Inhuman Love

By daisyjohnsons_gf

9.5K 334 50

On a typical Saturday Leah decides to go to a grocery store. Fun, right? But if she would've known how this c... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14

Part 11

495 19 3
By daisyjohnsons_gf

"Wake up! You have to come with us, quick," somebody yells behind my door. God damn, let the girl rest for once. Then the door opens and I hear someone come in.

I open my eyes to see Bobbi and Daisy hovering over my bed, trying to get me up. Still half-asleep, I push myself up from bed.

"What's going on?"

Daisy hands me a pile of clothes. "We need you for something. Get dressed. We leave in 5." Who's going to tell her that was the most unhelpful crap ever?

Nonetheless, I take the clothes and hurry to the bathroom to get changed. There're not clothes from my own pile but whatever.

Daisy and Bobbi are already waiting for me outside my room. I throw my previous set of clothes on the bed and follow them.

We sprint through a bunch of hallways, as always, until we get to some weird sealed doors. Bobbi swipes a card or something and the doors open.


There's a massive garage-like hall, filled with all kinds of different planes and machines. And in the middle of it all, a huge-ass aircraft. Like. Very big.

Suddenly, Daisy yanks me forward by my hand. "We don't have time, come on."

We get on the big plane. It really is massive. This would be an amazing place to play hide-and-seek at.

Daisy lets my hand go, but keeps walking. I should follow her then, I guess? We get to an area with lots of screens and people. Bobbi and Mackenzie are there, and so is Coulson. Or director Coulson, I suppose.

He notices us right away. "Great, you took your time." Sarcasm. My specialty. Then he waves to the pilot, who nods and turns towards all these cool switches and levers he's got there. Probably to take off.

"Hey, don't blame it on me, she's the slow one," Daisy gestures to me. Bitch.

Director Coulson then turns to me. "I apologize for dragging you along with this so suddenly, but it seemed like the best option at the time. You might want to sit down," he adds as the plane shakes a little and I have to grab the railing to keep my balance.

"I'm good, thanks," I mumble. If they're standing, so am I. "What is "this", if I may know?" I ask with a little louder tone.

"There's been an accident and people are hurt. We need your powers." What am I, a Power Ranger?

After around 20 minutes we land. 10/10 flying experience. This flight was so smooth. I wouldn't even notice I'm on a plane if I didn't know. Except I almost fell over once. But that didn't happen.

As we prepare to get off, director Coulson hands me a bulletproof vest and an earpiece. I take them from him, a bit confused with the first. He must've noticed, because he says: "Just in case. The threat is still running free in the building. You're here to help the hurt, we're here to make sure there will be no more hurt."

I nod and put the vest on. Although I can use my powers to heal myself, I should save the energy for helping others.

Daisy walks up to me while loading a small handgun. Okay, no. I do not have a good feeling about any of this.

"Ready, Miller? You have to stay close to me. Don't worry, it's not as dangerous as it looks." She gives me a quick reassuring smile.

Did she just call me by my last name? "I'm not scared," I defend myself.

"Yeah, sure, that's also what your face says."

I roll my eyes as the airlock of the plane opens. A bunch of agents dressed in all black run towards a 15-story building. Yeah, not dangerous at all. We follow up after them, me running as close to Daisy as possible. What happened here? And why is S.H.I.E.L.D. dealing with that instead of basic police?

We get to the entrance of the building and chills run down my spine. The place is totally destroyed, broken shit everywhere.

"Careful," Daisy grabs me by my waist as I trip over something. Right as she's about to add something else, I notice a body lying under a broken table. I run over and lift the plastic pieces off of the girl. I don't even know if she's alive.

Daisy places two fingers on her neck, checking for pulse. It's there. I kneel down and go over the girl's body for any injuries. She has a lot of minor cuts and a fractured shinbone. Nothing too bad. I do the best I can with the fracture, then turn to Daisy.

"I can wake her up, but what happens then? Does she just run out of the building? Will some-"

"Do it. I'll walk her out to safety, you wait here until I come back. If anything happens, let me know."

The girl wakes up and they go towards the entrance, Daisy explaining something to the girl. I cautiously look around for more injured.

"There's a hostage situation on the 5th floor. I count around 50 hostages and at least 6 men, unarmed," a man says through the earpiece. "But two of them have shown signs of Inhuman powers."

Inhumans. Of course. That's why S.H.I.E.L.D.

I would ask him about their powers, but I wasn't given any instructions about how this stupid radio thing works. I was just dragged along at the last moment, no preparations. At least I got an earpiece.

All of a sudden, there's a deafening static sound transferring from the radio. What the hell does that mean?

The noise is too much. I pull the thing out of my ear and push it into my pocket. I'd rather not lose some super expensive high-tech and get yelled at. Now what? I just stay here until some fuckers come and kill me?

Fuck that. I need to help the hostages. What's taking so long, Daisy?

I rush through the floor, looking for stairs. Once up on the 5th floor, I start to doubt the plan. Well, the fact that I don't have one. I don't think it was the best idea, coming here all by myself.

I hide behind a corner, away from anyone's view. Unless someone decides to use the stairs.

Realistically, I'm screwed. I have no idea of this floor's layout. Where are the Inhumans, where the hostages. I don't know anything about these men, what they can do, how many of them actually are here.

I'm distracted from my thoughts as a door just around the corner is slammed shut. A pair of boots come to my vision first, then a tall muscular man. We're about 8 feet apart and I hope he doesn't notice me. Yet, he turns right towards me. Underestimating peripheral vision- one of my best talents.

"Well, who do we have here. I thought-" Before he can say another word, I move my hand in a quick motion, draining his strength as fast as possible. It's harder to use my powers on other Inhumans, doesn't seem to be as effective on them. Still, seems to work this time. The man loses his consciousness and falls on the ground. There's no way no one heard that.

I rush to the man and try to pull him out of sight, but he is too heavy. No point in wasting my strength on that. It already took a lot of energy to knock him out, got to save the rest for others.

As I suspected, someone heard. I can hear a pair of boots hurrying towards me. I leave the man and face the hallway.

"Who's there?" a deep voice asks me. It's not coming from far, I bet he stopped right before the hallway I'm standing in. Learning from me, smart.

"Your aunt Bessy. Brought you cookies."

The man comes out, both hands stretched out in front of him. "Put your hands up and come with me. If you do so, I won't harm you." He looks threatening, but I am not going to let fear settle in now.

"Oh, and what will you do? Is lava going to burst out of your palms or something?"

"You have no idea what I'm capable of."

"Said by every villain in every fantasy movie ever." I swiftly turn my palm to face him and do just enough for him to lose his balance. "Where are the hostages?" I crouch down by him.

The man looks a little surprised but not scared. "You're one of us, eh? What're you attacking us for? We have to help each other."

"I have to help you? With what? While you take innocent people hostage?"

"Nobody's innocent. Plus, these people hate our kind. Why are you defending them? We have to show them what we are capable of. That's how we earn our power over them."

"You're the reason they fear us. Now, enough of your crap. Tell me, where are the hostages."

"Gladly." The man smiles in the most disgusting way I've ever seen anyone smile. Then, I feel sudden sharp pain on the left side of my face. The man's hand is on my cheek, and the touch is burning me. His touch burns. Good to know.

I pull away from him as fast as I can, but he's faster. He pulls me back by grabbing my wrist, which hurts even worse. I don't want to knock him out just yet, but he isn't giving me much of a choice.

He reaches out to my face again and this time firmly presses his palm on my face. I scream in pain, feeling flames crawl under my skin. Pulling together everything I have left, I manage to beat his ass. Right as his grip loosens, I back away as far as I can.

My face is very painful to touch, so I leave it alone. Healing it right now would take away too much energy. The fabric covering my hand has melted into my wrist. Best not to touch that right now either. I sit on the ground for a couple of minutes, catching my breath. 2 down, 4 or possibly more to go.

Where is everyone? I could use some help.

I finally decide to get up and move on. If no one can help me, I'll do it alone. I'm better than them anyway.

The whole floor is quiet, not a soul around. I wonder, where could they lock 50 hostages. And how did we even find out about that? It's not like we got x-ray glasses for shit like that. Or.. do we? Honestly, wouldn't be surprised.

Oh shit. As I'm about to take a turn to the next hallway, I almost stumble and fall over an unconscious body. The whole place is filled with them. It's S.H.I.E.L.D. I lower myself down, checking for pulse on the man. There is a faint one. Though, if he gets enough rest and right meds, he'll be up in a day or two. So they all should. In theory. He doesn't seem to have any injuries.

I make a decision to wake him up. Maybe he can help me.

It takes about 5 minutes before he wakes up. I gesture him to be quiet, but he isn't going to be, is he?

"What's going on?" he asks, confusion plastered all over his face.

"I don't know, don't ask me. You and your buddies here were knocked out when I found you. I woke you up, but I can't do it for the others. What happened to you?"

He shakes his head. "I don't know. We were taken down by an invisible force. There was nobody in sight. Everything was fine with the air too." Fricking witchcraft.

"Alright, well, I've taken down 2 of them, and you said you saw 6?"

He seems to make sense of the situation now. "Yes, ma'am," he nods.

"We better get going then. I didn't see anyone on the way here, do you know where-"

"They're all in there," he interrupts me, pointing at a door about 20 feet away from us. "That's where we saw them."

Yeah, must be x-ray glasses.

"Nothing from communication?" he asks me after a second.

I shake my head. "No. It's like something's blocking the signal. Or something."

"We should go back and regroup. We can't do it all alone."

"What? No. We can do it. I already fought 2 of them and won. Come on," I try to change his mind. If I take a step out of here I am not coming back.

He looks at me, deciding. Finally, he nods. "Alright."

He stands up and offers me a hand. What a gentleman. I take it, but lose balance and lean on the wall. Damn it. Didn't think it was going to be that bad. I need to learn to keep my strength better. My eyesight gets blurry and I lose sense of my surroundings.

"You okay?" a distant voice asks me.

I can feel the wall again. Thank god. I nod. "Yeah, a bit out of energy. I'll be fine."

"What happened to your face? And the hand?"

"One of the fucks barbequed me. I won though."

"I can see that. Hold on. Weren't you supposed to be with agent Johnson?"

Oh, right. "Yes. I don't know where she is. We'll find her later."

The man looks at me hesitantly, but let's it go. We sneak towards the door as quietly as possible. He looks at me for a second, as if asking for confirmation. Unsure of what to do, I just nod. Apparently, it's enough. My partner, because we are partners now, opens the door and we barge in.

Oh god.

The sight is awful. There are a lot of civilians here, some of them slightly injured, some more than slightly. A couple of people have passed out. Every single person has a terrified look on their face.

I don't have time to scan the room anymore as a strong force pushes me down. I jump up, ready to fight back. My partner shoots the man responsible in the arm. As the man's about to attack again I strike him with my own force. 3 down. And I'm feeling a lot dizzier than I should.

I frantically look around, but there's no one else here. They must've left, but I'm sure they're still somewhere in the building. I kneel down to an injured woman. At first, she pulls away from me, but then gives in.

"She's with us, don't worry. You're all safe now," my partner assures them.

A man from the back stands up, fear reflecting from his dark eyes. "She's one of them! You can't trust her!"

"We just saved your life. Can't you be a bit more respectful, please?" I ask the man, annoyed. Who does he think he is?

He seems startled by my voice and sits down again. I turn my attention back to the woman. She has multiple cuts and bruises on her face. I gently swipe my fingertips over them and the injuries fade out. The woman smiles at me gratefully.

"We need to get them out of here. You can do that later," my partner speaks up. Right.

I walk up to the unconscious people. "Should I wake them? Or can we carry them?"

"I think it would be easier if you woke them up. But you may not be in a good enough state for that."

I ignore the second part and do it. They become conscious quite fast, but it's too much for myself. I sit down to prevent fainting. This is not a good time for this.

A couple of people look at me with concern, but I choose to ignore them. Unimportant.

What's important, is how are we going to sneak out of this building with 50 people?

"We should take them down in small groups. It's easier that way," my partner says. He better not be reading my thoughts. "One of us should stay here." We all know who that's going to be.

"Good idea. I'd go but.. I can barely stand. I'm more helpful here."

He nods and takes out a small handgun. "You shouldn't use your powers anymore. We need you to stay awake."

"Thanks. I'll try." I take the gun from him.

"You know how to use it, right?"


After a quick demonstration I get the hang of it. Sort of. I guess. Hope for the best.

When they've left I get into a small conversation with a young man. He tells me what happened before we got here. Then a woman interrupts him. "Your nose is bleeding. Like, heavily," she tells me. Crap. That's not good.

I shrug it off, not wanting to cause any panic. I'll be fine enough to shoot anyone coming through that door. "It happens. Nothing major," I tell her.

She's about to reply, but at the same time we hear loud footsteps right outside the door.


A/N: kind of a long one and I wrote it in the middle of the night so i hope there aren't too many mistakes. I struggled a lot with the commas bc the rules are different in English from my native language. I really hope y'all still enjoyed it:))

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