Prime minister Is My Husband

By trishibooklover

24.7K 1.5K 233

"He is the youngest prime minister of the country. He is single , he is handsome, he is intelligent, he has... More

1 care free life
2 Responsible Bright
3 dream to become romantic poet
4 meeting with brat
5 look at yourself
6 Are you dietecian
7 Thank you
8 Bodyguards
9 i like to look handsome
10 uneasy feeling
11 ready for another lecture
12 my devil husband
13 Avoiding me
14 I am Gay
16 My mysterious husband
17 my sassy husband
18 My crying husband.
19 my shy husband
20. I missed you
21 my hot husband
22 My husband secret

15 my dear husband

842 71 10
By trishibooklover

Bright Pov

"WHAT" i questioned without even thinking. He looked at me with surprise..then it turn in to fear.Then he cursed"shit"...

I don't know what to say and either he...

i am not against being gay or anything. Every human has their own choice what they like and don't like. if he like Men then it's okay.The way he is looking at me shows how much he contemplating .

"Ar...Are you going hate me now" he asked while fidgeting with his fingers. he is nervous i concluded.or may be he think that i am homophobic.My dumb husband. if i am homophobic then why in the hell i would have married him. i shook my head.

I raised my eyebrow looking at him"why should I" i asked him. i want him to understand i am not against gay and lgbt community.

He took a deep breath like he is encouraging himself to talk."because i am ...i am gay" he said with hesitation and his voice is trembling. this is the first time i am looking him like this. He is so scared and yet looking beautiful.

I took a deep breath. i have to explain him..i am not the person who hate gays. If i am like then why should i have married him in the first place.He should know that.I felt disappointed because he underestimating me. I am prime minister and same sex marriages are legal in my country.So why should i hate him and more than anything  no one can hate such a cute bunny......shit what i am even thinking....

"'s okay i understand if you hate me....."  he start to say i cut him..

"No...god what are you thinking ...i can't hate you just because you like's your choice..if you only have attraction towards men its your" i said looking at him.but instead of scared of girls now i have to scared of all the men out there. i don't know when Win start to have a crush on some men. Before that i have to do something. I have to stop him looking at other men. but how. and the question is why...why i don't want him to look at other men...why urgg....i am confused i should talk with someone...

"thank god...i am scared" he said while with long sigh. and i came out from my long lasting confusion.

My mobile start to ring . he looked at me like i should attend my call. i nod to him.

 i took out my mobile from my pocket" hello"

"hello sir , it's time"my assistant said.

I looked at Win , who is looking at me . For the first time i felt bad for my daily office time, because i have to leave right now without explaining things i want to tell him."ok i am coming" I said and cut the call.

"Win, i have to go now, i will explain you once i came back so be relax ok" i said and he nods to me with his little smile. God i missed that bunny smile, i am the one who made that smile disappear. I have to make up for my mistake.

i start to walk towards door, but he called me.

"bright"  stopped and turned to look at him.he is standing behind me.he hold my hand.

"bright i know i am sassy, i am clumsy but i want us to ...i mean i want us to try our relationship.."i am surprised with his heartbeat is raising..i don't know what to say but believe me i am happy . he looked at me"But if you don't want ..then..."

"I am ready...let's try to know each other" i said and his face beamed with the smile. he leaned towards me and give me kiss on my cheek . It's so instant. he left my hand and said with his smile"now you can go, don't forget to come to dinner...i will make your favourite food". I nod to him and went out of the room before my assistant call me again.

Prime minister office

"prime minister we have to do something" my secretory said with seriousness.

"of course we will. For that we have to plan carefully. As we know we are trying to catch them since many days. if we are concentrating one side they are working on other side. They are acting like they know what exactly we are going to do in our next step." i enunciated each word carefully. The illegal mining is really giving us headache. It is not only affecting our economy it is also affecting our environment. being person from one of the island country. i know how much dangerous it is to dig the sand from sea coast and river coast.

"what plan you are thinking sir" Another person from my cabinet asked.

"We have to make a such a plan that this time no one will escape from our plan. otherwise they will again escape and do the same crap. it will harm our economy, environment and name of our party" i said remembering the fact that this can also affect my political carrer. This matter already asked in assembly while discussing one of the environment bill. opposite party member took the opportunity and blamed me for the illegal mining. he also said that i am also involved in this sand mafia. So i have to clear this thing as much as possible.

"sir how about we hire special force to investigate in this matter.This thing about force only remain in the cabinet.Because we can't believe anyone of them out of this cabinet" my secretary said.

"yes sir your secretary is right and his idea about force is right. we have to take a step as much as possible" another cabinet member said. I think for a while.

"Type arrange meeting with the head of special force today, we have to do this quickly"I said to type. he nods to me. the meeting is adjourned. I went to my office.

When i am alone my hand immediately went to the cheek where Win kissed me.I am feeling giddy and goosebumps thinking about him. only his kiss on my cheek affecting me this much..then what about when no stop thinking about anything. Are you this much sexually frustrated that you want to devour your husband. but he is hot and sexy thougo....

I take out my mobile and start to call my dear husband but he didn't received as usual. i don't know what he does always. So i called his body guards.

"hello sir" max answered in a single ring.

"max where is my husband" that is when i heard Win is arguing with someone and tul is stopping him. i stood up from chair. Ohh god why this brat can't be good  with anybody.Why he has such a sharp tongue.

"max whats going on and why he is arguing with someone" i asked immediately.

"Umm...sir your husband is arguing with the fruit sailor..actully he is bargaining.." max said in hesitating voice i can feel he wanted to laugh badly.. I heard Tul saying Win sir its ok...but Win is not listening to him...

"why there is bargainig in supermarket" i asked immedately with frustration..this guy never fail to make me feel frustrated.

"umm sir we are in local market..sir win said that he want to buy things from local market.He wanted to cook for you" max  said seriously...ahh this guy.

"Max listened to know how much dangerous it is. right now take him to some super market or home" i said.

"but sir is not listening us." he said helplessly.

"give him phone" i said.

"Hello" win said

"win if you want to buy anything . go to is not safety for you" i said without any beating around the bush.

"but the fruits are fresh here" he said with whine.

"Win if you want i can order fruit directly from farmer.but now please go home" i just want him to say okay..otherwise i have to scold him again the cycle of our fighting game begins.

"okay i will listen to you..but you have to bring me mango ice cream. mom said mango ice cream is finished in home" he said cutely.

i chuckled at him 'you can also buy them" i said

"why are you laughing...and it is your duty to bring ice cream for your husband.. and it feels good when other people buy you icecream" he ordered...

"okay my dear husband i will bring you ice cream, now go home safely" i said.

"okay bye" he said and cut the call. i sit on my chair and can't stop myself from chuckling.

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