
By SPenBooks

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(Book 2) *complete* The first being Alberta. (Willa is not a retelling of Alberta it is quite different with... More

Chapter One: The Beginning
Chapter Two: Am I?
Chapter Three: Prom
Chapter Four: Eighteen
Chapter Five: A Tangled Web
Chapter Six: The Party
Chapter Seven: Im Gay
Chapter Eight: Leave
Chapter Nine: Mary
Chapter Ten: Goodbyes
Chapter Eleven: The Wedding
Chapter Twelve: Safe Haven
Chapter Thirteen: Fresh Start
Chapter Fourteen: Honeymoon Period
Chapter Fifteen: Sundays
Chapter Sixteen: A First *
Chapter Seventeen: Thanksgiving *
Chapter Eighteen: Christmas
Chapter Nineteen: College for me... A labour for you
Chapter Twenty: A Little Bird is Born
Chapter Twenty One: Three years ...
Chapter Twenty Two: Returning
Chapter Twenty Three: Morgan *
Chapter Twenty Four: I cant leave here without you *
Chapter Twenty Five: Catfished
Chapter Twenty Seven: A week *
Chapter Twenty Eight: A Nomikos baptism by fire
Chapter Twenty Nine: Road trip
Chapter Thirty: Are you real?
Chapter Thirty One: Moving in *
Chapter Thirty Two: Sunburn and Hickeys *
Chapter Thirty Three: Burning bridges
Chapter Thirty Four: Trying to make it work
Chapter Thirty Five: The end of us
Chapter Thirty Six: Alberta
Chapter Thirty Seven: Moving forward
Chapter Thirty Eight: Words
Chapter Thirty Nine: Years pass slow
Chapter Forty: I missed you, Allie.
Chapter Forty One: Summers with a little bird
Chapter Forty Two: Heaven and Hell
Chapter Forty Three: Forever
Future works

Chapter Twenty Six: A Tale of two dates *

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By SPenBooks

"Good morning" Willa cheerily greeted, as I picked up the phone.

"Good morning to you too... why do you sound so chipper this morning" I ask curiously, as I hand Harper a juice box and take the seat beside her on the bench in the yard. We had spent all morning out here planting and clearing the flower beds, me in a pair of tan dungarees, grey t shirt, my hair wrapped up in a scarf like a war time factory employee who was working the line.

Harper looked to me as I sat "Is it aunty Willa" she asked.

I nodded as she smiled, kicking her legs excitedly back and forth. Willa is in the background, sounding like she is moving about "Willa" I ask "did you hear me"

I hear a car door shut, and the phone moving about in her hands "Sorry Allie. I was just getting a million things into the car for basketball today. I've finally shut the trunk... I had to jump on the top of it. God knows what the neighbours thought" she muses.

I let out a laugh at the vision of her on top of her car, and Harper smiles "what did she say mama" she asks me.

I run my hand through her red hair tenderly "Aunty Willa is acting a fool again... nothing new" I noted, and she took another sip from her juice box and watched a bee buzz about on the flowers in-front of us.

"So why are you so chipper this morning..." I ask again

I hear the car start "No reason" she says, but I can hear it in her voice that she is excited about something.

"You can tell me" I add. I didn't want Willa to hide her life from me. I wanted to hear about the things that made her days and the people in them, yet I noticed she didn't talk much about her friends or her love life there. It was as if she shielded me from it, and I appreciated that sometimes, to be kept back from all the details that may sting. To know the ins and outs of her dating life would perhaps indeed be too much, but to know nothing at all, it was also rather painful. My mind could go wondering when I knew nothing, making things worse than they were in reality. Perhaps it would be better to know it all, and just take it.

"I have a date tonight" she finally confesses.

I gulp a little "wow okay" I add, pretending to be thrilled "who with" I ask. She is quiet, like she's assessing the depth of her reply "is it the girl from the hotel, the one who knocked your door"

My eyes squeeze shut for the reply, because if it was, that meant, that she meant something a little more, and that she had lasted past the weekend.

"Yes" she replies "the very one. I didn't put her off after all" she says with a hint of a humour "I pick her up from the airport in a few hours"

"The airport" I ask, a little flustered and standing to pace slightly around the yard. Harper took off looking for bugs under all the pots, as I watched on and tried to distract my train of thought.

"Yes, she's from Arizona" she returns.

My nostrils flair slightly at the wave of emotions running every which way through my body and mind. Willa didn't just have a date, she had a girl fly out of state to visit with her, this was serious, and if Willa didn't realise it she soon would. A woman doesn't just fly hours for a hook up, she must really like her, perhaps more than like her. Why did it make my heart hurt?! To consider another may take it, as if they were taking it out of my hands forcefully and stealing it away, like I had any say on who or where Willa's heart resides. As her best friend I felt i always kept it safe, that piece of Willa. I guess it was time to hand it over, because romance trumped friendship, and it no longer belonged to me. I should have been expecting this moment, it was long overdue. Willa is the most incredible person I've ever been blessed to meet, and to have in my life, and so I knew, someone would come across her one day, and realise how they needed her in their life. Willa was a catch, she was, and is, a true discovery.

The moment had finally arrived, someone had discovered her. I just wondered if she would tell me all about this relationship as it blossomed, or shield me from it again.

"Mama can I talk to Willa" Harper asks, and I nod and press the speaker button.

"Aunty Willa" she says sweetly "I found a butterfly" she tells her "it's pretty" she adds.

You can hear the smile in Willa's voice "sounds beautiful Harper... now tell me what is my favourite niece doing today" she asks.

Harper takes the phone to sit on the bench as she chats away, leaving me looking around the garden in deep thought, hands on hips, and wondering what to do with the ache in my stomach.

"Mama and daddy have a date night" Harper confesses.

I rush over to grab the phone, not wanting Willa to know some of my own small details. I sit down beside Harper and hold the phone between us ready to snatch it up if she reveals anything more. "So we both have a date tonight" Willa asks, her voice changing slightly, a little more curious that I had held that back.

"Yes we are out for dinner" I add, my head hanging a little as I held my finger tips to my forehead. Why didn't I want her to know this? I doubt she gave it a second thought.
I still get anxious to overshare after she left so suddenly and didn't attend the wedding, she clearly hadn't liked it at the time and I was sensitive to not bring up Ben and I, or push any news on her... Like the fact I had a baby in my belly, early days, but it was there. I should have been excited to tell her, but I censored the news as if it should do damage to her, to know it.

"Well have a good night Allie, and Harps, enjoy your sleepover at Grandma Helena's... will you tell her I said hi" she asks.

Harper nods enthusiastically "I will aunty Willa... I love you"

Willa sighs "I love you too Harps"

"Have a lovely night Willa... with Ms Arizona herself" I reply, trying to be upbeat for her.

"Thanks Allie, I love you" she adds.

I feel the ache again "I love you more"

"Impossible" she replies.

I smile before she clicks off. I am left then in the silence of the click, to digest my thoughts and feelings, and the way in which hearing of Willa's first romance (that I knew of) was like someone trying to rip my heart out, with no sedation... Why is this so hard?! To let her go? shouldn't I be deliriously happy for my best friend to find love? and a girl who would travel the country for her?! Shouldn't I be jumping up and down for her...? then why had the news sunk to the bottom of my stomach like it was bound to a boulder and thrown into a river.

"I'm so excited for this date" Ben says eagerly as he pushes my chair in, and sits opposite me, his smile spread across his cheeks and meeting his eyes.

My eyes were drawn to the fresh dark beard he was trying to grow, he smoothed it under his hand as he checked out the menu. I hated the beard, it was uncomfortable and it made a kiss a little rough, and quite honestly, unbearable. The beard tickled, and it just didn't do anything for me... not that fresh faced did much either, but I liked Ben fresh faced. I think the fact was, the ugly truth of it, when Ben had a beard covering his features, his jaw line and his lips...I could no longer see the familiar features that warmed me to each kiss, or moment of affection, Willa's features.

Dear god, I was so messed up, and the worrying thing was, that I was truly only just realising how deep this thing went. Ben deserved much better than me. I hoped this second baby in my belly would bring us as close as Harper had done when she was born. The feelings I felt after Harper, for Ben, they didn't seem to last long term, because after a few years I was back to the start, wondering how it was I ever came to marry like this, when I wasn't in love with the person who asked me, it was my mamas first requirement for one of her children to marry. I had disobeyed her, lied to her, anything to just make this all work... to make it so I didn't have to leave Willa. Everything I had ever done was to cling onto her longer, and yet she had disappeared the day I committed to life with Ben...committed to him, so that I could keep her. I was living with it now, the choices that I had made. I would have to suck it up and move on, to make this family as happy and thriving as I could possibly do, whilst simultaneously trying to survive on half a heart.

"You look beautiful" Ben compliments, smiling at me lovingly.

I reach out and squeeze his hand " you don't look too bad yourself"

He leans forward and kisses me on the lips, a peck, a rough peck as his beard scratched against my cheek.

"When shall we tell the family about the baby" he asks excitedly.

I smile at the thought, and place my hand instinctively to my belly, resting it upon the soft material of my dress "perhaps after our first scan" I suggest.

He nods "good plan" he replies, and he looks back to the menu.

I find myself looking out of the window, away from him, and my mind wondering a few states over, to Oregon, and to Willa's date.

I pull up to the airport entrance and take a deep nervous breath. Two weeks of not seeing Morgan, and everyone declaring her a catfish, or a figment of my imagination, it had made me start to consider if I did indeed make her up after all.

"Willa" Teddy says, breaking the silence and removing her belt buckle. She turned to face me in the front seat. Teddy had forced herself into my car after winning her basketball game, she was insistent she come and meet Morgan for herself. Of course the family were all for it, because she was their eyes and ears. Theodora was the Nomikos Trojan horse.

"Yes" I acknowledge, removing my shades and placing them over the scoop neck of my sun dress.

"You look really pretty" she observes.

I smile at her, taken aback "gee thanks Tedmeister" I reply, reaching out and ruffling her hair, her curls bouncing at my touch.

"I just want you to know... that if you made Morgan up, don't be embarrassed. We can leave here right now and say no more about it" she offers me seriously.

I roll my eyes "do you still think I made her up" I ask "Unbelievable" I say shaking my head "you Nomikos are extremely paranoid" I return "and you are going to be pretty sorry when she walks out here, and she's real"

Teddy unwraps a popsicle and sticks it in her mouth, placing the wrapper in the centre console. "Believe it when I see it" she returns bluntly.

I pick up my phone as the notification bell rings. "Her flight came in late" I read out loud.

Teddy looks at me, her eyebrows lift questionably "suuuure" she says teasingly "this is where you take me home isn't it, and pretend she turns up later when nobody is around to witness her"

"Theodora Nomikos" I chastise "I don't know why I let you come with me... you are relentless"

"You love me" she says matter of factly.

"Not enough for this" i state, but before I can say more, I spot her, her long, lean, tanned legs striding across the tarmac, her small case wheeling along behind her, wearing a short, coral coloured, floral ruffle trimmed play suit that reveals far too much flesh. She turns back to look at something behind her, and I spot a bow of material between her bare shoulder blades. A cute way to undress her later ran through my mind, before I forced myself out of the car to wave her over. She slipped her shades up over her glossy blonde locks and sat them on her head as she waved back enthusiastically.

I looked down into the car to give Teddy an eyebrow raise and an "I told you so" She is wide eyed and open mouthed as Morgan approaches the car, realising I was indeed about to date this absolute goddess.

Morgan's smile is adorable as she comes to a stop in front of me, and takes me in for the first time. Her attention is drawn back to the car briefly, as she spots Teddy in the front seat "wait... " she says turning back to me and pointing between teddy and I "is this where you confess that you are a mom, and you never told me" she asks with one fair eyebrow raised upon her beautiful face.

"No, this is my annoying shadow, Teddy. She is almost nine years old, and a complete pain in my ass, but she has these cute dimples that pop when she smiles" I say pointing and pushing my fingers into my cheeks where her dimple's reside "Honestly, it's the only reason that I keep her around" I add, dropping my hands back down to my sides "she's just too cute to be mad at for long"

"The dimples just popped" Morgan observes as Teddy smiles and waves through the window "I can see why that face would be hard to ditch" she says looking back to me lovingly.

I reach out for her with one hand, she looks down and takes it, and I tug her towards me, her hands cupping my cheeks as she places a tender kiss upon my lips. The smell of her perfume takes me right back to the hotel, making butterflies take flight inside of my stomach as our lips meet again, slipping into a familiar rhythm before a voice carries from the car "Let's go" Teddy calls.

We both smile, breaking the kiss, and opening our eyes as our noses touch "Let's go drop her off. Then we can get going to the little house I've rented for the week" I suggest, reaching down and grabbing her bag to put in the trunk.

"Let's" Morgan teases " I've got a lot to catch you up on" she says suggestively with an eyebrow wiggle.

"Oh really" I flirt back "You have plans for me do you" I ask, dropping the bag into the trunk and slamming it shut.

"Only a few...I'm not sure I tasted that entire bag of skittles... I have a few flavours to go" she adds teasingly.

I pull her back against me, my hands slipping up her hips to the flesh of her small waist that is exposed at the sides of her playsuit. My fingers squeeze her sides a little, as I lean back in for a kiss, teasingly slipping past her lips and pushing her fair hair aside to run my lips over her neck. I place a kiss upon the sensitive flesh above her pulse, my tongue tasting her there, her body falls against me slightly as if her legs go a little to Jelly "Willa" she begs "Don't make me commit a crime in front of a crowd" she muses.

I lean back, smiling teasingly "A little something to think about on the drive home" I say with devilish glint in my eye.

"To think about" she says breathlessly "it's all I've been thinking about" she confesses. Her deep blue eyes crease into a rather lovely smile that pulls her full lips upward, allowing them to fall open slightly, as she sighs a little.

"Come" I say, opening the car door.

She looks at me amused, and takes a seat as I shut the door and return to the drivers seat. Teddy is turned all the way around in her seat observing Morgan like she is a rare creature at the zoo. "Nice to meet you Morgan" she greets.

Morgan looks to her sweetly, and shakes her hand that is stuck out "it's nice to meet one of Willa's friends"

Teddy nods "I'm her third best friend" she declares matter of factly.

"Are you really" Morgan asks amused.

Teddy nods "Yep, she wouldn't survive without me"

Morgan I can tell is realising why I keep Teddy around, you can't help but love the little heathen.

"Belt up Ted" I instruct, as I start the car and begin the drive back to the restaurant to drop Teddy off home.

"I'm glad you are real Morgan" Teddy says "Willa needs a girlfriend, and you will do perfect" she announces.

I look in the rear view, meeting Morgan's eyes, and we smile at one another. She would most definitely do.

The drop off of Teddy was like a military operation. I waited to drive up when Callie, Demi and Thea appeared out of sight, at the back of the restaurant. I knew if I didn't, that they would be out here like a flash to interrogate Morgan. I wanted her to myself a while longer before they descended upon her like a pack of monkeys, keen to touch her hair, hold her face, inspect her teeth, and grant her a place in the clan, when they had finally put her down post inspection.

"See you tomorrow for dinner" I remind Teddy as she steps out of the car.

Morgan gets in to sit beside me. "Nice to meet you Teddy" Morgan calls after her, as we watch her skip into the restaurant.

"Wait for it" I say, pointing to the large restaurant windows, amused.

Morgan follows my gaze and we watch through the window as the Nomikos women, as I suspected they would, appeared, one by one clambering to get a look at the girl beside me. Yes girls, the goddess who was in-fact real. Morgan began to laugh loudly as Calliope and Demi jumped up and down pointing and clapping at the sight of her. Thea does a little dance and grabs Demi as she pretends to kiss her.

"That's my crazy girl gang" I acknowledge, before waving and pulling out of the car lot before they got a chance to descend upon us.

"I love them" Morgan says placing her hand upon my thigh and squeezing it.

"If you don't move your hand I might actually crash the car before we get to the skittle tasting part of our date."

Morgan releases my thigh and returns her hand to her lap with a little laugh. "Are we going on the date before the house" she asks.

I put my shades back on as the evening light dips a little. "No, we are going back to the house first... to change and get ready, and then we have the date" I say turning to her briefly "is that okay" i ask.

She runs her hand through her long hair casually "of course... but you do know how painful it's going to be to not touch you until after the date"

"You can touch me... we just can't touch... inappropriately"

"I can't touch you then, not even a finger tip... until this date is over" she says matter of factly.

"What, not even a hug or a kiss" I ask, pouting at the thought.

"Not if you don't want to be ravaged...no"

"I really wish I hadn't booked a whole evening out now" I say regretfully, because being ravaged by Morgan sounded beyond the realm of perfect, it sounds like my idea of heaven.

"It will be good for us... to actually talk... but it won't be good for my patience, nor the throb between my legs" she says, and the way the last bit slips from her lips, so sexually charged, it makes my body react in the same way, my heart speeds up, thoughts of Morgan, tasting her between her legs. Stop it Willa! I beg myself.

I am extremely hot under the collar.

Morgan looks at me, with a teasing smile "sorry, did that make you sweat a little" she asks, lifting her hand and running it around the back of my neck, her fingers massaging the flesh of my shoulders under my dress.

"Morgan" I warn a little breathlessly "you are touching" I add.

She smiles wickedly "so I am" she says, removing her arm. Oh god.

We arrived at the little rental cottage on the beach at Ecola state park, a little while later. It had a perfect view of the beach, and the rocks that sprung from it, it was the perfect spot to introduce Morgan to my state.

"Wow, it's incredible" Morgan observed, as she opened up the double doors of the master bedroom to the decking outside.

"It is" I say in disbelief, wrapping my arms around her and kissing her bare shoulder. Her skin smelt like coconut, the moisturiser she had used, and it took everything in me not to pull her back into the room and take her then and there. I seemed to be absolutely intoxicated by her at this point.

She turned her head and leant into mine. "Willa, I missed you" she confesses, turning and wrapping her hands around my body as mine slipped around her shoulders blades, holding her close, her head placed against my shoulder. "It sounds ridiculous, because we only just met, but I have thought about you incessantly. The miles between us made me feel like I missed you for longer, if that makes sense, like you were a world away and not a few states"

"I know a lot about that" I muse, and my mind flickers slightly to my past, to Allie, before I focus back to Morgan, my future. "Let's just enjoy this week" I suggest.

She pulls away a little "agreed... let's get ready" she says "because I'm this close" she taunts, squeezing her finger and thumb together "to just jumping you"

I let out an amused laugh as she walks away, back into the room. I can't help it as I watch her go, to release a long breath at the sight of her. She is beyond beautiful, and I wasn't dumb, I knew, that I was extremely lucky that this incredible woman looked at me the same way.

I wait by the front door, an hour of getting ready in separate rooms, and now my palms were sweaty as I waited for her, like this was a first date at sixteen, and I was waiting at her mommas door, nervously anticipating her.

I had put on a new outfit which had been forced into my hands by Callie and Demi, on a day where they had taken me shopping, for clothes that I could date in. The outfit was kind of out there for me, a lot sexier than I dared dress myself. It was a dark green two piece set, a cropped tight top, that revealed a lot more than a slither of my toned torso, enough to tease with, paired with trendy pleated trousers that snatched the waist, but had a wide leg. My hair was naturally straight, falling down my shoulders, I didn't have to do much with that, but the make up took slightly longer, not my natural look, a bit more dolled up than normal, a little more edgy than usual. If I looked in a mirror I may not even recognise myself at this point, and I certainly looked like I belonged with the girl currently walking down the stairs in front of me... my mouth dropping open "Morgan... you look... incredible" I gasp. beginning to sweat a little.

She smiles as I drink her in. She is wearing a little black dress that showed off every curve that girl had, her hips hugged by the fabric, her waist exposed by the design of the dress, almost exactly how mine was, but from the sides only. She was a feast for the eyes, her breasts sitting in underwire cups, like two desserts... oh god.. and the hem of the dress sits high on her thigh. I'm pretty sure Morgan Keaton was trying to kill me, because my heart was beating erratically with thoughts of slipping my hands up the hem of that dress later. Her hair was tousled in waves, she had some golden hoops in her ears and some diamond studs. She looked insane, dripping with confidence, and her teasing smile that caught her red painted lips as she took me in too, made my knees go weak.

"Willa..." she says, taking an exasperated breath as she reaches and gazes down at my waist. Her hand reaches out and touches me, gripping me by the exposed flesh of my waist and pulling me tightly against her. Her teeth clamp down on her lip, as I moan a little, aroused with the way it makes my entire body tingle to have her forcefully take me like that, her forehead touching mine "It's rather naughty to look like this, when you know I have to get through an entire dinner looking at you this way"

My heart quickens, to have her so close, she releases me, her fingers slipping from my skin. "Morgan..." I begin.

She looks back to me, her heart beating so hard I can see it, my eyes dipping to her chest, my hand reaching out and touching her skin there, she closes her eyes a little anticipating the touch. I drag my finger, purposefully slow, down between the cups that hold her breasts, and I slip it under the material, in a sweeping movement across her soft and full breast. The velvety soft skin hardens against my finger tips. I lick my lips, and remove my fingers, taking a step back and looking at her with raised eyebrows, as she opens her eyes.

"Don't start what you can't finish" I tease.

She smiles wickedly back at me "that was mean" she purrs.

I reach out and run my thumb over her cheek, her honey coloured hair falling over my hand. "Let's go" I say, reaching out my hand which she takes with caution.

"Only if you promise to keep this dinner to forty minutes. I think that may be enough conversation to see if this is going anywhere, and if it's not, at-least we know we fuck well" she muses with a cocked eyebrow "and I could always do with a fuck buddy, if you're not a conversationalist"

"Touché" I return.

We get into the cab and make our way the short distance to a restaurant that sat on the beach, a little further down the road. I had picked a table with a view, and a bottle of champagne was ready and waiting. 

"This is pretty romantic" Morgan observes as she sits and I push her in. "Wow" she adds listening to the waves crash as the candles flicker between us, her red lips lifting and looking at me affectionately as I sit. "I wish you had worn something a little less revealing" she purrs, looking at my torso. "I can't stop thinking about kissing you right here" she says reaching out and poking me in the abs.

"Stop touching me" I beg "you aren't even following your own rules at this point" I say with one raised eyebrow, perfectly curved with judgement.

She takes her glass of bubbles, and sticks it out, awaiting mine, as we clink them together "to our first date"

"Our first date" i return, as we both take a sip. I sense her eyes returning to my flesh "Morgan" I say sharply.

Her eyes snap back up to mine "sorry"

"I'm beginning to think you're the one with no conversation... perhaps I should be the one debating on your ability to be more than a fuck buddy" I begin, leaning forward over the table "and I should probably tell you...I want more than that. I'm not a toy to be used and abused when you need me... I want your mind ... not just your body" I state "so hit me with it" I ask.

She smiles at my attitude.

"Give me your best date... and I will see if you have it" I taunt.

"Have what" she asks, curiously amused.

"What I'm looking for" I return, taking another sip of my drink.

"And what is that... exactly" she asks.

I place the glass down, rather intensely, our eyes locking " I will know it when I hear it" I suggest playfully.

"Okay" she quips and she raises her hand for the waiter to come back, leaving me watching her with a confused frown "Do you do take away" she asks "because I only need five of the forty minutes to convince this beautiful babe to take me home permanently, and fuck me for the rest of her life, body and mind. So, you see, we don't need to eat... not here...it wouldn't be appropriate to have Willa on this table" and if I wasn't sitting...I would have slipped to the fucking floor.

"Willa, do you like pizza" she asks me, and all I can do is nod.

She looks back to the waiter, who is taken aback by her directness, and she smiles, her red lips against her blonde hair making her seem beyond beautiful and striking. Every man in this room was looking at her, but they wouldn't be the ones taking her home tonight...

"Just two of your most popular pizzas please, box them up and have them out front, and if you could please order us a cab... five minutes" she reminds him, and she turns back to me.

I'm flustered, and a little sweaty in the palms.

She takes a sip of her drink and stands, moving her chair around the table, until she is practically sat on my lap, her hand resting on my thigh "Willa what can I tell you... I see it... I want it... I have to have it... and at this moment, that is you... I see you" she says gazing over me appreciatively "I want you" she adds, as her chest rises and falls quickly again. Her fingers circle my thigh, sweeping motions that made me feel like I was going to implode. "and I have to have you..." she finishes, her blue eyes dipping to my lips before she licks her own.

"I am honest to a fault" she starts "reliable, loyal without question. I don't love many but when I do I love them forever. I don't like avocados... I don't get the hype, but I love most all else. I am kind and sincere, and I love to laugh. I have my own career and goals. I don't need anyone to rely on financially. I love music, romance and sex, god I love sex, but you knew that one, and it doesn't mean I need it continuously, but I appreciate it when it happens. It happened with you, and god, it felt so fucking good, I didn't know it could be that good, so perhaps I take back that I don't need it continuously, because, I mean, I could accept that fate" she says barely taking a breath.

My lips begin to  twitch with an amused smile.

"I am happy in Arizona" she continues, as if she needed to sell herself to me "but I could move, when my girls finish their senior year I could move, before I get attached to the next group. When I get attached to people, I kinda wanna hang on and see them out better than when I found them coming in, do you know what I mean?! I want to release their full potential and lift them, I want them to remember me as someone who helped make them better. What else" she asks out loud "I am obsessed with movies" she begins again "and can recite far too many. I'm not ashamed to say I love comic con and dressing up... I go with my sister once a year"

I look at her lovingly as she takes a breath "and I could be all of that for you Willa Jameson, and more. If you would take a chance on me?" She asks.

I gulp slightly, at the beautiful creature beside me, my eyes drawn into the pools of her blue eyes, my heart beating as wildly as hers. I reach out and run my hand over her jaw, a smile slowly forming as I take her in "Morgan" I begin.

She studies my features, with an intensity, to know what I am going to say. "Yes" she asks a little desperately.

My thumb caresses her skin further " I don't get the hype about Avocados either" I state, and she laughs and pulls me towards her, my lips slipping into hers, the outside world disappearing as our lips locked, caressing softly, with each and every meeting.

"Ms. Your pizza and cab are ready" the waiter says as we break apart, a little breathlessly. I reach for my purse and blindly take out my card, handing it to him without even looking his way. Morgan's intoxicating effect had left me unable to function unless she was in my sights. He took the card, to bring it back only moments later "bill is settled" he announced, but we didn't say a word as Morgan reached out and took my hand, pulling me to my feet and across the restaurant in a matter of moments. She practically threw open the cab door, pulling me down onto her lap as she closed it. She turned to the driver, telling him the address, all the while I am caught up in the whirlwind of what had just happened.


We reach the beach cottage, and I hand the driver the cash from my purse, grabbing the pizza boxes in one hand, as Morgan gets out of the car and we make the walk up to the front door in silence. It was a strange silence, one that is filled to the brim with a sexual tension that is making every inch of me tingle in anticipation.

I unlock the door, and Morgan turns instantly, taking the boxes from my hands and throwing them down onto the table beside the door.

"Not hungry" I ask teasingly.

She wraps her arms around me as the door closes. We fall back against the wall as her fingers grip my waist, squeezing my sides with an urgency "not for pizza" she practically growls.

I pull her against myself, my hands running through her fair hair and bringing her mouth into mine, hungry and intense kisses, tongues caressing, lips slipping, and every inch of my body is erect as her hand slips up my cropped top and over my breast. Her thumbs caress the sensitive flesh, my nipples harden against her palms, and it's all I can take as I release my hands from her, returning them moments later to her hips. The material of her dress slides upward as my hands lower and take it back up her thighs, the curves of her rear filling my hands as my hands slip around her. I squeeze the plump flesh, and she moans into my mouth as my fingers slip under the band of her lacy underwear. I pull them down, breaking the kiss to lower them down her thighs, she kicks off her heels and the black lacy garment slips from her ankles. I grab her, as our mouths collide once more, her kisses are hungry and wanting as our tongues battle for dominance. I lift her dress once again and slip it seductively up her toned thighs, her breath catching as my fingers move between her legs, teasingly, before I lift her, her legs wrap around my bare waist and I walk her over to the large table. The table cloth is soft and thick. I sit her down, her legs still around me. I push her back and climb up on top of her, like a prowling animal on all fours as my mouth finds her neck and she moans at the intense suck of her flesh. My hand runs down her dress, hitching it up and allowing my fingers to slip inside of her thigh. Her hands take my waist and draw me closer, her tongue sliding across my lips, her thumb forcing my mouth open to receive it, pulling me tighter against herself so that I am on top of her. My fingers drum against her softly, between her legs, her desire to have me inside of her is evident by the way her hips rise up to offer herself to me. I don't need to be offered this beautiful creature more than once. My two fingers slip through her wetness, her lips break away from mine, she moans with pleasure as my fingers push inside of her. We move together, her lips rising up to meet my shoulder, she pulls the material of my top down my shoulder blade, and grazes her teeth gently on my flesh as our bodies come together. Her hips rise and meet my hand that is pressed against her, her hand slipping down my bare waist and finding it's way down into my underwear. Our mouths collide once more, she nips my bottom lip with her teeth and drags it into her mouth seductively, which makes the throb between my own legs grow at just the moment her fingers push inside of me. The sounds that filled the room as we devour each other, they were intense gasps, thrilling moans, and delightful whimpers, and they didn't end there. I removed my fingers from her and in turn forced hers from me. I kneel and remove my crop top, my breast spilling out, perfectly taut and erect, a small handful, more than enough, and her eyes are drawn to my torso, hooded with desire, drunk on the ecstasy of our encounter.

I reach down to unclip her dress, she helps me to pull it off, throwing it to the floor and she hurriedly attempts to remove my trousers, slipping them down as I kick them free. I am now completely free of clothing. I pull her from the table and push her down onto the day bed, beside the window. I let my long hair tickle her naked torso as I place kisses from her lips to her stomach, my hands softly running over her breasts before I run my tongue across her nipple, flicking and suckling the soft flesh until it hardens against my tongue. "Mmm" she moans as I release her, my hands running down her ribs, her hips, her thighs, my lips tasting and kissing her, leaving a trail of lust upon her glistening flesh. Her hand runs over my head, fingers threading through my hair as my mouth covers her, between her legs. My tongue runs purposefully slow, across her core, before slipping inside, dipping, rolling over her throbbing pulse, taking her, slowly, and purposefully, almost teasingly, over the edge as my fingers fill her and meet the rhythm of my tongue. They come together in a perfectly synchronised, ecstasy inducing thrill, that made Morgan's body move hypnotically, her hips thrusting up and allowing me to devour every inch of between her legs, the rush, the wave, coming far too soon as I look up and watch her mouth falling open, cries of overwhelming pleasure filling the room. Her breasts flung upward, engorged, delightfully wet still from my tongue, and her stomach muscles tighten and release repeatedly as her body rolls up and down with my mouth until every drop of pleasure is sourced, and every nerve ending fired.

Morgan falls back limply, her hand falling to her stomach, the other pulling me up to her lips, her swollen and plump lips that kiss me lovingly. I fall to her side, my arm flung over her, my hand placed on her breast that rose and fell with her laboured breathing.

"Willa.." she whispers breathlessly.

"Yeah" I return, looking up to meet her gaze.

"I think I like you" she confesses.

I let out a little amused laugh. "I should hope so" i return, with a smile upon my lips.

"Like like you" she adds.

"On a scale of like to like like like like love... where do I fall, because I am quite simple and understand like to love only"

"You fall pretty high on that list" she says, running her fingers tenderly down my arm.

"I like you too" I whisper back, kissing her chest beside my cheek.

"I can tell" she returns jovially.

"Well I'm still not sure... would you like to show me how much you like me..." I ask teasingly, and before I can register it I'm flipped onto my back and blonde hair falls over my face. Red lips draw me in, sucking the pleasure from my mouth, fingers trailing my ribs, thighs slipping between mine, fingers trailing my inner thigh before her lips leave me breathless and release me to discover my body. From my breasts, to my navel, every lick and kiss is followed by a squeeze of her hands that hold my hips, like she owns my body, holding it, taking it, to do what she likes with. I did not mind that at all. If Morgan wanted to dominate me, I would obey, and this was only the beginning. My pleasure became Morgan's personal mission, to find it, tweak it and pull it from me, unapologetically and without any caution. She would whip me back and forth in the bedroom, her intensity, her ability, her desire to please me... and I to please her. It was a discovery, that week that followed the date...


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