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By Sessakag

42K 1.5K 2.1K

New danger is on the horizon for the shinobi world. Naruto, a celebrated war hero, finds himself, once again... More

The Beginning
Man Up
Love At Last
Creeping Darkness
Sixth Sense
Loving Gem
Carnal Climax
Blooming Flower
Right Place Wrong Time
The Otsutsuki
Frigid Confrontation
Desert Nightmare
Just a Cold
Big News
Uncomfortable Reunion
Party Planning
Love and Drama
A Deity Speaks
Akechi Village
Childless Clan
Anything But Orange
Entity 504
The Fodder
Restless Night
Endless Worry
Lean On Me
The Final Entry
Don't Like It? Fight ME!
The Truth
Preparing For Tomorrow
The Uzumaki's
Honeymoon Adventure Part 1

Drunken Antics

450 15 79
By Sessakag

Chapter Forty-Four

Drunken Antics

May 12, 2010

"You're not gonna get shit faced are you?"

Hinata laughed.

"Ino said I had to."

"Ino says a lotta stuff you should probably ignore."

"Well she seemed very persistent that I don't ignore her suggestion this one time."

"Of course she was," he huffed from the bedroom, "her middle name is trouble and she's always looking for a way to corrupt the innocent, dattebayo."

He stepped through the bathroom door, a petulant frown on his lips, his cerulean eyes raking over her form with a slow, greedy interest she recognized. If she wanted to get to her party, she'd need to hurry up. Naruto didn't know the meaning of restraint, the moment he decided he was done pretending that he did, she'd find her dress pulled up, her ankles to her ears and wondering how in the world she had ended up beneath him if she even cared at that point. He was as dangerous to her as she was to him. Now that they were confirmed a perverted couple, it was harder to protest the naughty things he did with a straight face. Even though he had seen through her protests long before her admission, following her blushing confession, he was even more prone to pushing her limits.

Shamefully, she liked that just as much as she did everything else.

"Can't we just have joint parties?" he pouted, wrapping his arms around her waist and giving her very first warning sign, "Why does it have to be two different events? I wanna see you shit faced and take advantage of you after the party."

She laughed, pinning another curled tress to the rest atop her head.

"Having both the bachelor and bachelorette parties together would defeat the purpose, Naruto-kun," she explained for the millionth time, "besides, you have your man drinking night to go to and with the way you all drink, I think I'll be the one taking advantage of you."

"You got a point," he sighed dramatically, "alright, go to your party, and when we get back, you can take advantage of my drunk ass and have your kinky way with me, 'ttebayo. I promise I won't fight it."

Quiet mirth shook her slim shoulders.

"How very accommodating, thank you," she smiled, "I'm glad you're giving in so easily, I'd hate to have to put my new strength to use."

In the days passed, they'd gone back to working on her chakra control. She had more than gotten the hang of this new boost. Ever since that day, it seemed as though her world had finally centered, harmonized and righted itself. She felt neither fear nor anxiety when she molded chakra and her ability to sense her lover's chakra showed no signs of abating. She was confident, content and brimming with optimism.

"Well aren't you cocky, Princess?" he chuckled.

"Confident," she corrected impishly, "I believe that's the word you meant."

He gave her a smoldering look, then pressed his lips to her neck. She didn't even try and stifle the shiver that ran through her.

"Don't try and cute your way outta my bellyaching."

"Of course not, Naruto-kun. I wouldn't dream of it," she giggled.

He kissed her again, exhaled morosely, unraveled his arms and went back into the bedroom to finish dressing. She spent a few more minutes finishing her hair, then gave herself a once over. Her attire tonight was carefully crafted and fun. Deep wine red, thigh length, spaghetti strapped and heart shaped bust, her club hopping dress fit like a second skin, outlining her curves and bringing her pale skin into stark relief. Specifically picked out by her girlfriends, it screamed late night party time. With her hair piled high and a few strands left hanging along her spine, Hinata thought she looked more than pretty for her big night out.

She walked out of the bedroom, and wandered over to the jewelry box for the anklet Ino had bought her for her birthday a while back. She pulled the glittering silver out, sat on the bed and placed it on her ankle.

"Better not be any strippers there..." Naruto muttered as she clasped the chain, glumly buttoning his bright orange shirt.

Her sweet, handsome, husband-to-be was so easily roused to jealousy, she'd even go so far as to say he held a possessive streak.

He never accused her of being unfaithful, in fact, he expressed the opposite, voicing his unwavering trust in her. It was simply a hardwiring of himself. He hated the idea of other men, or even women, feeling the way he felt about her. Imagining a nameless, faceless person being with her the way only he was privileged to. Without a doubt it was one of the quickest ways to irritate him, and sometimes, piss him off. His temper had mellowed as their relationship carried on, but certain sensitive topics and actions brought it swiftly to a boiling point, often leading to heightened, single minded affection and focus from the man she loved once he'd calmed down. He was always keen to take solace between her thighs following an encounter, saying it pulled him out of his bad mood faster.

It didn't bother her, in fact, she understood his jealousy, she felt it herself, and though she tried not to show it, her lover knew when it happened. Naruto had his own groupies and the occasional bold woman that didn't care about his 'taken' status. She'd sidle closer to his body, snuggle tightly beneath his arm as he firmly and at times, rudely rebuffed the women. In the beginning, he'd been awkward and careful with his words, trying to protect these women's feeling. In a short span of time, that courtesy had all but disappeared.

According to the famous, well loved Jinchuuriki, there were a number of reasons for this.

First and foremost, he wanted to protect her feelings. Seeing how uncomfortable and upset she was as quietly watching his exchanges with them, he'd resolved to making these encounters short but crystal clear for all parties involved.

He wasn't interested, period and it pissed him off that, not only had they upset his Princess, but that they had the gall to approach him with her at his side, disrespecting her in the process. One thing he was very well known for, even among their friends, no one hurt his Princess and got away scot-free.

Second, they just flat out irritated him. When they spent time together, the last thing he wanted was to be pestered by nonsense. While he didn't mind spending a lot of time in their apartment, cuddling, fucking and over all enjoying themselves, he still loved to take her on dates or just a leisurely stroll around their hometown, and wanted to do so without someone coming and bursting their lovey dovey bubble. There were times where fans came seeking autographs, and the blonde was often gracious enough to sign whatever memorabilia they held out to him, but the confessions and propositions, it was a hard no. They ruined the romantic atmosphere for both of them and her lover was having none of it.

Lastly, everyone knew how he felt about her, they knew that Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuuga were in a long term, happy, committed relationship. Worldwide people knew, there was absolutely no reason for anyone in Konoha to approach him or her asking for a date, sex or marriage. So if his response was curt, flippant or cold, he could hardly be blamed for it.

Their relationship wasn't secret, in fact, it was front page news.

"I feel like I should be saying that to you. Bachelor parties have a certain...reputation for that sort of thing."

Even though Ino and Kiba tended to be a little...inhibited at social gatherings, she didn't think they'd pull that sort of stunt.

Well...she assumed so for at least one of the duo.

Kiba knew enough not to do something like that in deference to her, and she didn't believe any of the other guys would want to do something like that, so she really wasn't worried about it happening at his celebration.


Ino was kind of a wild card.

Still...she was hoping it'd be okay. Though she was a tad bit worried what would happen tonight considering what had already happened. The prep she'd done for the game she and the girls would play later. The one she'd need liquid courage to get through without passing out before the first question was read aloud.

"Psh, there's only one half naked woman I wanna see dancing, and she's not gonna be at my bachelor party," he complained, sitting heavily on the edge of the bed, "she's going to her own party that better not have any strippers."

She wandered over to him, stepped between his legs, threw her arms around his neck and smooched his frowning mouth. He wrapped an arm around her thighs, bringing her closer. She smiled down at his mutinous expression, tickled that he was making such a big stink about this whole affair.

"There won't be," she assured him, leaning down to mesh her lips to his again.

In true, Naruto fashion, he wasn't satisfied with her paltry offering, letting her know voicelessly by parting her lips and sweeping her freshly minty mouth with his tongue. When he let her up for air, she debated briefly if ghosting her party in favor of a more decadent celebration would be in bad taste.

Most likely.

"You really gonna go looking that gorgeous?" he pouted.

"Yes," she murmured, giving him another smooch for the compliment.

His pout grew more pronounced beneath her lips.

"It's a girls only event," she laughed, "don't pout Naruto-kun."

"Hardly comforting! Women have a thing for you too, ya know," he countered with a grin.

Red stained her cheeks. Not only was she embarrassed by his words, but the irrefutable truth behind them.

"W-well the only women there are going to be our friends, so-"

"Eh? You think that means you're safe?" he questioned, blonde brow raised, mischief in eyes, "I've seen Ino giving you theses looks and-"

"She does not, quit it!" she chortled.

He really was too much!

His smile grew.

"At least let me take some pictures for the album. If I can't go with you and admire your beauty all night, at least let me immortalize it with the camera so I can bitch about not being invited years later."

She sighed.

When he talked like that, how could she say no?

Very familiar with her sounds of defeat, he wasted no time. He grabbed her and the heels she planned on wearing and carted both to the living room. She wordlessly sat on the couch to fasten the shoes to her feet, a blush coating her cheeks as he watched her with rapt eyes. He liked her sexy shoes, and with the way he always watched her put them on or take them off, she knew he had some...less than wholesome plans for their use in the future.

It was only a matter of time.

Once finished, he reached into his pocket for his camera.

She giggled quietly.

This wasn't spur of the moment, he'd planned this all along.

"My lipstick, Naruto-kun. The wine colored one."

He disappeared into their bedroom and returned with the tube. He handed it to her and waited as she applied it. Once finished, she stood.

"Alright gorgeous, time for your photo shoot," he told her.

It was fun, silly and infinitely heart warming. He made her laugh then snapped a picture, he said something shocking then snapped a picture, he made her blush and snapped a picture, and told her he loved her and snapped a picture. He brought her through emotion after emotion, capturing each and every one with intense interest and muted excitement.

She couldn't wait to see them, even the ones with her face all red.

"Alright, now turn around and face the couch," he instructed.

Confusion furrowed her brow. He gave her a shooing hand motion. Knowing he was up to something, she turned slowly.

"Alright, perfect, perfect, now lean forward and stick your ass out."

She spun, cheeks red, laughter ringing through the living room.


Straight faced, holding his camera at the ready, the perverted Jinchuuriki raised a questioning brow.

"You're right," he nodded, "bad lighting. Come bend over in the kitchen, counter or dinner table, you pick."

"No way, Ero-sensei!" she chortled.

He lowered the camera, raised a blonde brow and gave her a stern look.

"So, let me see if I've got this right. You're going to a party to get shitfaced for the first time without me, a party that could possibly have have a buncha pretty boy asshole strippers wasting their time on a completely uninterested future Uzumaki," he iterated, ticking off his lists of grievances on his fingers, "you're going to this party all dressed up and sexy, knowing I'm gonna be hard and thinking about how you fill out that dress all night. I try and take one innocent picture of a succulent peach and you won't even let me have that."

He sighed, crossing his arms.

"Gotta say, Princess, this night sucks, dattebayo."

She laughed until her sides ached. He moved to her, flashing pearly whites as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I love seeing you laugh," he told her, pressing soft lips to the side of hers, sparing her painted mouth a telling smear, "have a good time tonight, okay?"

She reached up for his whiskered cheek, tracing its achingly beautiful line. She loved seeing him laugh too. He was so sweet, so silly, so charming and perverted.

"Table," she whispered.

His blue orbs darkened, his arms tightened, bringing her flush to the hard planes of his towering form.

"B-but only one," she sputtered before he got carried away.

"Five," he bargained.



"That's not how you haggle, Naruto-kun," she informed him, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"It's an Uzumaki tactic," he shrugged, "you won't understand until we get married."

"Three, take it or leave it."

"I'll take it," he grinned as he ushered her to the kitchen, "told you it worked, I would've settled for two, ya know. That's the power of the Uzumaki haggle strategy."

Thirty-seven minutes later, Hinata walked shame faced to the building less two minutes from their apartment, painfully abashed that she was late for her own bachelorette party. Her lover had taken the erotic photo op very seriously. Much to her embarrassment and arousal, he'd positioned her this way and that, stating he wanted to 'capture her ass in all his favorite angles'. By the time he positioned her for the fifth time, the two of them had veered off into a side quest, far from the original mission. Now here she was, two orgasms later, flush cheeked, a bit wobbly in her heels and zero regrets.

She walked through the door of the popular party hosting establishment and looked around for her friends, hoping they wouldn't read the impromptu tryst on her face.


She looked left.

Sakura stood waving at her halfway inside a door leading to their private room for the night. She hurried over as fast as she could, weaving through chatting people before reaching the smiling pinkette.


The pop of confetti joined the choirs of well wishers as the door closed behind her. Ino placed a sparkling tiara with a veil attached atop her head, Tenten slid a pretty lavender sash over her dress that had 'Bride-To-Be' printed in orange letters, while Sakura grabbed a flute of what she assumed was champagne and placed it in her hand. A camera snapped several times as Hinata smiled wide enough to make her cheeks ache.

She was happier than she had ever thought she would be.

"Group photo!" Ino called.

The staff member in the far back of the room readied to take it.

The group of women sidled around the guest of honor, smiling and posing for several pictures. Once they finished, Sakura retrieved the camera, and they all thanked the man before he left the room. The moment the door closed a second time, the women settled in for a long night.

"Geez, Hinata," Tenten whined, "we half expected you not to show. You're nearly thirty minutes late for your own bachelorette party. If you needed help with your make-up, we could've all gotten ready at Sakura's again."

"Oh, um...I'm sorry," the pale woman mumbled, pink on her cheeks.

"Ehhhh, what's with that look, Hinata?" Sakura asked, eying her curiously.

Ino snorted.

"Probably because Naruto had something to do with her tardiness," the Yamanaka chuckled.

Hinata bumped her fingers and stared at the very interesting paint on the walls.

Her silence was answer enough.

"Seriously, Hinata?!" Tenten laughed.

Painfully embarrassed, Hinata looked everywhere but at the group of women. It was one thing having Naruto know how perverted she was, quite a different story for others.

"N-Naruto-kun can be a bit...insatiable at times,"

"How about ALL the time!" Sakura huffed, "he's worse than rabbits on steroids."

"Not surprised given that guy's stamina," Ino laughed, "though, I gotta tell ya, Hinata, it takes two to tango. This has been going on way too long for you to keep blaming Naruto."

The red on her cheeks darkened.

Man was the paint on that wall amazingly interesting.

What shade of pink was that?

"Quit it, you're gonna make her faint," Sakura giggled, "it's alright, Hinata, so you're as insatiable as that knuckle head, big deal! More reason to marry that silly goofball."

Hinata placed cool hands to hot face as the group erupted into laughter.

For an hour, they passed the time eating, taking shots, shipping champagne and giggling like school girls. She was more than a bit tipsy when Ino set up a camera and the first game started.

"Alright, we've got Naruto's answers to the questions I gave him, and Hinata's tipsy enough to answer honestly. So, just in case you forgot, Hinata, the way to play is that we read off these questions, and you give the answer you believe Naruto wrote down. Fairly simple and straightforward. A total of twenty quests, it's time to play 'Ask the Bride'!" Ino announced, taking the stack from her purse before distributing them evenly to the other women, excluding Hinata, "Let's see how well you know hubby to be!"

"Alright, who's first?" Tenten grinned.

"Me!" Sakura volunteered, her cheeks flushed from alcohol as she raised her hand like a school girl, "okay Hinata, this should be fairly easy. What was the best gift you ever received from your partner?"

She knew exactly how Naruto had answered that one. Humming happily and snickering about what, she couldn't rightly say, she gave her answer.

"Naruto-kun wouldn't be able to pick just one. His necklace and engagement ring are precious to him."

Sakura looked down at the card, read the answer a moment before her pink brow began to twitch.

"Well, is she right? What'd he put?" Ino prompted.

"You expect me to pick just one? You should at least ask the top five! I can't pick between my engagement ring and necklace," she read aloud.

Hinata burst into a fit of giggles, while the other women let out exasperated sighs.

"I feel like these answer are only gonna get more ridiculous," Tenten predicted accurately, "I'll go next. How would you describe your first kiss with your partner?"

The Hyuuga blushed but the alcohol kept her lips loose.

"Hot...or some other inappropriate description."

"Fucking orgasmic, according to your man," Tenten laughed.

"And here we thought you were all pure as the driven snow, Hinata," Ino teased, "what kinda tongue acrobatics did you do for his first kiss with you to be orgasmic?"

She was not tipsy enough to explain that night she'd come to his house and gotten kissed senseless the moment he opened the door.

"It's a H-Hyuuga secret!" she proclaimed.

"Hmmmm, what part of the Hyuuga training included lip locking?" the medical nin questioned, leaning far across the table, her gleaming green orbs piercing and interested.

Hinata reached for coherent thoughts but ran into clouds.

"Uh, t-the secret one!"

"Ohhhhh? Tell us more, Ms. Hyuuga."

Her brain short circuited.

"Lay off Sakura," the blonde grinned, "every girl's gotta have her secret tricks. Let her keep her 'secret' training."

The Yamanaka looked at the next card.

"Who cries more?"

"They're both pretty emotional," Sakura mused.

"I cry more." Hinata answered, raising her hand and giving a decisive nod of her dark head.

"My Princess is sensitive, but I don't mind," she read, a snort leaving her lips as she finished, "dattebayo."

Laughter filled the room.

"That's three in a row," the pinkette said, throwing back the last of her wine.

"What is the biggest fight you've ever had?"

"I don't think the lovey dovey champions have ever fought," Ino doubted.

"Gonna have to agree with Ino," Tenten added.

Sakura nodded her agreement. They turned to her, waiting expectantly.

"We don't...really fight but, Naruto-kun and I do butt heads about protecting each other," she admitted.

"Only time I ever fight with my Princess is about her safety. Not backing down on that. I won't let her get hurt trying to protect me!"

"Makes sense," the weapons expert nodded, "the guy's super protective of the people in his life, stands to reason the most important one would illicit that kinda response from him."

The women agreed.

"Which of your partner's habits annoys you the most?"

"I wear too many clothes around the house," she giggled, taking another sip from her fourth glass of wine.

Her head was floaty and there was a delicious warmth in her belly.

"Too many clothes. It's only us in the house, why put on clothes? I don't."

"How is wearing clothes in the house a habit???" Sakura burst.

"Does he really walk around naked all day?!" Tenten cackled.

Covering her face with an embarrassed hand, Hinata gasped through mirth as she nodded her head.

"That naked bastard," the blonde kunoichi hooted.

"Which of your habits annoys your partner the most?"

"It's gotta be his perverted ways," Sakura assumed, "if he's stomping around with his ass out, it's safe to assume he's not keeping himself to himself!"

"Well I think it's his stup- uh, colorful way of speaking before he thinks," Tenten guessed.

"No no no, you guys are so oblivious!" Ino dismissed, "it's gotta be the orange clothes! Right Hinata? Don't you get sick of looking at the tangerine wardrobe?"

She shook her head to all three of them, weaving as she did.

"I've never been annoyed with any of Naruto-kun's habits," pleasure flushed her cheeks, "I love everything he does."

Sakura sighed, "go ahead and read it."

"None of them. My Princess loves me!"

"Should've seen that coming," Tenten said, exhaling exasperation, "they don't call them Konoha's number one lovey dovey couple for nothing. I don't think those two are gonna have a honeymoon phase like normal couples. Their relationship is a honeymoon."

"Who enjoys cooking more?"

"Definitely Hinata, but haven't you been teaching him to cook?" Tenten asked.

She nodded.

"Did he took a liking to it."

"Uhhh, well, Naruto-kun get's distracted when I try and teach him. And when he does try and cook, he sets the smoke detector off almost all of the time. When he cooks he forgets to put on an apron...and a shirt...and...pants..."

"And undergarments apparently!" Sakura laughed, "Hinata. Cooking always burns my ass."

"No!" Tenten gasped before bursting into laughter along side her friends.

"In the k-kitchen, N-Naruto?!" Ino wheezed.

They had to wipe tears before the next question was read.

"When did your partner have their first kiss?"

"When he kissed me before we started dating," she fairly squealed, remembering the first moments of the passionate lip lock they'd shared so many years ago.

"When I, Uzumaki Naruto, kissed her!!!" Tenten snorted, "guess he was really proud to be your first kiss. He underlined his name four times and drew a cartoon of himself with the peace sign."

"Sounds about right," Sakura nodded.

"Who takes up the most room in bed?"

"Naruto-kun, he can sleep a little wild at times," she laughed.

"Me. My Princess is so dainty, and small and cute, she doesn't need a lotta room. She can sleep on me if she needs more room!"

"Solving problems the Naruto way!" Ino proclaimed, "that guy has always had a colorful way of solving problems.

"Said that right," Tenten smiled.

"What is the scariest thing your partner ever told you?"

Her jovial, tipsy vibe slipped a tiny bit.

She pouted.

"When I said I'd give my life to protect him."

She could still remember his angry eyes and irate shout.

"Telling me she'd die to protect me. NEVER, Hinata."

"I can relate," Ino sighed sympathetically, "Sai's told me the same. One of the quickest ways to piss him off actually."

"Naruto-kun too. He can't even discuss it. He get's so...angry."

He was hot tempered by nature but that topic really did more than make him mad. It left him sickened, scared and livid.

"Unsurprising considering how he is with you."

"Who is the better dancer?"

"He was actually pretty light on his feet at the engagement party!" Sakura complimented, "I don't know if you guy's have danced together before but he was really good that night!"

Her happy returned in a rush.

"That was actually the first time he danced," she announced cheerfully.

"What??? Really??"

She nodded.

"He's a natural then."

"Your answer, Hinata?" Ino asked.

"Naruto-kun would say I'm the better dancer."

"Yep," Tenten confirmed, honey colored eyes alive with mirth, "She is. The way she moves her body all sensual and sexy reminds me of when she-"

"Ahh that's enough, that's enough!" the Hyuuga squeaked, "n-next question!!"

"Scandalous!" Sakura cried.

"Hinata Hyuuga!" Ino shouted.

With her face steaming, the sensual and sexy woman in question fought the urge to faint as her friends lost it at her expense.

"G-geez N-Naruto-kun," she muttered, pressing the cool glass in her hand to one of her blazing cheeks.

"Naruto has no chill," the blonde declare when she could breathe again, "whoo, next question please."

"Welp, you might wanna keep that red face, Hinata, this next one is a doozy! I'm sure we can all agree it was him, but we still gotta read the question. Who initiated sex the first time?"


Hinata squirmed, twiddling her glass in an effort to buy her time. It was so damn quiet and goodness gracious, she could not get over the interesting coat of paint on the walls. Um...was it rose, or flamingo? Maybe-

"NO!!!" the double bun wearing kunoichi gasped.

Guess time was up...

"HINATA HYUUGA!!!! YOU?!" Ino shouted, "Oh my God, you go girl! I knew you were hiding a huntress under there! Guarantee he didn't know what hit him! Embrace the hunt my quiet tigress!!"

"I am...stunned...just...stunned," the stunned pinkette murmured, eyes wide.

"Read it, read it, read it!" Tenten laughed.

"She was all OVER me, dattebayo! One of the best nights of my life!"

"It is always the quiet ones!" the bachelorette party host declared, "those sweet innocent quiet ones are the one's you really gotta watch out for and that is an absolute fact!"

She gestured to the dark haired, red faced woman struggling to remain conscious.

"Exhibit A! I knew that perverted guy wasn't the only one to blame! Two to tango, Hinata! Two!"

"He said one of the best nights. Wonder what other night's rocked his world?" Tenten questioned, fanning herself, "didn't think these questions would turn out to be so salacious! Goodness!"

Hinata chugged the rest of her wine then refilled her glass. By the end of the night, she was gonna find out what shade of pink that was.

"What is one strength your partner has that you admire?"

Hinata exhaled relief that this question was benign.

"Uhhh, I think he'd have a hard time settling on one."

Like her, Naruto had a limitless admiration for the strengths he saw in her.

Brow twitching, Tenten began reading the long list, "Smart. Kind. Loving. Sweet. Compassionate. Generous. Hell of a kunoichi. Always knows what to say to help anybody! Selfless. Amazing cook. Sneaky when she wants to be! Cute. Funny. Beautiful. Gorgeous. Sexy-"

"Did he even read the damn question?!" Sakura interrupted, "what part of ONE STRENGTH doesn't that idiot understand?!"

She frowned at her friend.


"Sorry sorry," Sakura sighed, before the offended bride-to-be could scold her for the 'I' word.

"Next question, we'll be here all night trying to read that dictionary," Tenten sighed, tossing the card.

"Who gets hit on more?"

Hinata raised her hand, an exasperated look on her face.

"You both have fan clubs, so I would've said it was tie, but Naruto runs off so fast now days most of the women in the village have given up on him," Ino reasoned, "besides, he doesn't hide the fact that he worships the ground you walk on. What girl wants to try and compete with that?"

"Hinata and it pisses me off! Just because she's sitting there all pretty and gorgeous and hot and sweet doesn't mean she wants them anywhere near her! Every damn time I turn my back or leave the village some asshole is always trying to steal my Princess away! Like she'd give them the time of day ANY day! She might be too sweet to tell them to fuck off but I ain't!

"Who knew Naruto had such a jealous streak," Tenten laughed.

"Saw it first hand when Hinata was escorting a business partner around Konoha. Naruto just about blew a fuse! He know's Hinata's not going anywhere, she's crazy about him, but if you think that stops him from getting jealous you are sadly mistaken!" Sakura informed the group at large, "Naruto's a surprisingly jealous guy."

Hinata sipped her wine.

They didn't know the half of it...

There were times he'd send some guy packing, take her home, and remind her with pounding thrusts who she belonged to, making her scream it to their ceiling as if she didn't already have his brand carved into her heart and soul.

But she'd keep that tidbit to herself.

"What is the one food your partner could eat every day?"

"Cinnamon buns," everyone answered before laughing together.

"Cinnamon buns, even if she's sad, she won't turn 'em down!"

"If you could change anything about your partner, what would it be?"

"Nothing," Hinata answered with confidence.

"Nothing! My Princess is perfect! The fuck kinda question is that Ino?"

"Well excuse the hell outta me!" the blonde yelled at the card, "most couples have at least ONE thing they'd change! Not everybody is all lovey dovey 'my partner is perfect' all the damn time, Naruto!"

Silence greeted the outburst.

"Ino...you're arguing with paper..." Sakura informed her, "you have too much to drink?"

"Yep and I'm about to have some more! Pass the bottle Hinata!"

"What surprised you about your partner the most, when getting to know them?"

Hinata giggled, recalling her latest master plan with the strawberries.

"Naruto-kun thinks I'm sneaky."

"She's sneaky! Cute and fucking sneaky and I love it, dattebayo!"

"Ummm, dunno what you two mean by that," Tenten admitted.

"It's probably some sorta sex kink," Ino commented.

"That's what I'm thinking."

"I-It's not! I-It's..." Hinata trailed off.

It often...led to sex though...

"That's what we thought."

The trio burst out laughing.

"We're just messing with ya," the blonde chuckled, "next, there's at least another juicy one!"

Hinata was scared. She remembered the 'juicy' question she knew Ino was talking about. She'd nearly blown a fuse when she had to answer it for Naruto's 'Ask the Groom' game.

"Ahhhh, I see I see, here goes! Prepare yourself Hinata!" Sakura warned.

The dark haired woman tossed back the contents in her glass, grabbed the bottle from Ino and refilled it. She down that, then sat it on the table.

She gave a cute hiccup, then nodded at the pinkette.

"What is your partner's favorite sexual position?"

She wasn't prepared. Slapping both hands to her flaming face, Hinata debated fleeing her party. There was no way Naruto hadn't answered, and no way he had gotten it wrong. He knew her favorite position and she knew his. She could NOT answer that verbally!


When they read his answer, she was going to die. She realized that. She had answered the same questions as demurely and tastefully as she could, but she knew her precious Naruto-kun was as subtle as a screaming train careening through a library!

"She knows what this card says!" Sakura cackled, "even if she won't say it she knows what his answer is!"

"What is it!!" Ino urged, "hurry up and read it Tenten!"

"Ass up, face down, that's my Princess' style!"

"HINATA!!!!!!" the group shouted.


She had lived a good life...


She had almost made it to her wedding day...

"Don't you dare faint, young lady!" Ino chortled as she snatched the index from Tenten and brought it to the pale woman's face, "explain this card!"

Hinata squirmed, turned her embarrassed gaze from one woman to the next, before reaching for the bottle. She could deny nothing, but she would confirm nothing!

"The things that go on in that apartment!" the blonde laughed, "who knew you led such an exciting sex life! I'm impressed Hinata!"

"You're one to talk," Sakura pipped up with a sly grin, "considering-"

"I will chuck this wine glass at you Sakura!"

"Well you're getting a kick outta Hinata's sex life, turnabout is fair play."

"Yeah, at my bachelorette party! Until then, zip it forehead!"

"Whatever, we're in the homestretch now Hinata, final two questions! How many kids does your partner want?"

Finally she could breathe.


"Hinata's fine with two but I think her I can talk her into maybe four or five, six if I'm lucky."

"Geez, Naruto!" Sakura huffed, "I bet he hasn't even considered you'd be the one carrying and pushing out all SIX of those kids he wants! Now had the shoe been on the other foot he'd come up with a more reasonable number!"

"Lotta babies wouldn't be getting born if the shoe was on the other foot," Tenten said sagely.

The women nodded their agreement.

"Alright, so far we've learned that Hinata Hyuuga knows her future hubby pretty fucking well, and that they have a very colorful and energetic sex life," Ino announced, "final question!!!! She's been right on every single card, will she get a perfect twenty out of twenty, ladies and no gentlemen?!"

Sakura laughed, then read the final inquiry, "When did you know you loved your partner?"

Hinata let loose a sigh of relief, dreamily squirming in her seat. It always thrilled her to think about his love for her. She always felt so giddy and tranquil.

"Mmm, probably a few weeks before we got together," she chirped, half expecting they'd see hearts streaming from her face.

Sakura read the card and fell silent.

"Well, what's it say? Did she get it right?" Tenten asked, confusion creasing her brows.

Sakura shook her head, green eyes tender.

"Eh? She got it wrong? What did he write?"

"Later than I should have, and I'll always regret that," she answered softly.

"Oh no you don't!" Ino chastised, moving to the pale woman in an instant, "you dry those tears right up, missy! We are here to party not cry over that sweet, lovable, hardheaded Uzumaki."

"But...but....Naruto-kunnnn," the woman in questioned whined, big lavender eyes moist and emotional.

"I know, I know," she cooed with an amused pat to her hand, "he's as sweet and thoughtful as any man we've ever known, but this is party time, Hinata."

"Guess he was right about his Princess being sensitive," Tenten giggled.

"I don't think it has anything to do with sensitivity," the pinkette sniffled.

"Not you too!" Ino sighed.

"Shut it Ino!" she blubbered, "that was so sweeeetttttt!"

Moments later, two women were blubbering and the other two were shaking their heads at the pair.


"Guess Hinata's bachelorette party is in full swing by now, huh?" Choji asked, munching chips.

Men's Night had finally arrived, and while Naruto had called for the impromptu male bonding, using the excuse that with women gathering, they should too, Choji was hosting this time. Considering the size of his place and the fact that most of their group lived in the same complex, these mini get togethers usually took place at Naruto's apartment. However, their chubby friend had bought a house not too long ago. They suspected the change was due to his deepening relationship with Karui. There were bets going around their group about whether or not Choji was going to be the next among them to pop the question. Naruto wagered Choji had already picked out a ring.

They were out back in his screened in patio, seated around a cheerful blazing fire pit, drinking and chilling the way the used to before the last couple of crazy years. He was happily buzzed and looking forward to the harder liquor they planned to down later on. Once they were sloppy drunk and feeling particularly idiotic, they'd start their usual shinobi games.

Ninja Darts; where the intoxicated group took turns tossing their blades at a marked spot to see who had the better aim even with double vision. Five tries, every miss was held a mandatory penalty in the form of taking a shot of tonight's drink of honor.

Clumsy Climb; a game in which they measured who among them could reach the top of a designated tree without breaking their neck. No hands of course. Chakra control was a bitch when you were too drunk to think straight.

Then there was Where's Naruto?; he'd make five clones, mix himself among them and let his wasted figure out which weaving drunk was the real him, like they could even tell if they were stone cold sober. It always turned into a shit show. By the time they played, he was too inebriated to tell which one of him was him, and next thing he knew, there would be six copies of him claiming to be the real Uzumaki. How he confused himself with his own clones was a mystery to him, but hey, it was all in good fun. Long as that didn't happen outside a drinking session, he was fine.

He took another swig of the can in his hand.

For now, they were in the build up before the mindless shenanigans.

"Yeah," Naruto sighed.

"Why are you so bummed out about it?" Shikamaru asked.

"Ino's hosting it, that's why," he explained, blonde brow twitching.

Ino was the most outlandish female within their group when it came to partying, her antics rivaled only by her male counterpart, Kiba. Of course that fun loving kunoichi had some sort of 'surprise' up her sleeve. Whatever that may be, he knew his sweet Hina was too kind and gentle to reject her 'surprise'. She wouldn't want to hurt her friend's feelings and that sneaky Yamanaka knew that. There was no telling what kinda trouble she would get his woman into. The cards he'd filled out for her were trouble enough, innocuous fun, but trouble none the less.

"It should be fine, Naruto," Sai insisted, nursing his drink, "she only has a bit of harmless fun in mind. Drinking, a few inappropriate bridal games, some dancing."

He knew about the games.

In fact, Hinata had explained to him one of them required his participation. A game called 'Ask the Bride'. She'd given him white flash cards with pre-written questions for him to scribble his 'brutally honest' answers down on the blank backside, per Ino's instructions. At the party, Hinata would have to answer those question by guessing what he'd wrote. Considering the nature of the questions, the game was indeed inappropriate. Hinata would certain find herself flustered tonight, and might even give him an earful when he got home. He might have gotten a wee bit carried away. It was worth it in his opinion. Ino planned on recording the event for him to watch later and vice versa. Knowing what he'd wrote, the blonde was itching to see how she responded.

He couldn't wait for the corresponding 'Ask the Groom' game at his bachelor party.

The jonin liked to think he knew his partner inside and out, there was no way he wouldn't ace his questionnaire.

"Pretty tame compared to her earlier plans, I told her strippers would probably be a bit...much for Hinata-san," Sai finished.

"I fucking knew it!" the annoyed Uzumaki exclaimed, sloshing his beer, "Ino told her she had to get wasted since it's her bachelorette party! She knows Hinata's never been drunk before! She probably wants to get my Princess all drunk and carefree so she can parade some half naked pretty boy asshole in front of her at the party, dattebayo!"

"Well, from what I've read, strippers are a common staple at these celebrations," the dark eyed man told him, "do you not plan on having some at yours?"

"Hell no!" he yelled, scandalized, "Hinata's the only woman I wanna see dancing around naked-"

"Half naked," Shikamaru corrected.

"And do you honestly think I'd let strippers at a fucking party put my future with Hinata at risk? Are you out of your mind Sai?"

No way in hell was he jeopardizing his relationship for any reason, let alone for something as silly as having women dancing around at the celebration of a bachelor life he did not and would not miss. He turned to the amused group at large, fixing them with a tipsy glare.

"None of you assholes better pull that shit at my bachelor party! If I see one stripper, every one of you are getting a Rasengan before I walk the hell out!"

They thought he was kidding just because he was five beers gone and glassy eyed but he was absolutely serious! One uninvited lady and he'd pull the plug so quick he'd rip the socket out. Switching his severe gaze back to Sai, he speared the chuckling male with serious blue eyes.

"Ino ditched the strippers idea right?" he demanded.

Otherwise, he was getting his half drunk ass up, finding wherever the hell this celebration was being held and carting his woman off before this offensive party feature could take place.

"Calm down, Naruto," Nara chortled, "I talked to Ino too, she's not gonna have strippers there and even if she doesn't listen, Sakura promised to 'escort' them from the premises."

Mollified, Naruto settled down. Quick tempered Sakura would keep Ino in line and send any half naked pretty boy asshole packing the moment they showed up. If Hinata wanted a stripper, he was more than willing to dance his naked ass around for her, free of charge. In her case, he'd pay millions for five minutes of a fully clothed exotic dance from her, and the more clothes she stripped, the more he'd pay. His precious wife-to-be was worth one thousand times her weight in gold.

"I don't know how you put up with her antics, Sai," Naruto muttered.

"Same way Hinata puts up with yours."

Naruto pouted, gracing the quick and accurate comeback with a rude, but frequently used, finger gesture while Lee, Choji and Shikamaru snickered.

"When are you planning on having your bachelor party?" the annoying painter asked.

"Whenever Shino turns up. Kakashi-sensei says he's on his way back to the village," Naruto sighed, "he doesn't even know Hinata and I are getting married soon. He's missed out on everything so far, I didn't want him to miss this too, 'ttebayo. He's already gonna be pissed about the engagement party."

"Well, it couldn't be helped," Lee reasoned, "Sasuke-san was in town for once and you didn't know for how long. Surely he'll understand."

They all shared a look.

It was Shino they were talking about.

"He'll understand, doesn't mean he won't pout about it," Choji said, grabbing another handful of chips form the bowl on the table.

"He's gonna do more than pout," Kiba added, "might as well prepare yourself for the long haul. We're all gonna be on his shit list for at least the next decade."

Naruto gave the feral man across from him a glance. He'd been unnaturally quiet the entire night, but with his sixth beer gone, it looked like whatever was eating at him was gradually being pushed down by the alcohol in his system. He wasn't his usual loud and rambunctious self, but at least he was talking. When they stopped by to pick him, the Inuzuka had been less than enthusiastic, flat out turning them down twice. Tamaki had damn near tossed him out, stating she needed 'a night away from his moodiness' and maybe 'drinking and clowning' would pull him out of his 'funk'.

The words had confused him.

She spoke like even she didn't know what was bugging him. Though maybe it was something even she didn't know she had done. Shikamaru said it had something to do with her though.

Whatever it was, Tamaki was tired of it.

"Mannnn," the whisker faced shinobi huffed, "I just got off his shit list last year."

"Still mad about you not recognizing him immediately when you came back from training?" Shikamaru asked with a raised brow.

"Yep. I told him it was the jacket, I tell him that every time he gives me shit about it, but you know how he is, he's not having it. I swear, he holds grudges long than Ino, dattebayo. That was like five years ago!"

"And Shino gives a shit because..." Kiba grunted.

"You're right," he admitted.

Shino didn't give a shit.

"We done with the appetizers? Where's the main event Choji?"

Naruto grinned.

Now that was more like the Kiba he knew. Knowing the drill, the grubbing Akimichi pointed to a mini fridge in a far corner.

Shikamaru moved to the container.

"Clear or Dark?" he called out to the group as he opened the cooling box.

"Up to you Choji," Naruto said, "your house, your choice."

"Hmmm," their pudgy friend mulled, "clear, I don't think I wanna have too bad of a hangover tomorrow morning."

Shikamaru grabbed three bottles, sat them on the table then went back for the shot glasses atop the fridge. With the cups dived out, he started pouring, filling each glass to the brim.

Except for Lee.

The adviser poured a very careful smattering of liquid into his cup, then filled the rest with carbonated water. The taijutsu master was dangerous when drinking, but he was also one of the guys, the last thing they wanted to do was make him feel on the outside looking in at a gathering promoting male bonding and comradery. An extremely watered down version was the best they could do.

Lee was building up a tolerance, slowly but surely.

However, until he could stand to be anything but tipsy without wanting to break furniture and bones, they weren't about to push the issue.

An hour and a half later, it was officially idiot time.

Naruto stared up at the tall tree, watching the shaky legged figure walk like a perpendicular geriatric up the dark bark. His sluggish brain was giddy and amused, waiting for the coming fall. He weaved backwards, then righted himself again.

His damn head felt to heavy for his body but man did he feel good at the moment.

"Hurry it up grandma!" he shouted at the figure, "we ain't got all night, dattebayoooo! Got a line of guys waitin' to break their neck down hereeeee!"

Kiba waved like a flag on a pole, pinwheeling his arms in effort to maintain the tenuous control keeping him glued to the tree.

"Will you shut the fuck up!" he yelled back, "I'm tryna fuckin...I'm tryna fuckin...shut up and let me do this!"

His friends laughed.

"Well hurry up and break your head so we can watch Sai bust his ass!" the blonde hollered back, "you been up there pussy footin' around for the last seventeenth minutes!!"


"The fuck is a seventeenth minutes?!"

"Shut up! I said seventeen! You're drunk, dattebayo!"

"You're drunk! You said seventeenth!"

"You're both drunk!" Sai declared.

"You're drunk!" the two shouted in unison.

"Everybody's drunk," Choji cackled.

"Not everybody," Shikamaru sighed.

"That's your choice, you always hold out when we drink! We don't need babysitters! Get stupid drunk like the rest of us for once!" Naruto complained.

"If I did, you assholes would get into more trouble than you already do."

"We don't-"

Something hard and heavy hit the dirt at his feet.


Naruto blinked before looking down at Kiba's crumpled form. Covered in dirt and spread eagle on the ground, he looked as stupid as he usually did falling drunk from a tree. The fox faced man snorted, then roared with laughter.

"Shut the hell up, you're next dumbass!" the Inuzuka grumbled, staggering to his feet.

"I believe my neck was next," Sai pointed out, creepily calm.

They were used to it. An intoxicated Sai was confusing clash of exaggerated emotions and chilling stillness. Even with the weird person that arose from his cup, dumb decisions remained a common thread among them all.

"Yeah," the blonde nodded, nearly sending himself to the floor in the process, "Sai's neck was next."

Empty shot glass in hand, Ino's intoxicated boyfriend moved to stand in front of the tree, his owl gaze puzzled as he stared at the hard surface. He looked up the length of the tree, at his glass, up the tree and back again.

"You don't need your hands for this, Sai," Choji laughed.

The confused shinobi glanced back, stared a beat before returning to whatever problem he was trying to solve in his tiny little brain.

"Put the goddamn cup down Sai, shit!" Kiba cackled, "why the hell is it so hard to walk up a damn tree with a cup in your hand?! You're only supposed to use your feet!"

Sai blinked.

"I know that."

"Doesn't look like it!"

Another fifteen seconds of idiotic indecision passed before the painter moved. After carefully placing the cup on the ground, Sai straightened.

Naruto had just taken a swallow from his beer when it happened. Sai raised a foot, put on the tree, shifted his weight to climb and bust his ass immediately. Burning liquid filled his sinuses as he choked on his beer, spewing alcohol across the lawn. Coughs and hilarity wracked his body. Lee smacked him roughly on his back, his and everyone elses's mirth filling his ears.

"Sai, what the fuck?!" Naruto wheezed, "fucking idiot!"

Face blank, dark eyes staring dazedly at the sky, the man in question was quiet a moment before his lips moved.


The group at large lost it all over again.

It was another two hours before the group of men were done making fools of themselves. Sat in a circle on the ground, they'd fallen back into comfortable conversation.

"So what's the deal Choji? You tying the knot with Karui soon or..." Shikamaru questioned.

Face red with something other than alcoholic fumes, the rosy cheeked man gave a bashful grin

"Ahhh, well, I don't know yet."

"Oh please, it's written all over your face!"

"We've talked about her moving to Konoha, but with all the crazy stuff going on and the Cloud's strict policies, we've kinda been at a standstill," he admitted with a scratch to his chin, "maybe in a few months she'll be able to at least get a visa to stay for a while."

"Things have been pretty calm lately, and maybe the other nations will start to loosen up enough for more travel, until then, don't lose hope!" Lee enthused, "I have no doubt you'll be able to woo your lady love right here in Konoha, Choji!"

"Thanks Lee."

"Well whenever you decide to pop the question, you can come to me for help, 'ttebayo! I'm not an expert but I can give you some tips I wish somebody would've gave me!"

"Tips..." Sai snickered.

Finding the childish remark hilarious, Lee elbowed the painter in the ribs and the two wheezed out mirth.

Naruto chuckled, before snapping his fingers.

"Shit, almost forgot, so Hinata wants me to pick out tuxedo's for you guys, I wanna do it, but I don't know shit about fashion," Naruto announced, throwing back his seventh shot of the night, "kinda need you guy's help with this."

"Hmmm, if it's too hard coming up with a design, how about you start with colors, Naruto?" Choji suggested, guzzling his own beer.

"Good place to start," Lee nodded wiping amused moisture from his eyes, "can't go wrong with color, I think. I don't know...um, what-"

"Do we gotta talk about this right now?" Kiba bitched, "I thought tonight was about getting wasted and having fun? I swear, all we've talked about is fucking Naruto and the fucking wedding."

"Kiba..." Shikamaru warned.

Naruto raised a brow. They hadn't been talking that much about him and the wedding, but of course the topic was gonna come up more than once considering it was so close to happening.

The fuck was his problem?

Annoyed, he fixed cobalt orbs on the glaring man.

"How about we talk about fucking Kiba and his fucking attitude then?" he countered, "you coulda changed the subject at any point tonight, but instead you've been drinking and sulking, and now you're drunk and picking a fight. Instead of being a petty asshole, why not just tell us what the hell is going on with you and Tamaki, because clearly-"

In a burst of temper, Kiba tossed his beer, spilling fizzling liquid on the tree they'd taken turns falling from.

"It's not about Tamaki!" the feral man shouted, jumping to his feet, "it's about Hinata and this fucking wedding!"

In the ensuing silence, Shikamaru slapped a palm to his forehead, releasing an annoyed, exasperated sigh.

"Idiot..." he muttered.

What in the flying fuck was he talking about?

What the fuck did Hinata and the wedding have to do with...

Naruto stood, angry blonde brows drawn, staring at his friend as though he'd grown another head.

"What the fuck are you saying Kiba?"

Even as he asked, he knew...

"You know what the fuck I'm saying."


"Okay, then why the fuck are you saying it?" the blonde growled back.

"Because it's the fucking truth, alright?" he ran a hand through his messy hair, half pacing as he laid out the burden he'd been carrying, "you think I wanna feel like this? Shit, Naruto, I was supposed to have put this fucking crush behind me the moment you two got together. I knew, the moment you did, it was over, done. She was where she's always wanted to be and she wasn't going anywhere. I stopped popping up for food as much, I focused more on Tamaki. I did everything I could to make myself be happy for you, for both of you instead of letting it bug the shit outta me. Fake it till you make it kinda shit, and for a long time, I was making it."

Caught up in his own bliss, Naruto hadn't seen many signs of envy. They bickered and joked around, but Kiba had seemed perfectly fine afterwards.

Faking it apparently.

"Then outta nowhere," he continued, spewing more poison, "you pop up, telling us you proposed to her outta the blue and I just...fuck I don't know, I just started feeling like...what if I had told her how I felt? What if I had actually pursued her instead of just giving up like I did."

Jaw tight, Naruto tossed his own can.

"It's too fucking late for what if's," the blonde informed him tightly.

"I know that dammit!" he shouted, "why the hell do you think I've been so fucking messed up?! When you told me you two were getting married I had to face the truth. It wasn't just a crush back then, I was in love with her," he admitted quietly.

His spine stiffened with affront.

The words were brutally honest, unguarded and raw, and so fucking repugnant he was half tempted to plug his ears. Nostrils flared, teeth grinding, Naruto struggled with overwhelming urge to give vent to the burning jealousy stoking his temper. This was no nameless, faceless fanboy confessing his love for his Princess, this was her teammate, one of her closet friends, one his closets friends. How the fuck was he supposed to deal with that? To process that? It irritated the fuck outta him years ago, learning that Kiba looked at Hinata as more than a friend and comrade, and his parting comment; 'You got her now, but she's fair game the moment you screw up' reverberated in his intoxicated brain.

Their relationship may have just been beginning years ago, but Naruto's own response to that comment was truer now than it had been back then; 'You'll get Hinata over my cold dead body.'

That went for anybody, man, woman, friend or foe.

Hinata was his.

Their connection, their love, their bond was unbreakable, unshakable and unmatched, but that didn't mean it didn't piss him the fuck off to hear any man questing and lusting after the woman that was to be his wife in a few months. It meant fuck all in the face of the jealousy racing through his veins.

"So where are you going with all this?" the blonde questioned, "you planning on telling her? You want us to cancel our wedding? What the fuck is the plan, huh Kiba?"

Kiba's own temper flared.

"There is no fucking plan! I have my own fucking girlfriend to worry about! I don't wanna hurt her, or Hinata or you! The last thing I wanna do is fuck up either relationship! Ours either, Naruto, I'm trying to be good fucking friend to both of you and get my shit together but what the fuck am I supposed to do, turn my fucking feelings off?!" he raged, "show me how the fuck to do it and I'll do it!"

The feral man's jaw clenched.

"All I can do is try and avoid the fucking situation, but how. In. The. Fuck. Do. I. Do. That?! I can't go anywhere with having to hear about you and her and the wedding. Konoha talks about it, we talk about it, fucking Tamaki talks about it! Every where I turn, it's in my damn face! I can't not think about it long enough to deal with whatever the hell I'm still feeling! I don't get a break from it. I just need..."

Kiba trailed off, frustration tightening his face. In the pregnant pause, Shikamaru moved towards them, hands lifted in both their directions.

"Look you two, it's late, you're both not in the right frame of mind to deal with this at the moment, let's call it a night and talk about this when you're sober."

Naruto didn't even glance in his direction. He was supposed to drop the topic, go home and act like it didn't bother the ever loving shit outta him that his friend was pining after the woman he adored more than life. His sober mind wouldn't exuded any less rage in this situation.

"What the fuck do you need, Kiba?" he snapped, "spit it out!"

The Inuzuka's jaw flexed.

"You're a part of the fucking wedding. There's a lotta shit we still gotta do for the wedding, it's going to be in your face no matter what, 'ttebayo. I can't do shit about that," as he spoke, the feral man's brows crinkled the angry glint growing brighter in his dark eyes, "Hinata wants you there but if you can't stomach it and wanna drop out then do it. If that's not what you need then we need to figure this shit out, and figure it out now. We're getting married, so what the hell do you need to 'get your shit together'?"

"I need to not think about this shit!" Kiba roared, "the more I think about this wedding the more I think about the past, the more I regret not opening my mouth. I regret not even trying! I can't help wanting to know if she and I could've worked."

He was about to lose it, he knew he was. His tightly fisted hands, the tension lining his muscles, his blue orbs wrathful, Naruto knew he was teetering closer and closer to doing something he wouldn't regret tonight, nor any other day after. Even so, he listened to the words that would catapult him into action.

"What I need is to go back in time and shoot my shot instead throwing in the towel like a fucking coward! Maybe if I'd had the balls to go after her instead of watching on the sidelines I'd be the one planning a wedding with her now instead of-".

His tenuous restraint snapped, his boiling temper finally erupting. He was moving before he could even think, smashing his fist into the mouth that had formed that blasphemous statement, sending his friend reeling in the process. Breathing like he'd been running for days, murderous blue orbs fused to the staggering man, Naruto fought the desire to hit him again. To imagine the man before him, any man, taking his place at her side, touching her the way only he could, receiving the love and smiles she gave to him, tying the knot and living the life he wanted so badly with her, it was beyond disgusting.

Beyond repulsive.

Beyond rage inducing.

A growl thundering from his throat, Kiba righted himself and returned the favor, slugging his whiskered cheek with the force of his resentment. Rage crashing through his veins, Naruto struck back, stoking the violent confrontation into a full fledge fight. There was neither finesse nor calculation, no ducking or dodging swings, they took each blow and returned the favor, ensnared in a mutual desire to pummel each other until one of them couldn't anymore.

"Come on you two! Stop it! You're friends!" Choji called out.

Neither man paid mind to his words. Friends though they be, at this moment, they were inebriated rivals for a woman promised to marry one and completely out of reach of the other. The only talking they wanted to do, was through fists. Kiba launched himself at his middle, taking both of them from their feet. He took a blow to the face, returned it before slinging the glaring man off him. They rolled to their feet and returned to the ardent task of beating the crap out of each other.

Both Choji and Lee moved to break up the fight, an outstretched hand halted them both.

"Let them get it outta their system," Shikamaru suggested, "they're better off beating their jealousy out of each other here, than letting it fester and explode in front of other people, namely Hinata. We're all friends, and with the wedding coming up, the tension is only gonna get worse form here on out. At the very least, they can work off the brunt of it in private. The last thing we need is a public spectacle before or worse, during the wedding."

"Still..." Lee mumbled, dismay suffusing his face flushed face.

The adviser shook his head.

"Let them blow off steam. They can hash it out later once they sober up and cool those hot heads."

Though he looked distressed and uncertain, the taijutsu specialist didn't move to stop the fighting men again.

"You knew about this, Shikamaru?" Choji asked.

He nodded with a sigh.

"He's been struggling for a while. He confessed at the engagement party."

"That explains his behavior at the event, and why he disappeared before everyone else," Sai commented, his face filled with, albeit stiff, concern.

"But when Naruto told us he proposed to Hinata, he didn't seem upset about it, he was more mad he hadn't told us sooner that he was planning on asking Hinata to marry him," Choji pointed out.

"And when we got back from the mission, he didn't seem different at all," Lee added, "the whole village was on the Hokage tower steps with well wishes."

"It hadn't fully sank in at the time," Shikamaru explained, "Naruto told you guys out of the blue and right after, Kiba was distracted by the mission. When he had time to actually sit and think about what Naruto's announcement meant, it stayed on his mind. The more he thought about it, the more it bothered him. The closer the wedding got, the harder it was to deny how he felt about it."

"He told you that?" asked Choji.

"Yeah. He left the party early to try and come to terms with their impending nuptials. Being at the party was only exasperating the situation. He's been trying to keep his distance from both Naruto and Hinata. He's spent as much time as he can with Tamaki, he trains even harder with Akamaru out in the forest to keep his mind busy, he's been quietly trying to accept this on his own, an out of sight out of mind approach. Clearly its not working," the exasperated Nara said, "As bad as it looks, this is probably for the best. Its out in the open and they can deal with it without causing sideshow, or worrying Hinata. They may be angry and jealous but they're not fighting to seriously hurt each other, otherwise your house would have been blown to hell and back. They're two friends that feel the same way about one woman. They need to exhaust whatever they're feeling."

And so, the four men watched with varying degrees of discomfort as the two men slugged each other for the better part of an hour.

Naruto wiped blood from his lip. He was bruised, his knuckles were swollen, but he didn't feel a single ache. Maybe it was the adrenaline, or the alcohol, though he wagered it was the latter. He wasn't tired by a long shot, and had it not been for the feral man he'd laid flat still lying on the ground and his own difficulty remaining on his feet, he'd still be spoiling to continue their fight, but he was really dizzy and Kiba hadn't gotten back up.

He rose and stumbled over to the downed man a short distance from him.

Kiba lay staring up at the night sky, his cheek bruised, the underside of his left eye beginning to purple. The compassionate blonde didn't feel bad to see the results of their scrap marring his friend's face, neither did he feel good about it either. It was a strangely monotone sensation, one he had never felt before. There was echoing anger, but there was also understanding and pity.

Each emotion weighed equally in his heart.

He reached out a hand to his childhood friend, offering more than a hand up.

Without a beat of hesitation, his hand was smacked away.

He'd sorta expected that.

Kiba sat up gingerly, wiping the crimson from his nose as he did. Naruto stood waiting, wondering if he'd instigate an argument or rekindle their slug fest from earlier.

A big part of him wanted the fight to reignite.

Dizziness be damned...


He knew that wasn't the right call.

They needed to fucking...talk about this shit.

Climbing to his feet, weaving slightly, eyes dilated with intoxication, his dark gaze narrowed at the blonde. His intention to be the 'bigger person' wavered as he bristled.

"If you wanna fight then let's go," the blonde invited, his own orbs glaring, "but I'd rather...talk about it and figure this shit out."

"What the fuck is there to 'figure out' Naruto?" he bit off, "she's in love with you, always has been, always will be, she's marrying you and that's it. What the fuck is there to 'figure out'?"

"I don't fucking know!" he snapped, "to figure out how to not be so fucking torn up about this? How to deal with this long term, because it's not just until the fucking wedding that you're gonna have to put up with this!"

"Its not your fucking problem!"

"How the fuck not?! You're my friend Kiba!"

"What use is that?! Friend or not, there's nothing you or anybody else can do to change this messed up situation! I feel how I feel and the only choice I have is to fucking suck it up and get on with my goddamn life!"

"The situation won't change but at least you won't be dealing with it on your own, 'ttebayo! And yeah, this shit pisses me off, I got my own emotions I'm gonna have to work through, but I can still help you!"

Red stained his face, that same expression he'd seen when he stopped in the apartment stairwell returned, but was tightened with anger. Naruto didn't think it was from the drink or the fight, and his next parting words confirmed that.

"You really wanna help me, Naruto? Then do me a solid, next time you wanna...fuck outside, make sure you're alone first," he muttered nastily, "I can handle this crap on my own, the least you can is keep it outta my fucking face."

He should have been embarrassed, he should've been shocked, considering he was drunk and enraged, he felt neither.

"Don't worry, next time, I'll make sure it's all clear."

"Fuck you!" he growled taking an angry step forward.

Tension coiled between the two. Naruto watched his friend with narrowed blue eyes, muscles straining in preparation for another fight. He didn't feel monotoned anymore. If Kiba wanted to go at it again, he was more than willing, rather, he was itching to go.

"Done with this shit," the Inuzuka cursed before storming off, bumping the blonde's shoulder in the process of his clipped exit.

Confrontation over, but still fuming, Naruto stomped passed his silent friends, into the screened porch, grabbed a bottle of something brown from the fridge and threw himself back in the spot he'd sat for most of the night.

He brought it to his lips and chugged.

"Mendokusē," his friend sighed...

Angry, jealous and drunk as a skunk, Naruto shoved the key in the lock on the third attempt. He'd spent another hour drinking and unsuccessfully being talked down from the festering emotions churning beneath his skin. He didn't know what the fuck time it was and didn't care. He turned the key. Once open, he closed it quieter than his temper actually demanded in deference to his sleeping fiancée, shrugged his shoes off and tossed his keys at the counter, missing it all together. Dizzy, he prowled through the living room, bumping his foot on the coffee table as he weaved from one side to the other. Cursing, he stumbled, reaching for the wall in a clumsy effort to keep himself upright.

"Who put that fucking table there," he muttered, righting himself.

He stumbled through the bedroom door, shedding his clothing as he did. Glassy cerulean orbs found her immediately. She was asleep, laid out across their bed.

Pretty and peaceful.

Sinfully sexy and unaware.

Beautiful and serene.

Irrevocably his in a way she never had, never would be to anyone else.

He crawled up the mattress, eyes intent on the pretty silk nightie covering her lush form. Beneath the sheer, salmon colored lace, he could see the outline of her pert nipples, the hem showcasing her lack of panties. Leaning forward, he closed his lips over one of those hard points, gave it a hard suck before laving it with long wet strokes of his tongue.


Warm energy suffused her body, sinking into her skin, down to her very bones. Like the kiss of the sun, he filled her with its comforting heat, permeating her flesh with a presence so comforting, so poignant, her drifting mind couldn't help but draw closer to the sensation.

Another feeling joined it.

This one hot and arousing.

It found one nipple, then the other, traced her throat then returned to tease her hardened peaks. She shifted, a soft moan leaving her lips as her sluggish brain struggled to rise to the surface. Wet suction found her clit, firm pressure tugged her nipples.

She roused fully, gasping and moaning.

Even in the darkness, she knew it was him. She could feel his sliding chakra along her skin, could feel the big, roughly calloused hands she'd know anywhere pressing her thighs apart and that rolling tongue. The one that knew her body better than she did, the one that knew how to bring her quickly and devastatingly to a mind numbing finish in less time it took to breathe.

"Naruto," she gasped, arching her spine as she hugged his shoulders with her slender legs.

The drunken blonde hummed his own pleasure as he stroked her sensitive bud, twined his tongue around and around before suckling the little bundle of nerves. She shuttered, a trembling whimper leaving her throat, shaking fingers fisting his locks. She didn't even have time to fight, to resist the sway of climax. It crashed through her, forcing the air from her lungs and sending her mind reeling. Reality spun away before narrowing to the head between her thighs, the lazy laps to her pussy. The wet appendage that had brought her pleasure delved through the scalding gush of her orgasm to feel her spasming core.

She panted, shaking as she absorbed the sensation.

Hinata sighed, contentment sluggishly filling each slackened limb of her body. She was just beginning to calm when he latched on again. With warning, without hesitation, he suckled her pleasure button with a vigor that strained her delicate muscles, launching her right back to the high he'd woken her up to.

Thrust back into chaos, Hinata held on to the golden hair beneath her fingers with a strength she knew had to sting. Helplessly rocking her hips as he tongued her pussy with a thoroughness she could hardly bear. Again she fought, again she strained and again she met a fiery end.

He wasn't finished with her.

There was no lull this time.

Ecstasy unbidden and unwelcome to her sensitized body, churned again.

"Naruto," she gasped, pushing at his head, "don't..."

He wasn't deterred.

Hinata struggled for breath, her toes curling, white spots dancing behind her tightly clenched eyes. She was overwhelmed and drowning, smothered in pleasure so acute it was painful. So close to a fiery end she was almost afraid of it.

She pushed again, feebly trying to dislodge his sucking mouth, to no avail.

Her lover was not to be denied, her body was not to be denied.

It was coming.

A wave of ecstasy lashed her contorting form, drawing a whimper from her lips. His fingers tightened on her plush thighs, his excited breaths tickling her skin. He knew she was close and it turned him on. He sucked softly, then wiggled his tongue just as lightly. Her eyes rolled, her body tensed as her pleasure hazed brain struggled to process this new tempo.

He didn't give her a chance.

Her reeling senses felt his plunging tongue once, twice, then again, fucking through the wet weeping from the entrance to her body, before he found her sensitive bud again. He swirled it slowly, deliberately, circling her clit and forcing her over the edge.

She cried out, dimly aware of him rising above her, of impatient hands gripping the underside of her thighs and pressing them to her chest. She was still gushing orgasm when she felt him inside her, forcing her contracting walls to part, setting a hammering pace that rattled her teeth. She reached for him in the darkness, gripping his forearms as he pounded her pussy. She couldn't think, could barely breathe, trapped as she was beneath him.

She tried to brace, to gain control of the sharp sensations tearing her apart.

It was a losing battle.

She couldn't focus on anything but the absolute bliss twisting her insides. Nothing but the thunderous clap of their meshing genitals, the screaming creak of their bed. She crested long before she knew she was about to, surprised and shaken by the force of it. She strained, mewling and wailing ecstasy, clawing at the panting man above holding her captive beneath the onslaught.

He groaned.

His hand moved, and a beat later his thumb slid over her clit.

"Ohhhhhh!" she cried, her dark head twisting on the softness beneath her head as he pummeled her into another climax.

Liquid heat left her body in a rush. Digging her nails into the flesh beneath them, Hinata screamed her next orgasm. He leaned over her and took her bottom lip between his teeth, nipping the plump flesh before sliding his tongue over her parted lips as she wailed.

She could smell the alcohol on his breath.

Could taste it as he tasted her.

The reality of inebriated state was barely a registered detail in her foggy consciousness.

It wasn't the first time he'd fucked her drunk and it wouldn't be the last.

He moved again, leaving her clutching body abruptly. Dazed and trembling, Hinata sagged into the matress beneath her.

Her rest was short lived.

He turned her, pressed her face down, gripped her hips and entered her again, his pace clipped and ruthless, quick and urgent. Hinata gripped the sheets in desperate hands, screaming her ecstasy as he fucked her senseless.

Her stomach muscles tightened.

Had she been in any state of mind to remember, she'd have felt a touch of embarrassment that he was enacting the position that had left her fighting for her life at her bachelorette party. As it stood, Hinata couldn't care less what had come before.

All she cared about was the here and now.

The sloppy, satisfying slam of his cock, the tight grip on her hips, the deep throated groans rumbling from his throat. The sound and rapture of their coupling held her transfixed and enthralled. She shuddered, thighs trembling as he beat a merciless cadence against her plump cheeks. Rough fingers threaded her hair, tugging and lifting her face from the pillow.

"You love me?" he questioned

Confusion bloomed beneath the haze he held her under. Of course she loved him, more than anything in this world she loved the man pounding her into oblivion.

"Yes," she moaned.

"Tell me," he growled.

"I love you," she whimpered.


"I love you, I love you, I love you,"

It became a mantra on her lips, each gasping declaration of love punctured by each powerful thrust....

Sunlight was peaking through the night sky by the time her fiancé calmed. A low groan of relief filled the room as he painted her trembling insides with hot semen for what felt like the tenth time that night. He sagged, pressing her into the mattress for a brief moment, before turning and spooning her body. He wrapped arms and legs tightly around her, plastering their sweaty bodies together.

She was tired.


Seconds away from sleep when he spoke next to her ear.

"I won't let anybody have you," he muttered, pressing heated lips to her throat, "nobody' ttebayo."

The rough lovemaking wasn't new, this quiet but grave vow was.

"Naruto-kun?" she murmured back, "what's gotten into you tonight?"

"Jealousy," he rumbled, nuzzling the slope of her ear.

"Jealousy? Why?"

He was quiet a while, which was...strange. The ensuing silence cleared some of the drowsy pleasure from her mind. She could feel the muscles in the arms around her flex with tension, the hard cut of his jaw tightening on her shoulder.

Her brows creased.

She tried to turn, to look at his face, but he held her still.


"The party, you had strippers there, didn't you?"

Her confusion cleared in an instant.

Now she understood what had driven his aggressive lovemaking, at least tonight. A coil of amusement unfurled.

He was so cute sometimes...

Still, she moved to sooth her moody fiancé. Caressing the arms harnessed around her waist, she cuddled back into his hard form.

"There weren't any and even if there were they'd be invisible to me," she cooed to him, "I only have eyes for you Naruto-kun.

"I know," he muttered into her neck, "still..."

A tremor spread throughout her body as the wet glide of his tongue laved her neck.

"I can't help feeling the way I feel."


I had TON of fun writing this chapter. Like, engagement party fun...then all of a sudden I just got so tired while proof reading -_- why, idk. If there are more errors than normal, you'll have to forgive me. My brain turned off, lol.

Whelp, the cats outta the bag now, everybody know what bug crawled up Kiba's ass lol. How shall their lives change with this new trouble between them? Tune in and find out, lmao.

If you like the story and wanna see more, be sure to comment and star ^_^ it's painless and free but means the world to meeeeee!

Quotes during Naruto and Kiba's standoff are from chapter 7. A lifetime ago, lol.

That's all, I'm gonna go sleep.



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