I'm scared

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You have gotten out of the shower and you're now putting on lotion. You decided to keep your natural curls. You put in all your hair products to keep your curls then you blow dried your hair without brushing out your curls.

You were deep in thought and didn't notice Tony getting out of the shower. He walked out of the bathroom. He noticed that you were thinking about something.

"I can tell something's on your mind" he says walking over to you. "Talk to me sweetheart" he says. Wrapping his arms around your neck giving you a kiss on the temple. "It's just..." You start shakiness laced in your voice. He instantly comes to your side and kneels down next to you. Looking up worried.

"What's wrong sweetheart" he ask placing a hand on you cheek. "Tony.... I'm scared" you say as a tear falls from your eye. "Scared of what love" he ask while hugging you. He pulls back to let you speak. "I don't want what happened last time to happen or something worse like what if we get in a car accident again on the way to an appointment or something" you start to ramble on about horrible things that can happen.

"Y/n look at me" he says interrupting your rambling. "I will do everything in my power to keep you and our kids safe no matter what" Tony says. "But Tony you can't stop drunk drivers from hitting us head on again" you say. Tony blamed himself that he couldn't swerve out of the way quick enough when that driver was driving in the wrong lane. He didn't know why but he blamed himself.

"Tony don't go blaming yourself again. I'm sorry I even mentioned that. But look we are ok now everyone was fine except one sprained ankle and a minor case of whiplash. We are ok" you say comforting him. "You need to tell yourself that the baby is safe too" Tony says.

You chuckle and nod. "The baby is going to be ok" you say to yourself as you look in the mirror. You place a hand on your flat belly. Tony places a hand on top of yours hugging you from behind. With that you both finish getting ready for bed.

*Next day*

It was Saturday morning you and Tony decided to go to the tower to tell everyone about your exciting news. Peter was gonna stay at the house with Casey since his friends were coming over for their sleepover. "So Peter who all is coming over for your sleepover" Tony ask. "Well there's this new girl Makayla we made friends with. So she is coming over. Then there's Ned and Mj so a small group" he answers taking a bite of toast.

"Is this Makayla a new crush or are you and Mj a thing now" you ask teasing him a bit. "Wait you went to your mother about your crush and not me" Tony says pretending to be hurt. "Mom knew I had a crush by the way I was acting so I had to tell her" he says. You smirk knowing that it was true. "Your mother does have a way of getting information out of people" Tony says.

"But I did take your advice mom and Mj and I are dating now we have a date tomorrow after the sleepover" Peter says. You smile at his excitement. "Well congratulations Peter I'm glad to see your happy" you say. Tony pats him on the back and congratulates him. "When can I have a boyfriend mommy" Casey ask.

"Never you will be mine and only mine forever and ever" Tony says smothering her with hugs and kisses. "Tony I hope your not serious" you ask. "Ok ok but seriously when you're 25 you can get a boyfriend" Tony says. You give him a stern look. "You will be allowed to have a boyfriend when your sixteen just like your brother" you say.

She smiles at you and runs out of the room saying she can't wait until she's sixteen. "First Peter's seventeen" Tony starts. "Let me guess the second thing is that sixteen is too young" you finish for him. "Yes" he says. He can tell that he pissed you off. "Uh oh, your in big trouble dad I'm gonna go up stairs" Peter says slowly walking out of the kitchen after giving you a kiss on the cheek and telling you he loved you.

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