My Life In Pieces (Book #1)

By KatherineJones92

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This slice of life novel follows fifteen year old Alex Harrison. Alex has just had her world broken into jagg... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 18

17 7 1
By KatherineJones92

When I knew most of their eyes were on us, I turned to face Ari and wrapped my arms around his neck. He got the hint and leaned down to kiss me. After a moment I pulled away and let him wrap his arm around my waist.

Needless to say we got a few shocked stares when we made it to my cousins and the rest of the crowd around the trucks. Dylan just smiled and shook his head. James looked annoyed. Did he really expect me to drop Ari like a hot potato for his friend? What world was he living in?

I walked right up to Dylan with Ari. "Ready to go?"

Dylan nodded, "Ari do you want to ride with us today?"

Ari quietly nodded. He called over to Jake who grabbed Elle and she climbed in the back with us while Jake got in front. James had opted to drive with Gavin and Laura and I noticed Aaron was in their truck too. We headed to the diner and all got our burgers. Ari and I decided to split an order of cheese fries today. I sat curled into his side with his arm around my shoulder. He occasionally leaned down and kissed the top of my forehead. We sat with Jake and Dylan today. Elle sat on my other side. Gavin and Aaron sat with Laura and Nina of all people. I looked her way casually. Nina looked like she hadn't slept well. She was wearing a pair of pale blue capris and a caramel colored sweater. I couldn't remember a time where she had worn such modest clothing. I started thinking of the domino effect her's, Tyler's, and Brenna's actions last night had caused.

Miri and Danny came in late with Landon and Annie. They had the same reaction as everyone else when they saw Ari lean over and kiss my forehead. They sat at the table across from us with their chairs facing us. Miri looked worried and I knew why. She knew Tyler's plan by now I was sure. I wondered how long she had known.

Some friend she was if she knew and hadn't said anything. I was starting to get annoyed with the entire Mason family. Except maybe Gavin. Lord this really was a fucked up web we were all caught in right now.

Ari leaned over then and whispered, "Relax. You know it'll all work out." I smiled at him and squeezed his thigh under the table. He pulled away momentarily to take a few pictures of all of us in the booth.

My plan of letting Tyler see me with Ari at lunch was a bust because he never showed up. I went to DIM as usual and passed notes with Ari. Ryan and I gossiped about the turn in events as soon as C&C started.

"When did Alari officially happen?"

I smiled, "I mean I feel like it's been happening for a while. We just finally kissed last night."

"Girl we have all been wondering what the hell was going on with you two for weeks. It's like you two are holding hands one minute and the next there is still no status update about what you two are. Are you a couple or what?"

I shrugged, "We haven't defined what we are yet but I would say we are together."

"So approved. He and Reece get along great."

"Speaking of your mystery man. I seem to never get to talk to him and we even have a class together."

Ryan rolled his eyes, "That's just Reece. He's super shy around new people. I'm going with him over to Ari's today after school. You usually hang out with Elle after school right?"

"Yeah we usually do homework together."

"Good. Get done early so we can hang out."

When Ryan and I walked out of class I was surprised to see Ari waiting for me. "May I walk you to class?"

Ryan and I smiled at one another and he excused himself. I had several books in my hands and Ari took them for me. We got to the English hall and low and behold there was Tyler waiting outside of the class. I didn't want to be that self centered but I assumed he was waiting for me. Ari looked pissed and Tyler looked slightly confused. He stopped half way down the hall and handed me my books. He kissed me pointedly on the forehead.

"Come here." I grabbed his neck and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I'll see you after class."

He smiled like a kid in the candy shop and walked away giving a small wave in Tyler's direction. I turned and finished walking the distance between Tyler and me. I was surprised Ari left us alone out here.

"Hi Ty."

I never called him Ty and he knew it.

"What's going on with you two?"

"What do you mean? We've been hanging out for weeks."

"That looked like more than hanging out."

"Yeah, well the kissing thing is new."

He swallowed a few times seeming to try to find what to say then finding it looked me in the eyes, "Great, I'm happy for you."

I smiled and we headed into class. This seemed to be going easier than I expected. We sat down and class began. The teacher had us read a section of a poem by William Butler Yeats and everything seemed normal on the surface. As soon as the bell rang though Tyler was out of his chair and out the door. Aaron was on his heels. I quickly followed them knowing I probably shouldn't. I stopped when I saw them standing next to Tyler's locker. Aaron was smart enough to walk away when he saw me.

"You okay?" I wasn't sure I wanted to know and Tyler didn't answer right away.

"Yeah fine. Just been a rough few days."

I nodded slowly, "I heard about you and Brenna, I'm sorry. I thought you would be happy though. I mean you've been talking about ending it for weeks." He slammed his locker shut and looked at me.

"Alex are you seriously into Ari like that?"

"Ty I have been nothing but into Ari since I got here. Why would that change?"

He ran his hand through his hair, "I don't know. I just thought you were trying to make me jealous or something. Like you never actually made out with him or anything and you always hang out with Elle instead of him when I'm around. I didn't think you two would actually turn into something."

"Tyler I hang out with Elle because we are friends. You just don't notice when I hang out with Ari alone because I don't let anyone see that."

"I thought we were friends Alex."

"We are."

"Then why are you flaunting your new relationship the second I break up with my girlfriend? He's Brenna's brother for fucks sake. I mean if you liked keeping things a secret with him, why do you have to shove it down my throat today?"

I didn't answer. This was getting complicated. I hadn't ever imagined that my friendship with Tyler would be relevant to me dating Ari.

"I wasn't trying to do that. It was a coincidence. I'm sorry you feel that way."

"I do actually like you by the way. If you were wondering. I know everyone's been saying I was going to pounce on you the second I split with Bren. I wouldn't use you like a rebound like that though."

"Tyler that is such crap. You haven't given me an inkling of a reason to think you were into me. I would have nipped that in the bud if I had known."

"Bull. Alex you know I have had a thing for you so do not act like I am some big bad wolf."

"Oh whatever."

"Well I give this thing with him a month. I can wait at least that long."

"Won't you and Brenna get back together by then?"

He shook his head. "Not this time. See you around."

He patted me on the shoulder and walked away. I slumped against the lockers.

Great so now I was going to get to deal with Tyler liking me.

This was the kind of thing a girl needed her mom for. I got out my phone and FaceTimed Jordan. I broke down still leaning against the lockers when she did answer. Just when I thought life was getting better, it felt like I was back to being in pieces.

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