Your Eyes

By Sever_Us_

294 9 1

You are the youngest, and the only Death Eater that is a muggle-born. You attended Hogwarts in your third yea... More

Dark Mark
His Plays
Craved Light (END)


9 0 0
By Sever_Us_


It's like you have fallen asleep and suddenly woke up. You're lying on the couch in a weird position, Snape leans against the table. 

Both of you are gasping for breaths.

"Miss y/ln—" he opens his mouth first. But he seems not to know what to say, so he's back in silence again. 

"Professor Snape?" you frown. "Why are you here?"

Snape turns his face away from you, you cannot see his expression but his tone doesn't sound normal, "Headmaster wishes me to check on you." It trembled somehow. 

"He does? Why you? Wasn't it Professor McGonagall?" 

He didn't answer, quickly points his wand at the door, the lock opens and he strikes out without the least hesitation. 

You sit confusedly. Why him? Wasn't McGonagall the one who was with you the whole time? 

Okay, whatever—you think to yourself—where were you at brewing the Strengthening Solution? 

Days passed real quick, no one has been checking on you. Really, except Dumbledore had come once, and McGonagall twice. 

You've asked Dumbledore to get you access to books from the library, and that's pretty much your day. It has been a week since you've learned Occlumency, and you have had no nightmare at all. Not sure if it's Professor McGonagall's credit that your Occlumency actually works. 

It's still a peaceful day. You sink into the couch and want to relax a bit. Perhaps some light reading is good for you at this moment since you're in a really uncomfortable mood for no reason. 

While reading your book, a knock on the door pulls you out from your book. You hesitate for a moment and pray that it isn't Marilyn, "Yes?"

"Can I come in?" 


You drop the book, rush toward the door and slam it open, Lynn stands right in front of the door, smiling. 

"Lynn!" you give her a big hug. "Lynn!"

"Y/n, how's it going?" Lynn quickly accepts your enthusiasm. 

"I'm wonderful," you answer. 

Lynn smiles, and she becomes a little serious, "Got two news for you, good and bad. Which one do you wanna hear first?"

"Good one, of course."

Lynn hesitates, "Actually, two good news and one bad news."

"Good ones and then the bad one."

"You sure you don't wanna hear the bad one first? Usually people wanna get it over with."

"No, good ones first. Because the bad one will affect your mood, so why not let yourself be happy first?"

"Fine," Lynn hesitates again. "The first good news is...I've gotten a boyfriend!"

"ReAlLy?! Who?!" 

Lynn smiles evilly, "Let me get back to you on this one later."

"No!" you roll your eyes at her. "Tell me, Lynn, my best friend Lynn Lynch!"

"Okay, okay. Make sure not to spill the tea!"

"No gossip from me!" you promise. 

"Cough," Lynn clears her throat, uses the lowest volume human can ever make and whispers a name—"Charlie Ramsay."


You are choked on the truth. 

"W—wow," you compliment. 

"Okay, moving on to the second good news," Lynn states. "You're free now. Professor Dumbledore asked me to tell you that you no longer need to stay in that room."

"Ha? Really?" you surprisedly open your mouth. 

Lynn tilts her head, "Why would I prank you?"

"Okay, what's the bad news?"

"You are not even happy about being acquitted?"

"Get the bad news over with first."

Lynn pauses. The smile on her face freezes and fades, she hesitates the third time. This time, for really long. You're a little bit impatient, so Lynn finally speaks up, "You wouldn't wanna hear it, y/n, I'm sorry."

"What is it?" you prepare yourself mentally—the worst case is just...

"Snape is dying."

You feel like your blood freezes and your muscles become paralyzed. Your brain is no longer functioning. 

"Come on," it was Lynn who first grabs your hand and drags you toward the stairs. "You wanna see him at last, don't you?"

You started running with Lynn, but you don't know why your heart would stop beating. He's your professor, of course, and so? So what?

You didn't expect that Lynn brought you to the Great Hall. When she opens the door with a quick flick of her wand, everyone gazes at you. 

"He's right there," Lynn whispers, pointing at the middle of the Great Hall. 

You walk up quickly to where everybody gathers around. The crowd automatically makes a way for you. You stop and stand where Snape lies. 

Snape senses your appearance and opens his eyes slowly, his voice is husky and weak, "Wand...Give me a wand..."

You see his fingers curl slightly as if he's grabbing something. You take out your wand and shove it into his feeble hand. 

He closes his eyes for a moment, then he angles his wrist upward, points his wand right at you. He mumbles something, perhaps a few incantations, you can't hear him clearly. Suddenly, you feel something hit your skull. A second later, you're on the ground and your head splittingly aches.

You curl yourself up into a ball. Something rings in your ears, you urgently want to get rid of it, but you can't. 

Unexpectedly, something flashes in your mind—just like Occlumency—and everything is back to normal. Your head stops hurting and the ringing sound in your ears disappears. You're sitting on the ground, everyone is looking at you. Lynn bends down and asks if you're okay, but you've no time for that. 

You pull yourself together and make your way toward Severus. 

You remember everything.

You kneel down beside him. Everything happens too quickly. You remember that he had stated, Dumbeldore and he will protect you from Voldemort. But it's not the time for investigating and reasoning, you look up quickly, "Is there any way to save him?"

Madam Pomfrey, who stands right beside Dumbledore, shakes her head slightly, sadly. "Is there any way?" you look down at Severus, who barely has consciousness. 

Severus kind of smiles—that's a no. His wounds are too deep—you realize. The edges are curling, blood runs down his shoulders onto the ground. Severe hemorrhage, you think. 

"Anything wanna say?" you manage to keep yourself calm. 

Severus sizes you with his dark eyes, then he grabs your hand tightly. Your wand in his hand directs toward him, with your hand on it, too. 

You hear his voice but his lips are not moving. Perhaps something about Legilimency—you think—but it's not important anymore. 

He says in your mind,

"I didn't obliviate you."

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