One Night Stand [HIATUS]

By phoebesching

169K 4.7K 300

PREVIOUSLY 'Possessive Mr. CEO' โI fell in love with a one night stand...โž A bottle of Jack and two people w... More

Morning sickness...
Cast Change
Home sweet home...
Mood Swings... (Unedited)
Tree Picking...(Unedited)
Overdue Date..


11.5K 358 35
By phoebesching

Chapter 7.

I stood in front of my mirror, caressing my stomach and smiling.

'Just close your eyes,
The sun is going down.
You'll be alright,
No one can hurt you now.
Come morning light,
You and I'll be safe and sound...'

The more I think about the life growing inside me, the happier I feel, "I love you already sweetheart.."

Suddenly, I heard sniffling behind me. Spinning around I see Elena standing next to this huge muscular guy. But she wasn't the one who was crying.

I send Elena a confused yet freaked out look but she just stared at the man like he was a freak.

"T-that was so sweet and beautiful..." His voice came out high pitched and squeaky. I stared for a few seconds before bursting out laughing.

"What the hell is wrong with your voice?" Elena asks bluntly making me laugh even harder. The man looks at both of us with a frown.

"Nothing is wrong with my voice.." His voice changes into a deep baritone, completely surprising me. It went from this chipmunk voice to a deep manly one.

(His squeaky voice sounds like the muscular man from Grown Ups #1. When they were at the water park.)

I quickly clear my throat seeing I hurt his feelings, "Sorry... Its the hormones.." He nods understandingly completely missing my lie before glaring down at Elena.

"I am not apologizing Mark. You looked and sounded like a little girl," I gape at Elena in shock at her rudeness. "Don't look at me like that. Besides he's my cousin.."

I just sigh and shake my head at her.

"Uh, soo what are you doing here?"

They glance at each other before turning to me. I raise an eyebrow at their little exchange before jutting out my hip.


Elena sighs and walks towards me before pulling me towards my king sized bed and sitting me down. "Look, Ivan gave me a call because he said you weren't answering. He said that Kayden's lawyer scheduled a meeting and that it was important you be there."

I gape in shock. That means that I'll have to see him. His hurtful words ring in my mind again making me flinch.

"When is the meeting?"

She bites her lip while sending me a sympathetic glance, "It's actually in 45 minutes."

I sigh and close my eyes in frustration, "Okay, whatever. I'll go change and head over to Ivan's office."

[Kayden's POV]

"Where is she?! She is late!" I rage, staring down at her lawyer.

He merely raises an eyebrow at me before looking down at his phone. "She said she is here." He then stands and walks to the door before opening it.

The moment I see her, my breath hitches. She is as beautiful as I remember but now it seems as though she has this glow to her. Must be the pregnancy. But when that lawyer pulls her into a hug as if they were lovers my blood boils and my fists clench.

Wait. Why the heck am I getting so mad about it? I don't care about her anymore. The baby is probably that damn lawyers.

'Yeah, okay... Do you honestly believe that? Stop being in denial idiotta.' A voice reprimands in my head causing me to growl in my head.

Finally, she turns to me and stares me in the eye. But what surprises me the most is she sends me a small, kind smile. I thought she would have glared and tried to attack me. Probably trying to butter me up for money. Like that's gonna happen..

"So, I've been told that you signed the Custody and Parental rights." She speaks, her soft voice causing my body to react in a way I wish it hadn't.

Quickly shaking away the feeling, I raise an eyebrow at her in disbelief, "Of course I signed it. Its not my child."

Her tiny hands clench into a fist as she huffs, about to snap. However, her lawyer places a hand on her fist, calming her down. I inhale sharply before counting to ten to calm myself.

"If you're so bent on believing that why don't we just get a DNA test?" She snaps, looking at me with furious eyes. It seems that calm act went out the window.

I scoff and look at her with disgust, "Why should I waste my money on that if I know that bastard child isn't mine."

"Do you even hear how stupid and ignorant you sound?! You can have an issue with me all you want but don't you ever call my baby a bastard! I cannot believe I ever slept with such a disgusting human being like you. I must have been drunk as heck. Because there is no way someone in their right mind would ever willingly be with you. If it's money you have a problem with then I will gladly pay for the DNA test. But just remember, it was you who signed away your rights you stupid immature little boy!" She basically screams as she bends her body across the table while pointing her finger on my face.

By the end of her rant, I am fuming. My hands are clenched.

"You little bi-" I start to yell but she cuts me off with a punch to my face. I grasp my bleeding nose in both pain and shock as she continues to smash whatever manhood I have left.

"I am so sick and tired of you calling me names. You know what, I'm done. I am so done. I won't ever bother you again. I don't need anything from you. I just didn't want my baby to grow up without its father. Well, its real father anyway. But if this is how you'll act, then I want my child to have nothing to do with you. I apologize for my harsh words but believe me I am absolutely done with you." She cries before walking into the arms of that lawyer. Her words hit me and they hit me hard.

"Wait!" I call out, before she could walk out that door. My life, forever. "I want a DNA test.."

"You're still too late Kayden. You signed the papers remember?" She whispers.

My lawyer speaks up from beside me, capturing our attention, "Well miss, if the DNA test proves he is the father and he wants to be involved in the child's life then you can make the decision to void the papers."

Reagan releases a sarcastic and angry laugh as she looks at us with disbelief, "After everything you said to me? About my baby? What makes you think I'd ever do that? We can do the DNA test but as for your rights as a father. It'd be an insult to my child if I agree to void it."

With that she stomps out of the office leaving my lawyer and I gaping after her.

I sit back in my chair, huffing out a long sigh. Too caught up in my thoughts, I didn't notice that Reagan's lawyer was still here until he spoke.

"You're a pitiful excuse of a man."

My body stiffens before I slowly look up at him with anger and distaste, "What?"

He squares up to me with disgust shining in his eyes, "I mean, not only did you deny your baby but you also called her names. You degraded her and made her feel like she was nothing. Like she was trash, the gum at the bottom of your shoe. Nobody deserves to be spoken to that way especially a woman. Especially her."

He shakes his head while looking down at the brown wooden floors, before looking back at me.

"That woman is so sweet and kind. And the sad part about it is, that person, that woman, you have treated that way saved your life."

With that he turns and walks away.

His words sink in along with a burning feeling of doubt and guilt. It pissed me off, knowing that he was right. I send my lawyer a look to get out before I rest my head in my hands .

My phone ringing snaps me out of my little fest. Quickly pulling myself together, I answer the call.

"Hello?" My voice cracks so I quickly clear my throat.

"Dolce cuore?"


"Oh honey what's the matter?" She whispers through the phone.

At her words tears slip down my cheeks. I look down at the ground and bounce my leg out of habit.

"I-i just feel so bad.. The way I have been speaking to her and about the baby. Seeing her in pain causes me pain.."

"Oh honey... Then you must do the right thing. Apologize. Because, if that baby is yours figlio, you're going to be in so much pain and regret."

I whimper into the phone, "I know mama. I'm just confused and lost right now. I have deep feelings for her but how do I know she's not lying? Mama, I'm just afraid that she'll fool me like Carin did."

"Don't mention that girl to me! And from what I have seen figlio. This woman is nothing like that. And trust me, a mother always knows." She mutters making me smile.

"You're right mama. Thank you.."

"Anything for my children. But I must go, your papa wants to eat already. Arrivederci, ti amo." She says, before yelling at someone, probably my father. "Essere tranquillo vecchio. Sii paziente."

I laugh and call out, "Arrivederci!"

With a smile and a goal in mind I walk out of the room. But just before I step out I catch a glimpse of light brown hair as the person runs away.

[Reagan's POV]

I head back to the meeting room as I seemed to have dropped my phone somewhere. A flash of white catches my eye and I squint to see my IPhone 6 laying on the floor right next to the room we were in. As I walk closer, I hear someone's conversation.

"I-i just feel so bad.. The way I have been speaking to her and about the baby. Seeing her in pain causes me pain.." Kayden? I lean closer to the door to hear better as the voice pauses.

My eyes widen in shocks as he whimpers, most likely on the phone as he pauses again. "I know mama. I'm just confused and lost right now. I have deep feelings for her but how do I know she's not lying? Mama, I'm just afraid that she'll fool me like Carin did."

I gasp and cover my mouth. He pauses again.

"You're right mama. Thank you.."

His mother must have said something amusing as he let's out a laugh, "Arrivederci!"

I peak and catch a glimpse of him walking towards the door. In a panic, I quickly run away after picking up my phone.

As I get in my car, I think about the conversation I just overheard.

'He feels bad?'
'Who is Carin?'

'He has feelings for me?'




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