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Charlie steps in, knocks on your head hard with his wand.

"Y/n, what the hell is going on!"

"Teaching," you glare at the girl standing beside your chair. "She attacked first."

"It was you—"


The tip of your wand points at Marilyn, unable her to speak. Charlie rolls his eyes, explains, "Professor Dumbledore wishes to see you." 

"Okay? But, weren't you supposed to be in class?" you wink—why would Dumbledore wish to see you?

Charlie glances at the textbook on the ground dropped by Marilyn, sizing the little girl with his brown eyes, "Huh? Only two victims, one's my cousin, one's my niece. You expect me to be in class undistracted? We have N.E.W.Ts and we are mostly self-studying in class. That's why I sometimes can skip certain subjects like Herbology."

"Wow—imagine skipping Herbology?" you self-deprecate. "Where is Professor Dumbledore, though?"

"He's at his office," Charlie opens the door. "Come on, don't make him wait for you."

He turns his head back and glimpses at Marilyn, "I'll figure her out, no worries."

You simply nod, quickly walk down the corridor and Charlie watches as you disappear around the corner. 

"Tell me where you were the night before last, Marilyn Lisha Ramsay," Charlie turns into the room, lowers his voice. The door slams shut behind him, terrifyingly.

"Lemon Drop!" you chant the password. The door opens for you, but you politely knock first, "Professor Dumbledore?"

"Come in, y/n," Dumbledore's voice comes from the far inside. 

You step upstairs, Fawkes is standing peacefully on Dumbledore's shoulder who stands beside the Pensieve, "I'd like to show you something, y/n."

You approach, Dumbledore motions you to look down to the Pensieve. 

"A basin reviews memories," Dumbledore explains briefly. "Now plunge your face into it, I've gotten a memory to show you."

You sink your face obediently, feeling the unusual coolness. 

The world changes around you, you land on your feet. The light dims, and you are surrounded by tall beech and oak trees.

The Dark Forest? You look around. A memory of the Dark Forest? 

This time, you see Snape slowly approaching you without any sound. You take aback but quickly realize you are in the memory. 

Snape walks straight through you, you turn and follow him. 

Not far away from where you stood, you see yourself sitting in front of the pond. You start to doubt why Dumbledore shows it to you, you are the one who knows it the most well. 

You hear the conversation between you and Snape, you find out it is a little cringy and your face flushed as you see he takes you into his arms. 

As you are being awkwardly silent, you catch the sight of a shadow moving from the corner of your eyes. You turn your head abruptly toward it, as the black robe floats, there stands Marilyn.

You lift your head up from the Pensieve, gasping. Terrible conjectures run across your mind, you do not want to believe in any scenes you have seen. 

"Was it—" you gasp badly. "—Marilyn?"

"Yes, it was Miss Ramsay," Dumbledore sighs mildly. "I know it is asking too much for you to accept the fact, y/n, however, we had it from Miss Ramsay's own mind."  

You hold the edge of the basin with your hands strengthless, supporting your body to remain upright. If Snape didn't give you the fake information, Voldemort is the one behind the curtain. 

That means, he knows both you and Snape, or possibly also Dumbledore's confidential top secret.

"Did you show this to Sn—Professor Snape?" you desperately shout, coldness starts to grow over your spine. 

Dumbledore doesn't seem to be surprised by your large reaction, "No, y/n. Have you found out some—"

You already rushed out of Dumbledore's office before his words could be finished.

You dash toward Snape's office, down the corridor and almost crash on the door, "Professor Snape! Open the door! I have something very serious to tell you!" 

A creak on the door and it opens, Snape lifts his eyelids a few millimetres, sitting on his chair with his legs crossed, "Are you incapable of knocking on a professor's door politely?"

"There's no time for that, I'm sorry to say," you close the door behind you, finishing the sentences without breathing. "I know why Voldemort was trying to control our—no, my mind." 

Snape rises, spinning his wand in his hand, "What is it?" He sounds even more serious than you. 

"It's that... Professor Dumbledore showed me a memory, about that the, the Dark Forest where we were... you know, talking about the Death Eaters, that...that proves Voldemort knows your—" you can't carry on anymore. 

"My what?" Snape replies calmly, although he already noticed, or more like predicted what you were about to say. 

You inhale several times to calm yourself down, "Your—identity of a double-agent." 

Snape freezes. It was exactly what he knew, but he could still not be calm enough when hearing it from you.  

"Is it about the Ramsay girl?" he asks, with a concealed trembling in his voice. 

You nod, "Yes, I suppose she told Voldemort." 

Snape closes his eyes, swallows, "How irritating." 

"I have no idea why she did that," you sigh. "Maybe it was because that day I deducted points from her." 

Long period of silence, Snape leans against his desk and you look at the ground. Snape speaks, you see pure desperateness in Snape's eyes when he opens them, "Are you ready for death, y/n?"

"Yeah—I mean, maybe," you are speechless for more than five seconds, answer in a complex tone—you do not wish to die, yet. 

Snape sizes you from your head to your toe, desperateness in his eyes is now taken over by resolution, "You are not, y/n. Let this finish on me, not with you together."

"I am," you force yourself to sound more convincing. "I got you into these messes, I won't let you always be the one."

Snape kind of smiles, but he shakes his head a second after, "No, Miss y/ln—" He always calls your last name when he decides on those things he will never change his mind about. "—As I said, you've done nothing wrong. To say the least, Dumbledore wouldn't give you up if there is one other solution."

Before you could speak, Snape announces, "This is decided, no follow-up negotiations. Now, get out and head back to your work." 

"No!" you protest loudly. "You can't die—"

"Least sacrifice," Snape already sits back on his chair, you can't see his eyes, nor his emotion. "Will do the best."  

He waves his wand and you are shut out from the room. When you try to turn the handle, it is locked.

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