Chapter 1: Out of the Past

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A grand castle was soon shown deep within the forest known as Misthaven which was often called "The Enchanted Forest" for some people, but you already knew about that from the last story. Right now, you must see what was happening to bring out a certain monster into Storybrooke in the first place that starts a brand new adventure in the newer story in this saga of "The Modern Fairy Tale Town" with the citizens of Storybrooke and its descendants and the story starts here in this palace before we see a girl who was sound asleep inside of a rather large pink bed with a very pink room that even included a fireplace. She had long brown hair and light brown hair and seemed to be smiling at the dream she was having before she would be woken up today. However, just outside, a large group of people, from all near and far to come to the palace on a special day like today.

You see, long ago lived a king and his queen after the former king stepped down from the throne who was the current queen's father. King Stefan and Queen Briar Rose ruled over long ago and soon, King Stefan and Queen Briar Rose had a child which they had named Aurora after the dawn for she filled their lives with sunshine. Aurora was then betrothed to King Hubert and the late Queen Ingrith from the land of Ulstead to their son, Prince Phillip. Phillip and Aurora were soon married and after their adventures together they soon had their own child as well they had named Princess Audrey Rose to give her "noble strength" for when she would become a Queen when she got older and right now today was a very special day for the young princess who was very different from her parents personality-wise. You will see what I mean very soon.

"Joyfully now to our princess we come, Bringing gifts and all good wishes too, We pledge our loyalty anew, Hail to the princess Audrey!~" The people began to sing as they came to join the princess on the anniversary of her birth like they did for her christening which was a royal family tradition. "All of her subjects adore her! Hail to the King! Hail to the Queen! Hail to the princess Audrey! Health to the princess, Wealth to the princess, Long live the princess Audrey! Hail Audrey! Hail Audrey! Health to the princess, Wealth to the princess, Long live the princess Audrey! Hail to the King! Hail to the Queen! Hail to the princess Audrey!~"

Thus on this great and joyous day did all the kingdom celebrate the long-awaited royal birthday as many people knew how important a girl's 16th birthday was, especially for a princess. However, as the people came to meet up, there was a light knocking on the door. Three women, dressed in red, green, and blue, stood there, waiting for an answer, but didn't get one, so the three women soon came inside of the room as Princess Audrey was still sound asleep. They were Audrey's guardians and protectors: Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. They had a special secret they kept hidden from Audrey her whole life until they thought she would be ready to learn more about her parents and how they met and other family secrets.

"Good morning, Your Highness." The red woman said as she entered the room with the green and blue women before they soon curtsied to her.

Audrey soon sat up and yawned before looking at the three woman, gasping a little in surprise, but still smiled at them. They wore red, green, and blue dresses. The one in red was named Flora, the one in green was named Fauna, and finally, the one in blue was named Merryweather.

"Good morning, Your Highness." The blue and green women added as they curtsied on both sides of the red woman.

"Happy Birthday, my dear child." The red woman then added before she stood up with the other two women who smiled at her.

"...Yes, it is my birthday..." Audrey realized with a small smile.

"Not just any birthday, Princess Audrey," Merryweather spoke up. "It's your 16th birthday which means very soon, you shall meet and get to know your future husband."

The Modern Fairy Tale Town Book 2: The Price of MagicWhere stories live. Discover now