Back to the Way I Was

By IsaaacR

2.1K 55 27

After the incident with Annabeth that caused her death, Percy shut himself out of the world for six years. Af... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 15

60 2 1
By IsaaacR

Back in the hotel, the others were already asleep after a tiring day. Tomorrow, they were heading back to Manhattan to prepare for a war against the ultimate anti-Chaos deity, End (which also happens to be her brother).

Percy stayed awake and was sitting on the railing of the balcony. After the success of their plans, Artemis had informed them that Manhattan had been evacuated and there were almost no one else here, thanks to Hermes for helping with mortal transport. Camp Half-Blood is preparing for war while Camp Jupiter is on their way to Manhattan with the whole legion.

For a dude who's been in two major wars in Greek history, Percy can't believe he was being nervous. Then again, it was a battle against the brother of the deity that created the universe.

Percy stared at his hand. He'd fought against Kronos, and put Gaia back to sleep. He faced Nyx and Tartarus, learned the ways of Egyptian and Norse and also dragons. He was Chaos's student and received both Chaos's and End's blessings. He may sound powerful, but in truth he was still a demigod. Even though Percy was immortal, thanks to the involuntary help of Chaos, he didn't feel like it. He felt like even the scratch of even one blade was enough to kill him.

"I'm getting old for this shit," Percy mused to himself silently. If he remembered correctly, he's now thirty two of age. Unlike when he was younger, he was more powerful. Now, the age was draining him. Even if he was immortal, that didn't seem to stop from the back pain. His friends were finally settling down, like Jason and Piper. They're engaged and with luck, they can get married after this war. Percy hoped that it will happen, he surely did.

Then, he thought about his life with Thalia. He'd known her since he was thirteen, ever since he helped her recover from being a pine tree with the Golden Fleece. They've been through so much together, even if it wasn't very long. Thalia had been like a sister to Percy at the early stages of their friendship. After Annabeth's death and Percy's disappearance for five years, he had thought about Thalia. Then his feelings became more developed when they were training with Chaos. He figured that he'll settle down with Thalia after this, but he couldn't be too sure.

But his mind went to Annabeth's words when Percy told Annabeth to take care in Elysium. She said it wouldn't be possible. Did that meant the judges were putting her to Asphodel? If that was the case, Percy was seriously going to be pissed. Annabeth was a hero and deserved Elysium more than anyone. If Elysium had an exclusive membership, Annabeth should get one, because that was how special she was.

Then again, she would be in Elysium. Hades would make sure of that, since she'd helped his children, Nico and Bianca. Whatever the case was, he was going to deal with it sooner or later.

"Can't sleep, Perseus?" A soft female voice said next to him. Knowing his life, whoever called him by his full name were either monsters, gods or his mother when she's really annoyed. Judging from the warm and comfort aura, he guessed it was Hestia.

"Lady Hestia," Percy bowed slightly. Hestia smiled at him. "What can I be of service?"

"I just need someone to talk to," Hestia said. "It's been a while since I had a good chat with anyone."

Percy smiled back at her. "Good night tonight" Hestia waved her hand and two reclining chairs materialized themselves next to Percy and Hestia respectively.

"Please, sit," Hestia invited. Percy sat down and the chair felt very comfortable. "How are you doing, Perseus?"

"I think I'm doing alright," Percy said casually. "I mean, we just infiltrated the White House and barely escaped with our lives. But other than that, everything's good."

Hestia chuckled. "You never fail to amuse me, Perseus. How's your sister doing?"

"She's doing well," Percy said, looking at his sister who was sleeping peacefully inside, even with Nico snoring his ass off on the couch. "I feel bad though, leaving her for those years,"

"She understands your reason," Hestia said. "I believe Athena had once warned you, that your fatal flaw is dangerous."

"The way I recalled it, she singed all my hair," Percy grumbled. Again, Hestia chuckled.

"Olympus relies on you, Percy, more than you know it. This has been the first time that Zeus hopes you will not fail." Hestia explained. "The fate of the world relies on your shoulder."

"Gee, didn't seem much of a pressure until you put it that way," Percy muttered.

Hestia smiled. "I'm not trying to put pressure on you. I just wanted you to know what you will be fighting for and who will be on your side. Just like you back up Olympus, Olympus will back you up."

"Thanks, Lady Hestia," Percy said.

"Before I leave," Hestia stood up. "I have something for you." She snapped her fingers and a red ring appeared and shaped itself around Percy's finger.

"Uh, what is this?"

"Consider it a gift for when the war is over," Hestia said. "When the time is right, it will lead you to the answer to one of your questions."

"Can I ask which question?"

Hestia smiled. "I wish you the best of luck, Perseus," She said before disappearing in a pillar of flames.

That was interesting, Percy thought.

Line Break

That morning, the news was already up for people infiltrating the White House and people evacuating Manhattan. For whatever odd reason, the President didn't make a single effort of stopping this. The media just classified this as a weird event.

After everyone's finished preparing, Percy and the others gathered on the rooftop of the hotel, where it was spacious and was meant for sunbathing.

"We're gonna need a transport to Manhattan, and the trains wouldn't work since everyone's evacuating." Reyna explained. "Any plans?"

"I got a ride," Jason said. "But it'll only fit me and Piper,"

"I can bring all of you, but not in a long distance like from Washington to Manhattan," Nico said. "But I can bring one person with me though,"

"Well," Percy said. He did his best taxicab whistle, followed by Jason. From the clouds, Blackjack descended from the skies and landed on the roof. The horse neighed at Percy as he nuzzled him. "I missed you too, buddy," Percy turned to Lucia. "You're riding him,"

"Wait, what about you?" Lucia said. "I don't have a problem with pegasi, but shouldn't you ride it?"

"Nah, it's fine," Percy said. "Thalia and I have a way,"

After everything was set, everybody was leaving one by one. "No detours you two," Jason winked as he rode Tempest to the horizon. After everyone had left, Percy smiled at Thalia.

"What?" Thalia demanded.

"Nothing," Percy shrugged. Thalia knew he sent Blackjack with Lucia because Thalia was still afraid of heights, unless Percy was flying with her. Percy wrapped his arms around Thalia and sprouted his wing and flew. Thalia yelped, but she didn't scream.

"Could've give me some kind of warning, you know," Thalia grumbled.

"That wouldn't be any fun now would it?"

"I hate you,"

"That actually hurts," Percy said with mock disappointment. "I love you too, by the way,"

Thalia held on close to Percy as they soared in the skies, as if Percy was the only thing that mattered to her. "It's finally starting, huh?"

"Yeah," Percy sighed. "Today we prepare ourselves and tomorrow we're facing the battle of our lives. Seriously, we're getting old."

"Don't remind me," Thalia chuckled. "Besides, I am still immortal because Artemis hadn't released me from my vows."

Percy raised an eyebrow. "You don't look that young," Thalia glared at him and smacked him on the head, making him drop her. As Thalia screamed her hearts out, Percy swiftly picked her up. Thalia wrapped her arms around Percy's neck and buried her face in his chest. Her body was quaking with fear. "You want to hit me again?" Percy said with a cheeky smile.

"You did that on purpose," Thalia grumbled on his shirt.

"Actually, that one's on you," Percy said as he grinned and flew. In a few minutes, the skyscrapers of New York could be seen in the distance. Below them, Percy could see just a faint trail of Jason's horse running at full speed towards the Empire State Building. Since no one was around in Manhattan and the road was empty, Tempest could run his heart out.

Is Tempest a 'he'?

Percy and Thalia landed near the Empire State Building the same time Jason and Piper arrived. Jason looked at the building and had a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

"Huh," He said.

"What's wrong?" Percy asked.

"You know, the first time I'd been on Olympus was after the war with Gaia was over and the gods teleported us to Olympus." Jason explained. "I never really believed you guys when you said the entrance to Olympus is in this building,"

Piper smirked. "Then we shall prove it, because that's where we're going anyway," Piper looked at Percy and Thalia. "On our way here, my mother sent a message to meet them up at Olympus. A final war council, as you may say it."

Percy nodded. Then, Nico and Reyna popped out of the ground from the shadows, making everyone jump. "Geez, I never get used to that," Jason said.

Nico grinned. "Gotta keep my reputation as the scary kid of death, right?" Reyna rolled his eyes. Then, Percy heard the sound of a familiar horse descending from the skies.

"Oh, there's Lucia," Percy said.

"We've got company!" Lucia shouted. Chasing them were monsters that were from outer space. Percy guessed they were End's first line of offence that arrived to Earth.

"Well, at least we get to warm up," Percy said, stretching his fingers. As the monsters landed, Percy and his friends moved into action. Since these were the first ones to get here, they weren't much of a challenge. Percy took out his main sword and started to slash at his enemies. It had been a while since Percy felt this alive in battle.

Before, he had no intention of battling because Annabeth's death had taken a huge toll on him, and he never wanted to fight again. Now, ever since that closure, he'd felt more alive.

Nico and Reyna worked tremendously well, continuously slashing and stabbing. A combination of Greek and Roman style of fighting, creating an unorthodox yet synchronized flow. Jason and Piper weren't doing badly themselves. In fact, they were doing great. While Jason smacked the enemy with his spear, Piper followed up by either stabbing it or charmspeak them like "Hit your face with your sword!" Sometimes, her charmspeak can be really scary.

Lucia was fast as hell. She shifted from water to solid form in such frequency and swiftness it was hard to keep track of her. She disappeared in the face of the enemy just to reappear again behind them, catching them off guard. Thalia, on the other hand, was being awesome as usual as she zapped enemies left right and center.

Percy ducked under an enemy blade and punches the enemy's gut, killing it instantly. He parried another strike and used his clawed across his face, ripping his eyeballs off along.

Yeah, it wasn't pretty.

They finished up when Jason stabbed a monster that had already fallen. "That's the last of them," Jason said. "That's a good warm up for tomorrow,"

"Let's go to Olympus," Percy said.

Line Break

"So, how exactly do we go to Olympus through this building?" Jason asked. Nico pointed towards the doorman behind the lobby counter. "You can't be serious."

Percy grinned as he leaned over at the counter. "Hey man, it's been a while,"

The doorman stared at him. Being the keeper for the keycard to Olympus, he must've been immortal, because he didn't look any different than he had been when Percy last saw him when he was sixteen.

"Do I know you?" He asked.

"This is getting nowhere," Jason argued.

"It's always like this," Thalia said. "Relax,"

Percy held up his hands and lit it on fire. "Keycard, please," Percy asked politely. The doorman paled and immediately gave him the keycard. "Thanks," Percy said and threw him a drachma. As they stepped into the elevator, Percy inserted the keycard into the slot and the elevator shot straight up to Olympus.

"Just like that?" Jason asked. "No guard dog or scary monster?"

"You have super-powerful beings guarding the card," Nico explained. "There's really no need for a guard dog."

"Good point,"

Throughout the conversation, Thalia held Percy's hand tightly. "What's wrong?" Percy asked.

"I guess I'm just nervous," Thalia admitted. "You'd think that going through two wars in the past would make this much easier."

Percy smiled and kissed her forehead. "It'll be fine. Don't worry." Thalia smiled gratefully at him.

The elevator dinged at the six-hundredth floor and the warriors of Chaos stepped out of the elevator. The passing citizens of Olympus all glanced at them and whispering stuff. They paid no attention to it and moved along to the throne room. Percy wondered why everything is so quiet. Usually, you can hear the Olympians bickering even from a mile away. Now, it was deadly silent.

"Hold up," Percy said, stopping in front of the doors to the throne room. "Something's not right,"

"Yeah," Nico said. "I left my shampoo in the hotel,"

"Hush," Thalia said. "What's wrong, Percy?"

"I don't know," Percy said. "And that's part of the problem. Weapons out and stand by," Percy said. They nodded and took their weapons out. They looked to Percy as a leader of their group. He makes the decision and whatever he calls, they will follow.

Percy kicked the doors to the throne room and it swung open, as if a god in full height had burst into the room.

They were not expecting to see what they were seeing.

Hestia and Artemis were surrounded by the other Olympians in a circle, with their weapons at the ready. Artemis already had an arrow notched while Hestia had a calm expression on her face, though it was evident that she was angry.

"What is going on?" Percy said loud enough for the Olympians could hear him.

"Perseus," Artemis said with her tone slightly dangerous. She aimed an arrow at the head of her father, Zeus. "We need you to get out of here now, while you still can."

"Lady Artemis," Thalia said. "What's going on?"

"You will pay!" Zeus raised his master bolt, ready for the kill. Lucia acted fast and teleported quickly to the goddess's side and tackled her out of the way just as the master bolt struck, letting out a massive boom. Dread filled in Percy's heart for fear his sister might already be dead. Relief washed over him when he saw a flaming barrier over them, protecting them from any harm.

Chaos's warriors acted quickly and took the side of Hestia and Artemis. Their weapons were drawn and they faced against the gods and goddesses, who were their relatives and in some cases, their parents.

"Put down the weapons and no one gets hurt," Hermes warned. "This is a huge matter, Perseus. You would do well to step out of it."

"I will not have the Olympian council bickering just before the war with End," Percy growled back. "Tell me what's wrong, or I swear to Chaos I will-"

"Percy," Hestia put a hand on Percy's shoulder. "They're possessed. Artemis and I are the only ones aren't affected."

"Okay, so they're not who they really are," Reyna said. "What's the plan?"

"I take it that charmspeak is out of the question, right?" Piper asked.

Percy shook his head as he stared at Zeus who looked eager to kill him. "If this was End's work, your charmspeak won't do the trick." Percy said. "We need to lock them in,"

"Uh, what?"

"Incoming!" Nico ducked and tackled Jason to the floor just as a golden arrow whizzed past their heads. Then, all hell broke loose. Poseidon and Ares struck with their weapons. Jason and Nico stood up and parried both of their attacks, while Reyna planted a kick to Apollo's chest that was standing in their way.

"Let's move!" Piper shouted as they bolted towards the exit. Hestia caused the distraction that we needed and slammed a fireball to the marble floor, temporarily blinding the others. As they made their way to the exit, Thalia tripped.

"Thalia!" Percy shouted. The exit was so close, but the Olympians had already got Thalia.

"Just go!" Thalia said. "I'll be fine!"

Percy gritted his teeth. He wasn't going to lose her, not before everything started. "Lady Hestia, please take care of them." Percy said. "We'll meet up at Camp Half-Blood,"

Hestia nodded. "Be safe, Perseus,"

The gods had their weapons leveled at Thalia, threatening her life. "End will enjoy his first prize," Zeus grinned. Upon hearing this, Percy snapped a bit. His wing sprouted from his back and his left arm went up in black flames. Dark aura started to roll off of him, making the pressure in the atmosphere heavier. A maniacal grin spread across his face as his eyes darkened.

"Oh, this will be fun," He said that last word with such a sinister and cynical voice that Thalia couldn't help but feel a bit scared towards her boyfriend.

Line Break

"Where's Percy?" Jason asked when Hestia caught up with them.

"He's rescuing Thalia,"

"What?!" Lucia almost screamed. "We've got to help them!"

"Lucia," Hestia said in a comforting voice. "If there's one thing I know about your brother, is that he'll save Thalia and he'll return to us. We need to get to Camp Half-Blood."

Artemis nodded. "Hold on. I'm calling my chariot,"

On cue, a beam of dark light shot out from the throne room, darkening the atmosphere into midnight. A creepy chill crawled into everyone's back. It was like the devil himself had arrived and had taken the lights out.

"Shit," Jason muttered. "He's using magic again. We need to move, now." In a few seconds, Artemis's chariot arrived, pulled by reindeers that looked like Santa's.

"Get in," Artemis said. Without much question and hesitation, everyone got onto the chariot and it flew away into the skies. After a few miles of flying, the dark atmosphere seemed to be reducing.

After a moment of silence, Lucia spoke up. "Okay, so what was that?"

"That's your brother using magic," Nico said.

"So, he's pulling a rabbit out of a hat or some shit like that?"

Piper rolled her eyes. "No, magic. Like, real magic, and not the ones that Hecate uses." Piper held her hand out and muttered some words that were too faint for anyone to hear. Then, a small miniature whirlwind danced in Piper's palm. "This is what I meant by magic,"

"That's awesome," Lucia said.

"Awesome, maybe," Reyna shrugged. "But it's deadly tiring. Percy's the only one who can use the big spells without passing out. For us, we tend to use a smaller scale magic like shoot fireballs or summon deadly snakes. For Percy, well, you saw what just happened back there,"

Piper closed her palm and the whirlwind disappeared. "We've studied it for ten years and we're still not halfway through it." Piper explained. Lucia wondered if she could do magic.

"We're here," Artemis said. Everyone looked down below to see Camp Half-Blood in the distance. Even though it looked peaceful at first glance, everyone knew that they were in a state of war. "My hunters are here as well. Tell the counselors that we'll have a quick war council,"

"Will do, Milady," Lucia said. They descended down slowly and landed in the sword arena. The campers that saw them immediately bowed to Artemis and Hestia.

"We'll be waiting at the Big House," Artemis said as they trudged down the field.

"I'm worried about Percy," Jason glanced towards where they'd fly from. If you look closely, you could still see the darkness in the sky from Percy's magic. Truth be told, Jason would've preferred if Percy did Lucia's version of magic so the dude wouldn't kill himself. But it's Percy we're talking about. He'll launch a nuclear attack at anyone who dared to harm his friends.

"I'll get the counselors," Piper offered. "You guys need to talk to Hestia and Artemis about how the Olympians got possessed."

"Sounds like a plan," Reyna agreed.

Line Break

The gods struggled in their chains, which were either attached to the wall, their thrones, the floor or anything with a surface. Glowing black chains were wrapped around the Olympians, rendering them of their mobility.

Thalia, on the other hand, stared at Percy both in fascination and horror. She liked that Percy protected her, and she was amazed at how he handled the Olympians with such flawlessness that it was almost godlike. But it also scared her at how easy he handled the Olympians. It just made her wonder how strong he really is. Undoubtedly, Thalia knew how strong Percy was. Come on, the dude fought against Kronos and Gaia for fuck's sake. But Thalia wondered if his strength even had a limit, because it seemed endless to her. Every fight, every battle, he seems to get stronger and stronger. If he was taking steroids, then Thalia want one.

"Percy," Thalia called softly. "Let's go,"

The dark aura seemed the recede and return back towards Percy. With the gods possessed but chained up like this, they should have no problem getting out without obstruction.

"Release me!" Zeus bellowed, but Percy ignored him as he held Thalia's hand and they marched together out of the throne room with the Olympians yelling in defiance.

"Hold on to me," Percy whispered in Thalia's ear, which made her shiver involuntarily. Thalia wrapped her arms around Percy's neck as Percy's single wing sprouted from his back. They flew upwards and towards Camp Half-Blood.

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