Somewhere in the Gray- A Star...

By highlandelf29

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The gray Jedi were few and far between but there is one family who keep its ideals alive. The council allows... More

The Phantom Menace Cast
Mood Boards
The Beginning
The Arrival
The Jedi, The Boy, and the Sith
Two Goodbye's and Two Hello's
The Cast of: Attack of the Clones
A Father Lost and Another Found
Ghosts, Children, Jedi's, And Mandaloriens!
Let the War Begin
Cast of: Clone Wars
The Clone Wars: Escape from Kadavo
Clone Wars: The Wrong Jedi
The Clone Wars: A Distant Echo
Clone Wars: Unfinished Business
Revenge of the Sith: Cast
The Fall
The Cast of: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Turn of Tides

85 2 0
By highlandelf29

Ember waited anxiously beside Master Windu as a ship came in for a crash landing, a ship that contained her husband and his former padawan.

She grimaced as the ship made a loud crashi g sound but managed not to burst into flames. She ran forward leaving the politicians and other Jedi behind. The door came opened and Chancellor Palpatine stepped out, Ember had to force herself not to stop back in distaste instead nodding politely

"Chancellor, a pleasure as always." She lied through her teeth certain that his reply was also a lie

"Likewise Master Starr.." He made his way by her towards the other politicians and Ember watched as Obi-Wan disembarked looking shaken, she breathed a sigh of relief

"Ben, I was concerned for your safety." She stepped forward making sure to keep a respectable distance as he smiled gently "Em, its good be home."

Ember looked beyond him and smiled at Anakin "Another lovely landing Skywalker!"

Anakin grinned "You know me master, always trying to top some of your landings!"

Ember smiled fondly at Anakin before she and Obi-Wan left to speak to the council.

"A job well done, Master Kenobi." Said Yoda as he, Ember, Obi-Wan and Master Windu spoke outside the Temple

Obi-Wan looked down in humility as he replied "It is Anakin you should be thanking. He was the hero yet again."

Windu frowned still not sure about this "But the death of Count Dooku is an unfortunate occurrence."

Obi-Wan looked at Windu sharply "Chancellor Palptine assured me that it was in self-defense."

"And I trust Palpatine as much as a Trandoshan slaver."

"Your trust him that much?" Ember mumbled

"Then you do not believe Anakin? Is that what you're saying?" Obi-Wan asked a sharpness in his tone as he addresses Windu, the four Jedi stopped walking gathering in a circle.

Yoda shook his head "It is the Chancellor that mistrust breeds." He looked to Ember "Master Starr warned us about him she has, begin to think correct she is."

Obi- Wan looked to his wife before he spoke "That reminds me, Palpatine did say something rather strange to me. He referred to Count Dooku as Lord Tyranus."

"His Sith title." Stated Windu but Ember frowned "Yes, but how did Palpatine know it?"

"Is it possible the Chancellor could have heard this name elsewhere?" Asked Obi-Wan trying as always to see the best in people

Yoda looked to his former padawan exchanging a look of disbelief "Strange that the name he would know."

Obi-Wan nodded "Only amongst the Council have we ever called Dooku Tyranus, and even then, not often."

Windu shook his head "I don't think we have anything to worry about when it comes to Palpatine but mere political chicanery."

Ember sighed, as much as she had come to respect Windu during this war the man was still blind as a bat.

Her husband had the same thoughts as he snidely replied "Oh, is that all?"

"Ponder this more, we will. Savor this temporary victory, we must." Said Yoda

The jedi nodded before Obi-Wan and Ember left the older Jedi behind, Ember suddenly reached out pulling Obi-Wan into a dark room.

Obi-Wan laughed "Darling, if you wanted me you could have just said so..."

Ember leaned up kissing him lovingly as Obi-Wan tried to deepen the kiss she pulled away "Obi-Wan, I have something to tell you."

Obi-Wan frowned in worry "Is everything alright?" He asked pulling back to look her over and search the bond to make sure she wasnt injured

Ember smiled lovingly as she tried to reassure him "Obi, I'm fine my love, but I have big news.."

Obbi-Wan tilted his head to the side "What is it?"

Ember took a deep breath remembering the last time she tried to tell him this kind of news "Obi-Wan, I'm pregnant.."

Ember had seen her husband in many positions before but the look on his face was priceless as he stared down at her a look of fear in his eyes as he asked "Should you even be standing?"


Qui Gon now eleven years old meditated in his room, he reached out through the force and smiled when he felt his parents nearby. When he realized where they where he quickly began to pull back but stopped as he felt something new. He tilted his head as he met a new force signature, a baby not even fully formed, inside his mothers womb.

"Hello," He smiled as the force signature of the baby answered him back


The next morning Ember sat in the council room and looked up with a smirk as Obi-Wan entered with barely seconds to spare. He had been the one who needed to go back to his own rooms this morning instead of her, his eyes met hers and they were glowing with barely contained joy. He had been thrilled that she was pregnant again and that this time he would be there for her.

Though of course he worried about the war and her place in it, he was pleased that recently she had taken up a permanent position on the council that required her to be on Coruscant more often then not.

 She had turned over command of the Bad Batch to her former padawan, becoming instead the emissary for the Jedi to the Senate. A spy of sorts, the only one of the jedi to have a more direct insight to the dark side due to her gray nature.

After the meeting was adjourned she joined Obi-Wan as he shut down all of the computers. He smiled at her reaching to place a hand over her stomach when the door came slamming open and he quickly drew back looking to see who had entered.

Anakin ran in the room and sighed when he realized he had missed the meeting

"You missed the report on the Outer Rim sieges." Obi-Wan informed him

Anakin sighed "I'm sorry, I was held up. I have no excuse."

Obi-Wan shrugged "In short, they are going very well. Saleucami has fallen, and Master Vos has moved his troops to Boz Pity."

Anakin frowned "What's wrong then?"

"Palpatine" Ember stated wryly making Anakin frowned "Palpatine?" He echoed and Obi-Wan began to explain

"The Senate is expected to vote more executive powers to the Chancellor today."

Anakin smiled "Well, that can only mean less deliberating and more action. It will make it easier for us to end this war."

"Anakin, be careful of your friend Palpatine."

Anakin frowned in confusion "Be careful of what?"

"He's power hungry" Ember said making Obi-Wan give her abwarning look before he turned to Anakin

"He has requested your presence."

"What for?"

"He would not say."

Anakin frowned "He didn't inform the Jedi Council? That's unusual, isn't it?"

Ember rolled her eyes wondering when anything about the chancellor had never been normal, but she remained quiet as her husband continued

"All of this is unusual, and it's making me feel uneasy. You're probably aware that relations between the Council and the Chancellor are stressed."

Anakin frowned "I know the Council has grown wary of his power, mine also for that matter. Aren't we all working together to save the Republic? Why all this distrust?"

Ember finally spoke "The darkness lays heavy over the sentate chamber of late, I have felt it."

Obi-Wan laid a hand on his wifes shoulder, strong as she was he knew she hated pure darkness "The Force grows dark, Anakin, and we are all affected by it. Be wary of your feelings."

The next day the council was called together to be informed of Palpatines request, every member stared in disbelief. Then the council began to speak amongst themselves trying to decide, Ember sat in her chair listening to the babble before standing

"I warned this council when it put its trust in Chancellor Palpatine there will be consequences!" The room fell silent as they listened to the young Gray Jedi, like her uncle and father before her she had as much say on the council as Mace Windu. "Now look, this politician" she spat the word "gives us demands and we grovel wondering what would happen if we refuse..." She looked around the room seeing that the entire council was hanging on her words "this is what I say, do as the Chancellor asks allow Skywalker to join the council."

The council gasped whispering but Ember raised her hand for silence and they did so, her eyes went to Yoda who nodded for her to continue "But do not grant him the title of Master, instead he will be our spy, the one who informs hs of the Chancellor's movements."

The council fell silent until master Ki-Adi spoke "No one has ever sat on this council without being a master."

Yoda spoke "For everything first time there is, right Master Starr is better is this way.. Too rash is young Skywalker to be a Master."

Mace Windu looked around "All in favour of Master Starr's idea please raise your hand."

Everyone raised their hands except for Obi-Wan who stared at his wife in disbelief, her eyes met his trying to make him understand.

"Master Kenobi? Is your answer no?"

Obi-Wan looked to Master Windu and then slowly raised his hand, knowing that whatever happened he would stand by his wife.


The council sent for Anakin and when he entered Mace Windu began to speak

" Anakin Skywalker, we have approved your appointment to the Council as the Chancellor's personal representative."

Anakin smiled and bowed his head "I will do my best to uphold the principles of the Jedi Order."

"Allow this appointment lightly, the Council does not. Disturbing is this move by the Chancellor." Said Yoda and Anakin nodded "I understand."

Windu sighed "You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master."

Anakin's head shot up his eyes looking to the masters he loved most, Obi-Wan who while he looked saddened did not say anything. Then they went to Ember certain she would support him, but what he found made him snarl.

Ember Starr sat casually in her chair, legs crossed and relaxed, her lightsaber sat on her knee and she watched him with distrust on her eyes. She who had always stood up for him, no longer trusted him.

He reacted with anger "What?! How can you do this? It's outrageous, it's unfair... How can one be on the Council and not be a Master?"

Mace watched him with disdain and spoke in a dangerous tone "Take a seat, young Skywalker."

Anakin looked down "Forgive me, Master." He went to take a seat and Ember watched him, she had felt what the others did not, the darkness in him was growing and there was nothing they could do about it.

Master Ki-Adi spoke "We have surveyed all systems in the

Republic and have found no sign of General Grievous."

Yoda considered for a moment "Hiding in the Outer Rim, Grievous is. The outlying systems, you must sweep.

"It may take some time. We do not have many ships to spare" Obi-Wan informed them

"We cannot take any more ships from the front line. We're spread too thin as it is." Said Windu

"And yet, it would be fatal for us to allow the droid armies to regroup." Argued Obi-Wan

"Master Kenobi, Master Starr, our spies contact, you must, and then wait." Yoda ordered the two who needed although Obi-Wan sent his wife a worried glance

"What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?" Asked Ki-Adi

"It is critical we send an attack group there, immediately!" Stated Windu

Master Dillaba also spoke up "I would appreciate assistance on Kellar"

Windu looked to Ember "Master Starr, your former padawan and her clone troop will need to be sent there."

Ember nodded "I'll inform them as soon as possible."

Obi-Wan continued on Master Ki-Adi's thought "He's right, that is a system we cannot  afford to lose. It's the main navigation  route for the southwestern quadrant."

Anakin spoke up "I know that system well. It would take
us little time to drive the droids off that planet."

The council members exchanged glances before Master Windu spoke "Skywalker, your assignment is here with
the Chancellor, and Kenobi must find  General Grievous."

"Go, I will." Master Yoda volunteered "Good relations with the Wookiees, I have."

Ember smiled slightly at her Master as Windu nodded in agreement "It is settled then. Yoda will take a  battalion of clones to reinforce the  Wookiees on Kashyyyk. May the Force be with us all."
With that the meeting was adjourned and Ember walked out joining Obi-Wan and Anakin as the younger Jedi complained "I knew it. Master Windu has always  opposed me. Can't you see it?"

Obi-Wan sighed "Not that argument again, Anakin. I've
told you time and time again to get rid  of such foolishness. You're angry and  you're lashing out."

"Then what kind of nonsense is this, put  me on the Council and not make me a  Master? That's never been done in the  history of the Jedi."

Ember sighed "Anakin" she stopped looking towards the younger Jedi "It was I who offered this plan to the council, not Master Windu."

The look of betrayal on Anakins face cut Ember to the core but she held his gaze as Obi-Wan spoke up
"Anakin, no matter how you are there, you have been given a  great honor. To be on the Council at  your age... it's never happened before.  Listen to me, Anakin. The fact of the matter is you're too close to the Chancellor. The Council doesn't like it when he interferes in Jedi affairs."

Anakin looked between the two "I didn't ask to be put on the Council."

Ember went to speak but realzied that it was probably best if she did not instead allowing Obi-Wan to continue "But it's what you wanted. Your friendship seems to have paid off. And regardless of how it happened, Anakin, you find yourself in a delicate situation."

"You mean divided loyalties."

Obi-Wan nodded "I warned you there was tension between the Council and the Chancellor. I was very clear."

Anakin shook his head "The Council is only upset because I'm the youngest to ever serve." His eyes turned to Ember who had been the youngest before him, she met his gaze steadily forcing Anakin to look away as Obi-Wan finishes

"No, it is not, Anakin. I worry when you speak of jealousy and pride. Those are not Jedi thoughts. They're dangerous, dark thoughts."

"Even the gray know better then to allow these thoughts in their minds." Said Ember steadily, Anakin looked between the two trying to defend himself

"Masters, you of all people should have confidence in my abilities. I know where my loyalties lie."

Obi-Wan sighed "I certainly hope so."

"I sense there's more to this talk than you're saying"

Ember took the lead "Anakin, the main reason the Council has approved your appointment is because the Chancellor trusts you."


Ember hesitated her eyes drifting to Obi-Wan, this frustrated Anakin "Just say what you have to say!"

"The Council wants you to report on all of the Chancellor's dealings. We want to know what he's up to."

"They want me to spy on the Chancellor?" Anakin asked in astonishment "That's treason!"

Obi-Wan reached out to his former padawan "We are at war, Anakin. The Jedi Council is sworn to uphold the principles of the Republic, even if the Chancellor does not."

Anakin frowned "Why didn't the Council give me this assignment when we were in session?"

"This assignment is not to be on record. The Council asked Ember and I to approach you on this personally."

Anakin looked between the two "The Chancellor's not a bad man. He's watched out for me ever since I arrived here."

"And that is precisely why you must help us, Anakin. Our allegiance is to the Senate, not to its leader, who has managed to stay in office long after his term has expired."

Anakin shook his head "The Senate demanded that he stay longer."

"Yes, but use your feelings, Anakin. Something is out of place."

"I have been watching the Chancellor for years Anakin, it is the reason I gave up my position on the field and am now the councils emissary... Obi-Wan speaks truly something is not right"

Anakin stared between the two in disbelief "You're asking me to do something against the Jedi Code. Against the Republic, against a mentor, and a friend. That's what's out of place here. Why are you asking this of me?"

Obi-Wan shook his head "The Council is asking you."


Qui-Gon ran through the temple trying to find his master, he really wanted to go on this mission and wanted to ask again. He smiled when he saw Anakin Skywalker

"Master Skywalker!"

Anakin turned and looked at the young boy quickly covering his anger

"Qui Gon, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I'm looking for Master Yoda,I want to go on the mission to Kashyyk with him."

Anakin nodded "I'm afraid we've both been left behind Qui-Gon."

Qui-Gon sighed "Master Yoda says I need to focus on my meditation, that may battle skills are already far beyond other padawans my age."

Anakin looked at the boy and smiled sadly "It appears we have that in common as well."


Yoda, Mace, Ember, and Obi-Wan rode in a gunship heading for the landing platform.

"Anakin did not take to his assignment with much enthusiasm." Obi-Wan informed the two older masters

Yoda sighed sadly "Too much under the sway of the Chancellor, he is. Much anger there is in him. Too much pride in his powers."

Windy frowned "It's very dangerous, putting them together. I don't think he can handle it, and I don't trust him."

Ember nodded her head in agreement but her husband defended his friend

"He'll be all right. I trust Anakin with my life."

"Unfortunately, I cannot say the same." Windu informed them, Obi-Wan frowned "With all due respect, Master, is he not the Chosen One? Is he not to destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force?"

Ember frowned contemplating this, she truly did believe in the prophecy but what if it wasnt meant to happen the e at everyone thought it should.

"So the prophecy says." Mace spoke with derision"But this notion has filled Skywalker's head with pride and delusion."

"A prophecy that misread, could have been." Said Yoda

"He will not let me down. He never has." Obi-Wan stated with conviction

Yoda sighed and for a moment Ember could see the years wearing heavy on her Masters shoulders "I hope right you are. May the Force be with you."


Ember was deep in the city of Coruscant in her grandmothers lair "I believe your master is more then likely correct, Grievous would mire then likely hole up in the outer rims, its certainly where I would go.."

Nebulous Starr observed her granddaughter realizing she was paying no attention to her words "Ember!" Ember looked up blinking in surprise "I'm sorry grandmother, you were saying."

Nebulous roller her eyes "Where is your head child?"

Ember bit her lip before she spoke "I'm pregnant."

Nebulous blinked in surprise "Your, oh umm...." She smiled happily "Congratulations!"

Ember smiled but looked down and Nebulous moved forward reaching out to her grandaughter "What's wrong?"

Ember sighed "This war, my child is being born into a world filled with war. I dont even know where one of my children is, my son is barely eleven and has already faced battle."

"What is your point?"

Ember frowned and looked up "What?"

Nebulous rolled her eyes "When your father was born I went into battle with him strapped to my back, he survived, I did the same with Kilos no harm done. Children are resilient Ember, you just have too trust that everything will turn out the way the force wishes it to."

Ember stared at her grandmother about to answer when she recieved a call from the council, she looked to her grandmother who rolled her eyes and left the room.

Master Ki-Adi spoke "Palpatine thinks General Grievous is on Utapau. We have had no reports of this  from our agents."

Ember frowned and wene to voice her thoughts but Windu beat her "How could the Chancellor have even come
by this information and we know nothing  about it? We have had contact with Baron  Papanoida and he said no one was there."

Anakin answered "A partial message was intercepted in a
diplomatic packet from the Chairman of Utapau."

"Act on this, we must." Said Yoda "The capture of
General Grievous will end this war.  Quickly and decisively we should proceed."

"Does everyone agree?" Obi-Wan asked and all the council voiced their agreement

Anakin spoke up "The Chancellor has requested that I lead the campaign."

Ember sighed knowing this wouldnt go over well, Master Windu voiced his displeasure "The Council will make up its own mind who is to go, not the Chancellor."

"Yes, this decision is ours to make."Ki-Adi stated making Anakin looked down in embarrassment, Yoda spoke up to soothe the balm

"A Master is needed, one with more experience."

"Given our resources, I recommend we send

only twoJedi... Master Kenobi and Master Starr."

"Master Kenobi was not so successful the last time he met Grievous" Anakin said snidely causing Obi-Wan to give him a dirty look.

"No offense, Master, but I'm only stating a fact."

"Oh no, you're quite right, but I do have the most experience with his ways of combat."

"And he has me!" Added Ember

"Ember and Obi-Wan, my choice is."

All of the other masters agreed and Windu nodded "Very well. Council is adjourned."

As the rest of the council disappeared Mace spoke to Obi-Wan and Ember

"Obi-Wan, Ember, prepare two clone brigades as quickly as you can. If this report is true, there's no telling how many battle droids he may have with him." The couple nodded their heads and hung up, Ember stood saying goodbye to her grandmother before heading back to the surface.


"Mother, please let me go!"

Ember smiled at Qui Gon as she packed to leave "No Qui, its safer there then anywhere else... I want you to stray here keep up with your lessons, we'll be back soon."

Qui Gon sighed but followed his mother "I dont think you should be going mother, especially in your condition."

Ember looked at her son insurprise "How did you know? Your father and I were planning on telling you when we got back."

Qui Gon smiled slightly "You should name her Oriana, it means a new dawn."

Ember stared at her son silently, he was so young and yet already so powerful "Have you seen this?"

He nodded "I've seen many things," he looked into his mothers eyes "but I dont think this war is going to end the way everyone expects it too."

Ember hugged her son, he had so much responsibility at such a young age, he saw the future and the council often tried to call on him, Yoda shielded him. "I love you Qui-Gon, after this war is over you, me, and your father are going to find Echo. Then we can find somewhere to live, if you want to you can continue your training."

Qui-Gon smiled "I love you too mom," he looked up at his mother then beyond her to where they ghosts of his grandparents and aunt and uncle stood. He noticed how worried they looked and sighed, they looked worried a lot these days and Qui had the feeling something bad was about to happen.

Ember and Qui-Gon turned and headed for the landing pad where they found Obi-Wan and Anakin saying their goodbyes

"Master, I've disappointed you. I haven't been very appreciative of your training. I've been arrogant and I apologize. I've just been so frustrated with the Council. But your friendship, it means everything to me."

"You are strong and wise, Anakin, and I am very proud of you. I have trained you since you were a boy. I have taught you everything I know, and you have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be... and you have saved my life more times than I can remember. But be patient, Anakin. It won't be long before the Council makes you a Jedi Master."

Ember approached leading Qui-Gon "May I ask a favor of you Anakin?"

He looked to his Mistress and nodded "Of course Ember."

"Watch after Qui-Gon when you have a chance."

Anakin smiled looking towards Qui Gon "I promised Ember, I'll protect him with my life."

Ember smiled and leaned down to kiss Qui-Gon on the cheek, Obi-Wan ruffled the boys hair fondly then the two turned and walked down the ramp.

Obi-Wan stopped and looked back with a grin "Don't worry. I have enough Clones with me to take three systems the size of Utapau. Plus I have Ember who is an army unto herself, think We'll be able to handle the situation, even without your help."

"Well, there's always a first time."Anakin quipped and Obi-Wan laughed following after his wife "Ember, Obi-Wan," Anakin called making the couple look back "may the Force be with you."

"Good-bye, old friend. May the Force be with you."

"May the force be with you Anakin, and you my son!"

Anakin motioned for Qui-Gon to follow him not hearing the boy mutter sadly "Goodbye mother, goodbye father."

Qui-Gon followed after Anakin as they went to leave the landing pad but frowned when he saw the Chancellor. Qui-Gon had met the man several times in the presence of his Master and he never felt quite right but the force was clouding Qui-Gons normal insight.

"Well, Anakin, did you see your friend's off?" The Chancellor asked ignoring Qui-Gon, not knowing he would one day regret doing so.

Anakin nodded "They will soon have Grievous's head."

"We can only hope the Council didn't make a mistake." Qui-Gon frowned not liking how this man seemed to be putting his parents down with every word.

Anakin frowned defending his friends "The Council was very sure in its decision."

They left the landing platform with the Chancellor coming to the Senare building where they ran into Jar Jar "Helloo Annie. Good en to see yousa... Ana yousa Qui."

Anakin and Qui-Gon both greeted the Gungan "Hi, Jar Jar."

Jar Jar looked beyond them and gasped when he saw the Chancellor "Oopsin da Chancellor!! So sorry, Your Highness, sir."

The Chancellor didnt bother greeting Jar Jar as they continued on as he continued speaking "There are rumors in the Senate about Master Kenobi. Many believe he is not fit for this assignment."

Qui-Gon frowned listening barely able to contain his distaste for the man as Anakin asked "Not fit? Why would anyone think that?"

"They say his mind has become fogged by the influence of a certain female Senator."

"Thats stupid!" Qui-Gon called at the same time Anakin said "That's ridiculous." Anakin and the Chancellor both looked back to the boy who blushed and loomed down before Anakin continued "Who?!?"

Palpatine shrugged "No one knows who she is ... only that she is a Senator."

"That's impossible." Anakin remembered the day he had caught Ember sneaking out of Obi-Wan's room "I would know."

"Sometimes the closest are the ones who cannot see." He watched Anakins reaction with a sly smirk "Idle Senate gossip is rarely true and never accurate. I'm sure your Masters will do fine."

The Chancellor left and Qui-Goj moved up beside Anakin "Master Skywalker, that isnt true, you know it isn't."

Anakin looked at the boy and sighed "Come Qui, you should get back to the temple."


"Fortunately, most of the cities are concentrated on this small continent here... on the far side." Commander Cody told his generals

Obi-Wan nodded "Ember and I will keep them distracted until you get there. Just don't take too long."

Cody grinned "Come on, boss, when have I ever let you down?"

Ember grinned at the two missing her own clones, a beeping sounded behind her and she turned smiling as R-7 who was being loaded onto her fighter.

"Cato Nemoidia . . . for starters." Obi-Wan called to his commander as he climbed into his ship

"That was Anakin who was late. I believe."

"Very well, the burden is on me and Ember not to destroy all the droids before you get there."

"I'm counting on you."

Ember and Obi-Wan took off heading towards the planet, when they landed they were greeted by a native

"Greetings, young Jedi. What brings you to our remote sanctuary?"

Obi-Wan sighed "Unfortunately, the war."

"There is no war here unless you've brought it with you."

Ember frowned feeling fear from the alien as her husband replied "With your kind permission, my friend and I should like some fuel and to use your city as a base as we search nearby systems for General Grievous."

A crew rushed forward to fuel up the ship and the alien who had greeted them leaned forward "He is here! We are being held hostage. They are watching us."

Obi-Wan looked to Ember who nodded "I understand."

"The tenth level . . . thousands of Battle Droids.."

Ember moved forward "Tell your people to take shelter. If you have warriors, now is the time."

The two jedi hopped back in their fighters to speak to their droids
R-7, take the Fighter back to the ship. I'm staying here. Tell Cody we've made contact. And stay out of trouble."

A  series of beeps made Ember give her droid a sharp look "Watch your language missy."

With that Ember and Obi-Wan quickly got out of their ships and hid as R-7 and Obi-Wan's droid took off. The couple snuck through the city until they came to an overlook Obi-Wan took out his binoculars and looked up

"How are we supposed to get up there?" He asked noticing his wife's silence he looked over to her and followed her gaze to a large corral of dragons.

He groaned but the two headed towards the wranglers

"We need transportation." Obi-Wan waved his hand using his power in the alien who stared at him in a daze

"You need transportation."

"Get it for me."

"I will get it for you."

Obi-Wan and Ember inspected the dragons until they chose one "This one."

The wrangler brought the dragons over "Boga. She answers to Boga."

Ember grinned and patterd the dragons before hopping on her back "Good girl, Boga."

Obi-Wan hopped up behind Ember, leaning down to kiss her neck "I love you Ember Starr-Kenobi."

Ember looked back at him with a smile "And I love you Obi-Wan Kenobi."

With a deep breath Ember took the reins and the dragon took off both Ember and Obi-Wan knowing that whatever happened the tide of the war was about to change.


Authors Note: Alright not sure how I feel about this chapter but its not half bad... Let me know what you think

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Disclaimer:I own nothing except my oc's!!!!

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