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"How the heck is he in the corridor and following us like a ghost!" Lynn explodes after a long period of awkward silence.

"Exactly what I thought," you sighed after a few seconds. "All of a sudden I thought he would appear, and he did."

"Oh, no," Lynn murmurs word for word. "Please don't tell me you are a foreteller."

"The thing is, did he say detention to both of us or only me?" you ignore Lynn's extraordinary logic, reviewing Snape's words in your mind.

"He just said 'detention'," Lynn answers. "I will come with you though. It's better to face him together rather than alone."

"It's actually okay." You don't want Lynn to be involved — in fact, you don't want Lynn to interfere in your conversation with Snape, you have other things to talk about with him. "I can go by myself, I don't want you to be implicated."

"I will go anyway," Lynn smiles and taps your shoulder.

How wonderful to have a friend like this, you thought. A friend really cares about you, even though you don't need one. 

"Ten points from y/h!" You hear a reprimand from behind you before you enter Herbology. 

You and Lynn both look back, a second-year girl is whimpering who is from your own house. You are exceptionally sympathetic when you hear a little girl crying  — well, she is only twelve.

You turn toward the second-year. 

"Where are you going?" Lynn yells from the back. "You are going to be late for Herbology!"

You ignore Lynn's words and crouch yourself in front of the girl. 

"Hi, what's going on?"

The girl looks away, "None of your business!" 

So fierce.

"I'm from your house, I can help you if you need one," you suddenly noticed the girl's light gray eyes are so familiar to you, you frown and remember something.

The girl doesn't answer you, simply turns on her heel and attempts to stride away.

"Five points from y/h for your cheek," you take the points from your own house. "Walking away and not answering the prefect's question."

The girl turns back, eyes full of anger, "I'm going to report you!"

"Prefects have the right to take house points," you answer her in a deep, cold tone.

"Can you stop being so harsh on a girl?" Lynn finally gives you an out. "Once again, Herbology starts in thirty-six seconds."

You glance at the girl one more time, turn to your Herbology class.

"What's happening to you today, being so offensive?" In the Great Hall, Lynn asks you during lunch.

You sigh, shake your head, "Girl, she's my cousin's daughter."


"Cousin. I have two cousins from my mother's side. The elder one passed away a few years ago which is that girl's father, the younger one I bet you know him — Charlie Ramsay, seventh year."

"I heard my name," a boy — well, a teenager sticks his head out.

"That's Charlie?" Lynn curiously bites her lip. "Pretty good-looking though."

You burst out, "Pretty good-looking..."

"What is it!" Charlie seems unhappy with your words. "Stop being so ungrateful, girl!"

You can't help laughing so hard, lying on the table with your shoulders shivering acutely. 

"He's a Gryffindor?" Lynn has a wry smile on her face for your sudden laughter. 

"Yeah, as same as you," you can't control your emotion, all you want is to laugh. 

"Ugh! Laughing like an idiot!" Charlie teases.

You finally stop, roll your eyes and tease back, "If you have the time, discipline your daughter instead of calling me an idiot even if you are one yourself."

"My daughter?" Charlie frowns in curiosity. "I don't have a daughter."

"Your niece, then."

"She's your niece, too."

"I don't have time, but you do."

"I don't! 'Newt' is driving me crazy!"

"Okay, you two stop!" Lynn can take no more, blasts out. "I'm like in the middle of a sandwich! Go back to your tables and EAT!"

It is already the end of the school day. You are overwhelmed by a ton of tasks, and you still have your detention with Professor Snape.

"You sure you don't want me to come with you?" concerns full of Lynn's tone as you walk downstairs from the Charm class. 

You sigh, "No, what if I implicated you? I might murder myself if I did."

"Fine, I will be waiting for you in front of your common room, then we will head off for dinner together. Deal?"

"Deal." You make a fake smile, trying to make her stop worrying.  

Lynn nods, still seeming worried, "Bye, then."


You knock on the door, "Professor?" Your voice echoes in the empty corridor.

"Come in."

"Yes, Professor."

You push the door and enter Snape's office. Snape doesn't even glance at you when you slightly bow to him. 

"No need for that." 

"Yes, Professor."

"I think you know why I summoned you to my office today, Miss y/ln?" His voice drops to negative thirty degrees, frightens you.

"Yes, Professor," you try to keep your voice steady.

"Then tell me why," he looks at his parchment on his desk, not giving you a clue of what he expects you to be answering.

"I talked back to you twice in Defence Against the Dark Arts class."

"Good," he leans back on his chair, still keeping his eyes on his parchment in front of him. "What else? "

"I don't know, Professor," you clearly know what exactly he is talking about now, you bite your lip. 

"Give me your hand," Snape darts at your eyes suddenly. You look down quickly, try not to meet his gaze, hand over your left hand resignedly.

Snape frowns, pinches your wrist harshly which makes you gasp in pain. 

"You know what I am talking about, Miss y/ln."

You look down on his parchment, and quickly look away as he glances you in displeased, "I don't know, Prof — Sir."

"Sir?" he raises an eyebrow, clutching even tighter on your wrist. "Getting there now?"

You bite your lip even harder, submit knowing you don't stand a chance against him, "I didn't come to the feast."

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