High School of The Dead My Re...

By fund8579

185K 6.8K 1.3K

Isekai manga and animes are cool and all, but when it happens it takes you somewhere else besides a fantasy w... More

Relations. Phase 1 complete.
The teacher's rumored cold heart
Uncursed World?
Date time!
Heart Drums
Guitar Melodies
The Enamored Swordswoman
The Swordswoman's Heart
Sensei in Love
The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants
It's Not Fiction, It's My New Reality
6 days left before Z-day
Dinner with the Takagi's
Parent's acceptance
3 Days Left Before Z-Day
Two Days Left Before Z-Day
Calm Sunday
Monday, One Day Left Before Z-Day
Saya & The end of the last day.
Safe Space?
...Don't Tread on Me, Zombie...
Beginning the Extraction
Meeting up with Saeko
Escaping the School
On the road to Safehaven
The Lion and Pride
...Bus Stop...
Unifying Again
Trouble in Paradise Part.1
Trouble in Paradise Part.2
Trouble in Paradise Part.3
Alice, and her parents?
A Rare Calm Night
The Next Step.
Saving Kiriko Miyamoto
The End of the Road
Saeko's Beauty
Mansion Fortress
Slapped With Reality
Relaxation Time
Planning for the Inevitable
Planning for the Inevitable Pt.2
Orgy of the Dead
Hours Before Armaggedon
Mansion War

5 Days Left Before Z-Day

3K 124 48
By fund8579

After almost 3 hours of hanging around the Takagi residence, Takashi was finally leaving, he was currently at the doors of the mansion preparing to leave. 

"It was good to see you again Komuro", Yuriko said while holding his hands.

Souichiro grabbed his shoulder, "come back whenever you want son."

Takashi smirked, "Thank you mister, and misses Takagi."

"Oh stop that, you can call us mother and father, Takagi makes it sound like we're strangers", Yuriko said with a smile.

"Okay! It's getting late now, I bet Takashi has many other things to do than just wait at our entrance", Saya interrupted while pushing Takashi away. 

"Um, goodbye then, see you next time", Takashi said as he was pushed away out of 

"Bye", Yuriko said as she and Souichiro waved at him.

As Saya and Takashi passed the front door, Saya sighed and shook her head, "Those two are a handful. Seriously they are so infuriating."

"It's okay, honestly I thought they were pretty cool too, compared to how I imagined them", Takashi said while patting her head.

Saya blushed, "I hope they didn't bother you."

Takashi smiled and shook his head, "Nah, it's fine. I had a great time today."

"Me too", Saya said as she held his hand, "I guess it's time for you to leave."

"Yeah, I had fun today, even if we didn't spend any alone time", Takashi said. 

Saya looked at Takashi and at that moment a rush of courage came to her, she leaned in and straight-up kissed him. 

Takashi was amazed by her move, but he didn't dislike it, he grabbed her and they started kissing passionately. Saya was so embarrassed but once Takashi held her close, she started embracing the passionate kiss. 

They stopped kissing and Saya bit her lip missing his, Takashi was amazed by their kiss, her lips tasted so good, like peaches and honey. 

"I guess you'll text me later then", Saya said biting her thumbnail and lightly swinging. 

"Yeah, I'll text you when I get home", Takashi kissed her once more and then headed for his car. 

Just as he was about to get on, Saya called him, "Takashi, I love you."

Takashi smiled, he winked at her, "Love you too." Saya waved at him as he started his car and drove away. 

Takashi sighed as he drove out of the Takagi residence, "What a day, I thought her dad was going to be as hard on me as he was in the anime."

He then realized how weird that sounded coming out of his mouth, "I sometimes can't believe I'm still in this world. I just work and fuck and that helps me distract myself from this fucked up scenario."

Takashi's hands started shaking, he grabbed his left hand and took a breath. Even if he acted calm and collected, he had worries, he worried if he would be able to survive this. He was preparing for any event that he could come up with in his mind, but he knew this wasn't a movie.

He didn't know if he'd survive, he died once, and he didn't want that again. 

Takashi took another breath, "Come on Takashi, you got this. It's gonna be alright."

After a moment of silence, he calmed down and pulled out his phone, he was calling his sexy purple-haired swordswoman. 

Not even one ring, the phone was answered, "Hello", said a soft gentle voice. 

"Hey beautiful, miss me?", Takashi teased. 

Saeko snickered, "Not really, how was dinner with the Takagi's?"

"I'm alive so i guess it went well", Saeko giggled and they both laughed. 

"You're so goofy", Saeko said while wiping the tears of laughter.

Takashi smiled, "Yes I am, but I know you love me like that."

Saeko blushed, and started playing with her hair, "Maybe I do, I am a woman who knows what she wants."

"Hm, sounds very appealing", Takashi teased. 

Saeko giggled, "Maybe you could come over and we could cuddle?"

"I'd love to, but I have homework, school tends to interfere all the time", Takashi lied, he then sighed to make himself sound tired.

"I understand, it's the same for me, I feel like homework just piles up for no reason", Saeko said with a sigh.

"Let's hang out tomorrow then", he didn't have anything planned for Thursday so he would hang out with Saeko for a bit. 

"R-really? That sounds great, where and at what time?", she said, Takashi could hear how eager Saeko was from her tone of voice.

"How about after school, I'll stop by at your house around six, how's that?", Takashi asked. 

"That'll be perfect", Saeko said with an excited tone. 

Takashi smiled, "Okay, I'll see you then."

"Okay, I'll see you then, bye", Saeko said.

"Bye", Takashi then hung up, he had finally reached his house and parked his car. 

He went inside and started picking up a few bags, he would hang out with Yuuki later, so in the meantime, he wanted to set a few things up before the invasion of the school.

Within the bags, there were weapons and equipment as well as ammunition that would be vital for him. 

As he drove to the school, he was thankful that schools in Japan were easy to break into at night. Sure, they had security patrolling the building, but that could be easily avoided. 

Once he made it to his locker he carefully fitted the bags in and then left. He just needed to do that one thing, after this, it would all come down to how quickly he reacted during the attack.

After he exited the building he entered his car and headed to Yuuki's house. They would most likely have dinner and then rent out an apartment that night and enjoy themselves till morning. 

Takashi pulled out his phone and quickly messaged Yuuki about how far he was, after he sent it, Yuuki responded with a kissing wink emoji. Takashi smirked, he would destress himself with her and have a whole fun at the same time. 

The Next Day, Thursday, 5 Days Left...

Takashi woke up early the next morning, he got out of bed and just stared out the window toward the city.  In his hand, he had his cellphone, he was scrolling through his emails and found out that the boat he rented was ready for loading. That meant he had to load the boat with all the items he prepared, he already arranged for the construction materials to be dropped off at his boat. 

All he needed to do was load up the van and then 70 percent of his preparations would be complete.

[Now I just need to set up a path to Rika's house and prepare more equipment for the journey], he needed one last batch of products from the store and then he could load the boat. 

So in total, he'd have construction materials and two vans full of items, for the move to the Island.

"I guess I need to go buy some more stuff today", Takashi then felt some soft gentle hands start touching him. 

"Good morning sexy", Yuuki whispered. 

"Hey, sleep well?", Takashi asked. 

"Totally, but it felt lonely not being beside you", Yuuki said while cuddling next to him. 

"Same, but I guess we have to get ready", Takashi would miss classes today so he could finish the last of his things before visiting Saeko.

Yuuki groaned, "how come we never hang out, you always hang out with that pink twin-tailed brat, why not me?"

Takashi chuckled, "Is someone getting jealous?"

"Want the truth? Yes i am, why is that annoying bitch the one you always hang out with, why dont you stop playing with her and just be with me?", Yuuki asked. 

Takashi looked at her and nodded, "I see, alright then, just give me a week."

Yuuki smiled, "really? You'll really start dating me?"

"Yeah, I will, but just give me a week, okay?", Takashi asked.

Yuuki thought of it, she then smiled, got closer, and kissed Takashi, "Okay, but just one week okay?"

"Okay", Takashi smiled and started kissing back. 

After a small makeout session, Takashi and Yuuki got ready and left the hotel. Takashi dropped Yuuki off at her house and then he headed for his second van. 

Once he switched cars he headed to the local Walmart, where he started dumbing in items he needed later on. Things like shoes, socks, shirts, etc. He even bought female clothes, all the time he would be intimate or hang out with the girls he would make sure to ask or look at the size of their bras, pants, and shirts. 

As he picked up a whole lot of shit, the people around him looked at him surprised by his enormous purchase. 

He didn't care though, once he was done with clothes he would buy some other items again, things like food, house and electric tools, gardening equipment, and so on. Takashi also decided to buy more blankets and medical equipment just in case they would run out on the island. 

Finally, he would go to the most important area in the whole store, the toy section, here would be some of the most important items he would need. 

Once he was done buying everything, and his van was full, he left and headed home. There he would work on some fancy tech he would use later on, thankfully he had 2020 engineering knowledge so that would make things easier.

First, he went home and dropped some stuff off, he then went to the docks and loaded the boat up with all the things he had. Management was surprised he had so much stuff, and that he had a boat that could carry all of it.  

After that, he went home and continued working on some zombie tech ideas he had. 

Sometime later...

Takashi had finally finished building a few more items he would use later on, he looked at his watch and noticed it was 1 o'clock, "Time for some research."

Takashi got up and put away all of his finished gear into two bags one which he would use that day and the other for storage. After he put everything away he went to sit at his computer and started searching for info on the Island around Japan. 

Sometime later...

After some extensive research, Takashi finally found an Island that would be perfect to live in. In his previous life, he would often check out youtube videos of abandoned islands and he remembered one that was closest to Japan. He searched it up to see if it existed in this world too, and thankfully it did. 

The island was perfect, it had structures stable enough to live in and it had greenery and an area good enough to plant in. The only problem was that they'd have to take a long trip and make various stops to refuel. They would have to stop at Kyoto, Hyogo, Tottori, Shimane, Yamaguchi, Fukuoka, Saga, and finally Nagasaki. 

That wasn't the only problem, before they could even make it to the docks, he would have to go and pick up Alice and her father, warn Saya's parents, and save Kohta's girlfriend. 

Takashi then groaned, "Fuck, they might also come along."

He was talking about Rei and Hisashi, he didn't know, but if by any chance they followed him, they'd probably want to go after their own family.

Takashi shook his head, "Let's not worry about it, let's just focus on the girls and me."

Takashi wrote down some of the places they'd stop by, "We'll most likely go to the Rika's house and then I'd end up going with Saeko to the dojo, then we'd head to the Takagi's residence, and finally, they'd go to the supermarket." 

Takashi thought of any more details he'd need for the journey, he then looked at his watch and realized it was almost time for him to meet Saeko. 

He got up and went to the bathroom, after showering and getting dressed he started driving to her house. Suddenly he had a memory, he remembered he asked all the girls if they were available this weekend, and that he would invite them to do something. He just realized that that was a stupid idea, "The fuck was I thinking, I'm so stupid. I guess I have to talk to them about that."

On his way to Saeko's house, he made a few phone calls and fixed this small error. Thankfully everything was resolved, the girls didn't mind him canceling those plans, Takashi was relieved that they didn't get angry about it. 

After a few more minutes he finally arrived at Saeko's place, he got out of the car and walked to the building. After ringing the bell, a beautiful slim but curvy purple-haired beauty opened the door. 

Today she was wearing a cozy outfit, she had a sweater and underneath it seemed like she wore a tank top. For her bottoms, she wore some small shorts that exposed her long, sexy, athletic legs and some sandals.

She had her hair in a ponytail which she would often use during their training, "Hi Komuro, wanna come in?"

"Sure", Saeko stepped aside and Takashi walked in, as he entered, Saeko looked up at him and Takashi looked at her. 

They felt themselves leave into their own world and slowly, just like magnets, they started getting closer, and they ended up locking lips. 

Takashi felt jitters in his gut every time he saw Saeko being cute, being with Saeko was special in its own way. 

Being a badass-kicking woman made her even more attractive to Takashi, her seductive and mysterious aura would captivate him and make him want to be around her more. 

"Hey I have this new movie I wanted to watch with you, wanna join me?", Saeko asked as she sat him in her sofa. 

Takashi nodded, "That sounds cool."

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