The Golden Legend

By Unicorn0515

10.9K 122 10

Paige Scott the daughter of the original red ranger and the Zeo gold ranger. After growing up under all the l... More

Prelude to a Storm
There's No "I" In Team
Looming Thunder
Thunder Strangers Part 1
Thunder Strangers Part 2
Thunder Strangers Part 3
Nowhere to Grow
A Ranger's Journey
Snip it, Snip it Good
Return of Thunder Part 1
Return of Thunder Part 2
Return of Thunder Part 3
Return of Thunder Part 4

Beauty and the Beach

678 10 0
By Unicorn0515

Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies
trains our future protectors.
Ancient scrolls told of three, who would be chosen above the others.
Three who will become...
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!
The call is on!
Their force is getting strong!
They'll have to brave the weather!
Ninja Storm! stand together!
The storm will grow!
Waters flow!
Power Ranger Ninjas Go!
Power Rangers Ninja Storm is growing (growing)
is growing (growing)
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!
With the speed of the wind!
And strength like thunder!
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!

Tori and Paige are catching some big waves at the beach. "Race ya!" says Paige to Tori "You are so on,'' says Tori. In the end they both ended up tying but as they make their way to the beach they see Shane talking to a surfer. From a distance you can hear the dude saying "She's so hot." They fisy bump and Shane says that he will catch him later. As he is walking away the surfer looks back at Tori. "What was that all about?" "Oh just some guy couldn't stop talking about you, how cute you are, how he wanted your phone number."
"Whoa stop rewind super cute surfer hottie was asking about me."
"Tori, that is so awesome!"
"Dude man, it was so lame."
"And you let him leave." and Tori hit him on the shoulder.
"Ah what was that for?"
"You ever think that maybe I'd want to meet him see if he wanted to hang out sometime."
"You're kidding right? What's wrong?"
"This is just further proof that you're a complete doofus. I gotta meet Dustin."
"Seriously, I can go find the guy." "Shane, why don't you stop before you dig yourself into a deeper hole."
"I just do not see why she is upset."
"I can't really help you on that one because you will have to discover it for yourself but technically you were just being a normal guy however maybe think about that whole situation differently. Listen, I promised Dustin I would help him at Storm Chargers. I will see you later. Bye."
WIth the nieces who were observing the rangers from a distance "oh let's clone him." "stick to the plan Marah it's gotta be blue."
"I know just look at her and the other girl both so perky and athletic I just want to bury them up to their necks in sand."
"First you'd have to learn how to dig a hole." They both go back to looking at Tori.
"Let me see," complains Marah
"Never ever grap are we clear?"
"Just remember who's running things around here Marah and nobody gets hurt."
Tori is walking into Storm Chargers and walks over and grabs a bathing suit she is going to buy. In the back is Shane and Dustin having a conversation while Paige is helping repair the bike before they see Tori.
"You know Shane thinks you're mad at him" says Dustin to Tori and Paige just shakes her head at the two boys.
"Wow I guess that's why he gets the red suit."
"Oh what happened I mean it didn't really sound like a big deal to me."
"You don't get it either. I'M a girl girrrll."
"Yeah i know but like you're not a girl girl you're like a guy girl."
"Dustin I love you but I think you just need to stop talking."
"My advice to you both, stop trying to make it better cuz it's only getting worse. This just showed up for you." "That's weird from where."
"Don't know, just found it out back."
"Hey, what's it say.?" as Paige walks over to see as well.
"Girls Sport magazine saw me surfing and want me for a photo shoot an article about beauties  of the beach." "That's awesome Tori! I could not think of anyone else who deserves it." as Paige ran over and hugged the life out of her friend which brought a smile to her face until Shane spoke. "Isn't that one where they have like these incredible gorgeous girls?" and Paige just slaps her forehead at Shane's comment.
"Yeah so?" said Tori right back at him. Dustin finally understood they weren't helping. "Huh ok we'll, we'll just go back to silent mode."
"So are you going to do it?" said Kelly
"I want to show them that I'm not just some dopey tomboy."
"I hope that's a good enough reason."
"Come on Tori it doesn't matter what they think because me, Kelly, and even that guy from the beach all know you are beautiful. Just make sure that if you are doing it you are doing it for yourself and no one else."
Puzzled on what to do Tori goes to sensei for advice while Paige goes to see if Cam needs any help. "Is that a good enough reason to do the photo shoot sensei?"
"A ninja's power flows through them from deep within their being; this inner strength can help you in all situations."
"You're no help, you know that."
"There's a difference between helping someone and deciding for them."
As Tori walks away Paige speaks up "Hey Tori call me if you need help."
"I feel like I've been writing code for the past three weeks. I think I'm getting blisters."
"Your effort is admirable so I have a terrible feeling we will need it."
"Any luck." says Cam who looks at Paige who has a laptop.
"Not yet but I know that it's out there I can sense it calling to me."
"Yes, as you probably have discovered your zord is connected to your animal spirit. Maybe some meditation will help you better connect to it so that you may discover its location."
"Yes sensei." Paige walks over to the side of the room and starts meditating tring to tap into her connection with her zord.
On Lothor's ship....
"Give me a progress report on Marah and Kapri."
"Sir theyre still incompetent, insubordinate, badly dressed and just plain dangerous."
"Do they understand this is not a trip to the mall? Now when they fail I want you to step in right away."
"Yes sir I'll have the Kelzaks standing by." says Zurgane as he walks off. Lothor looked over at Choobo "Do I know you?" "Lieutenant Choobo sir huh."
"You're standing in my personal space."
"Sorry sir." Choobo says sadly walking away.
"No wait, stay, you might learn something."
Back with Tori she walks up on a trailer with a bunch of clothing racks outside of it. While looking down at the invitation from earlier. "Is this the right place?"
In the distance are the crimson and Navy rangers looking down on Tori. "This waiting is getting old." said the Navy one "Chill we have to do this right."
"With you bro." "and once this is over we can go see Paige." and the thunder ninjas streak away.
"Hello anybody here?"
"Hi I'm Tori." "My aren't you ordinary, let's see if we can't do something about that." Marah takes Tori into the trailer to get her changed. They come back out and Tori is in some bright red and orange clothing with her hair in an updo. "Perfect!"
"This is so not me." says Tori, a little disgusted.
"We've seen what's you okay now you just smile for the camera right here perfect." pulling Tori to a spot in the sand. Marah goes over and brings the camera and gets ready to take a picture of tori. "Don't move this won't hurt a bit." says Kapri as she holds up the personal alien manager and starts hitting buttons. While Tori is reading the plate on the back of the device "If found please return to Lothor. I thought I recognized you bad hair , bad clothes, too much makeup."
"Do you really think it's too much? I mean I have really big pores."
"Hey Marah! Kelzaks attack!" and Tori gets ready to fight all the Kelzaks that just popped up to fight her. Tori flips over a railing and starts to punch the kelzaks away and then kicks another one away while the nieces bring the camera closer to Tori. Then all of the Kelzaks start grabbing Tori carrying her over to the nieces. "Stop it, let go." "In Front of the camera Hold it, hold it now." and all of the kelzaks move away from Tori, confused as she looks at them till Marah says "Say cheese." Taking a picture the camera then pops out a clone of Tori.
"Look familiar?" Tori looks her clone up and down before she is pulled into the camera.
"It worked." says Kapri running over to the clone. "What are your orders?" replies clone Tori
"Return to Storm Chargers and make the other rangers take you to their headquarters."
"Yes ma'am." "And don't call me ma'am, I'm not that much older than you." The clone nods and walks away. Marah comes over giggling and looks at Kapri " can we go shopping now cuz I have uncle's card." They run away laughing in excitement.
Tori wakes up in the camera with fog on the floor
"What is this place?" looking around the dark space with only light from above.
"Kelzaks? Let me out of here let me go." The Kelzaks start to shake the camera which causes Tori to start to shake."Stop it where are you going." Tori removes the bright clothing from the photo shoot to be left in her ninja uniform. "Cam can you hear me? Shane, Dustin, Paige anybody?" trying to contact someone from her morpher.
Back at Storm Chargers Clone Tori walks to the back looking for Shane and Dustin getting weird looks from everyone. Tapping Shane on the shoulder, he and Dustin both look over at her before jumping. "Did you just crash into an outlet mall?" questioned Shane
"I have to get to Ninja Ops right away.'' They both pull her away before anyone can hear her talking about ninja business. "Dude look I can't, I have bikes stacked up like out the door."
"Plus Paige is still helping Cam out so she can't come help yet."
"I really need you guys. I was attacked by Kelzaks." Shane then looks over at Tori with a puzzled/concerned look.
Back to the real Tori she bangs on the walls of the camera trying to find a way out before becoming discouraged and sitting on the ground. Then all of a sudden sensei's voice came to her saying "A ninja's power flows through them from deep within their being." "That's it. I summon blue ninja power of the rising waters." a stream of water starts to flow causing Tori to rise to the light from the top of the camera.
At Ninja Ops
Paige is meditating in the corner when suddenly balls of water start surrounding her and spinning around her body. Cam looks to his father who does not seem surprised by the event that is happening. The balls of water vanish and Paige opens her eyes with a gasp. Cam runs over to her to make sure she is okay. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah I think so but I think Tori is in trouble."
"Very well Paige you are tapping into your inner powers more. Go help Tori." Paige nods her head before running out of NInja Ops. "She never ceases to amaze me." says Cam to his father
"Yes Paige is more powerful than she knows."
The boys and clone Tori are driving in the Storm Chargers van
"We might have to stop for gas man."
"We're not stopping."
"Well what if we don't make it?"
"We'll make it, just drive!" the boys give each other a questioning look before just shrugging it off. They come up upon some road work and the guy is holding the sign that says stop not letting them pass. "Oh man, no way." "Don't stop!"
"What can I do?" Clone Tori gets out of the car before heading to talk to the construction workers. "Hey Tori seem a little tense to you bro." "Yeah just a bit." "Wish Paige was here to calm her down." Yelling in the background could be heard "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU'RE NOTHING MOVE IT NOW NOW NOOOW!" The scared worker changed the sign around letting the three pass. "Hey!" said the cute surfer from earlier to clone Tori and she gave him a dirty look before returning to the van and the guy's face fell a little, while the two guys in the fan had a shocked expression on their faces. "Tori Tori, that's the guy." "What guy?" "That's the guy from the beach, remember." "Whatever, can we just go." "Hey what's up with you I thought you were like all into him."
"CAN WE GET THERE PLEASE!" and Dustin hurrys up to the car, scared of clone Tori at the moment.
Tori had finally escaped the camera landing on the sand with grace before she ninja streaked towards her clone. Tori meets up with Paige who hugs her seeing that she is okay before Tori explains the situation. They both run in front of the van with the guys and clone Tori. "Now what?" "Dude that girl with Paige looks exactly like Tori." "you think" and both Shane and Dustin look over at clone Tori who gets out of the car and walks towards Paige and the real Tori.
"Anything you can do I can do better." "Except pick clothes and what is with your hair?"
"Maybe we should all just take a nice relaxing trip to the mall." suggested Paige
"You too think you're funny, bring it on girlfriend." And the colne takes off the bright clothes to reveal a matching water ninja outfit before attacking Tori. Paige steps out of the way knowing that this is Tori's fight and not hers. The boys run out of the van and meet up with Paige "We gotta help!" said Shane while both Paige and Dustin hold him back. "Wait wait, which her?" "It doesn't really matter this is Tori's fight not ours but stay alert Lothor is going to try something."
On Lothor's ship
"Of course she escaped I'd call you two incompetend but that would be restating the obvious. Zurgane!" "Sir." "I hope you have something constructive to contribute Zurgane."
"I have a contingency plan sir I'll get on it right away." While the nieces start speaking with Choobo trying to get their uncle to forget about them, he grunts and looks back at them. "Sorry sir it wasn't me."
Back on earth the two guy rangers have enough of waiting "Come on let's go." both start running at the Tori's to try and help. But a monster jumps down blocking their path and Paige runs up to join them against the monster. "Tori's busy I heard you say so the copybot has come to brighten your day." "I'll give you one guess on what I'm thinking right now." "reading your mind bro."
"Oh yeah let's do it!" "Ninja Storm Ranger Form Ha! Power of Air! Power of Earth! Power of the Elements! All three rangers flip in the air and come down on the copybot with their ninja swords using teamwork to make their attacks have more damage. Tori is still fighting her clone before she gets knocked to the ground by the water feature. "Looks like you've met your match. Face it sister you're finished." The real Tori looks behind her to the water feature gaining an idea before standing up. "I'd say you're the one who's washed up." using her water ninja power and taking water from the feature and throwing it at the clone. "Take that."
"Help me I'm melting." and her clone dissolves into a puddle on the ground.
"Well I guess she's not exactly like me." Tori looks over to see yelling as Paige and Shane are using their air powers to blow the monster away. Tori runs over and touches Shane's shoulder which causes him and Dustin to go into a defensive stance. Paige looks over, sensing it's the real Tori and squeals while hugging her "You did it I just knew you could do it!" Both of the boys take Paige off of Tori, not sure if she is the real Tori. "What guys, it's me?" Their visors open up as Dustin says "But how do we know it's the real Tori?"
"Your real name is Waldo, Shane is afraid of spiders, and Paige has a crush on her friend named Hunter." with a smug look on her face. "Tori! You promised you wouldn't tell them." whined Paige. "Hahaha you're afraid of spiders and goldey has a crush." "You want to make something of it, Waldo." "Come on little yellow boy we got a job to do." "Look you guys can get therapy and a date later on okay? I think we have something a little more important to worry about." Ninja Storm Ranger Form Ha! Power of Water! 
"Kelzaks! Get them, I say attack right away." all the Kelzaks run at the rangers
"Ninja swords combat mode Ha!" before running at the Kelzaks
"Ninja shadow battle!" and all of the ninja rangers start fighting Kelzaks behind a screen where only their shadows can be seen.
"I'll take some of that action!" says Dustin, also heading into shadow battle. "Bad haircuts!"
"If you can't beat em screen em." replies Tori she joins the screen battle. "Watch out Kelzaks because my shadow has a mind of its own." says Paige running into shadow battle.
"Power ranger makeover complete!" "Have a nice day!" as they blow up Paige says "Man they didn't tip me."
"So you beat the Kelzaks whoopee-doo you rangers will pay by the time i'm through." throws a beam at all the rangers while Paige dodges and goes to stand with the others.
"It's over to you, red, yellow gold and blue."
"Right!" All four rangers come down with their swords ready to strike him down in sync but he disappears before they can. "Rangers get up and fight if you have the might. Copybot magic for you, it's so tragic." "Why does he have to talk in riddles?" said Paige
"I got a little magic of my own," and nods her head at Paige for some added power. "Blue and gold ranger flood attack!" The monster both get pulled under water. "Oh no I can't swim, I have fallen victim to your water wim." The girls take turns slashing at the monster under water. "Copybot sushi anyone?" "No way you can have it." says Paige who is not a big fan of sushi.
"Ninja water blast!" says Tori shooting water out at him then here comes Paige with a second stream of water and both together shoot him out of the water and on to the ground.
"Lion Hammer!"
"Hawk Blaster!"
"Sonic Finn!"
"Manatee Bow and Arrows!"
"Let's put 'em together! Elemental Storm Striker!"
The monster gets blasted into a ball made of electricity and gets blown up.
"Why are you all standing there like someone ran over your dog? Do something!"
"Right away sir." says Zurgane as he grabs the alien manager, sending the scroll of empowerment to cause the monster to grow.
"Not again." complains Tori
"Look at me, I'm as big as a tree." "I believe that most trees are bigger than that."
"Wow man, they grow up so fast." "Cam zord time." "Here we go." says Cam as he hits the button summoning the zords. "Sorry Paige, I'm still working on it." "It's okay."
All three zords appear ready to go into battle "let's go!" "Please be careful you guys." said Paige worriedly. The monster looks around to see the three in their zords "You grow we grow for the megazord." and the zords start the sequence into the megazord.
"Hey over here, give this a try. Copybot multiply!" and there were now five copybots standing in front of them. "Whoa he cloned himself." "Multi attack give them a whack." and all five Copybots attack the megazord at once. "Cam we've got a serious multiplication problem here." "I got something for you. I like to call it the megazord lightning mode. You control it by using your inner power but remember it only lasts 60 seconds."
"It takes longer to make microwave popcorn." "Popcorn sounds good right now." says Paige from the ground, getting hungry.
"That's all the time we'll need. Ready guys?" "we're all over it." "Let's go!"
"Lightning megazord now!" the megazord starts to become slender making it easier to move and fight. "We're lean mean fighting machine." "Cam that turned out so cool!" said Paige admiring it from the ground. The megazord starts jumping around ready to attack "Ants in your pants, that's quite a dance there's so many of me you don't stand a chance." and sends a blast towards the megazord but it does cartwheels to avoid the attack before jumping and kicking Copybot. The megazord proceeds to fight all of the Copybot clones. "20 seconds left." says Cam from NInja Ops the megazord brings out the blades and starts slashing all of the clones destroying them. "10 seconds left nine eight seven six five four three two one. Lightning megazord power down." and the megazord returns to its original form. "Power discs lock and drop ready to rock." "Power disc lock and drop ready to rock!" repeats Shane and Dustin "Come on guys, not you too." seeing as they are rhyming like the monster. All three discs cause a power sphere to form "serpent sword!" "one to the power of three!" causing the megazord to multiply into three megazords. "Megazord triple strike!" and all three zords slash at the monster causing him to be destroyed while they return to one megazord. "Well I guess inner strength is one thing the Copybot couldn't copy." "Great job guys but seriously no more rhymes or I might just die.'' They all laugh at their golden friend on the ground.
At Storm Chargers Tori is walking in and sees Shane just standing there looking at her. "What are you looking at?" "Nothing um I was just noticing I mean you aren't completely unbeautiful you know." "Gee thanks."  Paige, Kelly, and Dustin walk up and Dustin says "Um Tori there's a customer over there who needs help with a surfboard can you do me a favor and talk to him."
"You do realize I don't actually work here and besides why can't Paige do it?" Paige just holds her hands up and says she has bikes she has to repair. "Yeah play dude you just go talk to the guy." and pushes Tori over to the customer. "Fine. Can I help you?" turning around it turns out to be the cute surfer from the beach earlier smiling at her. Seeing who it is she turns around at her friends with a smile and they all give her thumbs up smiling. "Hi I'm Tori." shaking the guy's hand "Hey I'm Dill." "How are you?" and the two start talking.
"Ughhh hold my hair, I'm gonna puke." complain Kapri watching the interaction from space.
"I think it's kind of sweet. I wish I could meet a cute guy like that." says Marah
"Any guy you meet gonna have like eight legs an exoskeleton." "Why?"
"Cause you're kind of ugly." "I'm morally beautiful." "Kind of plain." "No I'm not. You're so mean." whines Marah "I'm so mean?"  before their uncle comes up and stops the discussion "you have an idea the consequences of your stupidity. Can you even conceive how far back your little romp on the beach almost set my master plan."
"What's the farthest back there is?" questions Marah "Both of you go to your rooms while I can think of a punishment.
"Lucky for you we're ready to go." is says by the thunder rangers as the walk in
"All the pieces are in place." "Let the games begin."
"Excellent!" says Lothor as he starts to do his evil laugh.
After Tori is done talking to the surfer she walks back over to her friends
"Tori, I am so happy for you." Tori just smiles saying that they would go surfing sometime but then Dustin changes the subject "So what is this about little miss mana having a crush." And Paige starts blushing, hiding her face in her hands while everyone else laughs. "Tori I still can't believe you told them." "Ahh come on goldey we need to see if this guy is good enough for our baby best friend." "Shane you are only two years older than me but that does not mean you are faster." Shane gives her a puzzled look before understanding and running out of the shop as the other three just laugh as Paige is on his tail. They all laughed even harder when Paige tackled Shane to the ground.

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