Chapter 18: Ways to be Wicked

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Today was going to be an interesting day in Storybrooke. That night was going to be a very special party in the high school as well as The Red Shoes' Dance School going to have their very first recital after practicing for a while with each other. Dee Dee was a bit nervous, but she felt comfortable enough to dance with her friends in the class and especially with Ms. Odette as her teacher who was the same Odette from Swan Lake who was also known as The Swan Princess or The Swan Queen as she was known as nowadays. Also today however was going to be a special day for Ben and Mal as both were in high anticipation over it and they hoped that it would be a lot of fun, especially before the big school party which was going to be a party unlike any other. However, before Ben and Mal would have their picnic together, Ben was asked to see his father for an emergency at the shop while Mal would get the food ready for their date before the big party later that night.

"You wanted to see me early, Dad?" Ben asked as he went to his father, going into the shop as he yawned a little.

"Yes, I did, Benjamin," Rumple nodded. "I know last night was a big night for everybody, especially since you had a sleepover with young Jay and Carlos while Mal was with young Jane, Audrey, and Lonnie."

"Oh, no doubt... Especially since Mal and I made plans for this afternoon before the big school party." Ben replied.

"The Jewel-Bilee." Rumple memorized about what the school's new tradition was going to be after The Dark Curse had broke and the descendants of Storybrooke would learn about their new lives and destinies as fairy tale descendants.

"Yeah... Apparently you're supposed to give me a jewel for before the party." Ben then reminded.

"Patience about that..." Rumple nodded before he took out the globe that Cora brought to him last night.

"I didn't know you had a globe in your shop?" Ben remarked.

"It's actually rather brand new," Rumple explained. "Cora gave me this last night after... Receiving some payment."

"Cora? You mean Evie's grandmother?" Ben asked.

"Yes, The Queen of Hearts and I share an... Interesting past with each other." Rumple replied, trying not to say too much to gross his teenage son out.

"I'll take your word for it," Ben replied. "So what's with the globe? Are you trying to prove that the world is not flat?"

"Very funny," Rumple sent his son a look as he tried to smirk after that weak joke. "No, apparently this globe can help me look for Baelfire."

"My brother..." Ben realized.

"Precisely," Rumple nodded. "It just needs a little drop of blood and I should be able to track your brother down."

"You mean, you're still going? Even after what happened to Mom?" Ben asked softly.

"Yes... I have to find him... Now wish me luck that this works." Rumple replied.

"Good luck, Dad." Ben nodded.

"Thank you, Benjamin," Rumple nodded as well before he soon took a deep breath, then pricked his finger on the globe, causing his blood to drop on the white surface. The globe began to glow and after a while, a global map appeared. The state of New York was dyed in a darker shade, revealing the location of his other son. "Bae..." he then whispered in realization.

"He's in New York," Ben realized with wide eyes. "That's pretty far away from Maine."

"Oh, yes, indeed," Rumple replied. "It'll be quite a long journey and Miss Swan owes me a favor."

"So... Are we going to New York?" Ben then asked.

"Correction: Miss Swan and I are going to New York and you are going to stay here." Rumple clarified to his teenage son.

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