Back to the Way I Was

By IsaaacR

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After the incident with Annabeth that caused her death, Percy shut himself out of the world for six years. Af... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 2

244 4 8
By IsaaacR

Percy's POV

Percy watched with pure shock as Tia continued to suck the blood dry from the bear. So, when she said she killed the men before, did she . . . that thought was too disturbing he had to put it out of his head. He summed up that the guys who had Tia as their slave were not good guys and deserved to die.

"Uh, Tia? Can you stop for a minute?" Percy asked, holding his sword a bit higher. Tia stopped drinking blood, which was a bit of relief, but her mouth was covered with blood that it was hard not to be slightly scared. If a twelve year old had blood on her around her mouth and hands and had suddenly smiled like nothing was wrong, who wouldn't shit their pants?

"What's wrong? Do you want some?" Tia offered. Percy quickly shook his head.

"No! It's not that. Just, are you a vampire?" Percy asked. It seemed like a stupid question, but at least it's a legitimate one. Tia giggled and smiled at Percy.

"Of course I am."

Then, something occurred to Percy. "Then why didn't you kill the Hellhound that attacked you? You could kill a freaking bear, but not a Hellhound."

Tia shrugged. "It caught me by surprise and I panicked. I'm a twelve year old girl who saw a big ass dog from Hell, what do you expect? Did you expect me too skip around the dog happily?"

She's got a point.

Percy shuddered at the sight Tia drinking blood again. He should've catch up on it by the time she said she couldn't handle the sun, but as always, he was a Seaweed Brain.

Seaweed Brain . . .

Why Percy? Annabeth's pained expression flashed across Percy's mind. Percy gasped slightly in pain as he collapsed to one knee. He held his head with his hand while the other gripped the sword as tightly as he could. He gave a slight groan of pain as voices kept ringing in his head.

It's your fault!

You're the cause of her death!

How could you do this?!

You're pathetic!

"Percy, are you alright?" Tia asked. Tia's real voice snapped him back to reality. He was breathing heavily and his sword was practically trembling because of his hand gripping it too hard. He dropped the sword to the ground and sat down, leaning his back against the walls of the cave.

"I'm fine." Percy simply said. "Just a little headache."

"Well, you should rest." Tia said, a clear worried expression flashed across her face.

"No, I should be going," Percy shook his head and stood up, taking his sword with him as he put it back in its sheathe. "Thanks for everything, Tia."

"Wait! Don't leave me alone!" Tia said.

"Sorry, but I need to travel in daylight which is a problem for you. I can't wait at night, because the hunters are after me." Percy explained. Tia clearly looked disappointed. Before he could leave, Tia ripped a piece of his shirt. Percy didn't mind that, but he was certainly confused. He looked at Tia questioningly with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh, it's so I could track you." Tia explained. "I can use your shirt to track your scent, so expect to see me around night." She said. Great, now I have a twelve year old vampire chasing me at night, Percy thought.

Percy gave in and sighed. "Just, be careful on your way to, wherever I might end up later." Tia gave Percy a quick hug, which Percy returned. He ruffled her hair before leaving her alone in the cave.

Percy didn't want to leave her at all, even if she was a bloodsucking little girl. Percy didn't want her to be in trouble the next time she got caught and plus . . . he's not ready to have someone he needs to protect. After the incident with Annabeth, Percy had lost his trust on himself to protect anyone. He barely trusts himself to protect anyone but himself. He can't bare to watch them die because of the mistakes he did . . .

Like he did with Annabeth . . .

Something else occurred to Percy. Vampires are supposed to suck blood, right?

So why didn't Tia sank her teeth in Percy's neck?

Line Break

Percy trudged deeper and deeper into the forest, or so he thought he did. By the time he reached the first sign of civilization, which was a city, by the way, it was already dusk. The sun was slowly descending and the moon was about to show itself, meaning he was ahead of the hunters. When Percy was about to step into the city, something stopped him. It was some sort of barrier that Percy couldn't get through.

Percy cursed silently. They knew Percy was here, so they locked down the forest to track him. Thalia saw his face. Percy had hoped that Thalia would think it was only her imagination, but Percy knew Thalia isn't that stupid. For now, Percy needed to hide and find a way of escape later on.

Three, two, one . . . Nightfall.

It was already night and Percy knew the hunters were in action. Then, there was some kind of voice, like it was coming from a speaker.

"Disturbance in the barrier to the west." Percy recognized the voice as Athena's voice. Percy groaned. This is turning into Hunger Games. Percy ran back into the woods. By now, Tia should be on the move and will find me in a few minutes. Percy knew he should stay still so Tia could find him, but he had to move. Artemis, and possibly other people that were searching for him, knew where Percy was.

He dodged tree branches and jumped over several logs on his run. Then, he stopped in his tracks. He closed his eyes and sharpened his senses. He knelt down and put one hand on the cold ground.

Footsteps . . . Running . . . Slithering . . . Roar . . . Growls . . . Screaming . . . Sizzling . . . That weird dog smell again . . . Electricity . . .

The hunters were being attacked. Percy got up instantly and went towards the commotion. It was just a few hundred meters away. The sound got louder and louder. Percy was now sure they were being attacked by monsters and possibly, a drakon. He didn't care if the others found out who he was, he wanted to save his friends for better or for worse.

This is your fault, Annabeth's voice rang in Percy's head. Percy stopped and held his head as yelped in pain.

"Annabeth, not now . . ." Percy pleaded. An image flashed on Percy's mind. It was their last kiss. Just a painful reminder on what Percy had lost because of his mistake. Percy just shook his head and put the image aside from his head. He ran towards where the hunters were fighting.

When he reached there, it was worse than Percy had originally thought. There were two drakons, several dracaenas and a few Cyclopes. It proved too much for the Hunters and . . . wait, where's Artemis?

The hunters backed away and notched their arrows at the monsters that were lumbering slowly, waiting for their next meal. The hunters looked like they were protecting something, and Percy knew who. Artemis was unconscious and the hunters were trying to protect their lady.

Percy gritted his teeth and took out his sword. He dashed past the trees and slashed at the first monster he saw. They were surprised sat the golden dust that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Percy moved to the first drakon and cut through its skin with no problem, thanks to his sword. The monsters got over their shock faster than the hunters. After realizing that Percy was the enemy, they attacked Percy.

It was too much to handle at a time if the hunters were just going to stand there in shock all night long. Percy swung his sword once sideways and decapitated two dracaenas at the same time. He stabbed a Cyclopes in the gut and blocked a swing of the club by a Cyclops. Then, he felt something painful in his leg. A spear of a dracaena. Percy growled in pain as blood started to stream from his leg where the dracaena had slashed him. Percy whirled his sword around and decapitated a dracaena. He didn't see the drakon lunging at him, fangs already bared.

"Percy!" A childish voice shouted. It was Tia. In super speed, she jumped and kicked the drakon that was about to attack Percy. She kicked so hard that the drakon's scale actually shattered from the sheer force of her kick. "I followed you." She said with a smile.

"Can we talk later? We're kind of in a trouble." Percy said.

Finally, the hunters got over their shock.

"Hunters! Fire!" Thalia shouted. Soon, streams of arrows flew across the air and luckily, they weren't aiming for Percy. The arrows took out several monsters so it wouldn't be so much of a trouble. The drakon that Tia had just kicked hissed at them, clearly mad at the kicking. Percy shut it down with a swipe of his blade, disintegrating the monster in a shower of golden dust. His wound earlier took its toll as Percy winced in pain. The monsters were cleared and it was safe for now. Percy sat down and looked at how bad the wound was. It was deep, but Percy have felt worse.

"Percy! Are you okay?" Tia knelt next to Percy, which made Percy nervous. Being a vampire, Tia had a certain 'thirst' for blood and since his leg was bloody, well . . .

"You're not going to drink my blood, are you?" Percy asked. Tia just gave him a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry Percy, I've learned to control my thirst around humans. Unless I'm really, really thirsty, you don't have to worry about a thing." Tia explained. That reassured Percy a bit. All he had to do was keep offering her blood juice and everything will be fine.

"Percy?" He heard a voice said behind him.

Oh boy . . .

Without looking, Percy said, "Hey, Thalia." There were several gasps from the hunters. Without having the time to react or look back, Thalia jumped and tackled him with a hug. Thalia cried and sobbed into his chest. Percy gave a sad smile as he rubbed her back soothingly. "It's okay Thals, I'm here."

Thalia hugged Percy even tighter. "I missed you. Where've you been?"

"I'm sorry I left." Percy simply said, not having an explanation for her.

Line Break

After Artemis woke up, slightly annoyed that she had been knocked out of battle, they'd set up camp for the night. They were reluctant to let Percy stay, since he was a male. She'd healed his leg as a sign of gratitude for protecting her hunters, though she was still a bit annoyed. Luckily, no other Olympians except for Artemis knew they'd found him.

"Don't worry, Lady Artemis. I'll be staying a few meters away from the hunters." Percy said to her. Artemis looked a bit impressed that he knew not to mess with her hunters.

"Very well. We have a spare tent for your use and-"

"There's no need for that." Percy cut her off. "I have no plans on sleeping tonight and I'll be watching should any monsters attack us." Percy explained.

Artemis looked rather surprised. She thought Percy would be thankful and accept the generosity, but she should've known better. "Suit yourself then. We will go to Olympus at dawn and you will be coming with us. No excuses.

Percy bowed slightly and trudged off deep into the woods. Percy told Tia not to reveal that she's a vampire because Percy thinks that the gods probably didn't know that vampires existed. Tia was going to stay with them while Thalia was reluctant to let Percy out of her sight.

Percy sat down on a tree branch and Thalia followed suit. It was tense between them, because as sad as Thalia is right now, she's still mad at Percy for leaving her and everyone. Thalia stayed by his side and not letting go of his arm, afraid to lose him again. After losing Annabeth, she didn't want any more of her friends to die.

"Only one question, Percy," Thalia said. "Why? Why did you leave us?"

Percy sighed. He shook the image on Annabeth out of his head.

"You know why, Thalia. I can't go back after what I did." Percy said miserably.

"Percy, you can't blame yourself for Annabeth's death. You know it wasn't your fault." Thalia said softly.

"It is, Thalia. I'd promised her that I'd protect her with my life, but because of what I did, I ended up taking her life."

"It's not your fault, stop saying that it is." Thalia said. "What would Annabeth say to you if she saw you like this?" Percy winced. Distorted images of Annabeth appeared in his mind.

"I've been having nightmares about her, Thalia. She haunts me after her death for the past six years." A tear was visible streaming from Percy's eyes.

Thalia gave Percy a comforting hug. "We're going to get through this, Percy. I'll be by your side in every step of the way." Thalia said with a smile.

Percy wiped the tears off and smiled. "Thanks, Thalia. I'm sorry I left you and . . . everyone."

Thalia nodded and stayed next to him. "Things had been bad since you left, Percy. Camp, Olympus and your parents . . . Everyone was searching for you, especially your family. Poseidon barely had any rest and your mother, there hasn't a single day past that she didn't remember you."

Percy felt guilty that his family had to suffer like that because of him. "What about camp?"

"What about the rotten place?" Thalia grumbled. Percy frowned. Camp Half-Blood was Thalia's home. "Ever since you've left, new kids come pouring from all over the world. They all wanted to prove themselves and make their name in camp. The others, Clarisse, the Stolls and the other older campers, they had to stay back to prevent any bloodshed. Chiron would've allowed them to teach the new kids a lesson, but he figured it won't be pretty."

Percy sighed. His disappearance did make an impact in the godly world.

"By the way, where did you get that bad ass sword?" Thalia asked, pointing at Percy's sword. Percy smirked a bit.

"There're some things the gods don't know, Thalia. I will tell you, but not now."

"It's still pretty bad ass."

Percy is feeling much happier than he had for the past six years. At last, he'd been found by Thalia, nonetheless. But something lingered in his mind.

Was he ready to return to the world he'd left?

Line Break

At dawn, before daybreak, everybody had waked up. Tia was eager to go, because the sun was about to rise in a few minutes. They had everything packed up and were ready to go. Percy stood by and waited for the hunters with Tia by his side. Tia looked nervous and agitated.

"Percy, when are we leaving?" Tia said, slightly nervous. "The sun is coming up."

"Hang on, Tia. We'll leave soon."

"Is everyone ready?" Artemis asked. They all nodded. "I'll transport everyone to Olympus, so hang tight." There was a breeze and Percy felt a strange feeling in his stomach as he was being transported to Olympus. He held on to Tia tightly and didn't let go of her hand.

When they finally arrived, Percy had a queasy feeling in his stomach, but it was gone in a few seconds. Tia looked like she was going to throw up.

"Perseus, will you come with me along with Thalia." Then, Artemis eyed on Tia. "And you. I want you to come with us as well." Percy gripped Tia's hand slightly harder.

"What do you want with her?" Percy asked.

"Relax, Perseus. I mean her no harm." Artemis said simply. "I just have some, questions about her. The rest of you hunters, stay in my palace. I will meet with you there later on."

The hunters nodded and made their way towards Artemis' palace while Percy, Thalia and Tia followed Artemis towards the throne room. Percy knew Tia was a twelve year old vampire and could take care of herself, but Tia was still a little girl. This is her first time being in the Greek world and on Olympus, so she must be overwhelmed. Plus, Percy was the one who saved her first, so he had to take responsibility in taking care of her. Who knows, they might do things to her after knowing she's a vampire.

"Lady Artemis," Percy called as they were at the entrance of the throne room.


"Can I make a small request?"

"What is it?"

"I want my mother in the throne room with my father. I want to meet them." Percy admitted. He wanted his parents to be the first ones to know that he was back. He'd want nothing more than just hug them and tell them how sorry he was for leaving them like that.

"I shall address the request to Lord Zeus first, Perseus. In the mean time, stay here." Artemis said as she flashed into the throne room. Percy extended his hearing so he could hear inside.

"Father, I have a request to make." Percy heard Artemis said.

"What is it, my daughter?"

"I request that Sally Jackson is summoned to the throne room. There are some important matters that I think everyone should hear. It concerns, him."

"What?" Percy heard Poseidon's voice, loud and clear. Percy winced at how fragile his voice was, like he'd just finished crying and he was on the verge of crying again. "You have news about my son?"

"I will need the presence of Sally Jackson before I speak anything."

Zeus sighed. "Very well. Hermes, bring the woman here quickly. I am eager to hear this news about him." Zeus stated out. Percy didn't understand on what Thalia meant when she said Olympus had been in a mess.

"Understood, father." Hermes said. There were a few minutes of silence before Percy heard another voice.

"You summoned me, Lord Zeus?" Percy heard her voice from inside. Percy held back his tears when he heard her voice. It had been six years, six long years since he'd heard that voice.

"Percy, it will be okay. You're going to meet her soon." Thalia said as she rubbed her back soothingly.

"Yes, Ms Jackson. I'm afraid my daughter has some news regarding of your son." Zeus announced.

"What is it?" Percy's mother suddenly alert.

"Relax, Ms Jackson. Your son is fine."

"Where is he?!"

Percy couldn't take any longer. He pushed the throne room's door open. It revealed the throne room, just as Percy remembered and all the Olympian council were there, only not how Percy remembered how they used to be. Except for Artemis, all of them looked like they'd aged several years older. The gods could look how they want to, but something tells Percy that Percy was the cause of all this.

In the middle of the throne room, there she was. His mother, Sally Jackson, just as sweet and beautiful like Percy remembered.

"P-Percy?" Her mother stuttered. Percy and his mother were like in a trance.

"My boy, is that you?" Poseidon said. He looked like he was on the verge of crying. To tell the truth, all three of them looked like they were about to cry.

Slowly, they made their way towards each other, taking one step at a time. When Percy's mother touched his cheek, he gasped and held her hand. She pulled her into a hug and embraced her tightly. "Mom . . ."

"Percy, my boy. You're back, you're finally back." His mother sobbed tears of joy.

"My boy!" Poseidon embraced both of them. Percy also had tears in his eyes as he was finally reunited with his family after six, long years. He'd yearned for the touch of his mother and father and now, he finally get his wish.

"Mom . . . Dad . . . I'm sorry." Percy cried out.

"It's okay, Percy. It's okay." His mother said, still not letting him go and Percy had no intention on changing that. He wanted to stay in his mother's and father's embrace forever.

"Artemis, you found him?" Zeus asked.

"Well, more like, um . . ."


"My hunters and I-"

"Found me." Percy finished. He turned to face Zeus after embracing his mother and father. He nodded at Artemis who was thankful for it. Percy knew Artemis didn't want anyone to know that she was unconscious during her hunters faced a horde of monsters and Percy had to save them, because that would just hurt her pride as the Goddess of the Hunt. "She found me in the forest where I was hiding."

"Why were you hiding?" Athena asked.

That question hit a sore spot. "You know exactly why." Percy simply said. Everyone was there six years ago when that incident happened, but they don't know the real reason.

The real story of what happened that day . . .

"Percy, you know I'm not mad at you for what happened." Athena said quietly.

"I don't care if you're mad or not. I just can't face everyone after what I did and I . . ." The image of the blood Riptide appeared in his head. Percy grunted a bit as he held his head.

"Percy, are you okay?" His mother rushed to his side.

"I'm okay," Percy said. "Just a little headache. I ran away because I was lost and I-I . . ."

"There's no need to say anything." Poseidon said. "We understand."

"No you don't. You don't . . ." Percy took a deep breath as he struggled not to cry.

Line Break

After a few minutes of welcoming back, Percy sat down on a simple stone chair along with his mother at the foot of Poseidon's throne. Zeus had ordered them to stay for a while. Tia and Thalia also sat next to Percy, not wanting to leave his side.

"Well, since Perseus is back, I assume everything will turn better now, right?"

"I'm afraid the same thing could not be said for Camp Half-Blood," Dionysus spoke. "The demigods have been getting more and more rebellious."

"I will deal with them." Percy said confidently.

"You don't understand, Percy. As cocky and as a brat they are, they're still powerful and skilled. Do not mistake them for weaklings." Poseidon said.

Percy smiled at his father. "Do not worry father, I've not spent all these years by doing nothing." Percy said, reassuring his father with a smile. "I've gotten stronger and I will handle things at camp." Percy heard Ares smirk. "Is there a problem, Lord Ares?"

"I doubt you could handle my kids as they run the place now." Ares said smugly. "Tell me, how strong have you've gotten?" Percy thought Poseidon would lunge at him, but Percy merely laughed, which surprised everyone.

"Why don't you come here and find out?" Percy said simply. Ares growled because he'd just been challenge publicly. He knew that if he backed out now, he'll look weak. This was just how Percy managed to bait Ares into a fight when he was twelve years old.

"You've just come back and you're being a cocky ass?" Ares said. "Show me what you can do."

Ares shrunk down and stepped into the middle of the throne room. Percy carried his sword which surprised mostly everyone because they haven't seen anyone carried a sword that big before. Plus, they haven't seen that kind of weapon before, which made Ares frown. It was an unknown weapon to the gods.

"Show me what you got, O God of War." Percy taunted. Ares growled and took out a bronze double bladed sword that was twice as long as Percy's arm. Ares dashed forward with incredible speed. Percy jumped and twirled horizontally, bringing his sword with him. Percy slammed the sword onto the floor and it made some kind of flaming spike that made its way towards Ares. Ares dodged the flames, but Percy didn't give him time to breathe as he dashed towards him with incredible speed. Percy made a cleaving strike, which Ares managed to block with his sword. Ares kicked Percy square on the chest, sending him flying across the throne room. Before he crashed to the wall, Percy flipped over and landed perfectly on his feet. He used the strength of his legs and pushed himself towards Ares.

"Come at me, little punk." Ares said. Percy closed his eyes and concentrated. It was a little trick he'd picked up during his time with the Draconians. He can turn himself into a half dragon with talons and claws with slightly hard skin, like the scale of a dragon. Percy dropped his sword and kicked Ares with all his might. Ares staggered backwards, but didn't fall. Percy continued to attack Ares in an unorthodox style. Percy swiped his claws at Ares, who had trouble of dodging it. Percy spun around and swiped at his chest, making a scratch wound across his chest. Golden blood, ichor, flowed through his wounds.

"You will pay for that." Ares growled. In response, Percy just growled back. It's true that Percy transformed into a half dragon with talons and claws, but the weird side of it was that Percy had dragon-like instincts. He had the urge to kill and he could barely talk. "What are you doing?"

In response, Percy actually roared. He stood on all fours as he positioned himself, readying to pounce or lunge. His roar echoed around the room, sending shivers in everyone. His breath started to steam and his eyes turned reptilian. "W-what?" In one push from his legs and arms, he moved towards Ares, leaving a strong gust of wind behind him. Ares seemed surprise when Percy knocked him aside with one swipe of his claw. Ares got up and transformed his sword into a rifle. He shot at Percy with several rounds of bullets.

"Percy! No!" His mother shouted.

Thanks to his hard scales, the bullets bounced harmlessly on his skin. Percy growled. He couldn't maintain this transformation for long, so he decided to finish it quick. He exhaled deeply and gathered his breath. With one blow, he fired a torrent of flame and aimed it towards Ares. Ares seemed shocked, unable to move. When the flames hit, Ares was sprawled on the ground, badly burnt. Percy stood up straight again, his talons shrunk and his pupils grew. His breathing became more steady and his skin turned back to human skin.

"Percy, what was that?" Hermes asked.

"You were fighting like some sort of creature." Athena pointed out. "That was, unusually abnormal."

"Are you feeling okay?" Poseidon asked.

"I'm okay, dad." Percy said.

"Well, uh, it seems Perseus and Ares had finished their feud, I will continue our current topic." Zeus said. "Apollo, heal Ares." Apollo nodded and went over to heal Ares. "Perseus, are you sure you want to correct things at camp? They're pretty messed up."

"And you guys are also messed up because of them, right?" Percy said. That took them by surprise. Percy guessed it when Dionysus stated out how bad it was at Camp Half-Blood. Percy figured that they were worried about their children being so divided and against each other, that it literally took a few years away from them. "I will handle things there."

"Will you be okay on your own, boy?" Artemis asked.

"Relax sis, its Percy we're talking about." Apollo said cheerily. "He's going to be fine and teach those demigods a lesson."

"You know how many had come into camp when he left for the past six years." Hera stated out. "You think he could handle them all alone?"

"That reminds me," Artemis said. She pointed at Tia. "Girl, step forward please."

Percy gripped her hand. "You're not touching her."

"Perseus, I meant it when I said I only have some questions for her." Artemis assured him. Percy reluctantly let go of her hands as Tia stepped to the middle of the throne room.

"State your name, young girl." Artemis said.

"Tia," Tia said. She probably didn't trust the gods enough to reveal her full name or maybe, she didn't even know that these people were gods.

"How about your age?" Hermes asked.

"I'm twelve."

"How about your parents?" Hera asked.

"T-they . . ." Something told Percy that there was a dark memory in Tia's past life. Artemis looked at Percy and Percy gave Artemis an appointing look.

"It's okay." Artemis said. "You are very powerful and I doubt that you are fully mortal."

"I sensed it too, sister." Athena said. "Anyone wants to claim the child?"

No one stepped up and claimed Tia. Everyone was confused, but Percy knew why. Tia wasn't a demigod, she was a vampire. Percy had to cover for her before they knew who she was. Quickly, Percy stood next to Tia.

"That can be a problem for another day. Now, we need to settle things at camp, right?" Percy said as he looked at Zeus. Zeus seemed undecided between to follow his daughter or listen to Percy. Things in camp had been way worse than they had been six years ago, and they were the cause of the gods looking this bad.

"Very well. We shall find out who will claim this demigod for some other day. Right now, everyone needs to focus on the current situation." Zeus decided. Artemis didn't look happy about it, but Percy managed to hold off Tia's identity for a little longer. Tia sighed in relief as Percy walked her back to her seat.

"Thanks, Percy." Tia said.

"Don't mention it, Tia. I'm responsible for protecting you." Percy said.

Line Break

After some reluctant goodbyes, Zeus teleported Thalia, Tia and Percy back to Camp Half-Blood. They appeared at the outside of the hill, where Argus used to pick them if they left for a quest. Luckily, the meeting was longer than Percy thought because it was night time, which is okay for Tia.

"Can't say I feel good that I'm back." Percy muttered.

"Me too." Thalia agreed.

"Where are we?" Tia asked. Percy realized Tia had never been to camp, so she had no idea where she was. "This place smells funny."

"We're in Long Island, New York. This is where demigods come to stay and avoid monsters. It's the only safe place for demigods like me and Thalia." Percy explained. "You noticed that tall tree? That used to be Thalia."

Thalia elbowed Percy. "Watch it, Kelp Head."

"Good to be back." Percy said as he smiled. They trudged towards Half-Blood Hill and climbed over to Thalia's pine tree. Peleus the dragon was snoring soundly and he was a full grown dragon now.

Below things were rather peaceful for a messed up camp.

"You said they were fighting each other?" Percy said.

"You'll see."

They climbed down the hill and walked towards the Big House. On their way there, a demigod bumped into Percy on purpose. Percy staggered a bit, but he held his ground.

"Watch where you're going, new kid!"

"Who the fuck you think you are?" Thalia exclaimed. Soon, a crowd of demigod surrounded the boy who'd just bumped into him. The demigod laughed.

"Who I am? I'm Matthew, the greatest and strongest demigod ever in this camp. Anyone here has any problems with that?" The demigod, Matthew, said.

"I do," Percy said boldly. Matthew glared at him.

"You're no match for me."

Percy took his massive sword out. It created a sharp metal sound as the air around everyone rippled slightly. "What, you scared?"

"Scared? Of you? Don't make me laugh."

"Oh really? Well, take me on. Here, you can even use my sword if you want." Percy stabbed his sword to the ground and stepped back. "Go on, take it. You're strong, aren't you?"

Matthew smirked as he gripped the hilt of the sword, he frowned. He tried to pull it with all his might, but couldn't. The sword will be ten times heavier to anyone else but for Percy, it's just as light as any other sword. He grunted as he tried to pull the sword again.

"Too heavy for you?" Percy asked innocently. Matthew fired a bolt of fire at Percy, whom instead of avoiding it; he caught it with his bare hands. Being a Youngling has its perks. Matthew was taken aback when Percy clenched his fists together, extinguishing the flames. "Is that all?" He must be a son of Hecate.

Matthew stumbled back. "I've been holding back all this time. Don't think that was my full power." He stammered.

"Oh, really? Well then, I'd like to see your full power." Percy said nonchalantly.

"I'll show you!" Matthew said. He took his own sword out and charged at Percy. As he slashed, Percy kept dodging without even moving his feet. He was a skilled fighter, that he could give. Percy grabbed his wrist, twisted it until it snapped. Matthew just screamed in pain.

"You dare turn this beautiful place into chaos?" Percy said, now angry. "This was my home, and you and your people had ruined it!" Percy choked the boy with one hand and lifted him up in the air. Matthew struggled for air as he clawed uselessly at Percy's hand. "How would you like to be cooked?"

Matthew's eyes widened as Percy blew a torrent of fire at his whole body. The first few seconds as he was being burned alive, he struggled. But after that, his body remained motionless as the fire burned his life away, literally. When Percy was finished, he was nothing more than a badly burnt corpse. When Percy dropped his corpse, Percy stepped on the head, making the skull crumble to dust.

"I'm going to bring this camp back to the way it was. If I see any troublemakers, they'll have to deal with me, understand?!" Percy shouted.

The crowd of demigods nodded hurriedly at Percy's threat. Percy felt Tia tugging at his shirt. Percy looked at her. "I'm thirsty." She said. Those two words alone were enough to make Percy panic.

"Who do you think you are? Coming to camp and killing demigods." Another kid stepped up. "Who made you in charge?" Percy smirked. Perfect timing.

"Lord Zeus."

"Well, I don't believe every single bull crap you say. This place was a dump to begin with." The demigod said loudly. Percy waved his hands and covered everyone's eyes with very thick Mist.

"Tia, dinner time." Percy said as he grinned evilly. Tia, being a young vampire, didn't understood a thing. She let her thirst took over and lunged at the poor demigod.

Screams were heard that night as Tia claimed her first victim of the camp.

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