Next Generation (Book 4)

By mariaellez

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Warning - story contains discipline by parents to children and some explicit scenes. Book 4 of the Daughter o... More

Guess Who's Back
Baby Baby
Pro Baller
Gut Feeling
Dog House
Truth Revelaed
Houston, We Have a Problem
Game Changer
Stir the Pot
Fight Night
Freak Out
Next Steps
Upside Down
Mood Swings
Calm Before the Storm
Prayers Up (Not a Chapter)
Stormy Weather
Wrong Turn
The More You Know
My Sister's Keeper
Guns Blazing
Emotional Roller Coaster
Stay or Go
Make It Work
Mom Life
Accidents Happen
Rock Bottom
Father First
Broken Hearts
Damage Control
Fight Club
All a Lie
Battle Scars
Throw a Fit
Baby Boy
Marry You
Party Rock
My First Love
Family Feud
Special Guest
Father VS Son
Man to Man
Girl's Trip
Oh What a Night
Worst Behavior
Good Intentions, Bad Decisions
Sweet 16 Or Not
Firm Hand
Bottom Line
New Level
Nothing Else Matters
Make a Wish

Old Wounds

579 21 31
By mariaellez

|Rory's POV|

Bash and Leo's parents are coming over today. I have no idea how this is going to go. I told Bash I'd leave to give them privacy, but he told me that there was nothing to hide. Bash took his brother to workout with him. I was in the middle of finishing breakfast when I heard the doorbell ring. Opening the door, I saw Mr. Calvin and Ms. Lillian. They were early.

"Mr. Calvin, Ms. Lillian, please come in."

I stepped to the side and they came in. Both looked around the apartment.

"Nice place. Very spacious," Mr. Calvin commented.

"Thank you. Can I get you two anything?"

"No, we're fine dear," Ms. Lillian stated.

I was just about to text Bash when he and Leo came in laughing. Both stopped dead in their tracks seeing their parents.

"Mom, dad," Leo stated.

Mr. Calvin didn't say anything, but Ms. Lillian jumped up giving him a hug.

"Don't ever scare us like that again, you hear me?" she admonished, holding both sides of his face.

"Sorry mom," he mumbled.

"Go get cleaned up. You're all sweaty."

She let him go and he gave me a smile before going to the guest room. Bash was still standing there.

"You guys are early," Bash stated.

His father grunted.

"So, what?"

"Uh, Bash, babe go ahead and shower. I'll keep your parents company. It's fine."

He gave me a look.


He looked over at his parents once more before taking off to the bedroom. I took a seat across from his parents in the living room.

"So, how are you doing Aurora?" Ms. Lillian asked.

"I'm doing well. Just finished up my semester. Have the whole Summer to work on my business now."

"You go to FIT, right?" Mr. Calvin quizzed.

I nodded.

"I do."

"Mmm. No more living on campus. You just made yourself comfortable here," he stated.

I was taken aback by how cold he was being.

"I was here majority of the time anyways and after my accident, Bash and I decided to make living together official. We do plan on getting a place together, but right now, we're comfortable where we're at."

"I'm sure you are," he mumbled.

Ms. Lillian cut her eyes at him before giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Well, I'm glad you're recovered. Bash speaks very highly of you."

I smiled.

"Bash is an amazing person. I'm lucky to have him."

"As long as he provides, right?" Mr. Calvin chimed in.

"I am fully capable of taking care of myself. I have a job and a business venture of my own that allows me to be compensated doing what I love most, designing. Being in college right now is just to help perfect my craft, make connections, and excel to new heights. I've done that on my own, Mr. Calvin, without Sebastian's help. I don't know what you're getting at, but I'm not sitting here taking advantage of your son. I have my own," I replied.

He just glared at me.

"Yet you're living in my son's apartment," he muttered.

As the words left his mouth, Bash appeared. From the look on his face, he must've heard the tail end of conversation. Leo came in the living room as well.

"Talking shit about me is one thing, but you don't get to sit there and disrespect Aurora. Damn sure not in our home."

"Bash..." I whispered.

"No one is disrespecting her, I made a statement," Mr. Calvin ciunteeed.

"A disrespectful one. Dad, don't come in my house with that energy. We need to talk about Leo then you can get the hell out."

"Sebastian! Don't you speak to your father that way."


"No. Calvin, what you said to Aurora was uncalled for. She's not taking advantage of Bash and honestly their living arrangements aren't our business."

She looked over at Bash.

"Regardless of what your father says, you become just as disrespectful when you speak to him that way. You're better than that."

"Mom, you always..."

"You don't have to be like him," she replied, cutting her eyes at her husband.

Bash sat down as Leo did the same. I was about to get up, but Bash grabbed my hand.

"Aurora, this is your home, you don't have to leave," Ms. Lillian said.

I looked over at Bash and he squeezed my hand, signaling he wanted me to stay.

"So, let's get to it. What is the plan with Leo now that he's expelled?" Bash questioned.

"He'll have to go to the public school," Ms. Lillian replied.

"Damn right he is. I'm not going to waste my money for him to act like an idiot and pull pranks with his friends," Mr. Calvin added.

The look of disgust on his face as he looked at Leo was evident. Leo put his head down.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with the public high school, dad."

"I don't care where he goes. Three more years and he'll be out the house, just like you."

As much as my dad was in our business, I'd prefer that any day than to be spoken to how Mr. Calvin speaks to Bash and Leo.

"I can't wait to leave home and get away from you just like Bash did. You talk so much about him like he's a horrible person. He's done more for me than you ever have."

"Just who in the hell do you think you're talking to?"

"You! It's always money with you. Have you ever thought that maybe we just want your time and company?"

"I work hard to support this family!"

"Dad, no one is saying you don't! You just don't have any balance. We're your kids and you care more about that job than you do us. You and mom don't even get along. Why she's still with you is beyond me."

I could hear his voice cracking. I literally felt like a fly on a wall. Bash still had a hold of my hand and I was rubbing his to keep him calm.

"You've hurt the both of us in more ways than one dad. What sucks about all of this is that you're a narcissist that sees nothing wrong with your behavior. You feel as though we're beneath you. Don't even get me started on your gaslighting. I'll be 25 this year and I can't remember one happy memory with you. I wish I could, but I can't. I wish that we could have a relationship with you, but being around you hurts. I was hoping things would be different for Leo, but clearly, it's not."

"I'm always the damn problem. You two are so full of shit. I've clothed you, kept a roof over your head, paid for your schooling, taken you on vacations, still not enough? You're ungrateful! You sat here and said your brother does so much for you, see if he can find you a place to stay."


"No. How dare you sit here and say he's done more for you than I have?!! Sebastian left you to come here! Don't forget that."

Mr. Calvin was pissed. This was only getting worse.

"You can't be serious. I didn't leave him. I went to college and then I took a job opportunity I worked my ass off to get. Even moving here, anything he called and asked me for, he had. Anytime he wanted to visit, he has. So what are you talking about I left him? You might physically be here, but you checked out on us a long time ago."

"We'll guess what, I have the final say, and Leo is no longer welcome in my home."

"Calvin! You are not kicking our son out. That house is our home."

"You can leave to for all I care. You all are ungrateful if you ask me. Get your shit and stay out. Bash can take care of all of you."

He got up and left, slamming the door.

"I-I'll be back," Ms. Lillian said, getting up and leaving.

I sat there stunned. Bash was motionless. Leo was wiping his tears.

"He's such an asshole!" Leo stated.

Ms. Lillian can back in a few minutes later.

"He left, didn't he?"

She simply nodded.

"Leo, go get your things. We have a flight for tonight. We can sort everything out when we get back to Florida."

Leo shook his head.

"I'm not going back in that house."


"Mom, he just kicked me out."

"He didn't mean any of that. I'm not arguing with you. Go get your things, now!"

Leo didn't say anything.

"Mom, what are you going to do?"

She sighed.

"Something I should've done a long time ago. Don't worry, I'll have Leo call you once we land."

"If you need anything..."

She went over to him and hugged him.

"You keep being the amazing young man I always knew you'd be. I am so sorry for neglecting you and not standing up for you. Take care of this beautiful girl you have here."

"I will, mom."

"I'm sorry for what my husband said, Aurora."

"You don't need to apologize, Ms. Lillian."

She smiled and hugged me as Leo came back out. Bash spoke to him before the two of them left.

"I'm sorry you had to witness all that babe and for how my dad spoke to you."

"Bash, don't worry about all that."

He nodded and sat down on the couch.

"My mom is going to finally leave him," he mumbled.


"Before she had Leo, she was going to divorce my dad. She ended up getting pregnant and stayed. So, her divorcing him, I wouldn't be surprised."

"You okay?" I questioned, sitting next to him.

"Not really."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"You being here right now is more than enough, Ro."

"You or Leo didn't even get a chance to eat. Want me to warm you something up. We can also do some more designing for the house."

I was trying to take his mind off things by any means.

"It's okay, babe. I'm going to go lay down."

He kissed my cheek and went to our bedroom. I was cleaning up the kitchen when I got a call from my dad.

Hi, daddy.

Hey, honey. How are you?

Mmm alright.

That doesn't sound too convincing.

Just dealing with some stuff with Bash.

Is he okay?

I could hear the concern in his voice. Way different than Mr. Calvin.

Family issues.

Mmm. Well, tell him if needs anything to give me a call.

I will.

I'm calling to let you know your birthday trip is all set to go.

I smiled! I was turning 21 and dad rented out a luxury villa for me and the girls for a week in Turks and Caicos. Jamie and Izzy were bringing their friends, I was bringing mine. Private chef, spa days, my birthday couldn't get here fast enough.

Thank you, daddy.

You're welcome, Princess. Now, all I ask is you behave yourself and don't get shitfaced.


I'm being serious, Ro. I know you're excited and I want you to enjoy your vacation, but be mindful.

We will, daddy.

Again, why can't the guys go with you?

It's a girl's trip, daddy. That's why.


I promise, we'll behave.

Oh, I just signed the check for this one. You girls can take it with the guys if you get crazy.

Thanks a lot, dad.

He laughed.

Anytime. I'll talk to you later and I'll send over the details.

Okay, thanks again.

Anytime. I love you.

Love you too, dad.

This trip was going to be a blast! No boys, no kids. Seriously, no guys. How we all ended up with overprotective men beats me. I'm ready for the turn up.

Author's Note:

Y'all ready for Rory's 21st birthday? Will the guys crash the party or let the girls have their fun?

Let the turn up begin!

Likes and comments appreciated!

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