Tony's New Assistant- Being E...

By Mwadeh2o

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Y/n age 21 fresh out of college was having trouble finding a job until one night she was out with a friend an... More

Looking for a job
Night Out
Night out pt. 2
Getting to know each other
First Day
Date Night
I Have Proof
In Love?
In love? pt.2
I love you too
The Past
Be Mine
I need feedback
Let me help you with that-smut
It Gets Better
Where do we sign
Welcome Home
Welcome home pt. 2
Let's do it-smut
Not So Happy Anniversary
Not So Happy Anniversary pt. 2
Forever and Always
All Good Things Must End
Planning and recovery
Rehearsal Dinner
Rehearsal Dinner pt.2
Cold Feet
Getting Ready -Y/n's perspective
Getting Ready-Tony's perspective
I do
Picture time
Wedding Photos
Wedding Photos Part 2
Wedding Photos pt.3
Wedding Cakes and Toppers
Party Time-smut
Wedding Night-smut
Wedding Gift
No longer a family of four
I'm scared
Family workout
New book
It's Time
Happily ever after

He can't hurt us anymore

11 0 0
By Mwadeh2o

*Two day time skip*

It was four in the morning and you heard Anthony crying. You start to get up before Tony places his hand on you arm to pull you back down whispering tiredly "I got him". "Hurry before she Wakes up too" you say. But right after you said it she started crying as well. You decide it would be best if you both got up. After you changed, feed, and burped them they went back to sleep. Tony had two bassinets put into your room after you found out you were having twins.

He wanted to be prepared at your house and at the tower. He was gonna build a nursery for them but you told him to wait until you found out the gender he completely forgot to design one for the tower after finding out the gender and only helped with the one at the house. He had Peter help him build the cribs and the swingers and all the other baby things. Peter also insisted on helping with the baby monitors aka the whole as security system Tony set up for "their safety" even though it was mostly so that he could watch them from every angle.

Tony had sound proofed your room so that they wouldn't wake up Peter and Casey down the hall. The next time they woke up was around six in the morning which was an hour you would normally wake up. You got up and got the twins changed and dressed. You got up before Tony could just to let him make up for the hours he had to stay up from his concussion and watching the twins the first couple hours of their life.

Once they were back asleep you got into the shower. You knew it had to be a quick one because you had yet to feed them again. After about five minutes in the shower you heard them both crying. "Don't worry I got them for right now finish your shower love" you hear a guy say. But it wasn't Tony. The voice was familiar but you still couldn't tell who it was.

You quickly turned off the water and grabbed your towel wrapping it around your body. You then grab your gun and pocket knife from the bathroom room drawer. Slipping the knife into the towel so that it was hidden put it couldn't hurt you if you moved in the wrong way. You opened the cracked door wider to reveal him.

"I advise you step away from my kids before I blow your brains out Mario" you say pointing the gun at his head. "Why you already turned my own daughter against me why not take the next best thing the kids who don't even understand who you are or who I am. You know. She really looks like Casey when she was a baby" he says picking up Morgan from her crib.

"Put my daughter down" you say harshly. He looks up and smiles at you. "Oh come on you can't kill the man you made you the mother who you are today and while I'm holding your precious baby girl" he says. "You didn't make me a mother my daughter made me a mother Peter made me a mother you didn't make me anything but stronger than you" you say your eyes growing purple.

He had used his telekinesis to move the gun from out of your hands tossing it across the room. He didn't realize that he had lifted his powers off  of Tony. You saw from the corner of your eye that Tony grabbed the gun and started walking along the side of the room behind him. He was looking down at Anthony. Tony nods at you to use your powers to take Morgan out of his hands.

You look Tony in the eye then at the gun then to Mario's legs. Tony nods and points the gun down to his leg. You lift your hand and use your powers to get Morgan out of his grasp and Tony shoots his leg. Mario screams in pain. You pull Morgan and Anthony over using the small current of wind enhancing the speed. You then lift Mario of the ground once the twins are safe.

"You will never see my kids or me again have fun in hell" you say choking him with air going straight into his lungs not allowing him to exhale. You then use all the electricity you can get from the building and electrocute him. His body ceases up while you hold him in the air. "Y/n are you sure you want his blood on your hands because I wouldn't mind finishing him off if you want" Tony says holding the gun up to his head. At that point everyone was knocking on your door.

That's when you see Nat bust through the door she had her suit on ready to fight. You looked at her your eyes still glowing purple but she could see that you didn't want any of your kids in the room. You had a year flowing down your cheek. You were ready to finish him off for good but didn't want your kids to be there to witness their mother killing a man. Nat runs over and pulls the bassinets. You mouth a thank you to her. She tells Peter something but you can't hear. Once you see that none of your kids are in the room.

You look back at him but your energy is slowly wearing out. You see him smirk. You use even more of your strength to kill him but he wasn't going. Before you knew it you were felt light headed and all you remember was hearing a gun shot.

You woke up on the floor everyone surrounding you. You start to sit up. "Just take it slow Y/n" Bruce says. You felt something above your lip. You wipe it and look at your fingers. You see red.  "Bled again" you scoff out upset that you blacked out half way through killing off the one man you've had on your hit list. You look over to the corner of your room to see Mario lying there on your floor in a pool of blood.

"Don't worry you did most of the damage Tony just finished him off" Nat says. You then look over at Tony. He was staring at him in anger. You get up with the help of Bruce and walk over to him. He dropped the gun and hugged you tightly. You burst into tears as soon as his arms wrapped around you. You were crying from all the stress of the past four years has been lifted off you. He was finally gone.

He was no longer able to hurt your family anymore. You were free from any and all connection to your past all you had was your family now. After about five minutes of Tony just holding you you had finally stopped crying. You look up at him and smile. "We're free. He can't hurt us anymore" Tony says to you. You can't help but smile.

You turn around and look at Bruce. "Don't worry I checked their ears and everything they are fine just a little shaken up you were out for a while I think they just need to feel Mamma's love and to drink some of her milk because they are hungry" Bruce says. You walk out of the room and go into Peter's room since his was the farthest away from yours. You see all you kids asleep. The twins lying on their backs on top of a blanket in between Peter and Casey.

You could tell that Peter and Casey didn't want to hurt them in anyway so they kept a safe distance by sleeping on the edges of the bed. You look behind you to see Tony. You both walk in and Tony picks up Casey and puts her over his shoulder. You walk over to Peter using your hand as a barrier between Peter's head and the corner of the nightstand. You lightly shake him with your other hand whispering for him to wake up very slowly.

He sits up and looks at you. He smiles at you. You smile back at him. "What are you smiling about" you ask him chuckling lowly. "It's just you look so cool when you're protecting us especially when you use your powers the purple light just makes it better" he says excitement laced in his voice. "I'm happy you think I look cool when I'm using my powers and thank you for looking after your little siblings" you say kissing his forehead.

"Your welcome and thank you for raising us babies are tiering" he says yawning. You chuckle and then kiss his forehead again. "Well maybe you should get some more sleep while your father and I take your baby brother and sister" you whisper.

Peter nods and scoots in on the bed. You didn't notice Tony had grab the babies and their blanket already. You give Peter one more kiss then leave to let him sleep. You and Tony wanted to take the kids home that day but it was getting a little late. It was already six o'clock. You didn't realize you were out for that long. You also wondered why they left you on the floor.

You walked into your room to see Tony rocking Morgan and Anthony in his arms while sitting in the rocking chair he said he bought for you. "Did you buy that chair for me or you" you asking smiling a bit. "Well my intention was that it was for you but I think I need to buy one for myself too" he says. You grab Anthony from his arms since it looked like Morgan was headed to sleep.

Once you fed them both you went to downstairs to get something to eat for yourself. Tony was fixing the cameras that Mario had hacked into. He was also putting new passwords and stronger fire walls up to hopefully stop people from hacking into the system. Once you are and brought him something to eat you went back upstairs to the living room.

"Did-" you start before you are interrupted by Nat. "Yes we made sure they both are while you were out" she says. It takes you a minute before you realize she was feeding. "I take it you are enjoying motherhood" you say smiling at her. "Well I'm enjoying these small moments but the waking up every two hours throughout the night I'm not really enjoying that" she says smiling down at Olive.

Bruce walks in shirtless holding Oliver on his chest. "Awe I don't know what it is about seeing first time parents having skin to skin with there kids but it's so cute" you say getting a little emotional. Tony then rushes up the stairs from his personal lab. You look over to him. "The bubba's are awake" he says smiling at you. You smile back and start sprinting to the stairs.

You both race up the stairs and you both make it to the room and in front of the babies. "I get Anthony this time" Tony says excited to finally have skin to skin for the second time with his little boy. "You know a little someone is gonna get jealous" you say pointing at Morgan who was staring at Tony and was getting visible upset. You pick her up and she stops whining. You walk over and set her on her bed. You start to remove your shirt.

"Oooh look momma's fully taking out the boobies" Tony says to Anthony lifting him up to look at you over his shoulder. "That's not what I'm doing because they just ate they just need attention now" you say as you pick up the little robe/baby carrier and start to wrap it around your body.

You then pick up Morgan and place her on your chest. You finish wrapping her up inside and tie the knot. "Does it feel like when you were pregnant with Case" Tony ask. "No Casey was a little heavier than this. But she is the same weight and size that Casey was when she was born" you say looking down at Morgan and smiling.

*A/n this story is almost over and I was thinking of doing a prequel of this and making a series. It would be like about the kids journey in life of finding love and their careers it would start with Peter and go from oldest to youngest or I could do a Loki X (a character made) I might end up doing both ideas still just I would probably start the Peter book first but I might not update that one that often since it seems like everyone likes Loki more. But what do you think Peter X (Character I Made) or Loki X (Character I Made)*

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