those in need as Jane was with Mother Superior and the other nuns who were her family.

"My boy," Marco frowned in despair as he put up a picture of Pinocchio. "My poor boy."

"If you are looking for a family member, come to the front table. If you need counseling, Dr. Hopper has a sign-up sheet!" Ruby called out to the scattering townspeople.

"If the Wraith damaged your house, there are cots at the school and we don't have a lot of food from Granny's Diner, but we also have boxes with sandwiches, chips, and fruit cups with water bottles!" Kiara then added as Archie held out a clipboard with his sign-up sheet that Ruby had talked about.

"Mother Superior, are you okay?" Jane asked the woman as calmly as she could.

"This is getting out of hand. People are in a panic," Mother Superior told her with a small frown. "They don't know what to do."

"I don't know what I would be able to do either in this situation other than counting my blessings." Jane replied.

"You're a good girl, Jane," Mother Superior said softly before hugging Jane, lightly patting her on the back. "I appreciate your help very much, especially to your friend Carlos."

"Yes..." Jane nodded and blushed a little at the mention of Carlos.

"It's okay. It'll be fine. We just need everyone to remain calm," Ruby said as she approached the panicking duo. "I have a feeling our prince is working on something right now."

"I sure hope so." Jane nodded.

"I'll be your prince," Chad proclaimed as he grinned and flexed his arm to impress Jane or any other girls involved. "I could probably take a fire-breathing dragon with both hands tied behind my back and have a victory selfie to go with my victory."

Jane rolled her eyes slightly while other girls sighed dreamily and hopefully. "I think that Ruby could be right," she then said. "Mr. Nolan is going to help us all and we'll find a way through this."

"Yes... We just all have to hold onto hope," Kiara added. "I have a lot of hope from growing up with you and Granny, Ruby."

"Just hold onto that as long as you can, Kiki, and maybe we can all get through this." Ruby smiled as she put her arm around Kiara.

Kiara smiled back as she tried to help out too.

"Oh, Piper, I just hope this chaos doesn't last too long," Melody pouted as she stood with the boy she had grown to really like after having her heart broken by who she thought would be her true love. "My birthday's coming up, you know."

"Yes, yes, I remember," Piper nodded shyly. "Your big 16th birthday party and you can be all grown up. Just like the rest of us."

"Yes..." Melody blushed in response. "...You're coming to my party, right?"

"Well, yes, of course I am, though you'll probably have to wait to celebrate it due to the town being shook up," Piper then told her. "But you can guarantee that I will definitely be there."

"Oh, thank you, Piper," Melody beamed. "You can also meet Sebastian."

"Uh... Who's that?" Piper then asked.

The Modern Fairy Tale Town Book 2: The Price of MagicWhere stories live. Discover now