unexpected - dwt x female oc.

By dsmpp_random

830 54 0

~~ š”¦š”« š”“š”„š”¦š” š”„ Brielle and Clay were attached at the hip throughout their relationship, but when the hig... More

~ c h a r a c t e r s ~


63 4 0
By dsmpp_random



Nick 🐼

We need to talk

Nick 🐼
Everything good?

It's not about you
Are you at the house rn?

Nick 🐼
Yeah do you need something

Yeah I need you to cancel any plans you had
tonight. We are having guests over for dinner

Nick 🐼
I was going to stream valo with punz but I
guess I could cancel

Who's coming over

Wait is it Brielle?

Weren't you going to see her today?

Ill be home soon to explain cause its a lot
to take in


"You have what now" nick was in complete shock

"We were 17 nick"

"And what she has just been raising them by herself. Why did you never tell me"

"Not even I knew about them until today or well technically last night but I didn't know it was true until today" I answered "I just promised Brielle that I would tell you before she got here. She said it would be awkward if I didn't tell you about the girls"

"No shit Sherlock. Do you really think i'm not going to question two toddlers with your ex girlfriend"

"Shut up"

"What are their names" he asked

"Makenzie and Makayla. They are identical twins and trust me they look just like me if I had long hair and was a toddler"

"oh um also I'm taking care of the girls tomorrow since Brielle said they only go to school on certain days and they would normally go to daycare while she was at work but I offered to take care of them"

"I had stream plans with Karl and George but I guess I could tell them that something came up if you want me to help with tomorrow"

"No no I should be fine. I'm thinking of maybe taking them out for lunch and everything"

"Are you sure cause I'm not even sure if I want to stream tomorrow or not so it will give me an excuse"

"It's up to you then-"  the door bell rang

"That's them. Oh and um she doesn't know about the whole streaming thing yet but I'm telling her tonight so don't talk about it" I said partly yelling as I walked to the door

"K" nick replied

"Hey" she said with one girl in her arms and one girl standing holding her hand

"Hi" I moved out of the way to allow them in


Makenzie and Makayla were surprisingly shy. They are normally the type of kids who went up to everyone and everything. But this time they are both clenched on to Brielle for their life

"Nick, Brielle. Brielle, Nick"

"Makayla, Makenzie this is my friend Nick" clay said pointing at nick. Brielle put Makenzie down from being tired of carrying her for so long

"guess what girls. do you to like cats" clay said trying to loosen the awkwardness. they both quickly looked at him with a small excited tone

"I have one. her name is patches. do you want to help me find her" the girls both looked at Brielle

"you two love cats" Brielle told the girls but they still didn't let go

"i'm guessing you wont go unless I go" they both slightly nodded which made nick laugh quietly enough nobody heard

"fine lets go" she said leaving the kitchen/front hallway and following Clay with two girls wrapped on her leg like little pandas

they ended up finding patches in her cat tree fast asleep in a smaller but still larger than normal living room

"how long have you had her" Brielle asked clay as the girls pet the sleeping cat

"about two and a half years now" he responded

"we used to take care of my moms friend's cat when we lived in New York and the girls loved treating him like their baby because he was old and didn't care what you did to him. he would just sit there as long as you were petting him" Brielle smiled remembering the cat

"that's the opposite of her. well she likes being pet but she's is not really fond of being held for long periods of time" Clay said

"okay well I think its time we get everything ready to start making the pizzas girls" Brielle said after a couple seconds of just them watching the girls pet the cat

"but mommy I want to keep petting the kitty" Makayla said

"maybe later. lets go wash your hands"

"there's a bathroom right across the kitchen Nick can show you where. ill be right there i just need to call someone quickly" Clay says walking out of the room

"is everything okay" she said following him out

"yeah everything's good. don't worry it wont be long"

"so pip-squeak, are you still trash at video games" Brielle joked knowing he hated being called that

"you know I should of never talked to you those TWO times you actually had the headphones on while we were in a call"

"It was more than two times, you just were never told about the secret times I was listening in"

"now your just lying"

"mhm sure pip-squeak"

"fu-" he started but got interrupted

"hey children are in hearing distance so shush it. I know its a challenge for you but those kids replete everything. my father once slipped up and they started saying 'shit' for a whole month until they finally listened to me when I told them not to. that was bad enough"

"you're starting to sound like awfully like someone I know. he refuses to swear to anyone"

"good you can learn something from him then-"

"hey sorry about that, I was just helping a friend and i also stopped in the garage to grab some extra stuff if we needed it. what can who learn something from"

"she's acting like bad" nick said and Brielle looked at him confused

"she was bulling me and I was about to say something but she pulled a language card on me so I was saying she sounded like bad"

"your friends name is bad?"

"not actually. that's just what he goes by when we talk to him and nick you shouldn't be saying that stuff in front of the kids"

"to be fair they were in the washroom still cleaning their hands"


"yes yes i'm sorry Brielle for almost swearing. it was not appropriate but was well deserved" Clay looked at him quickly

"look I compromised I apologized for the situation but she called me pip-squeak so if she would of let me finished it would of been well deserved" Nick defended himself

"hey and plus you never told me that she was in on more conversations than I knew about"

"chill out it was never brought up"

"man you two have never changed. it feels like its still the dumb arguments and conversations you two had back in high school" Brielle laughed at the nostalgia

"mommy i'm hungry" Makenzie whispered from below Brielle acting too shy to talk fully

"you two are going to help make the pizza. okay?" she said putting them both on a different seat at the kitchen island so they can help

"here you two take this quickly" he said whispering to the girls and heading them a handful of flour. Brielle was distracted because she had just put all the pizzas into the oven to start cooking and had her back to them

"throw it at mommy while she's not looking" he had a devious smile on his face and the girls both smiled as well

"what at you two smiling abou-" just as she was about to finish talking, she got a face full of flour. Nick, Clay, and the girls all started laughing their heads off

"oh you guys are so on"  Brielle grabbed the flour.. poured some on her hands but didn't have time to throw it at them because all of them were already running away from her knowing this could get messy

they all ran into a room that just happens to also have a lock on the door and quickly shut it behind them locking Brielle and with all the flour outside of the room

"you guys cant sit in there forever" she knew the girls were hungry and they wouldn't sit in there for long if they knew food was just outside that door and at this point she wasn't even going to go after the girls. she just wanted to get the person she knew told the girls to do that. she knew she had to go after clay for payback

Brielle knew exactly how to get Makenzie and Makayla out "Makayla! Makenzie! first one to come out gets an extra dessert tonight"

is it right to bribe them like that? no.

is it fair to them? no.

will i stick to my word about extra dessert? probably not and they will probably get the same amount just to save me from future fights

will it get them out so i can get payback on clay for telling them to do that? yes and it works.

they both run out.

which also gave me the perfect opportunity to get Clay back. before they could close the door I quickly stopped it with my foot and threw all the flour onto him.

"thats what you get. don't ever think of doing that again" she told the boy with a face full of flour. although she didn't like how he told the girls to do that, she still thought it was funny and couldn't help but smile a little.

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