Walking Dead Wizard

بواسطة DanitzaV23

137K 5.7K 218

The Dixons and Harry Potter try to get to Atlanta but fail miserably when they realize the entire town is cra... المزيد

Chapter 1: the walking dead
Chapter 2: the walking dead
Chapter 3: the walking dead
Chapter 4: the walking dead
Chapter 5: the walking dead
Chapter 6: the walking dead
Chapter 7: the walking dead
Chapter 8: the walking dead
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83

Chapter 30

1.8K 69 1
بواسطة DanitzaV23

Rick stood hammering the nail into the wood, securing the farm house so they could stay safe, so his wife would be safe. He didn't care that they'd be sharing the house with nineteen other people; they were going to be safe that's all that mattered. He was relieved that Hershel had finally come around; he probably realized his family would be safer within a bigger group. Just as he was picking up another piece of wood, he noticed Shane stalking around the house looking particularly beat up.

"Shane?" Rick called, putting the wood and hammer down and moving towards his best friend. Concern warring for him as well as worry, who had he beaten up this time? Shane couldn't continue doing this, he was going to get kicked off the farm, he was just able to get Hershel to agree to let him stay after his last fiasco. Stalking after him, almost having to run to catch up with him. "Wait up!" he called, determined to get answers.

Shane didn't answer, just furiously kept stalking off in the direction of the woods. With a slight limp to his gait, his arm protectively held over his side yet still conveying his fury.

"What happened?" Rick demanded, seeing the red blooming bruise even in the weakening daylight.

"Nothin'" Shane insisted continuing to walk, his thoughts taking a dark turn, he should just kill Rick, everything would go back to how it was before he'd messed everything up by coming along. Lori was having his kid! Rick had no right to claim his kid as his own, play happy families, not with his baby, he'd be damned if he let it continue. His mind came up with dozens of scenarios mostly on how to deal with Rick and Harry; they were threats to him and the group, the group he had put together! His fingers twitched towards his gun, mentally preparing himself for what he planned to do.

"Something happened, Shane, tell me," Rick said, wandering with his friend, unaware of the danger brewing under the surface. He'd find out the second they returned to the farm anyway, obviously someone was holed up in the house suffering after taking Shane's rage. The darkness quickly began to descend, helped along by the fact they were in the woods.

"Rick? Wake up!" T-Dog called quietly, shaking the guy to wake him up, T-Dog was beyond exhausted him, having been out keeping watch for hours.

Rick abruptly sat up, his heartbeat shooting through the roof, trying to remain calm. "How's it been?" he asked, trying to take his mind off the memory. The words Shane had spewed at him, how he was weak, and couldn't be trusted to take care of Lori and Carl, that he was going to get them all killed, that he wasn't equipped to deal with this new world. That he had saved Lori and Carl five times already that he could do what it took to keep them safe. How he'd continued to threaten him, forcing him to drive a knife into him and kill him. He hated Shane for making him do that, and hated himself more for doing it.

"Quiet, so far," T-Dog murmured his stomach grumbling, they hadn't eaten since leaving the farm. As soon as daylight struck they'd began hunting for gas and food, not luck with either, they'd found a small amount of gas to let them use a car but the houses they'd tried so far were empty of anything they could eat. Either that or they came across Walkers and had to leave without a proper search.

"Get some sleep," Rick said, standing up and making his way to the window, knowing where everyone was, the window still had curtains up which they'd drawn as soon as they got in, keeping an eye out at all times but giving them an opportunity to let a little light into the property when it got dark.

Rick looked over at his wife and son, an inaudible sigh left his lips. Ever since confessing everything that had happened with Shane, Lori hadn't once looked at him or spoken to him. Worse still his son hadn't spoken to anyone since he woke up the other day and found half the group missing, more specifically Harry. He'd tried to explain, but Carl didn't want to hear it. So now his entire family was mad at him, and he heard the whispers of the groups, there were people wishing they'd gone with Harry. They thought he didn't hear it of course, but he did, he was determined to find a place to keep them all safe, prove those who doubted him wrong - prove Shane wrong. He would keep them all safe.

They'd need to double their efforts in clearing out houses, they needed to find food and soon. Once the sun was up they would clear the houses in the area. All of them couldn't be empty; they'd just been unlucky enough to pick the house that had been emptied prior to the apocalypse getting bad. It was difficult only having three people to help him, only Maggie, Glenn, T-Dog could fight except his son but Rick wanted Carl to stay next to Lori. The others weren't quite ready to deal with walkers, and they had no weapons, so he kept Hershel, Lori, Carl, Jimmy and Beth together in the car until they got the houses cleared. He needed to find something to silence the guns too, the farm had been overrun because of a single gunshot, and he refused to let them get swarmed again. He and Carl had almost died, would have if Harry and Daryl hadn't come to get them.

He'd gotten the full story about what had happened Hershel had been very truthful. How Harry had kept everyone calm, and made the others grab the essentials and leave the farm. His daughters had already packed everything they would want to take with them and had helped Hershel with his things and the medicine (Patricia had also helped). Making sure he was actually going to come, but after Harry's frank statement he had seen sense. It had been Harry who got everyone to safety, his family and people to safety. It had caused a sinking feeling deep in his gut, he wasn't sure why yet either. Perhaps because Harry had warned him repeatedly at how unsafe the farm was? If it had been so damn unsafe why had he stayed? He hadn't been obligated to! He could have left whenever he wanted which he had, when everyone needed to stick together. No, he wasn't to blame and the others would come to realize that in time too. His hands were clean.

He had no idea how soon he would be kicking himself.

"Don't relax just yet," Harry said, as they all tiredly got out of the vehicles, "Andrea, Amy, Luna Merle take the house, check everywhere and be thorough, Amy stay next to Andrea." Amy wasn't as confident as her sister yet, but he was a good shot and had good accuracy with her knife so he knew given time she would be one hell of a fighter. He had his compound bow on his back again, with the others making their way inside, Harry, Anubis and Daryl began checking the woods surrounding the house.

It seemed that the little woods were empty bar them so far, that was until he found track marks for a buck, very fresh too. Sliding his knife into its sheath he shrugged his bow off his shoulder and took aim, keeping himself crouched low, following the fresh trail, keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of trouble at the same time. His arms and back ached from the constant strain of pushing cars out of the way so they could make their way to the prison by the most direct route and not have to take alternative ways. It had been a long arduous task that left them nigh on exhausted.

"Ready to have fresh deer to eat tonight?" Harry asked, without glancing back, noticing the buck it was behind the bushes near a stream drinking presumably. The only thing Harry could see was its ears and its antler, one was missing, it must have already been casting, it was one of the things he'd learned reading the hunting magazines that lay around the Dixon cabin, male bucks shed their antlers around December time sometimes earlier or later while female deer lost them around spring time.

Then both took aim and shot out their arrows, the deer didn't move after it was taken down.

Harry ruefully shook his head, they did it every time, and it was just a matter of where the arrow went to see who claimed the kill as theirs. Reloading his bow he made his way over, still tense and alert waiting for anything to come out at them, nothing did. Harry cocked his head to the side when he saw the buck, Daryl never missed a single shot, not in all the time he knew him so why the hell was the arrow so far from anything vital? Was this his way of silently apologising? There was no way Daryl would actually come out and say sorry, it wasn't in his nature. He was probably looking too much into it, but he knew he wasn't, Daryl was standing there biting his bloody thumb nail again.

"No," Harry stated sharply to Anubis who was crawling closer looking ready to bite into its rump.

Anubis whined in protest but moved away from dead deer. Everyone was constantly amazed at the control Harry had over Anubis, and commented how his other owners must have trained him well. Truth was, it was the bond between Anubis and Harry that allowed it, and they were wizard and familiar, bonded together. Just like Hedwig had been, and it was also how she always knew when Harry needed to send something. Harry of course just left them to their speculations; he couldn't very well tell them the truth.

Dropping his bag, he dug around until he found tarp; something he kept on him at all times to drag the animals back. Laying it on the ground, kicking the ends into position before dragging the deer onto it, his shoulders protested heavily, but he paid no mind, between both of them they got the dead weight onto the blue tarp, collected his belongings and began to drag it back to the house, hoping the others had secured it at least. He had complete faith in Merle and Luna but the others? He didn't fully trust to have his back one hundred percent yet.

Anubis abruptly dropped down on his belly a long continuous low growl leaving his lips, Harry stared at Anubis dropping the tarp and grabbing his gun. But he soon saw why he was growling, and he felt himself gagging slightly. There were three kid all hanging from nooses from a swing set, not even a few feet from there was an adult female, probably the mother, all of them began snarling when the saw Anubis and them. They were starving, bodies decomposing, Harry realized, they probably hadn't eaten at all since it happened.

"Stupid bitch," Harry muttered, sheathing his gun he grabbed his knife and moved forward with purpose, swallowing thickly, he apologised silently, but he knew the children were already gone, their souls off to a better place, it was just a shell here. With quick efficiency he thrust his blade through their delicate skulls, and cut them down, the woman he let Daryl deal with for he was very tempted to leave it the way it was, he couldn't believe anyone would kill their kids then take their own life. There was nothing to cover them with, and he honestly didn't have it in him to bury them, setting fire to them was logical anyway, he would do that when it was time to leave.

Daryl silently observed Harry, children were one of his weak spots, and he'd known that from the first few weeks of knowing him. It just got more prominent with time, he believed that Harry had had a child in his life that wasn't his own, it couldn't be a brother or sister at least not biologically maybe an adoptive one that he couldn't save. Whatever that had happened hadn't been his fault, he blamed himself, yet somewhere he knew it wasn't his fault otherwise he wouldn't go near children. It was like Harry was trying to make up for that by saving strangers. It hadn't surprised him that he had gone to find Sophia, nor did it surprise him that Harry hadn't stopped looking until he found her. What did surprise him was the fact he had wanted to find her as well. Didn't stop his worrying about him though, despite the fact Harry could take care of himself. Daryl grabbed the tarp when Harry moved for it, and began pulling none of his thoughts of feelings showing on his face. He felt like a right arsehole for shouting at Harry, but he wasn't used to people showing concern and he'd just lashed out.

Once they both got back inside, everyone was in the living room just sitting down looking relieved to actually be on their backside again and all night not just to drive for a bit before starting all over again. Harry leaned against the wall, trying to take some weight of his back. His legs were barely refraining from shaking they'd done well, he hadn't expected them to get as far as they did today.

Andrea groaned rubbing at her shoulder in discomfort.

"You do realise there's Aspirin right?" Harry pointed out, "It will help with the pain at least take the edge off."

"Who wants to go?" Andrea groaned, for the first time she was truly regretting trying to be one of the 'guys' and help as much as she could.

"Can I go?" Sophia asked, "Please?"

"I'll come with you," Carol said, and both of them left the living room, grabbing the keys to the RV where they put the finds from the car earlier that morning. She had realized she couldn't stifle her daughter; she had to let her do things to feel useful, she knew how it felt herself to be left aside as the others did what they needed to do. Nobody said she couldn't go with her and keep her safe. Both of them had their guns and knives.

"The family didn't take anything when they left," Andrea said, but it was more of a question.

"They're out back," Harry informed them, "The mother hung them and then herself," he said without sugar coating it.

The women winced in shock unable to believe it.

"Best get dinner started to," Harry murmured quietly, "Luna can you get the vegetables that will go best with Venison?"

"Sure," Luna agreed, standing up.

"And by the way, don't take any of that Aspirin by the way," Harry whispered lowly, but Merle had heard judging by he way he laughed.

"Why?" Luna threw Harry a confused look.

"Trust me, bad idea," Harry murmured, "I'll explain later..."

Luna nodded at that, she did trust Harry and so she would wait and find out exactly why she was being asked not to take Aspirin - whatever that was, but she assumed it was some sort of pain reliever, since everyone was aching like blazes. She felt as though she'd been riding on a Thestral for days. Oh well, she had potions in her trunk she could take, which was still in the RV. She'd just sneak a drink while she went to get the vegetables, which she was doing now.

"So do you want to tell me now?" Luna teased Harry as cut the carrots into rectangular pieces, she'd peeled the potatoes twenty minutes ago, cutting more potato than necessary - making them half the size they could have been. She'd also cut onions and parsnips she'd found and picked herself.

Merle snorted from where he sat finishing off the preparations for the deer, the slabs of meat would be soon ready to cook. Carol had tried to help but Harry had insisted she spend some time with her daughter doing what mothers and daughters should, having fun, talking, playing games what have you that he wanted to prepare and cook the meal tonight. Merle hadn't taken no for an answer and sat down on the log and proceeded to do it his brother hot on his tail. The buck's eatable organs were already in Anubis' bowl and he was currently gnawing on a kidney, at this point though it was hard to tell there wasn't much left.

"Let's just say that there is a reason potions were invented...normal medicine makes things...go flying." Harry finally admitted.

"Flying?" Luna blinked at him in astonishment, widening in astonishment when Harry went beet red.

"I maybe have accidentally destroyed Daryl's bedroom and the cabin," Harry admitted, "I wasn't aware of anything for a day they said afterwards."

Luna just stared shocked stealing looks at Merle and Daryl, who were cutting into different ends of the deer with smirks playing over their features. No wonder he had laughed earlier, it made so much sense.

"I'm not sure if it was because it was strong or if it's something that happens to all of us...I can't see it likes, but I'd rather you didn't take the chance." Harry explained.

Luna giggled, "How bad was it?" she asked the others, knowing Harry's magic as she did...she knew the destruction must have been immense.

"Everything was in pieces," Merle told her still smirking smugly.

"How did you take it when it started happening?" Luna enquired, feeling safe to speak since they were quite a bit away from the house - too far for anyone to be eavesdropping.

Harry absently lit up the portable stove they'd found, grabbing the grill pan and placing it on to let it heat up. Grabbing the first of the venison and letting it sizzle, the juices made sure that it didn't stick, but to ensure it didn't he moved it around a lot, before adding the vegetables, roasting the potatoes, carrots, onion and parsnip. He honestly didn't want to know what the hell they thought.

Daryl and Merle noticed Harry stiffening up at Luna's question, that one reaction told both men a lot about Harry whether he wanted them to know or not. Obviously at least one person had found out about his magic and the reaction hadn't been a welcoming one. The urge to find out exactly what happened was strong for both Dixons but as always they didn't ask, they never did. They did wonder though if it had something to do with the fact he didn't trust anyone.

"Stayed out the way," Merle shrugged, he had proceeded to get high and his brother went out hunting, he didn't want to tell her that though for some unfathomable reason.

"Probably a good idea, Harry's magic is really strong, stronger than most peoples." Luna nodded her head in understanding.

"You best get the plates, and let everyone know its ready," Harry said, trying to get them off the topic of his magic he didn't want them knowing about how powerful he was. Stabbing a fork into the cooked meat he set it aside and put another in its place, "How do you like it?"

"Medium's fine," Merle replied, still deep in thought.

"Same," Daryl answered when Harry looked at him; he could feel those eyes on him even when he wasn't looking.

Luna quickly put nine plates out, dividing up the cooked vegetables as Harry continued making the venison. The slab of meat almost took up the entire plate, they were definitely not going to go to sleep hungry tonight that was for sure. "We should take the plates with us," she suggested, as everyone began to flock out to get their dinner.

"This smells wonderful," Amy said inhaling sharply, it was making her mouth water, and it wasn't solely because she hadn't eaten since this morning which was only pop-tarts. Within twenty minutes everyone had their dinner in their hands; the portable stove was switched off and put back amongst their things in the kitchen before they all headed for the living room which held the only light in the entire house. They'd found two crates of water in the basement so they'd been brought up and they each had a bottle to drink.

"You are a good cook," Dale admitted, from where he sat, he hadn't eaten this well since the apocalypse started. It reminded him of a restaurant quality meal; he certainly hoped Harry made a habit of cooking.

"Did you work as a chef before all this?" Amy asked, as they ate.

"No," Harry shook his head, "I might be good at cooking but I've never really enjoyed it."

"No, you're a leader, you're used to leading people, I'd say you worked in some official capacity like the army, but you're awfully young to be high enough to be used to leading others but its happened." Andrea guessed.

Harry began to get extremely uncomfortable with the focus being solely on him. Luna gave him a sympathetic look, but didn't say anything she wasn't sure what Harry had told them, so she didn't want to risk putting her foot in her mouth.

"Or a police man! He's good at keeping people safe!" Sophia chimed in, and despite himself Harry had to suppress a smirk. Oh, she had absolutely no idea how many people he had kept safe. Chomping on her carrots, they were right though, Harry made really good food, just as good as her mum thought the biased teenager.

"Don't we need to sort out watch times?" Carol said clearing her throat coming to Harry's rescue.

Harry shot her a grateful look, "I'll be on watch, go get some rest, I'd prefer if you stick to the ground floor, just to be on the safe side and in pairs, and be ready to bolt, just in case - better safe than sorry, so have everything nearby." he cautioned them. "We'll be on the road again as early as six o'clock, we should reach the prison or nearly by nightfall tomorrow and have our answers." they had gotten further than anticipated due to the roadblocks, but not as far as half way, depending on how the roads are true to word they'd get close. They'd spent a lot of time also picking them if there was anything there, they'd collected more medicine, clothes, even three coolers one with beer which Merle and Daryl had claimed two with soda pop or something he'd heard them calling it.

"You can't do it all yourself," Andrea protested at the thought.

"I'm not, I'll be wakening someone to take over," Harry informed her.

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