Yellow Lights

By SilentDreams16

6.7K 223 213

A beta with anger issues and the youngest Martin sister with extraordinary abilities. Life in Beacon Hills is... More

Mood Boards
Prologue part 1 Magic and the first encounter with a werewolf
Prologue part 2: The Bite
The Summer Before Freshamn Year
Dead Birds and An Alpha Pack
I Still Don't Like him
Werewolfs On The Loose
Catching Werewolves
Cross-Country And Twin Alphas
Maybe This Was A Bad Idea
I Hate Motels
They Crossed The Line, Again
What Are We Even Doing?
The English Teacher Is The Darach And Hospital Visit's
Hospital Fights And Meeting Scott's Father
Finding The Nemeton
The Lunar Eclipse
Authors note!
More Bad Than Good
Illuminated/ Silverfinger
Riddled/ Letharia Vulpina

Those Three Are Falling Apart And The Coyote Isn't A Coyote

139 8 16
By SilentDreams16

"No, you're not. It's happening to you, too-- you're seeing things, aren't you?" I heard Stiles say as the six of us walked towards him and Scott.

"How did you know?" Scott asked shocked.

"Because it's happening to all three of you." I spoke up.

Before we started walking towards the building.

"Well, well, well... Look who's no longer the crazy one." Lydia said pushing open the double doors, the rest of us following behind her.

"We're not crazy!" Allison relief defiantly.

"Hallucinating? Sleep paralysis? Yeah, you guys are fine." Lydia said sarcastically spinning to look at them.

"Lydia they died and came back to life... That's going to have some side effects." I told her crossing my arms over my chest.

"We keep an eye on each other, okay?" Stiles said grabbing Rory's hand and starting to walk away.

"Lydia?" Rory said as they started to pass her. "Stop enjoying this so much."

"What?" She asked acting like she had no idea what she was referring to before we all went to class.

My phone buzzed and I looked around making sure the teacher wasn't paying attention and pulled it out.

I'm worried about Allison. She can't get her hands to stop shaking in class, any word on Scott and Stiles?

Nothing so far. If anything happens let me know asap, and if I hear anything from either of them I'll text you.

"You okay Bella?" Mason asked turning to me just as I slid my phone into my pocket.

"Yeah. Just tired." I smiled at him, not liking that I was lying to him.

We were walking down the hall when we found Scott and Stiles.

"You guys good?" Destiny asked them before I got a good look at Scott.

"Scott your eyes," I whispered making Stiles look over at him as well.

"What about them?" Scott asked.

"They're starting to glow!" Stiles replied worried.

"What? You mean like right now?" Scott asked not understanding.

"Yes right now! Scott stop. Stop it." Stiles said.

"I don't think he can." Taylor replied looking around the hallway.

"I can't control it." Scott panted confirming Taylor's statement.

"Alright. Just keep your head down. Look down, come on." Stiles told him, wrapping his arm around his bowed head.

They moved one way as I peaked into an empty classroom and opened the door.

"In here." I pulled them in shutting it behind us.

Scott took his jacket off growling as he walked away from Stiles, who started following him.

"Get back. Get away from me." Scott wanted him.

"Scott it's okay." Stiles tried to reassure him.

"I don't know what's going to happen. Get back." He panted.

Taylor moved herself in front of Stiles and Destiny. "Stay behind me." She told them.

I dropped my jacket and my backpack and walked towards Scott.

"Scott." I said softly making him look at me.

"Get back." He growled.

"Not gonna happen." I said softly still walking towards him. "Remember pain makes us human."

His glare turned towards us as his claws extended. "Scott breathe, you're okay."

He looked at his claws before he dug his claws into the palm of his hand. Grunting and growling as he did, before he slowly lowered to the ground panting. Stiles and I hurried over to him as he relaxed against the chairs.

Scott glanced up as Stiles squatted down in front of him. "Like Bella said, pain makes you human."

"Scott, this isn't just in our heads. This is real." Stiles told him. "And it's starting to get bad for me too. I'm not just having nightmares. I'm having these dreams where I have to literally scream myself awake. And sometimes I'm not even sure if I'm actually ever waking up."

"What do you mean?" Scott asked looking at him confused.

"Do you know how you can tell if you're dreaming?" Stiles asked looking down before glancing at me then back to Scott. "You can't read in dreams. More and more, the pst few days, I've been having trouble reading. It's like I can't see the words. I can't put the letter in order."

"Like even now?" Destiny asked him making him look up at the board.

He stood up looking at the board and I followed standing up with him worried for him.

"I can't read a thing." He told us after a moment of pause.

They collected their bags and we're heading to class when I stopped them. "Are you guys sure going to class is the right thing to do right now?"

"It's the only thing we can do." Stiles shrugged so I nodded as they left.

I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Isaac.

Scott and Stiles are not doing good. Whatever happened to them, whatever they did to save their parents, it's affecting them pretty bad.

A few seconds later I got a text from Lydia

Hey Allison and I are going to the woods. You girls coming?

"Lydia and Allison are going to the woods, what for I don't know. We going?" I asked them.

"Yeah let's go." Destiny told me.

"You know I'm always down to skip class." Taylor laughed making me shake my head before I sent Lydia a text.

Yeah we're coming. Meet you in the parking lot.

"Bella help me put this up." Lydia said holding a paper target.

I shrugged and followed her to a tree, that was a good distance away. She pinned up one side, while I pinned up the other.

"Do you really think this is going to help?" Allison gave Lydia a skeptical look as we walked back to the other three.

"I know that if you think it's not going to help, it definitely won't!" Lydia told her, clearing her throat as we reached theme "So, get your head into it, shoot a few, and see what happens."

I watched Allison sting the arrow her hands shaking so bad the arrow was making a clicking sounds against the wood of the bow. She drew and released and it landed in the ground next to the tree.

"Oh." Lydia muttered under her breath, as Allison shot another arrow with the same result. Lydia made a suggestion. "Maybe hold the string differently? Try the Mongolian draw."

Allison turned to give her a confused look.

"What? I read. Try it!" Lydia told her, making Allison pick up another arrow and release it ending in another failed attempt.

"Okay, Take a second to close your eyes and imagine the arrow going into the target." I told her, trying to help.

Alison listened closing her eyes but when she looked startled. "Did you see that?" She asked us.

"See what?" Taylor asked her.

"Wait here." Allison bent down to pick up her arrows.

"Are you serious?" Lydia asked her incredulously.

"I'll be right back!" Allison told us softly.

"You did not just say that!" Lydia said as she started walking away.

"Should we," I gestured to Taylor and I then to Allison.

"Yeah. Maybe you should," Lydia nodded. Taylor and I started to follow Allison at a bit of a distance as she walked.

Before she just stopped and turned stringing her bow.

"Allison! Allison!" Taylor yelled at her trying to get her attention.

She released the arrow and I just missed it as I turned to look seeing Isaac had caught it just before it killed Lydia.

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Lydia!" Allison repeated in disbelief dropping her bow.

"Maybe it's time we all go home, yeah?" Destiny said standing next to Lydia.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea." I agreed.

We were all sitting outside at lunch the following day when Scott spoke up. "Okay, so-- what happens to a person who has a near-death experience and comes out of it seeing things?"

"And is unable to tell what's real or not?" Stiles followed before Allison finished for them.

"And is being haunted by demonic visions of dead relatives?"

"They're all locked up because they're insane." Isaac deadpanned making me kick him under the table, hard. "Shit Bella."

"What?" I asked innocently as I tucked my legs under me so he could retaliate.

"Ha. Can you at least try to be helpful, please?" Stiles asked irritably.

"For half my childhood, I was locked in a freezer... So, being helpful is kind of a new thing for me." Isaac told him sarcastically making me choke on my water.

"Issac we talked about this," I giggled.

Stiles scoffed. "Hey, dude, are you still milking that?"

"Yeah, maybe I am still milking that!" Isaac shot back annoyed

"Hi. Hi, sorry... I couldn't help overhearing what you guys were talking about... And, I think I actually might know what you're talking about." A girl said walking over to our table. "There's a Tibetan word for it-- it's called "Bardo." It literally means "in-between state." The state between life and death."

I nodded my head indicating she was right.

"And what do they call you?" Lydia asked condescendingly making both Rory and I send her a sharp look.

"Kira. She's in our history class." Scott answered Lydia making me grin to myself.

"So, are you talking Bardo in Tibetan Buddhism or Indian?" Lydia asked making Kira take a seat next to Stiles making me grin widely, I liked this girl already.

Kira shrugged. "Either, I guess... But, all the stuff you guys were just saying? All that happens in Bardo. There are different progressive states where you can have hallucinations. Some you see, some you just hear. And you can be visited by peaceful or wrathful deities."

"Wrathful deities? And what are those?" Isaac asked her.

"Like... demons!" She replied.

"Demons. Why not?" Stiles commented tiredly.

"Hold on-- if there are different progressive states, then what's the last one?" Allison asked curiously.

"Death. You die." She shrugged again before she nervously looked around, and decided to leave.

"Well that's fucking cheerful." Taylor deadpanned.

We headed back to class afterwards as I thought about the conversation we had just had.

"Okay I get this is a lot and this is all very crazy but Bella how about we take tomorrow off from supernatural insanity and have a movie day?" Destiny offered.

"Yeah that actually sounds like a good idea." I nodded.

"Perfect, I'm here for it!" Taylor grinned.

"Let's finish today." I told her as we headed towards our next class.

"I can do that."

Once the bell had ran for the last class of the day we walked out of the school and headed for the bike rack.

"So you guys staying over tonight?" I asked unlocking my bike.

"Yeah. I'll be over soon, I gotta get some things from the apartment and I'll be there." Taylor told us before she took off.

"Ready, Des?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Let's go." She grinned at me.

Once Taylor showed up we decided we'd go ahead and watch a movie tonight before picking up and watching more tomorrow. We all fell asleep in the pile of blankets on the floor.

I was woken up by my phone going off making me groan.

"What do you want McCall?" I grumbled into the phone.

"I need your help. Yours and Taylor's, please."

"With what?" I asked sitting up and stretching.

"Finding a body." He said.

"I'm sorry isn't that how you got bitten in the first place?"

"Sheriff Stilinski is asking for help. It's over eight years old but he needs help."

"Alright fine. Have Stiles pick us up," I told him before hanging up.

"We gotta get up." I told them shaking both of them.

"What why? No," Taylor grumbled.

"Scott, Stiles, and Sheriff Stilinski need our help. I'm pretty sure they want us to try and find a scent." I told them digging through my dresser for something comfortable to wear.

A few minutes later we were dressed and ready, when I heard a horn honk.

"Let's go."

We rode to a ranch house and I looked around seeing a mailbox that said Tate on it.

"I've been having a coyote problem." I heard an unfamiliar voice say. "The population is up around here."

I heard something drop to the floor.

"And they get into everything."

"That doesn't exactly look big enough to catch one." Sheriff Stilinski said.

"It's a rat trap. Take away the coyotes source of food and they leave you alone. And these days, to be honest, I'd prefer to be left alone."

"I understand. Just a couple of questions and I promise I'll leave."

I heard him let out a sigh as the five of us snuck in the back door. Stiles threw Scott a stuffed animal and he sniffed it. As Taylor and I found a jacket hanging on the back of the chair.

"All I'm getting is some animal smell." Scott said as Taylor and I smelled the jacket.

We turned to look at each other, Destiny seeing the look we had made her step closer to us.

"What kind of animal?" Stiles asked walking over to him.

A dog started growling but Stiles wasn't paying attention so Scott spoke up, "Dog."

While the two of them were distracted by the snarling dog in front of them Destiny looked and us and whispered softly.

"What is it?"

"There is something besides the animal smell." I told her.

"Hi. Puppy." Stiles said. "Get rid of it."

"Me?" Scott asked.

"Yes, you. Glow your eyes at it, something be the alpha."

"I can't. I don't have control." Scott said lowly.

"Okay, buddy, you're going to have to try something." Stiles told him.

"Nice doggy..." Scott said slowly creeping towards it.

It started barking making both of the boys jump back away from it. I started to walk over when I heard that man again.

"Apollo. Apollo shut up! Shut the hell up!" He yelled.

Apollo barked again and I hurried over and flashed my eyes at it and it stopped barking. It whined and turned and ran back down the hallway.

"Here, try that." Stiles said handing Scott a book. "Anything?"

Scott shook his head. "All I'm getting is that dog."

Stiles sighs before he looked intently at a picture before pulling his phone out a taking a picture of it.

We all meet up down the road with Sheriff Stilinski.

"I'm sorry. I tried as hard as hard as I could. If it wasn't so long ago, I might have been able to do it." Scott told him making Taylor and I share a look.

"It's okay. It was a long shot. In fact, it was a pretty terrible idea. I think I just ripped a wound open in that poor man. I never should have brought you guys here. I don't know what I was thinking. Thanks for trying, all right?" He honestly replied.

"Yeah." Scott nodded.

"See you at home." He told Stiles as he got inside his vehicle and drove off.

"Aren't there a lot of cases that go unsolved?" Scott asked turning to Stiles.

"Yeah, I just think this is one he felt like he could've figured out right now." Stiles told him watching his dad drive off.

"Why is it so important now?" Scott asked him confused.

Stiles sighs. "He wants to be able to solve one more while he's still Sheriff."

"What do you mean, still Sheriff?" Scott asked shocked.

Stiles gives Scott a look before telling him about what Scott's dad is actually doing in town. Stiles dropped us off back at my place where we resumed our movie night. We were halfway through a movie when Taylor looked at me and paused it.

"You smelled it too right?" She asked me.

"Yeah, but I don't know what exactly it is." I shrugged.

"So what is it that the two of you smelled?" Destiny asked looking between the two of us.

"There was the dog, but then there were two other scents."

"One I think was Malia's but there was like..." Taylor trailed off.

"Like a wild animal." I finished making her nod in agreement.

"You wanna go check the woods don't you?" Destiny asked me.

"Yeah, I do." I told them.

"Then let's go." Taylor grinned grabbing flashlights.

"Should we tell Scott and Stiles?" Destiny asked.

Meet me at Stiles's house. We're going to find a body.

"Looks like Scott is thinking what we're thinking." I told the two of them showing them the text.

"Hey, what's going on?" Stiles asked sitting up in his bed.

"You, the girls, and me. We're going to go out and find a body. A dead body." Scott told him making Stiles get up and get ready before grabbing his keys.

"You know, if my dad's right, that means there's another Werewolf in town that we haven't met yet." Stiles said as we trekked through the woods.

Scott let's out a sigh. "I know."

"Hopefully they're nicer than Peter," Taylor shot out making me snort.

"If it turns out to be something, like, triplets that form into, like, a three-headed hound of hell, I'm seriously not up for that." Stiles retorted.

"Yeah, me, either. Especially if I can't even control my own transformation anymore." Scott admitted.

A coyote howled in the distance making Stiles panic and grab Scott making Scott's phone call down a small slope into a puddle of water.

"Sorry, buddy. I hate coyotes so much. They always sound like they're mauling some tiny, helpless little animal." Stiles said before Scott jumped down into little crater.

Taylor and I following while Destiny and Stiles climbed down. I watched as Scott grabbed his phone out of the puddle and wipe it off.

"It still works." Scott held it up before looking at it.

"Let me see the flashlight." Stiles said to Scott before I turned mine to where he had been staring.

"I think we found it." I spoke up as Stiles and I both began walking towards it, the others following behind us.

"Uh, why wouldn't they move it? Isn't it evidence?" Scott asked confused.

"Probably too much of a pain in the ass to tow out." Stiles shrugged.

"Look at this-- see those? Animal claws would be closer together, right? A lot closer." Stiles pointed out as I traced my hand over the tears in the metal of the door.

"Then it was a Werewolf." Taylor confirmed.

"So, my dad was right." Stiles muttered as he started looking down inside the car.

"What is that?" Scott pointed at something.

Stiles reached in a grabbed it, as the two of them backed away from the opening.

"I'm hungry." The doll said making Stiles scream, he dropped the doll and both of the boys jumped back.

"I think I just had a minor heart attack." Stiles said looking over at us.

I heard growling and I smelled the air turning to Taylor who smelled as well.

"Hey, Stiles...? Please tell me you see that." Scott said making the three of us girls turn to see what he was looking at.

"I see it." He confirmed for him.

Scott and I moved at the same time running after it, Taylor not too far behind me.

"Wait, hey, Scott, Bella! Taylor, wait!" Stiles yelled after us.

"They'll be fine." Destiny said.

As we ran I quickly passed Scott my hair flying wildly behind me. I saw the ravine coming up and jumped landing on the other side on my feet. Face to face with the coyote, making it growl at me.

I flashed my yellow eyes at it and after a few seconds it's eyes turned blue.

I took a deep breath and the scent from Malia's jacket matched the scent from the coyote in front of me.

"Malia?" I asked making her take off running.

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