In love? pt.2

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Y/n Pov

"you are my happiness y/n" when I heard those words my heart burst with joy but he wouldn't remember this in the morning if he was drunk. But right before when Nat said that a drunk mind speaks sober thoughts I knew they were true because I got caught lying to my old boss that I hated her through voice mail one night when I got super drunk she was going to let me off with a warning because I was drunk and I didn't know what I was saying but drunk me was right I hated her so I quit right there. "Tony I don't know what to say" "That's ok drunk Tony just needed to tell you before sober Tony hides it for the another year" Tony slurred though the phone or should I say drunk Tony. "Tony what do you mean" I ask not knowing what he meant by another year. "I have liked you since we first met but every time I wanted to tell you you were going though something and I didn't want to add on pressure" "How about we talk bout this in the morning when you are sobered up ok" I say trying to help out who ever was going to put him to bed he was quite stubborn when it came to getting drunk Tony to sleep. "Ok" "Ok you go to sleep for them ok and we will talk in the morning" "Ok good night Y/n don't forget sober Tony might deny it but don't believe him" "Good night Tony" "Good night Hot stuff" he hung up just as I was about to ask Nat what happened. So I decided to text her.

Y/n: What happened today that you guys needed to celebrate.

Nat: Nothing his helmet got damaged and as F.R.I.D.A.Y was fixing it in the back of his suit he got smoked bombed and he thought it was regular smoke so he just kept breathing it in like it was normal smoke he coughed like how you would when you breathe in smoke but he thought it was normal.

Y/n: So you why does he sound drunk and would some things be different.

Nat: I just asked F.R.I.D.A.Y what would make this has different from the effects that actual alcohol has on you and she said that he will remember everything but he won't understand what he is saying in the moment she also confirmed that it is scientifically proven (I don't think it really is but in this world it is) the drunk mind speaks sober thoughts.

Y/n: So your telling me Tony just confessed his love to me not even realizing it but will remember everything in the morning but not right now.

Nat: Yep that is exactly what I'm saying and I say you go get him girl I know you love him too but think on it I'll get him to call you when you are ready to tell him you love him back.

Y/n: I think if I'm going to tell him I love him back then I should do it in person.

Nat: However you want to tell him is on you I just need to make sure you do it and don't hide your feelings away and get hurt when it's to late.

Y/n: I'll tell him when you guys get back but have him call me so he knows we need to talk I don't want to call and you guys are fighting or something so have him call me.

Nat: Got it and I'll be expecting that suit when we get home

Y/n: I work quick when it comes to new designs for my friends it's easier to think of something and it is almost done I need about one more hour to work on it and then it will be finished.

Nat: Yay you are the best but I have to help Wanda with your man he is trying to go fight Steve for cheating on you.

Y/n: Don't let him get to him you still need him for the rest of the mission and make sure Tony keeps his helmet on next fight.

Nat: Don't worry we won't let anything else happen to your boo😉

Y/n: Ok good night I'll see you when you guys get back oh and Happy early Anniversary just in case I'm not really able to speak with you on the special day tower Reno's have been very busying for me.

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