Back to the Way I Was

Por IsaaacR

2.1K 55 28

After the incident with Annabeth that caused her death, Percy shut himself out of the world for six years. Af... Más

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 1

314 4 4
Por IsaaacR

Percy's POV

It's been six years since Percy shut himself out from Olympus, from camp, from his friends and family, including his mother. After what happened, he didn't have any intention in going back to his old life. Now, he had a new life, which had its ups and downs.

The worst thing Percy had suffered was the constant nightmares and flashbacks about Annabeth. Even after death, Annabeth had haunted him in his dreams and visions. He'd have flashing images of the bloody Riptide, her corpse lying motionless next to him and those grey eyes that showed so much pain, Percy wanted nothing more than to replace her in her place.

After the incident, Percy shut himself away from the Greek world, even though monsters were always after him. In six years of his journey alone, he'd discovered many things, many things that even the gods, titans or even Gaia herself haven't seen yet.

It was on that day, his life changed again.

Percy was in a tent that he'd made for himself. It was supposed to be a temporary place for him to sleep, but it end up being his home. His only source of food and water was a stream of river nearby. Percy would've never eaten seafood unless he had to. He'd always search for any other animals around before eating any sea creature.

He sat down on a log as he started a camp fire. He had gotten better at it after learning that damp wood won't light up. After the fire had started, Percy sat down to enjoy the warmth and comfort that was radiated from the fire.

Percy sighed as his thoughts drifted back to his moments with Thalia. He wondered where Thalia is right now and what is she doing. Same goes for Nico and all of his other friends. Six years had passed, and there's not a single day that Percy didn't miss his friends and family. It was hard not to reveal himself to everyone, but Percy couldn't bear to face them after what happened with Annabeth. He didn't know if they would hate him or forgive him.

In the years, he'd learn so many things that were even hidden from the eyes of the gods. For example, Percy met a strange boy called Carter Kane and he was some sort of magician. At first, Percy thought he was going to pull a rabbit out of a hat, but apparently, that's not what Carter meant by 'magician'. Gods from the Egyptian and Norse mythologies were real, but some kind of Ancient Law had prevented the three powers from meeting or even discovering each other's existence. Percy managed to discover them and got accepted, but he knew he couldn't stay long. He didn't belong in their world just as much as they didn't belong in his. He'd learn to conceal himself from the gods, but his scent was still just as strong towards monsters or pretty much anyone who could smell him.

Then, he learned about the dragons. In a far, mystical place called Hawaii (yes, Percy has been to Hawaii. It's the Labyrinth's fault, long story), he'd met an entrance in one of the volcanoes called Mauna Loa. As Percy trudged deeper into the cave, he stumbled into a cavern filled with some kind of dragon people. They called themselves Draconians. The Draconians were dragons that had morphed into humans so they wouldn't take so much space in hiding. Percy had never seen them in their true form, but after a few close calls with their flaming breaths, Percy believed them. After learning some things about them and following their ways, the Draconians called him a Youngling, which stands for a young dragon.

Because that Percy didn't have the strength of a dragon, they gave Percy a sword. It was massive and broad, about the size of a surfing board. The hilt was wrapped in leather while the blade was Dragon Scales, melted down and shaped into a blade. Percy could wield it just fine and it proved useful against the hard skin of a drakon.

The reason he'd accepted the sword was because he didn't have anything to defend himself with. His sword, Riptide . . . it brought bad memories.

Percy was disrupted out of his thoughts when he smelled something in the air. Yeah, during his time with the Draconians, all of his senses and physical abilities increased incredibly. The last six years he'd spent alone hadn't gone to a complete waste. He trained and improved himself greatly, training slightly with the Egyptians and Norse people. His training with the Draconians weren't finished yet, but since he's not a dragon, it's technically finished since that's all his human body could learn.

His nose picked up a weird smell, which Percy figured to be a monster. He stood up, extinguished the flames and took his sword out. The only way to hide his sword was with the Mist, but he didn't need it now because he's hiding himself. Ever since he was alone, darkness had become his ally. He blended in with the shadows, waiting for his enemy to appear. Percy hid behind a tree and steadied his breathing. He listened closely and touched the ground.

Footsteps . . . Heavy . . . More than two . . . Weird dog smell . . .

There were probably several Hellhounds and Cyclopes around him. Percy glanced around the tree to see if there were any hostiles. He'd spotted a Cyclopes lumbering around, sniffing the air. It had definitely caught Percy's scent and isn't leaving until it finds him. Percy crept up towards the Cyclopes slowly and quietly.

"Demigod! Where are you? Let me eat you!" The Cyclops bellowed. Percy pulled his hood over his head and wore a hard plastic white mask that covered the bottom half of his face, so you could only see his top half. He felt like Bane, but it was the only way to keep anyone from recognizing him instantly.

Percy lunged forward and slashed at the waist of the Cyclops, catching it off guard and splitting it in half. The monsters crumbled into dust slowly. His nose caught up with another scent. The first ones were monsters, Hellhounds and a few Cyclopes, but the other scents were weird. Percy recognized it, but he couldn't remember what it was.

Turns out, he didn't need to remember.

"Hunters, take them out." Percy heard Artemis shouted. Without hesitating, Percy ran towards the opposite direction from where the voice came from. Then, he heard another voice.

"Help!" A child's voice cried out. From the sound of it, it was a girl's voice and she sounds like a little kid. Percy scanned the area quickly and sees the girl being attacked by a Hellhound. The girl was screaming as she tried to get rid of the Hellhound with a long branch. The Hellhound growled as it slowly advanced at her, waiting to take its meal.

Percy was in a dilemma. He didn't want to be discovered by Artemis because he knew, if Artemis was here, so were the hunters and if the hunters were here, that means Thalia's here. On the other hand, Percy didn't want to leave the helpless child alone because he knew he would feel the guilt later on.

Then, an image started to flash back into his head. The image of his bloody sword and Annabeth sprawled lifeless on the ground in front of him. Percy blinked and put one hand on his head, trying to get the image out of his head.

Percy . . .Annabeth's faint voice said in my mind. He shook his head, trying to put it all aside. "Fuck it," Percy muttered as he dashed towards the girl. Percy took his sword it's sheathe on his back and swung his sword upwards, making the monster disintegrate. Percy looked at the girl. She had a long pink hair, which Percy found adorable. Her eyes were purple in colour. She was crying from fear as she backed away from me. "It's okay, little one. I killed it, see? No evil doggies."

"Why should I trust you?" The girl said. When she talked, Percy saw fangs, which was kind of weird. "The other guys tricked me into being their slave. I killed them all."

Percy's eyes widened. She kills people? "How old are you?"

"I'm twelve."

Then, Percy heard the sounds of footsteps just a few meters behind them. "Uh, I'm in a hurry, so, bye." Percy said before he ran. Well, at least he tried to run.

"Don't move or we'll shoot!" A voice said, a voice that Percy recognized too well. Percy looked behind him and saw Artemis, the Goddess of the Moon and Hunt and her fellow huntress were all aiming their arrows at him. Percy kept his hood low so they couldn't see his eyes and face.

The girl Percy just saved was frightened, but she edged closer towards him. Percy guessed that the girl might trust him more than the hunters, because they were aiming their arrows at both of them.

"Who are you?" Artemis asked. Percy stayed silent, because if he spoke, his cover might be blown. Thalia knew him so much that she might recognize his voice when she hears it. Percy simply kept his head low without saying anything.

"The goddess is talking to you, boy." Phoebe snarled, drawing her bowstring a bit further back. The other hunters followed suit. There were probably a dozen of them, plus Artemis.

"Who are they?" The girl asked next to Percy. Percy didn't answer but instead, he took his sword out.

"Are you challenging us, boy?" Phoebe said with a dangerous tone. I stayed motionless.

"Very well. Fire!" Artemis ordered. Volleys of silver arrows were launched from their bows, all aimed at Percy. Percy reacted quickly and stabbed his sword to the ground. Because of the broad blade, it was enough to cover most of his body if he crouched. He pulled the pink haired girl with him and hid behind the sword. Percy heard the clangs of metals against the sword every time an arrow hits it.

"On my signal, run." Percy whispered to the girl.

"Run where?"

"Run away from here as fast as possible." Percy replied.

"Hold your fire!" Artemis shouted. The volleys of arrows stopped. The trees and ground around them were littered with silver arrows. Some lodged into the tree trunks and some snapped in half. The instant the fire ceased, Percy pulled his sword from the ground and gave the girl an appointing look. The girl nodded and ran in, whoa . . . As she ran, she left a trail of purple images behind her, meaning she was running super fast.

Who was that kid?

However, Percy snapped himself out of his thoughts and ran away from the hunters. "After him!" Percy heard Artemis shouted. The hunters moved quickly and swiftly, using the tree branches to their advantages. The training over six years had increased his speed and stamina, but he wasn't as agile as the hunters. Every time Percy had dodged something out of his way, it would slow him down, making the hunters catch up on him.

Eventually, Percy managed to outrun them all as Percy left the in the dust.

Or so he thought he did.

It was not until then Percy stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Thalia in front of him, arrow notched. "Nice try dude, but I'm way faster."

Percy knew he couldn't run away from Thalia, because she is fast, even before she was a hunter. Now that she is and after six years, Percy doubted Thalia had been slacking off. So, Percy didn't have a choice.

"Step aside, and no one gets hurt." Percy said as quietly as possible. Thalia frowned at his voice.

"You sound familiar." Thalia said. "Reveal your face."

Percy shook his head. "Step aside." Percy said, putting a little threat in his voice.

"Take the damn hood off." Thalia stretched the bowstring a bit further back.

"If I don't?"

"Then I'll blast the shit out of you with lightning."

Percy didn't buy it. He took one step forward and Thalia fired her arrow. It was charged with electricity because as it flew, Percy saw several sparks flying from it. The arrow hit his face, but didn't harm him. It exploded on contact, exploding the hood and half of the mask he was wearing. Smoke enveloped his face.

"That'd teach you to mess with me." Thalia said triumphantly. As the smoke cleared up, Thalia gasped.

His bottom left part of the face was covered with a white hard plastic mask, but the rest was visible. Percy looked at Thalia with guilt, sadness and regret.

"Percy? Is that you?" Thalia reached her hands out. A pained expression could be seen across his face. Thalia had a look of relief and happiness as she finally met her long lost friend.

"Stay back, Thalia." Percy warned. He didn't want this to happen, but it was hard not to look dead in her eyes and tell her that he's sorry. Thalia ran towards him.

Shit, he had no choice.

As Thalia tried to hug him, Percy ducked under her arms and pinched the side of her neck, making her unconscious instantaneously. "I'm sorry, Thals." Percy said before he brushed across her hair. Percy heard footsteps several meters away, which Percy guessed must've been the hunters. He ran off before he could meet any one of them.

Line Break

Percy woke up in a cold sweat. He had the same nightmare again. Annabeth is haunting him, no matter what he did. Percy must've also been crying in his sleep as well, because he had tears coming out from his eyes. Percy steadied himself on the tree to avoid from falling.

A few hours after his encounter with the hunters and Artemis, Percy found a safe spot on a tree to sleep on. When he woke up, it was dawn and the sun was about to rise.

Percy sighed as he remembered his meeting with Thalia. He'd had close encounters like that, but that was the closest in the past six years.

Artemis' POV

It annoyed Artemis how the man managed to slip away from her and her hunters. He moved in a speed faster than the hunters, which meant he was not a mortal, but Artemis didn't sense any godly aura or power in the boy's blood. It annoyed her even more when she found her lieutenant unconscious after managing to catch him. Luckily, no one was hurt, which was a bit weird. Why would he knock her out instead of killing her?

They'd set up camp nearby and brought Thalia to her tent for healing. Artemis was a bit worried when she saw her, but it confused her when she saw tear streaks from her eyes. That made Artemis wonder what happened with Thalia during her encounter with the mysterious man.

Then, Thalia shot awake and shouted one name: "Percy!"

"Thalia, are you okay?" Artemis rushed to her side. Her eyes were wild, as if she was looking for something. She looked around and scanned the tent, but didn't seem to found what she was looking for.

"Percy, where is he? Where's Percy?" She asked hurriedly. Artemis frowned at the question.

"Thalia, Percy has been missing for six years. You knew that. We're here because we're still searching for him." Artemis said but Thalia shook her head furiously.

"No, no, no, I saw him! He was the guy that we were chasing! It was Percy!" Thalia exclaimed as tears fell from her eyes. It was hard to believe her, because the Percy that Artemis knew isn't that fast, isn't that strong and doesn't and couldn't wield a sword that freaking huge.

"Thalia, it couldn't have been him. Otherwise, I would've sensed Poseidon's blood in his blood." Artemis said.

"B-but . . ." Thalia started sobbing and sniffing. It's rare to see Thalia cry but when she does; someone needs to be there for her. Artemis sat next to her and pulled her into a hug.

"It's okay, my sister. We will find him, I promise we will." Artemis said. Artemis didn't want to admit it to everyone, but she was also eager to bring him back. Everything was horrible for the past six years since he left. Olympus had never seen a sadder day; Poseidon barely had any rest in finding his son, and same goes for his mother, Sally Jackson, a sweet lady, married to a guy named Paul, one of the few males Artemis could tolerate with. Sally was sad, and had been searching for Percy and never gave up. When everyone asked Hades if Percy was dead, he shook his head.

Camp Half-Blood isn't any better. Since Percy left, everyone was sad. The new demigods that arrived were always cocky, always tried to make their name in camp. The older campers had backed down, thanks to Chiron. He was trying hard to avoid conflict, though he looked like he wanted to put an arrow in one of the newer campers himself. The last time the Hunt has been in there, Artemis herself had to interfere to avoid bloodbath between the new campers and the hunters.

"Percy, I saw him . . . I swear I saw him." Thalia said as she sobbed into Artemis' shoulder.

"We'll find him, sister." Artemis promised, though she wasn't so sure.

Percy's POV

When the sun had finally risen and it was early morning, Percy walked around the forest to find a new campsite. His sword was sheathed on his back. He tried to sniff for any scent or smell of any source of water, but no such luck. Percy trudged around the forest, trying to find another place for him to rest.

Then, Percy noticed a cave at the side of a hill. Percy shrugged and entered the cave. He had no source of light, so he had no plans on exploring the cave more than he had to. He rested himself for a bit in the cave. Percy still hadn't gotten over his meeting with Thalia.

"Fucking daylight . . ." a familiar voice groaned.

Percy draw his sword and faced himself deeper into the cave. "Who's there?" Percy asked. Percy heard footsteps heading towards him, getting closer and closer.

"Well, well, there's a familiar face." A female's voice said. It was the girl that Percy had saved last night. So, she was also hiding in this cave. For a twelve year old, she's pretty resourceful.

"Oh, it's you. What's your name again?" Percy asked as he put away his sword.

"It's Tiarana, but you can call me Tia." She said as she jumped happily. "I'm so happy to see you again. I missed you. Where've you been?"

For a resourceful girl, she's pretty childish.

"I was busy." Percy said which was kind of true.

"Can you, um, come closer?" Tia said.


"Because you're in the sun."


"I, uh, can't handle the sun."

Percy frowned. He took a step closer to her, into the shadows. Percy felt her hugging his leg. "Thank you mister, for saving me."

"It's okay, kiddo." Percy ruffled the hair of the young child. She looked up to Percy and smiled. Percy could see the tiny fangs in her teeth. Her pink hair was all the way to her waist and her purple eyes were, um, dazzling and yet at the same time hypnotizing, and not in a good way.

"Hey, mister?"

"There's no need to call me mister, Tia." Percy pointed out. "My name is Percy Jackson. You can call me Percy."

"Per-cy Ja-son." Tia tried to pronounce my name. I chuckled a bit and shook my head.

"It's not Jason, its Jackson."

"Jack-son." Tia said as she showed her smile again.

Then, Percy's nose caught a scent. It smells like an animal and probably a huge one. "Tia, get behind me." Percy said as he took his sword out. Percy heard some kind of deep growling coming from within the cave. It was a bear. A huge bear, easily twice the size of Percy.

"Tia, I need you to- Tia?" Percy glanced over to where Tia was standing behind him. At first, Percy thought she would be hiding and cowering in fear. Instead, she stared at the beast hungrily while baring its fangs. Her purple eyes glowed menacingly dangerous. "Tia, are you-"

Before Percy could finish his sentence, Tia advanced in super speed and snapped the neck of the bear in one quick move. Percy's jaw dropped. He was astonished that a twelve year old girl could do that to a full grown bear. She had super speed and now super strength? It wasn't supposed to be that surprising because she told Percy that she killed a few men before but it still managed to surprise Percy.

Then, came the disgusting part.

Right in front of Percy's eyes, Tia buried her fangs into the neck of the beast. Percy's eyes widened and would've gagged and barfed if he wasn't so confused right now.

"Whoa! Whoa! Hang on there Tia. That's not- ugh, that's gross!" Percy said as he held his sword up.

What is this girl?

"What? I'm hungry." Tia said. "Besides, I'm not eating it. I'm, drinking."


If possible, Percy was about to be more sick. She was drinking the blood of the bear. This girl is weird. But, Percy remembered something. He tried to put the puzzle together.

Superhuman speed and strength, menacing eyes, can't handle the sun, drinks blood . . .

Oh shit.

She's a fucking vampire.

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