The Wolf and The Rabbit

By Stillwell03

601K 12.2K 7.8K

Izuku was alone in the world. Abandoned by the ones he called his family and left to his own accord. But than... More

Friends and harem
New Friends
Standing Strong
Entrance Exams
Genius Combat
The Party
Brutal Battles
The Bakugou's
Sports Festival
Fighting for the Top
Third Event
Finals and Dreams
Midoriya Squabble
Inner Turmoil
Work Studies
Nightmare of Hosu
Easy Day
First Christmas
Most Awkward Date
Calm Picnic
Training Camp
Night of Madness
Effects of Support
Paying Dues
Two Titans and A Rabbit
Parent Teacher Talks
Dorm Move In
Special Moves
Push Through
Rescue Work
Parents Day Meeting
The Child
Planning Raids
The Raid
Fight for Hope
Pure Rage
Okamure vs Overhaul
In The Dog House
Culture Festival
A Gentleman
Ties and Bonds
Painful Choice
Festival Roar
Final Farewells


2.3K 86 1
By Stillwell03

3rd person POV:

Izuku began punching, kicking, and evading every attack he had thrown at him with little effort. Thanks to his retraining of his MMO combat training alongside his increased stamina from his training over the time he stopped practicing, this became minimal effort. "Focus on the guy that can use all their quirks!" One of the members of the other schools shouted with everyone going after Izuku. Two were rather smart in how they attacked by using one's quirk to harden the balls and the other to make them act like a boomerang.

"Easy." Izuku activated 'Earphone Jack' and 'Hardening' to create his fist similar to a rock and latch one aux cord inside his forearm before punching the ground and creating a supersonic wave. "Pact Move: Sound Fist." The attack sent the balls back to a member of another school's group for the student to pull her body into herself just in time to dodge. " a...honestly, kinda cool trick."

"Why are you admiring quirks right now!?" Everyone questioned for a member of the school Ms. Joke works at to slam his hands on the ground.

"Special Move: Tremoring Earth!"

"Dang it, this one even has a cool nicknaaAAAAMMMMEEEE!!!!" Izuku was thrown back with him glancing over to see Kyoka and Hagakure about to hit the ground. 'Gotta help them!' He closed his eyes and thought about what he learned over the time he dived into his mind. 'Just focus on what you want to do. I want to catch Kyoka and Hagakure.' Izuku opened his eyes quickly for black tendrils to shoot out of his forearms to grab ahold of the two girls. The Pact quirk user then landed on his feet while placing his classmates down. "Are both of you alright?"

"Yeah, but that was so cool how you just jumped up and did that!"

"When did you learn to do something like that?"

'...Crap! Now I gotta find an excuse to why I know something that nobody else does!' Izuku mentally panicked while thinking of what quirks he could argue they were. "W-well, I found out fairly recently that 'Dark Shadow' mixed with 'Tape allows me to make uhh....tendrils that....looks like whips. They aren't easy to control though unless I have the ability to focus." 'Please let that work.' Izuku mentally hoped this before seeing both of the girl's faces.

"Well, that does make sense. Just be careful with going out of control if need be."

"I will." Izuku silently prayed the heavens for having a girlfriend that isn't pushing the topic. 'Thank you for believing that!'

"Looks like we've got a couple of UA students." A group of examinees stared down at Izuku, Kyoka and Hagakure for them to feel a little worried.

"TAKE THEM DOWN!" The examinees began going after the three with Izuku turning to Kyoka.

"Merge your sound attack with mine! We gotta do this fast!"

"Right!" Izuku activated 'Hardening' and 'Earphone Jack' to slam his hands into the ground with Kyoka doing a similar thing with her support items.

"DUAL HEARTBEAT SURROUND!" The forced sound of the attack sent the balls flying away with Hagakure hiding behind the duo.


"Now's not the time to me complementing our skills!" Izuku created a wall of ice with 'Half Hot, Half Cold' before immediately melting it to create a steam cover for the three to escape the others and find some cover. Once they were out of harms way at the moment, Izuku tried to think of a way to handle the situation right now. "Do either one of you know where everyone else is?"


"We lost everyone in the shaking and..." Hagakure trailed off for Izuku to reassure her.

"Don't worry. I'm sure everyone's ok. The problem isn't that they're hopeless without us, it's more that we have a target painted on our backs." Izuku laughed a little before getting serious. "Now the real problem is trying to find a way out of this mess before things get worse. We're also on the clock to make sure that we pass."

"WHAT!? SOMEONE ALREADY PASSED BY TAKING OUT OVER A HUNDRED CONTESTANTS!" The announcer for the exam shouted through the mic for everyone to overhear and panic a little.

'So someone already passed. Now that one person already did, people are going to panic and start aiming at one another for this. So should we try to find our classmates now or take advantage of the slight panic people have now to pass? Not only that, but we're still the main targets of these people. So what's the path we should take?'

"Hey, Izuku." Izuku glanced at Kyoka who seemed a little uneasy. "I think....I think we should try and pass on our own. Since we can't find anyone else, it's probably better to do that."

"What!? But we might lose the chance for all of us passing at once!" Hagakure was immediately against the idea for Izuku to weigh his own options at this point.

"Unfortunately, it's come to a point where it's either they have a chance to fail or we do. We'll have to rely on our own for now and focus on the issue we have right now of passing without everyone here. Fortunately, we didn't laze around and think our own abilities as is from the Sports Festival were enough for this."

Izuku smiled at this for both girls to smile back. "Alright. You got a plan?"

"I've got something forming in my head, but it's probably a fifty-fifty if it works or not."

"Better than nothing. Also, your plans normally work, so it's not a problem." Kyoka smiled for Izuku to begin going over the intricate parts of his plan.

With Bakugou

"Dammit! Someone beat us to first!" Bakugou grumbled after overhearing what was said over the announcer with Kaminari, Kirishima and Toga climbing a fire escape towards a bridge with him. "Also, WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU EXTRAS FOLLOWING ME!?"

"Aww, c'mon blasty. You know you love me~" Toga spoke up with hearts coming off her head to gain a glare down from Bakugou. "This test is most likely targeting everyone, so it's best we don't mess up and try to do things on our own. Plus I got a little something from Usagiyama before we started."

"What? A good luck kis-OW!" Kaminari gained a kick from Toga for her to point out the obvious.

"HE GAVE ME SOME OF HIS BLOOD DUMBASS! Though I'm not sure if it's going to work the same way. Eh, I'm at least good friends with Shinso, Tokage and blasty up here, so there's some benefits."

The group got out of the fire escape to find themselves on an open bridge. " nobody here?"

"Something doesn't feel right." Bakugou looked around only to find a few weird looking rocks. Upon further inspection, he noticed that these 'rocks' looked more like wads of humans made like someone was  making meatballs or sausage or something. "The fuck are these?"

"BAKUGOU! LOOK OUT!" Kirishima shouted with him knocking the ash blond out of the way to get attacked by some kind of moving flesh mound. Upon impact, the wads began reforming Kirishima into the same mounds that were scattered across the ground.

"How pathetic. Falling into a trap like this. So predictable of UA." The group looked over to find the guy outside that was part of Shiketsu having the wads come back with the Kirishima mound being placed in his hands.

"As Shiketsu students, it is our obligation and duty to carry things out with the utmost respect for our school. As such, we wear our uniform's hat as a reference to the honor and pride we hold in our school. What you see here is a mere example of our superiority to you students of UA. Because of your actions, the respect that ones have in your school and heroes in general has begun to decay and corrode till what is left now is an unstable foundation that-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. All I'm hearing from you is useless dribble of 'sense of duty' this and 'obligation' bla bla bla that. Look squinty eyes, none of us care to hear just what you wanna-"

"MY EYES ARE LARGE AND HANDSOME!" Shishikura shouted in the middle of Toga's cutoff of his monologue.

"Inferiority complex much? Geez, no girl wants to be with a guy that loves to hear himself talk. At least Blasty here understands that much." Toga points to Bakugou who rolls his eyes at this comment.

"How dare you insult me again!?" The strange mounds from before came directly at the three with the Shiketsu student seething with anger. "I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET THE DAY YOU EVER DARED FACE OFF AGAINST ME AND MY SCHOOL!"

"HERE THEY COME AGAIN!" Kaminari began panicking for Toga to throw a small dagger at one of the mounds to see it do nothing.

'So would this mean I can't fight these things so easily?'

"OUTTA THE WAY, TOGA! AP SHOT, RAPID FIRE!" Bakugou blasted the mounds to make them all dissipate while holding a smirk. "So much for your 'superiority' squinty eyes. But then again, the smallest dogs bark the loudest."

"ONCE AGAIN! MY EYES ARE NOT 'SQUINTY'! THEY ARE LARGE AND HANDSOME!" More attacks came with Bakugou taking most of the examinee's attention. However, the ash blond never realized the mound coming from under the bridge to attack Bakugou from the side. Before anyone could react, the mound attacked Toga specifically to have her panic and try to think what she should do.

'Crap! I don't wanna lose like this!' She tried going for a blood sample she had before being tossed to the side by Bakugou. In response, he was hit with the mounds scrunching him up into a ball. Before he was though, the ash blond tossed Toga one of his smaller grenades on his costume as a way to help even when he couldn't.

"How sad. One of the dogs that bark loudly was unable to prove he was a big dog and fell to the 'little dog' as he put it. People like him don't deserve to be heroes. He's far too hotheaded for this and shouldn't even allow himself to be on any form of heroics chart. He's almost as pathetic as that boy who can't control breaking his legs."

Hearing this, Toga glared at Shishikura in anger. "You don't know jack. What makes you so great that you're so arrogantly gloating you know about our school, Bakugou or even Usagiyama. YOU DON'T KNOW US, SO STOP PRETENDING LIKE YOU DO AND PUTTING YOURSELF ON A PEDISTAL!" Toga threw three daggers at the Shiketsu student for him to create a barrier from the mounds. "Yeah, we screw up. But we learn from our mistakes! Thinking we're perfect is a useless effort since no matter what we do, that's never the case. SO DROP THE HIGH AND MIGHTY ACT AND DON'T THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN US JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN MAKE HUMAN MEATBALLS, SQUINTY!"

"ONCE AGAIN, MY EYES ARE LARGE AND HANDSOME!" Shishikura sent all his mounds at Toga for her to wait until they were almost right on top of her. "I HOPE YOU'RE PREPARED TO FAIL, FOR YOU DO NOT DESERVE THIS PROVISIONAL JUST AS MUCH AS THE RIDICULOUS HOT HEADHEAD THERE!"


Toga remained where she was until a smirk came to her face holding a grenade. "Dumbass." She tossed the small grenade into the mounds for it to go off and create a huge explosion. A smoke cloud formed to make visibility impossible before two strange disks came at Shishikura. He dodged them to have them land on both sides of him.

"Did you honestly think those were going to work? You wasted your chance to do great by-" Kaminari came out of the dust cloud on one side with a second Kaminari coming out of the other side. 'Two? No, the blond girl must be using her quirk. No matter. The distance they're at, the chances of either succeeding in hitting only me is so slim it's practically zero.'

"Hey buddy, let me give you some quick intel on those things." Kaminari spoke up from the right before the left continued.

"Those projectiles are more like electric homing rods."

"In short, all we gotta do is attack and the lighting will immediately go towards that." Now realizing what was happening, Shishikura tried to get out of the area, but wasn't fast enough to.

"This is what you get for insulting our school and Blasty, squinty." The right said this as both sent an electric shock strong enough to knock out the Shiketsu student. As he fell to the ground, the right Kaminari transformed back into Toga with a smirk on her face. "Next time, don't think your school's better while knocking someone that isn't even here to defend themselves down a peg."

"So, your clothes don't melt off anymore?" Kaminari asked, seeing Toga still in her hero costume.

"Nah. I found a way to make this work. Still kinda cute of a hero costume, so I'm happy for that." Bakugou and Kirishima began returning to normal for the small group to see everyone else start returning to normal.


"Well, duh. The guy's quirk was what was keeping this happening. Jeez, you're dumb, Pikachu." Toga laughed a little before going to knock out Shishikura.

"Either way, this works in our favor." Bakugou licked his upper lip with a crazed smile on. "None of these assholes are gonna get out alive."

"CAN YOU SAY THAT WITHOUT SOUNDING INSANE!?" Kaminari shouted with Toga laughing a little.

"I think it's sexy!"

'This girl is off the rails for sure. She belongs with Bakugou.' Both Kirishima and Kaminari  thought this as the four prepared for their battle ahead.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with the first half of the provisional being almost over. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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