notice • lashton

By urlashton

18.6K 807 1K

Ashton always felt that something wasn't right in Luke's relationship. Everybody thought it sounded crazy, un... More

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quick update


703 32 21
By urlashton


"Good afternoon, what can I get for you today?"

"A number two please. Also, a sundae." He sighed. "Actually, you know what? Make them three."

"Sure." The cashier said, ringing him up. "It's going to be 14.50$."

"Yes, um-" He started, trying to get his wallet out of his pocket as he was holding a few books in his hands.

And as you probably guessed, big fail.

"For fuck's sake!" He complained as all of his stuff fell on the floor.

"Hey! Get moving!" A guy screamed in line.

"I-I'm sorry." He looked back at the cashier, almost having a mental breakdown at this point. "You can take whoever's next, I won't be long."

The worker nodded, as the gentleman got down on his knees to pick up his things.

"What can I get for you, ma'am?"

"I'll have a small combo, number four." She paused. "As well as a number two and three sundaes."

The man on the ground finally looked up, his blue eyes meeting her brown ones.

"It's on me." The stranger insisted with a smile.

"Perfect. Can I get a name for the order?" The employee asked.

The woman with black hair gave the blond a final glance, before looking back at the cashier. "It's Sierra." She answered, tapping her card on the machine.

She stepped to the side when the transaction got approved, now standing next to him. "Are you alright?"

"Yes." He sighed, making her look at him weirdly. "I just told my parents I'm dropping out of college, and let's just say they were not very happy about it."

"Oh, that explains the three sundaes." She chuckled, making the still stranger smile weakly. "But you know, no judgement." She paused. "I'm sorry to hear your parents are not supportive of you."

"It's fine." He bit his lower lip. "You paid for my sad, pathetic meal and I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Luke."

"Nice to meet you." Sierra smiled, picking up their food. "Are you here by yourself?"

"Yeah, I had a few books to return at the library next door." He explained, waving his very full hands.

"I can see that." She giggled, taking a seat across of Luke at the nearest table. "Why did you drop out, if I may ask?"

"I want to be a gamer."

She raised an eyebrow. "A gamer?"

"I don't look like one, don't I?" He asked, making himself chuckle.

"What part? Your greasy hair or that horrendous outfit?"

"Hey!" He pouted as she laughed, snatching a sundae out of the tray. "I thought we said no judgment!"

"I'm just messing with you." Sierra affirmed after her last cackle, biting on a fry. "So... a gamer, huh?" She repeated.

"Yeah..." He paused. "What about you, though? What do you do-"

Her phone started ringing, which made Luke jump slightly.

"Excuse me for one moment." She apologized before picking up the call. "Yes?... Right now?... Oh, alright... Yes, will be here in twenty."

She sighed before hanging up, while he shot her a confused look.

"Who was it?" He boldly asked.

"My manager... and I guess it's my cue to leave." She said in a rushed tone, getting up.

"Your manager?" He frowned, slowly starting to connect the dots. "Who are you-"

"It was nice getting to know you." She cut him off, grabbing her purse.

"Oh, uh-" He stuttered. "Yeah, same here."

He watched her as she started to walk away, before suddenly standing her ground. She faced him again slowly, wearing a smile on her face.

"By the way..." She started, taking a step back. "Call me." She handed him a card. "I think we could work something out, you and me."

She winked at him before turning around to leave, this time quickly getting out of sight.

'Who are you? And what do you want from me?' Luke thought to himself, staring at the piece of paper in his hands.

And this is when it all begin...

[End of flashback]


"He's not going to answer your calls, Mike." I tried to convince my best friend as he was dialing Calum's number continuously.

"I want him to know it meant nothing!"

"I talked to Ashton, he'll let him know. I'm sure of it." I reassured him, focusing on the road in front of me. "Give him space, he'll come around."

"I'm so fucking stupid." He loudly sighed, placing his phone on his lap. "If I wasn't such a coward-"

"Don't say that, it is totally normal to doubt your sexuality and experiment. At least now you know... right?" I raised an eyebrow, just now realizing that we didn't actually talk about that yet.

"Yes, I definitely know now."

"Well...?" I cleared my throat.

"I mean, it was a bit weird because you're my best mate, but overall..." He paused, blushing slightly. "I actually quite enjoyed it."

"Good!" I sighed in relief. "I'm happy I helped."

He nodded shyly. "I didn't make things awkward, did I? Like, between you and me?"

"We're fine, don't worry about it at all." I said confidently.

He smiled weakly as I pulled over, right across his house. "Want to come in for a little bit? I could really use the company."

"Sure!" I said before hearing my phone ring.

"Is everything alright?" He asked, worried after watching my face drop.

"Oh, uh-" I looked back at him, wearing a fake smile. "Yes! You can go inside, I'll be there in five. I need to take this."

He nodded, soon popping out of the car.

"Hey." I said right when I picked up the call.

"Hey, where are you?"

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"Just checking up on you... I'm so sorry, about our fight."

"It's fine, Sierra." I sighed. "I'll come home later so we can talk, alright?"

"Okay." She paused. "I talked to Ashton."

My heart instantly dropped when she mentioned his name, shock soon turning into anger.

"What do you mean?! How?!" I questioned her, sounding a little balked.

"His business card ended up in my room somehow, I don't know."

I rolled my eyes, not giving two shits about any of what she was telling me. "You had no right to talk to him."


"What did you say to him?! I swear to God, Sierra if you insulted him in any way-"

"You really think that low of me?! I would never do that."

"Yes, because everything that makes me happy seems to, somehow, irritate you."

"Okay, I admit I wasn't his biggest fan at first." She confessed, making me groan. "But I promise I did not call him to bother him. We actually had a really great talk."

I frowned, taking a moment of silence so I could process what she just said. "You did?"

"Yes. I don't want to fight with you anymore because of this, so I cleared the air between me and him." She went on to explain. "He even invited all of us at his place next week, since Calum was saying he wanted to throw a party there for awhile now."

"Hang on..." I pressed my hand on my forehead, eternally confused. "So, you guys are okay?"

"Yes. I want you to be happy Luke, trust me." She affirmed. "Your friends are my friends too from now on."

I really want to believe you, Sierra.

"Okay, um..." I brushed my hair away from my face. "We'll talk about this when I get home, okay? I'll see you later tonight."

"Sure, see you." Is all I heard her say, before quickly hanging up the phone.

But should I?

Should I trust you?

I mean, if Ashton actually did buy what she told him...

Then maybe I should give her a chance?

Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see...

I'm really looking forward to that party.


Hey everybody!!

I haven't talked to yall in awhile, how are you doing?? (:

I hope you're still enjoying this story, thank you for the support. You guys have been nothing but amazing!

See you in the next one,

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