Steve and Bucky's daughter y/n

By HoldenGrey0

66.5K 1K 330

Y/n is the 12 year old daughter to Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. A child genius much like her uncle Tony sta... More

[1]"Goddamn it Y/N not again !!"
[2]"Who the HELL got blood on my new carpet?!?!"
[3]"When we first found out you had been created"
[4]"Have fun my little queen"
[5]"Im glad you like it kid, you deserve it"
[6]"Ok Stevie, we'll be waiting here"
[7]"Good boy"
[8]"Ready, set, kill!"
[9]"Its rogers-BARNES, thank you"
[10]"Hey buck! Catch!"
[11]"Watch the begonias!"
[12]"Captain america cant play frisbee!"
[13]"Always, Sergeant"
[14]"You want to know how he disappeared"
[15]"it's called lento placido"
[17]"i can do this until dinner"
[18]"y/n, please climb down from that bookcase"
[20]"I'm not getting involved"
[21]"goodnight guys"
[22]"oh stevie"
[23]"Do you think theres another spiderman in the world?"
[24]"boys you're going to hurt yourselves"
Turning point
[26]"happy birthday peter"
[27]"what kind of powers"
[28]"why are we smothering the children?"
[29]"she's never full"
[30]"I get them sometimes to"
[31]"you won't tell anyone?"
[32]"what if they don't stop?"
[33]"it's the school"
[35]"I dont know what's wrong"
[36]"Have a good day"
[37]"Are you ok?"
[38]"Whats happening?!"
[39]"Higher dose!"
[40]"It's interesting...."
[41]"Ok... no more"
[42]"Calm down babygirl"
Not all those who wander are lost
[44]"I thought they were gone?"
[45]"Do you know where you are?"
[46]"Do you remember?"
[47]"I have no idea"
[48]"That wasn't a dream"
[49]"what the hell?"
[51]"I'm so glad she's stubborn"
[END]"So, what's next year?"
*One-shot book*
Adjusting - 15 months
Genius? - 18 months
Zoo - 6 years old
Attached - 7 years old
2nd suspension - 7 years old
Joyride - 8 years old
cinema trip - 9 years old
Insomnia meetups - 10 years old

[19]"is this common?"

942 20 4
By HoldenGrey0

*this chapter has swearing although I have put asterisks between the words*

You sat on the cold stone steps and miss Court sat right next to you. No matter where you were she always tried to get on the same level, no wonder she was such a good guidance counsellor.

Not long after, you saw the family car turn into the car park and stop right in front of you. Bucky sat in the front with a long sleeved top and a baseball cap covering half his face.

"Wait here a moment whilst i speak to your dad".

You could have easily overheard but at this point you couldn't be bothered so only caught snippets. "Library..... bookshelf...... bored..... schedule change..... College classes..... no suspension". Well that last one is a bit of a relief.

Finally she stepped away and you were waved over to the car. Silently getting in and putting your seat belt on, overhearing your dad apologising again.

The start of the journey was silent as you stared down at your feet. Eventually though, he spoke. "Was it the same girl as last time?" He turned to look at you, nodding your head still staring into the footwell.

"How do you know what a bimbo is?" He asked slightly chuckling.

A small smile crept onto your face as you simply stated, "Tony".

"Of course it was, I'm gonna kill him".

"Hey where are we going, Are we not going to the compound?"

"Well if we go to the tower now dad will know you've done something. So if we don't want him to know, we have to go back home for a couple of hours first. And get frozen yogurt on the way back I've been wanting it all day".

"Wait your not gonna tell dad about this? And I get yogurt?"

"No I'm not going to tell him this time but don't think I won't if you decide to do it again. And yes you get yogurt but only because I want it to, it's not a reward".

Your starting to feel better already, and it was improved even more once you reached the drive through. "Can I please have vanilla and chocolate with tiny Oreos and raspberries?"

You both ate in the car on the drive home, with Bucky somehow finishing before you despite driving at the same time.

With about ten minutes left of the journey you stared out the window at the lines of trees, slowly drifting off to sleep. You didn't even feel the car pull into the driveway and stop. You didn't feel Bucky gently lift you out of your seat and into the house.

He carried you over to the sofa and sat down turning on the tv. He held you close as you snuggled further into his shoulder.

He started to remember the first time you'd been suspended,

You were around 6 years old and just started school, the same school you attend now but you weren't allowed in peters classes because he was older. You were not happy about this as you were stuck with all the other snotty six year olds. Looking back they may have had better hygiene than first remembered, and might not have been literally snotty.

Never less, you hated them and the stupid classes you had with them. Your dad had told the school you were smart so they put you in the gifted program. Instead of adding up single digit numbers, they added 0s to the end. Because if you know what 1 add 1 is, 10 add 10 is different apparently.

Anyway, you made it to the end of the first day without speaking to anyone or doing any work. The teacher spoke to buck saying they think it's best if you were to move back to normal classes as the gifted program didn't seem to fit you. He ensured her You were bright enough to carry on and to give it time, they finally agreed and went home. You ignored everyone for the rest of the evening, making your dads very worried, you'd barely been speaking for three years at this point and they didn't want you to stop now.

This carried on for four days until Friday came along. You silently walked into the school as you had done all week. You watched silently as everyone else completed a worksheet on basic three and four letter words, a small bubble slowly built inside you as the teacher spelt them out.

"C-a-t, cat! Well done everyone now how about we put that in a sentence? The dog chased the cat! Perfect! How about h-a-n-d? Y/n do you want to join in? Do you know what this spells?" You stayed silent as the room full of kids tried to spell out this word that she'd already basically said when sounding it out.

You eventually buried your head in your arms, covering your ears trying to block out the sounds as she spelled it out again. After the hundredth time you exploded, "ITS HAND! want that in a sentence to?! How about I'm gonna put my hand around your throat! Want some more four letter words? How about f*ck, sh*t, d*ck, tw*t? Want those in a sentence? How the f*ck are you all so sh*t at this, suck my d*ck, you stupid tw*t. Stupid has six letters by the way! Sorry if it's too advanced!"

And with that you turned around and threw your chair straight through the window behind you and ran. You some how made your way to the older kids building and noticed they had a much better library. You picked up a book on advanced french and another on genetics before slipping back out and wondering down a hall.

You walked past an open door and peered in, noticing loads of cool chairs and a sofa. You snuck in and sat down on a really small seat that span around. You were a good chunk into the french book when a lady with shoulder length hair and a big necklace walked in. "Oh!" She exclaimed surprised to see a very small child in her office, "are you lost? Do you want me to take you back to your class?"

You shook your head, still not looking up from the book. She thought for a moment and picked up her phone, "hi this is miss court here from the older building, yes I have a small child in my office do you have one missing? You do! Great yes I'll wait with her".

She watched you read, "that's a big book for you, are you looking at the pictures?"

"It's a textbook on french the only pictures are of a stereotypical french man in a beret".

She spoke in french to you this time, "and can you speak french?"

And you spoke the language back, "I can understand you well enough".

Switching back to English she said how impressed she was with your pronunciation. That was when the other teacher ran into the room shrieking.

"Y/n why would you run away like that?! Come back now, we've had to call your father".

She tried to take the books off you so you screamed, "no!  Leave me alone, take your three letter words and shove them up your a*s. Oh look that's another one!"

She was dumbfounded and decided to rip the book out of your hands, shouting at you to get up. You did get up, and attempted to swing a punch right at her when miss court grabbed you and told her to wait outside.

You were full on screaming at this point, kicking the walls and flipping chairs, even the entire sofa. The whole time the nice lady tried to talk and calm you down though it didn't appear to do much. Thankfully that was when Bucky arrived. You could hear him arguing with the teacher outside when he flung the door open and tried to grab you. You just kept throwing things and screaming eventually turning around and punching him. But he caught your fist and held it tight bringing you into a hug.

You sobbed into his shoulder as he held you, sat on the floor of this random ladies office. "It's ok y/n just breathe" he whispered, rocking you gently placing small kisses to your temple.

Eventually you stopped crying and he wiped away your tears, he hated seeing you like this and he didn't want you to come back here ever if it made you this unhappy.

"Thank you miss" he said, "I'm sorry she messed up your office".

"It's fine it's just a few chairs, when she was calmer I noticed she can speak very good french you must have done an amazing job teaching her".

Bucky looked up at her confused, "she can speak Russian but we've never taught her french".

They both looked at you for answers and not in the mood to speak, you walked outside and yanked the book from the other ladies hands and glared up at her before walking back in and showing them the book.

She looked at you in shock but Bucky just shrugged his shoulders. "Is this common?" She asked.

"Yes I suppose so, she likes to read medical textbooks and make robots in our garage so languages aren't much different".

"I see. Perhaps you can come back another time and I can test y/n to see if moving up a few classes would be more beneficial".

He nodded and let you collect your two books before walking outside where your teacher was waiting to speak. "Y/n, in less than two hours has shouted at me, swore multiple times at me and in front of other children, destroyed school property, ran away and hid and attempted to harm a member of staff. AND has stolen these books from the library". She made a move to grab them again but you put them behind your back and stuck up your middle finger.

She stared open mouthed with her hand on her chest. Bucky grabbed your hand and put it back down to your side and pushed you behind him.

"I am very very sorry about all the trouble she has caused today I will speak to her and make sure it doesn't happen again and she will be perfectly behaved on Monday".

"Oh no she isn't welcome back on Monday I don't want to see her again until Thursday and she'll be lucky if she isn't expelled permanently!"

Bucky sighed in defeat and nodded mumbling sorrys as he picked you up and began walking down the corridor. "Old bi*ch", you mumbled under your breath as Bucky put his hand over your mouth.

As he looked back down at you now, sleeping on him on the sofa he couldn't help but chuckle at the memory. He had been so worried that week with you not speaking and then nearly being kicked out after just starting. But miss court had thankfully stepped in to make sure it didn't happen and even moved you up to peters classes despite your age.

He let you sleep on him for an hour before waking you up. "Y/n you need to wake up or you won't sleep later. And we have to leave in like 20 minutes". He squeezed you until you opened your eyes.

"Nooo let me sleep dad and keep hugging me".

"I will hug you whenever you want sweetheart, but you have to stay awake now ok?" He spoke gently into your ear and leaned over placing a small kiss to the top of your nose making you smile.

"Ok but I'm not letting go"

And so Bucky walked around quickly finishing the washing and making sure all the doors and windows were locked all while holding you, before walking out to the car.

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