The Vikings Payment

By War_Goddess_Nae

539K 15.9K 1.2K

I was no longer safe in my own I no longer have a home, I am nothing but payment to these monster to protect... More

Not So Happy Ever After
The Voyage
Mind Me
My heart
Take My body not my heart
New Day
The First Night On The Ship
Author Question
Arrival Of Secrets
Monster in Human Form
Flattery Gets None
Standing For Death
Innocent Death
Run Rabbit
Lord Aku's P.O.V
Waiting Game
Passage Of Time
A Twist Of Heart
A Change In Heart
Wake Up... YOUR DREAMING !!!
Author's Note
The Wedding Preparation
A Dark Time Ahead
The Angel of Death
A Wind of Sorrow

New Affairs

20.6K 626 44
By War_Goddess_Nae

I wiped my face and looked up only to be met by his magical face, the face of Lord Kai himself.

"I am no goddess I assure you." I said smiling, still wiping my face

"A goddess is what I see, If you can not see her surely you are blind." He laughed

I looked at him and smiled " Your words are flattering but they will not win you favor in my eyes." I said grabbing my dress walking away.

I looked back to only see him following me, I turned back around. My mind was awaring me of how ruthless and careless these men are so dont be trixted by his beautifulness he still was a monster.

I quickly turned around and was face to face with him "What is it they I may help you with Lord Kai ?" I asked rudly as I glared at him

"I am simple following you to make sure you make it to your room safely." He stated bowing his head

His beautiful hair fell around his face and he lifted up looking me in my eyes. My heart started thumping causing my head to feel light and dizzness soon started to take on a whole new light everything about him was God like, he was something.

"Are you alright my lady?" he asked reaching his hand out to touch me

"Please for you own safety do not touch me Lord Aku will kill you surly." I said rudly once again

"I am not here to steal from Lord Aku." he walked closer to me until he was at my ear his lips brushed my ear "Because to steal somthing from a man it must belong to him, a goddess can not belong to any man. She is to be loved and worshipped and free to be who she is and to bless thoughs who loves her." He whispered

His voice made me want to kiss him and love him but he was still a viking at the end of the day he will use me and throw me away just as Lord Aku intends to do.

I pulled away and backed up "You are right I dont belong to any man and most of all I dont belong to you." I turned around and kept walking.

I kept walking until I came to a small garden it had all kinds of plants and the moon seemed to brighten the area giving it a more romantic feel. I sat down and laid back on the slab of rock the wind blew and it felt good. I thought of  Parisa what could she be doing now with living in Kons house and having him around all the time surly maybe she will find love.

"What are you doing Neania?" Parisa walked over to me

"I am just thinking of how I miss my parents, I am sure this is not the life they would have wanted for us." I sat up so she could sit down.

She sat down and grabbed my hands and rubbed them together with hers "You are right this is not the life they had wanted for us but this is the life we have we must do everything we can to gain our freedom. This life is not easy but its not impossible." she hugged me

"I feel as death is the only safe solution to this problem." I cried out hugging parisa back

She leaned bak from the hug and wiped my tears, then a serious look crossed her face.

"Maybe death is the only way out but not your death Neania, you spend enough alone time with him simply kill him and we could run." the idea she had justed planted in my head was dangerous I knew it just as well as she did. The stuff she was feeding me was stuff that could get me killed and her too, this talk could get us killed alone.

"It is not that simple Parisa we no not of how to get home or anything we dont even know our way around the island." I got up and rubbed my head

"I am going to bed Parisa, this talk is giving me head pains and I felt sickly." I walked out and back down the hall towards my room

I opened the door to the room and walked in I removed my gown and slowly crawled into the very large bed I pulled my hair down to a side braid. Soon sleep started to dance all around me and my vision was gone and I had slipped into the land of sleep.

I woke up to a empty bed thank God, maybe Lord Aku had fell in bed with another and no longer wishs me. I need to get myself in better spirts I am waking up alone I feel good and my head no longer hurts. I walked to the window quickly pulling back the curtains to show a bright sunny day with lots of birds and clouds it seemed to be a good day. I changed into a more comfortable gown I braided my hair on the side of my hair to my waist, my seemed to be getting longer.

After I had finished preparing myself I opened the door and the smell of food seemed to over take the halls of the home. I smiled knowing it was Lillth preparing these amazing smells. I followed the smell greeting everyone that I crossed paths with and it was not in my mind but as soon as I turned the corner their he was smiling ear to ear. I rolled my eyes and kept looking forward as I tried to past quikly

"Good Morning Goddess." He raised a hand up blocking my walk way

I stopped , a smile had broke out across my face as I looked up to him. His beautiful face seemed to be more graceful then last night, his skin seemed to glow and his muscles seemed to be more defined.

"May I please pass sir." I asked looking at him in his face

"'Only if you will have lunch with me." He stated and moved closer until he was right in front of me.

I looked at my feet and I knew I really liked Lord Kai but I knew if Lord Aku thought that we were in affairs he would possibly kill him and hurt me something bad.

"I am sorry but for your safety and mines it is best if you leave me be Lord." I kept my head down and he moved his arm, I quickly moved past him and kept walking towards the dinning hall.

When I reached the doors of the dining hall the doors opened and the hall was packed but strangly got quite when I walked in. I looked at the head of the table to see Lord Aku sitting down with Lady Krista sitting on his lap smiling and giggling. His eyes swiftly met mines and he motion for her to get up and she did. Everyone was now watching me, I slowly walked up the side of the table with eyes on me. I smiled at everyone and looked at Lord Aku and glared at him as to burn his soul and walked past him into the kitchen.

I waited and everyone begin speaking and talking, I just giggled Lady Lillth was sitting on the table and eating some biscuit. I walked up and grabbed one off the pan and sat next to her.

"Good Morning." she smiled

"Good Morning." I smiled back

"How do you like your empty bed." she giggled placing the biscuit down

"An empty bed is the best way to wake." I giggled

"Mhmm, well during this time enjoy because when Lord Aku wants a good time he will most likly seek comfort in krista arms until she is showing then he might outcask her to another village." she sipped from a cup and got up off the table and went to the other pan.

"Well thank you." I ate another bite of biscuit

"If you please to adventure out and about then you might want to do it at this time because if you wait till Lord Aku is settle in, you may never get this kind of chance again." she stated acting as if she knew something that I did not.

I nodded and moved towards the door, I looked out to see Lord Aku with Krista on his lap once more and on the other side of him my sweet handsome Lord Kai looking like a real man. Even with him being a viking he was still a very handsome one and something about him made me feel like this was maybe a nightmare changing into a sweet dream.

Maybe there was something Lady Lillth knew that I didnt, Ii felt her hand on my shoulder and her whisper in my ear. "Everyone has secrets it is how well you can hide it and how well you can keep it." she rubbed my back and looked at Lord Kai.

I nodded my head again biting another small take of biscuit, maybe I should give Lord Kai a little of my time. It was a risk maybe under all that he was just like Lord Aku maybe he was a monster also. I felt somthing when I was around him just maybe I could give him a chance to show me what this feeling was inside of me. I smiled thinking of everything as I finished off my biscuit and moved over to the back door.

"I think I will go into the forest today and enjoy a nice walk." I said moving the door lookign outside getting a nice view of everything.

The forest linned the back of the house along with a path and some other flowers. It was a bright day and a good day to go in the woods even with Lord Akus warning .

"Just dont go too deep you may get lost or better yet I will give you a guide give me a few mintues and then come to the back kitchen door and I shall have someone waiting to show you around." Lillth smiled as she kept fixing pans and things around the kitchen.

I walked back out into the dinning area and everyone looked at me once again. Lord Aku this time didnt make lady Krista move they just both watched me as I walked past them smiling. Lord Kai looked at me and out eyes seem to have met for a brife moment and I walked out the door. I walked down the hall, around the corner and to the room.

I opened the door and everything in the room was clean and pretty as if someone had cleaned my room. I walked to the trunk and sat in front of it with my knees under me. I opened it and pulled all the dresses Lord Aku had given and underneath all that their my pants were, I pulled them out and got the shirt that lord Aku had given me. I changed quickly and ran back out down the hall and around the corner. The talking was loud I walked in and no one stopped I slipped right past everyone and into the kitchen and out the back door.

When I yanked the door open Lord Kai was leaning on the wall he smiled as soon as he seen me "Well my Goddess, you wanna ride horses or walk ?" he sat up and walked closer to me.

"I should of knew Lillth was up to something." I giggled rudding my forhead

"So your the one who going to take me in the forest ?" I asked quickly moving away from him

He laughted and moved closer to me "Yes, I am so is it walking or horser riding ?" he asked and reached to touch my hair but I blocked his hand.

"I would like to ride horses please." I moved away again

"Okay follow me." He turned around starting to walk away from me and I followed him against my better judgement.

We walked until we came to a large stable Lord Kai open the doors and I walked in behind him, he walked up to a large horse that was black all black even the mane on the mairs head.

"This is Blak, Like the color black just spelled different." He chuckled and rubbed the horse at the same time.

"I think for now its safe we ride the same horse, I am not sure if you can ride a horse." He looked me up and down chuckling some more

"I know how to ride a horse." I crossed my arms and reposition my legs apart

"Well if you insiste then you can ride Angel." He walked over to another part of the stable and their was a smaller and leaner horse that was all white with black blochs all over her.

"She beauitful." I rubbed her alloweing her to get use to my touch

He opened the gate and pulled her out then walked over and grabbed a blanket from the side of her stable and laid it on her back.

He guester for me to go up and to his suprise I gently rubbed Angel and grabbed her mane and lifted myself up in a swift motion. I sat up straighting my back and fixing my shirt and I looked over at him as he just smiled and walked to Blak.

Once he climb on his horse we started to ride into the forest.

"So where are you from?" he asked which took me by suprise why would he want to know anything of my home.

"I came from a small kingdom, no place special." I said and slowed down so I was riding on the side of him

"Where are you from ?" I asked him looking at him as he watched the dark trail in front of us

"I am from this land just far east where the land meets the ocean also. It also very beautiful has alot of wild animals and the people from my home village are much nice." He smiled obviously proud of his home

"Are you a princess ?" he asked looking at me as I was looking at him

I nodded my head and he just shook his head

"Lord Aku is not very nice at all he is a brutal monster killing for sport and stealing for pleasure.  He stands by nothing unless it gains for him more then the other person. We all know why he has brought you here, he brags of how you step father is blinded by greed and selfishness. How he wants you to carry his heir and marry him." He said and I stopped my horse and looked at him studying him. Why would he tell me all of this what did he gain by being disloyal to his fellow royal.

"Whhhyy" I sturred it seemed as it wouldnt come out he stopped his horse, turned and looked at me.

I took a deep breath, realsed it and tried to speak again "Why are you telling me this, you are being disloyal to you royal brothern ?" I question

"I truthfully can not tell you but Neania .. Lady Neania you are beautiful and something about you just attracts me to you like a moth to a flame or a human to the Gods. You have enchanted me with yourself and I dont understand why I cant do what  I know is right for the both of us." He spoke as he eyes became large and his face held seriousness to it

"I am sorry Lord Kai but I can not be apart of this feeling you have for me, I wont denie you are handsome and very intresting but our lives are more important then feelings." I said moving my horse to move and we started on the trail again this time in slients.

We rode for what seemed like a long time until we came to a split in the trail.

"What would you like to do Goddess ?" he asked me leaning against his horse with his legs exstended. I looked at him and his body was in well view he was truly an eye of beauty. He seemed decent and like a honorable man but I should know better Viking were nasty animals needing to  be killed. Especally the men

"Take me where ever I may sit and rest near a body of water please." I asked I wanted to get my feet wet I loved swimming it was a amazing feeling to be carried ontop of the water and how it soaked my body.

We rode for anther hour or so when we seen a clearing it was the beach. When my horse stopped I jumped off and started running, Lord Kai jumped off chasing me.

"Lady Neania their is no where for you to run." He said when he came close enough

"I am not running away." I looked at him rolling my eyes and removing my dress

He quickly turned around and cleared his throat

"My lady I like you but I do not wish to take advantage of you." he spoke strong

"I want to swim." I slipped into lake of water

"If you remove  your cloths so easy I can understand why Lord Aku had taken such intrest in keeping you. " He said with his back stilled turned to me

I swimmed out more allowing my hair to become wet and my whole body to be submurged beside my head.

"I may physically belong to him but my heart and mind are my own." I moved further out

I giggled as to him still with his back to me,

"You may turn around I am completely in the water."

He turned around and looked at my dress pooled on the bed of the grass. He smiled and sat down watching me swim

"How do you like our land so far ?" he said leaning back on his hands

"I havent been anywhere but here this is my first time out of the village. I am enjoying this alot the view is lovely and I get a chance to swim." I went completely under the water head and all when I can back up lord Kai was standing looking frantic

"Please Lady Neania do not do that again or I will reframe from bringing you here again." He said his tone was scared and worried

"I am sorry" I giggled swimming back towards the edge of the water, where Lord Kai was standing

I stayed back just far enough where he couldnt see my naked body but close enough where he could see it wasnt deep. I looked down in the water and smiled at him, I splashed him with some water and he just stood their. It was so funny I couldnt help but laugh I thought it was so funny now his cloths were wet.

"Well if your going to wet me up I should just well get in too." He laughed taking off his armor and tunic. I back up in the water and panic maybe I had pushed him to far he was going to hurt me now.

He seen the look of panic on my face and me going further in the water "Are you okay Lady Neania."

"Please do not hurt me I am sorry." I whimpered sinking in the water

"I am not going to hurt you for splashing me." he started walking in the water, he still had his pants on and he came closer I relised his body was so hot it made me flesh want to jump. He came closer and closer until we were in front of each other he was staring at me as if he could see my soul and something inside of me snap.

I reached my arms around his neck and kissed him with all the passion I felt I could give and he wrapped his arms around me kissing me back. My breast were pressed up against his bare chest as his hands reached down, rest on my butt. I pulled back from his embrace and he just stared at me and I at him in shock.

"I am so so sorry, what have I done." I couldnt believe this I kissed him I felt something inside for him and it had surfaced.

I moved around him and walked to the shore line of the grass butt naked I climbed out and put my dress on and braided my hair.

Lord Kai was still standing their in the water confused, he slowly started making his way out.

"What is the matter my Goddess ?" he cupped my face with his bear hand cressing my cheek and the feeling started to come again, I quickly moved back.

"That shouldnt have happen Lord Aku will kill us both, no one can protect us." I cried out

He laughed and Laughed hard is what he did

"Neania I am as him Royal I can protect you from him give me a chance he pleasures with Krista his whore and I will show you everything. I am not like him just give me a chance Neania , My Goddess." he kissed my hands whih he was now holding inside his

I looked up into his eyes and I seen it the protection, love , effort, and the life he could have give me if he would of met me first. I am risking my freedom and everything for this man all because of my feeling and I truly sure its worth it ?

He pulled my chin up slightly so that we were eye to eye and I looked into his eyes once again.

"Give me a chance and I promise you this to my name I will never let him hurt you again." and with that my whole body went dizzy my mind couldnt understand what was going on.

I nodded my head and he smiled hugging me picking me up from the ground and kissing my head all over. We both laughed it was truly a happy moment, while Lord Aku was in dispose with his own things I shall I have a small happiness I must not share with anyone.

"Come on it is getting late and Lord Aku will be requesting everyone for dinner." He put me down and kissed me one last time a simple yet love kiss that showed softness behind such a rough man.

We rode the horses back to the stable and I walked in while Lord Kai put the horses up. I walked in and the halls were empty I knew everyone was preparing for dinner and I knew Lord Aku was with Krista. I pulled the doors open to my room and Lillth along with Parisa and Krista were sitting around waiting on me they all looked at me in shock.

"'I am sorry ladies." I said smiling

"I already altered Lord Aku you went for a walk." Lillth buted in before I could say another word

"That does not exsplain as to why she is wet." Krista said in a smart tone

Parisa brushed past her and bumped her shoulder causing her to jerk slightly from impact. I smiled and moved over to the chair and sat as Lillth started to wash me with the bowl of water and Parisa did my hair, while Krista just watched.

"You hair is easly managable while wet." Parisa giggled

I looked at Lillth who smiled and in her eyes I felt my secret was safe with her. I felt as if I could trust her and that everything from this moment would be easy. After some time the door came open it was Kon he smiled "Lord Aku requested Lady Neania come now, no matter he state." He bowed and walked away

"Thank Gods we are finished, come lets go." Lillth said

We all stood up and everything fell into place I walked infront of the ladies while all three walked behind me. We were announced and the doors open everyone watched as I came in Lord Aku seemed smug and well pleasure thanks to Krista for saving me. I sat on the left of Lord Aku and Lord Aku sat on the otherend of the table along with most of his tribe men. Lord Aku grabbed my hand and kissed it, I was sicken that he could touh me after everything this nasty grotest monster could do. I smiled and pulled my hand back dinner processed as usally with the men yelling and becoming drunk while the women dissapeared into their chambers. I was becoming tired of the yelling and drinking I stood up and Lord Aku grabbed my hand, Lord Kai stood up and looked at Lord Aku laughed.

"Is their something you would like to say my brother ?" Lord Aku spoke sliring his words from druckness.

"No my brother but Lady Neania seems a not well, maybe you should have Lillth put her to bed." He said with a warning in his tone

Lord Aku looked at me and released my hand and laid in upon my stomach. "Hopefully it is a early sign of child bearing." he laughed and the rest of the menlaughed  but Lord Kai and his men didnt.

Lillth came in and grabbed my arms I was fine but I knew Lord Kai was helping me protecting me as he has spoken. I smiled as we walked to my room when we were in Lillth smiled and sat in front of the fire place.

"You will soon see if secret are kept well lives can be happy but do not want more then you can have, do not eat more then you can swallow always clean up behind yourself." Lillth got back up bowed and walked out

I knew she was giving me the ways to keep this from Lord Aku and I would.

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