The Modern Fairy Tale Town Bo...

By PerkyGoth14

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The residents of Storybrooke begin to remember fairy tale life and share their pasts with their descendants a... More

Chapter 1: Out of the Past
Chapter 2: Broken
Chapter 3: We Are Both
Chapter 4: Lady of the Lake
Chapter 5: Operation: Viper
Chapter 6: The Crocodile
Chapter 7: Harry Hook and The Beanstalk Bandits
Chapter 8: The Doctor
Chapter 9: Return to the Sea
Chapter 10: Children of the Moon
Chapter 11: Into the Deep
Chapter 12: Dance of The Little Sugarplum Fairy
Chapter 13: Queen of Hearts
Chapter 14: The Cricket Game
Chapter 15: It's Goin' Down
Chapter 16: The Outsider
Chapter 17: In The Name of The Brother
Chapter 18: Ways to be Wicked
chapter 19: Evil Among Us
Chapter 21: Not So Happily Ever After
Chapter 22: Tiny

Chapter 20: Change of Heart

32 1 0
By PerkyGoth14

Back outside, it was a very dark night outside, but it was soon filled with glowing and crackling electricity.

"Zevon, stop!" Mal called out as she rushed over with Evie beside her.

"Well, if it isn't the evil Misthaven twins?" Zevon greeted them mockingly before he tossed a green chemical out to them as it exploded in front of their feet. "Ka-Pow!"

The two girls stepped back as the green smoke exploded all around them. Soon, crystal shards grew from the ground to block them.

"Or should I say the formerly evil Misthaven twins now that Storybrooke has made you soft?" Zevon then continued.

The two girls then glared at the boy in anger.

"I mean, not soft like a kitten or something, but... Well, you know what I mean!" Zevon then said before glaring at them wickedly.

Mal and Evie soon grunted as they began to climb up the crystal shards together to get closer to Zevon.

"You have to stop this, Zevon!" Mal called out. "Come down here and talk to us!"

"My, how times have changed," Zevon noted. "Mal wants to talk to me. I have to admit, there was a time when I hung on your every word."

"You two had a thing?" Evie whispered to Mal curiously.

"No! No. He had like a crush on me or something." Mal defended and covered up.

"But not anymore!" Zevon continued from there. "You totally missed your chance, Mal," he then pushed a red jewel into the snake staff's mouth. "Now, each jewel I added increases my power and when I've combined them all, this antenna will transmit my spell across all of Storybrooke, to make everyone evil."

Mal and Evie grunted as they soon climbed over the crystal shards and continued to glare at the boy.

"Well, we are never going to let that happen!" Mal soon called out to Zevon before she took out her spellbook. "'Twist of hand and twist of fate, Leave the ground and levitate'!" she then recited before shooting magic right at Zevon.

"Whoa!" Zevon yelled out as he was suddenly levitating in the air and off of the bleachers.

"Can't use the antenna if you can't touch it!" Mal smirked mockingly. "Haha!"

"You always were the clever one, Mal," Zevon replied as he smirked back before taking out another chemical. "Clever, enchanting, and doomed." he then threw it down, causing green smoke to poof out.

Suddenly, Evie appeared on the bleachers right next to Zevon and he was freed from Mal's levitation spell.

"Evie!" Mal cried out in concern, going to catch her falling friend.

Evie then suddenly fell on top of Mal after being pushed off of the bleachers.

"'Try but you will never harm her, Buried under suits of armor'." Mal soon recited another spell with a glare as she helped Evie back up on her feet.

Soon, suits of armor rained down from the sky as Zevon jumped out of the way to avoid them, clanging on the bleachers after landing.

"Seriously?" Evie asked dryly after that spell.

"What? It was all I could think of." Mal shrugged in defense.

"Don't force me to destroy you, Mal. Ka-slice!" Zevon glared at the girls before tossing a red chemical next.

"Hey!" Evie cried out as the chemical exploded into red smoke behind them.

"Hey! You don't wanna hurt me, Zevon!" Mal called out before she dodged more chemicals that he threw from atop the bleachers. "I mean, come on! We could trade spells and potions all day, but eventually, Evie and I will win."

"You're bluffing, right?" Evie asked quietly.

"Oh, yeah, totally," Mal replied quietly back before she continued to yell out to the boy. "Give up, Zevon! You're outnumbered!"

"Wrong again," Zevon grinned. "I knew I might need back-up, so that's why I broke into Old Man Marco's workshop... Or as they used to call him in The Enchanted Forest, Geppetto."

Soon, as he said that, a living wooden puppet climbed up onto the bleachers next to Zevon. Mal and Evie glanced at their so-called threat before they started laughing.

"You're gonna stop us with a puppet show?" Mal asked with a smirk.

"Not quite... Ba-Bam!" Zevon smirked back before he tossed another chemical onto the puppet so that they would see what he meant. "Ka-Pow!"

Soon, the chemical landed on the puppet, causing it to grow in size suddenly and soon, there were more puppets beside it. Zevon then stomped the staff down, sending crackling electricity to the puppets and they all suddenly looked wicked and evil.

"Okay, yeah, I see what you did there." Mal said weakly suddenly.

The puppets then screeched and stepped down from the bleachers to go and attack the two girls.

"Who's pulling the strings now?" Zevon smirked before he began to laugh evilly.

"Oh! There's too many of them!" Evie cried out in concern as she and Mal were soon surrounded by the evil puppets.

"Evie, we need help!" Mal suggested.

"Attack!" Melody's voice called out.

Mal and Evie looked over and soon suddenly, Elwin, Ben, Melody, Piper, Jordan, Lonnie, Amalie, and Audrey were riding over on a flying, magic carpet together.

"Hero Descendants to the rescue!" Audrey announced.

"Oh, here they come to save the day!" Zevon sarcastically cheered.

Soon, the magic carpet landed as the group got ready to fight after they landed.

"Let's get them!" Piper called out before he took out his pipe which was his favorite musical instrument. "Don't make me use this, you mice! Follow me, you guys!"

"5, 6, 7, 8! Take that!" Audrey counted before kicking away a puppet.

"And that!" Jordan added as she also kicked away a puppet.

"And some of this!" Melody glared while joining in.

"And some of that!" Amalie added.

"You! Traitor!" Zevon glared at Amalie. "What idea did you put in that simple little mind of yours to work against me after I gave you the promise of a lifetime?!"

"I don't think with my mind, I think with my heart!" Amalie retorted with a glare back.

"Well, that first part is definitely true," Zevon rolled his eyes before he climbed up on the magic carpet there. "Well, while you all work out your differences, I'm gonna go take over Storybrooke!"

"Evie! Keep Zevon distracted while I go for the staff." Mal suggested as she rushed to go after the boy.

"I got you, Mal." Evie promised.

"You always do." Mal nodded as she ran off.

Ben soon began to use a puppet's hand against it, trying to use it like a sword in a sword fight.

Audrey then kicked one puppet away, causing it to hit the ground and literally fall apart. "You ruined everything and you shouldn't even be enrolled here!" she then called out to Zevon.

"Ba-Bam!" Zevon called out, tossing down a chemical to her.

Audrey screamed as she suddenly turned into a duckling and began to quack out of agitation.

"I think it's an improvement." Zevon smirked once he saw what happened to her before he turned around suddenly.

Lonnie gasped as she was suddenly found on the magic carpet right behind him. Zevon smirked and suddenly pushed her off. Lonnie cried out as she was falling through the air. Elwin soon froze a puppet before looking over and gasping. He then suddenly glowed with his birthright jewel which was, fittingly enough, an Ice Quartz Crystal before ice shot out from the palms of his hands and created a giant icy slide.

Lonnie then suddenly landed on the slide and slid down it before she suddenly flew off and crashed down onto Elwin onto the ground, landing on top of him. "Oops! Sorry, Elwin..." she then said nervously. "Are you okay?"

"We gotta stop meeting like this, Lonnie." Elwin said in a daze before chuckling.

"You saved me..." Lonnie smiled warmly before she suddenly hugged him and helped him up.

"Aw... It was nuthin'..." Elwin replied.

"That was the bravest thing anyone's ever done for me~" Lonnie said softly as she cupped his face, then gave him a very sweet kiss right on the lips.

Elwin's eyes widened after the kiss before he had hearts in his eyes and chuckled goofily.

"'Wing of bat and raven eyes, Lift me up into the sky'." Mal soon recited her next spell and began to fly through the air to land on the magic carpet with Zevon. She then wobbled a bit so she stumbled into the air and fell, but caught the end of the carpet before she could have a worse fall than old Humpty Dumpty.

Melody yelled out and ran toward a puppet right in front of her. The puppet then began to look innocently and cutely to the black-haired girl with puppy dog eyes. Melody awed and cooed at the puppet before it roared and began to fight her, much to her fright. Suddenly, blow darts were shot out and sent the puppet's head right off its shoulders. Melody then looked over and Piper grinned as he used his popular pipe before she ran up to him before hugging him out of thanks, causing him to blush instantly.

"I wish these puppets were-OW!" Jordan began to wish as she held onto her lamp and began to rub it until the head suddenly hit her back, causing her to drop her lamp and out came Claudine, Carlos, Jay, and Jane once the lamp hit the ground.

"We're free!" Carlos cheered.

"Look out." Claudine warned.

Suddenly, the four got up on their feet and began to scramble around as a puppet began to stomp around them.

"You're going down, you dime store Pinocchio!" Carlos called out as he and the other three joined together and pushed the puppet backward into two other puppets into the net goal. "Whoo-hoo!"

"Puppet dominoes!" Jay added as he and Carlos tapped their knuckles together.

Zevon smirked as he looked like he was about to win in this battle of good vs evil. "Once I add the last jewel, I will be unstoppable," he then said as he took out the jewel he needed for the snake staff. "Augh!" he then cried out as some light suddenly got in his eyes.

"Reflect on this!" Evie called out as she used her handheld mirror to shine light in Zevon's eyes to distract him.

Zevon grunted and groaned until soon, Mal joined him and began to flip the boy flat on his back as she took the snake staff back.

"It's over, Zevon." Mal glared once she got the snake staff.

"Not yet, Mal," Zevon glared back as he took out the bright green jewel he needed. "I also stole YOUR jewel!"

"Augh!" Mal cried out, trying to resist until her eyes glowed green, so she began to approach Zevon with the snake staff against her will.

"Mal!" Evie yelped before she glared firmly. "That's my friend you're messing with!" she then took off her tiara and tossed it out toward Zevon.

Zevon grinned until the tiara smacked Mal's jewel right out of his hand. "Oh, no, no, no!" he then cried out in misfortune.

Mal's eyes then went back to normal, so she held the snake staff like a baseball bat. "Kablam." she then said before whacking the chemicals right out of Zevon's hand.

Zevon cried out as he was hit with electricity and other uncomfortable chemical compounds all at once and was even frozen solid once it was all over.

"Now to undo your evil." Mal said with a firm nod as she stomped the snake staff down and began to use it for the better.

Soon, the electricty crackled from the snake staff and the puppets were all lifeless again.

Audrey continued to quack until she was suddenly back to her old self again. "We will never speak of this again." she then dryly said to the others.

Ben then approached Zevon and began to pull the boy by his collar, dragging him down from the bleachers and across the sports field.

"Ow! Hey! Watch the collar!" Zevon grunted and warned.

"Let it go, Zevon." Elwin smirked out of victory.

"Later, Zevon! I'm sure you're good enough to be bad enough for detention!" Evie called out teasingly before facing Mal. "Huh? Huh? See what I did there?"

"I saw," Mal nodded as she soon used the snake staff on her birthright jewel to drain it of its badness. "That should remove the curse. And now, there's only one thing left to do."

"Jewel-Bilee?" Evie guessed.

"No... Jewel-Bilee!" Mal replied.

Soon, everybody began to cheer out of excitement and victory.

Amalie smiled softly before she turned away. "Ben and Mal will be great together," she then told herself before she sniffled and wiped her eyes. "...Even if Ben won't be my boyfriend, especially after what I did... I think I know what my birthright is now," she then said as she looked at her heart-shaped gemstone to see a red glow over the two in question which was a clue to what her destiny was supposed to be and who she was truly the descendant of. "I'll meet my very own very special somebody, but until then... I'm going to help the others find their own very special somebodies." she then decided with a sad smile even if she really liked Ben, but decided it would be better if he was let go and to live happily ever after with Mal instead of her.

Soon, everybody made it back to school to keep doing what they planned to do from the very beginning.

"Welcome, everyone, to The Jewel-Bilee." Ben said to his fellow students.

"I'm so glad Mal was able to spell us back to normal." Carlos whispered to Jay.

"Yeah, but they why are you still so small?" Jay whispered back.

Carlos rolled his eyes a bit at that.

"It is my great honor to give each of you, your jewel," Ben soon continued as he approached the box from his father's pawnshop, giving the villain descendants their birthright jewels. "Carlos."

"I would like to say a few words," Carlos smiled once he took his own. "YES!"

"Jay." Ben then said, approaching the other boy next.

Jay took the jewel before biting into it, then smiled as it didn't break right away. "Sweet! It's real!" he then cheered.

"Claudine." Ben then said, going to the gloomy goth girl.

"...This is actually very nice." Claudine said, taking the jewel and having a very small smile for about three seconds before she went back to her stoic frown again.

"Evie..." Ben then said.

Evie smiled once she took her own. "It totally matches my dress!" she then beamed.

"And last, but most definitely not least... Mal." Ben said as he soon handed the girl he really liked her jewel next.

Mal smiled softly once she had her birthright jewel. "At last." she then said.

"All right! Bring 'em in, guys!" Carlos cheered.

"Let's do it!" Mal replied.

Soon, the group who were given their own birthright jewels put them together and there was a colorful burst of light and created fireworks everywhere.

"This is so great!" Evie smiled.

"Want me to bring you back home to see Henry again afterward? I'll tell Mal." Ben offered.

Evie smiled and nodded. "And hopefully we can think of what to do to Xianniang at my house since my mom and grandmother are trying to become friends." she then said.

"Sounds great." Ben replied.

Mal looked a bit soft before seeing Audrey, then decided to walk over to the girl. "You know, I am so glad that I got to be here with you guys after all." she then said to the other girl.

"And I'm so sorry for not believing in you." Audrey replied.

"Apology 100% accepted." Mal nodded.

"Hey!" Magda called out. "Enough of this already! Let's party!"

And at that, music soon started so that Audrey could do her song and dance number and everybody joined in as she decided to let Mal join in. Tonight was definitely going to be a night to remember in fairy tale history. Mal had a lot of fun, but she began to look a little soft as she looked like she was trying to hide true emotions for something when as a matter of fact, she was.

Back at the dance school, it was soon time to head back home for the audience members and the dancers as it was getting late for them.

"Very lovely dance demonstration even though you injured yourself, dearie," Rumple said as he approached the girl who gasped and blushed as she looked up at him. "You'll be very wonderful someday. I just know it."

"Oh... Uh... T-Thank you, Mr. Gold..." Dee Dee replied. "You came though... You actually came."

"Yes, of course," Rumple nodded. "You take care of yourself and I hope to see you on the dancefloor again someday."

Dee Dee blushed and giggled a little. "I'd like that, Mr. Gold," she then said softly. "Good night."

"Yes, thank you... You have a good night too." Rumple replied as he stepped away from the girl.

Dee Dee giggled as she blushed even more as she stood beside Leroy and Nova who were talking with Ebony and the other six dwarves about what they saw tonight.

"Dee Dee?" Henry called as he soon began to approach the girl with a single red rose. "This is for you. My mom thought that you would like it after tonight since it was your first real show."

"Thanks, Henry... I really like it," Dee Dee said softly as she accepted the rose which Nova did see and she smiled instantly. "I think I'll be a really good Dancing Queen someday."

"I know you will." Henry smiled back.

"Oh... Leroy~" Nova cooed and smiled. "Isn't that cute?"

"Yeah... It's cute." Leroy replied, though he didn't sound as invested as Nova did.

Dee Dee smiled as she sniffed her rose as they all began to head back home, though Henry sighed a little to himself about something deep and personal on his way home before he would go to bed that night.

Henry was soon sitting beside his window like when he saw the clock hands move for the first time in 28 years after Emma decided to stay in Storybrooke. However, he wasn't looking at the clock, he was looking out to the night sky, feeling empty and broken inside a little because the girl he believed was his sister was gone, but unknown to him she was coming back very soon.

"Hi, Henry." Evie smiled as she came over to her little brother.

Henry glanced at her before he glanced away, staring down at the floor with a low frown.

"It's really me. Honest." Evie then told Henry.

Henry glanced back at her, though he glared like he didn't believe her.

"Come here, you~" Evie said softly before she hugged Henry, then kissed his cheeks and gave one final kiss on the tip of his nose as though to prove to him that she was who she said she was.

"Evie! It's really you!" Henry smiled once he saw that it really was his big sister before he hugged her instantly.

"That it is, my pretty!~" Evie replied before doing a wicked witch voice and grinned before she smiled back warmly and hugged her little brother again.

"Hold it, Henry!" Ben said as he was suddenly outside the bedroom door and he appeared to be wearing a crown on his head. "I'm still not sure that's the real Evie."

"Oh, really? Then I guess I'll have to prove it," Evie smirked before she suddenly gave Ben a friendly kiss on the cheek. "Well?"

Ben smirked back. "She's a fake!" he then told Henry jokingly before he ran off. "I gotta go before she takes my brain and turns me into a zombie slave or somethin'!"

Henry laughed a little as he began to feel a lot better now.

"I'll show you fake, Benny Gold!" Evie called out before she chased after Ben playfully.

And so, it turned out to be a good night for everyone.

Nova was soon putting Dee Dee down for the night as it was rather late and time for the girl to go to bed. She had read the girl a bedtime story too about The Tale of Two Bad Mice who Dee Dee had to wonder were related to The Mouse King from her favorite ballet somehow. The story was very nice and Dee Dee was even given a glass of water.

"Thank you for the story, Mama Nova," Dee Dee said softly. "Ernst and I loved it very much."

"Well, I'm glad that you did," Nova smiled as she kissed the girl's forehead. "Sweet dreams and good night, okay?"

"Oh... Mama Nova... I have another question first." Dee Dee then piped up suddenly.

"Oh?" Nova asked as she began to tuck the girl into bed.

"It's a very, very, very important question," Dee Dee soon said. "If I can't ask you now, I might not be able to ever ask you again."

"Oh... I see..." Nova said as she had an idea of what Dee Dee was about to ask. "Well, you see, when a Mommy and a Daddy love each other very much-" she then began to say.

"No!" Dee Dee then said, shaking her head. "Not that."

"Oh..." Nova blinked before smiling. "Well, okay then. What's on your mind, my little dear?" she then asked sweetly.

"How come you won't be together with Papa Leroy?" Dee Dee soon asked.

Nova sighed sharply. "Dee Dee, we've talked about this..." she then said.

"No, we haven't," Dee Dee said. "I'm not dumb, Mama Nova. If a kid asks a grown-up a question, that grown-up should be able to answer it, especially if it's very, very, very important. This is very, very, very important to me and I wanna know... Okay?"

Nova sighed and frowned a little.

"So please... Tell me... Why can't you and Papa Leroy be together?" Dee Dee then asked. "You two would be very happy together like we all were on Miners Day."

"Dee Dee... It's complicated all right?" Nova soon said out of a bit of exhaustion as she sent the younger girl to bed that night. "Of why Leroy and I can't be together and not just because I'm a nun in Storybrooke."

Dee Dee frowned silently, waiting as she could tell that there was about to be more to what Nova was telling her.

"It's because... Well... We were about to go away together one night in The Enchanted Forest," Nova then continued to Dee Dee as patiently as she could with a small maternal smile. "You see, back in The Enchanted Forest, Mother Superior was The Blue Fairy and my teacher like she was with many of the others where we lived in Pixie Hollow, such as Iridessa, Fawn, Rosetta, Vidia, Silvermist, and Tinkerbell."

"Who are they?" Dee Dee asked, seeming to be stalling now.

"I'll tell you about them another time, okay?" Nova then said, already catching on that Dee Dee was stalling so that they could talk longer when the girl had to go to sleep by now. "The Blue Fairy and Bossy the Dwarf told Leroy back when he was Dreamy that what he felt was only a dream and if we ran away together, it would not end well. I would lose my wings, but, if Dreamy returned to the mines, and he allowed me to become the fairy that I was meant to be, the two of us would bring untold joy to the world. The choice was his."

Dee Dee frowned. "And then what happened?" she then asked. "You said that you wanted to explore the world with him and you brought everything you could. He even promised to let us travel on his boat with him at Miners' Day."

"Yes, Dee Dee, I know and remember that," Nova nodded. "He even told me that he couldn't get in the way of my happiness because he was a dwarf and I was a fairy. He even said that dwarves are incapable of love."

"But you're not a dwarf and a fairy anymore," Dee Dee said as she sat up suddenly and crossed her arms. "You two can be together now and you don't have to be a nun just because you used to be a fairy. Isn't Storybrooke all about doing what you want and following your own path?"

"We're trying to get the descendants to follow our paths and destinies like we had done before they were born," Nova reminded with a frown. "You should do the same once we figure out what happened to your parents. Your birth parents. We were always told that you eventually ended up here in Storybrooke with us and you ended up in that cabin in the woods all by yourself."

"Maybe I don't wanna follow what my destined path is." Dee Dee then said with a firm pout.

"Dee Dee, you shouldn't say things like that." Nova frowned.

"Besides, didn't Uncle Dopey find love in Snow White's cousin Ebony Black?" Dee Dee then asked.

"Well, Dopey and Ebony are probably just dreaming then." Nova said softly.

"But they had Doug," Dee Dee then added. "And besides, didn't you say that if you can dream it that you can do it?"

"...Well, yes, but-" Nova began to slowly agree before she closed her eyes and shut her eyes before tucking Dee Dee back into bed. "Okay, Dee Dee. It's time to go to sleep."

"I don't wanna go to sleep," Dee Dee pouted before yawning a bit as she hugged her nutcracker doll in her sleep. "I just want all of us to be happy."

"You can dream for your own happy ending, Dee Dee... I'm really sorry I can't be with Leroy... You can still think of him as your papa though if you want and maybe he'll adopt you," Nova then said softly and motherly. "You're going to be just fine with us fairies anyway... Like... Like how The Sugarplum Fairy protected Clara and The Nutcracker Prince. Isn't that what happened in that story?" she then added sweetly to appeal to Dee Dee's interests.

"I guess so..." Dee Dee said wearily as her voice started to get tired.

"You're going to be just fine, Dee Dee... I promise," Nova said softly before she leaned in and kissed the girl's forehead. "Get some rest and I promise that it will be all better. Besides, you can go play with Henry tomorrow after Dance Class, but of course, you first have to get your homework done if you have any."

"Oki, Mama Nova... G'night." Dee Dee replied sleepily as her eyes felt heavy before closing completely.

"Good night, Dee Dee." Nova said with a small smile and then stood up, about to go and leave the girl alone for the night.

Dee Dee then lifted up her nutcracker doll so that he could have a good night kiss too.

Nova blinked before smiling a little, then gently and carefully took the nutcracker doll from the girl's hand. "Good night, Nutcracker Prince." she then said before she gave him a good night kiss too, then gently placed him back into Dee Dee's grasp for the night.

Dee Dee held onto her nutcracker doll before she soon drifted off into a deep sleep that night. Nova smiled a little down at Dee Dee, then stood up and went to leave the room, then gently shut the door behind her so that Dee Dee could have sweet dreams that night.

Mal was soon heading inside the Gold mansion, coming back over a bit late. It appeared that Rumple was still out even though he was only going to see Dee Dee's dance recital tonight during The Jewel-Bilee, but he had another plan in mind. Ben invited Mal to come with him to see Evie and Henry to reassure Henry that things were going to be okay from now on with what happened to Evie, but she decided not to as she wore her crown from the party known as "Queen of The Jewel-Bilee" after Ben won as "King of The Jewel-Bilee". Mal appreciated Ben sticking up for her at the party as well as Evie and some others, but it didn't change a whole lot for her on her outlook of Storybrooke and what happened to her mother as she felt like she couldn't stay here much longer and began to think long and hard as she sat in the guest room she was given.

On the way back to the Blanchard loft after Dee Dee's dance recital, Emma was on her way only to be stopped suddenly by a certain man. "Gold?" she then asked once she saw the man approaching her.

"You remember that favor you owe me, Miss Swan? I'm cashing it in." Rumple said, going straight to the point.

Emma blinked in surprise. "It's not a good-" she then tried to tell him.

"You do honor your agreements, don't you?" Rumple replied as the rest of the "Charming family" stood around Emma. "I need to find someone, so we're leaving tomorrow. Pack your bag."

"Leaving?" Mary Margaret asked in surprise.

"Where?" Henry asked.

"Wait. Find someone?" Emma eventually added. "Who?"

"My elder son. It has to be as soon as possible tomorrow, because every minute I'm here, is a minute closer to me killing Hook," Rumple explained patiently. "So it's really best for all concerned if I leave, and you're going to come with me. Oh, and, um, we have a long history," he then nodded about to leave before he smirked darkly in warning. "So know this, and know it to be true. If any harm comes to Belle or Benjamin while I'm gone, I'm killing all of you. I'll see you at noon."

The others just blinked and watched him go because of how sudden this was and they were given a new task just out of the blue like that. Emma and Henry even looked at each other in concern.

Eventually, Rumple came home and decided to check on Ben and Mal in their respective rooms, mostly to make sure they weren't sharing a bed together since they were too young for that sort of activity. He then nodded once he saw that the two teenagers appeared to be in their rooms and asleep, he decided to head over to his own bedroom to get some rest before the big trip he had planned for tomorrow at noon sharp with Emma's company.

However, just as soon as he left, Mal sat up in her bed and pouted. "I don't belong here... I have to tell him. Right now." she then said and soon left her guest room, then gently creaked Ben's door open.

Ben snored a bit as he was fast asleep after such an exhausting and adventurous evening in school against Zevon. Not to mention becoming the crowned "King of The Jewel-Bilee" and Mal winning as Queen didn't do her any favors either.

"...I don't wanna wake him up..." Mal frowned as she saw Ben fast asleep before she sighed. "I'm sorry, Ben, but I need to go. Thank you for everything and being there for me, but I don't belong here..." she then whispered with a sniffle before closing the door so that Ben could stay asleep.

Ben snored as he continued to sleep, being very much unaware of what was going on outside his room right now.

Mal soon got dressed and wore her favorite jacket and helmet as she was writing down her letter for Ben to read whenever he woke up. After she wrote it down, she decided to go to Ben's room and placed it on his nightstand so that he could see it when he would wake up. "I'm sorry, Ben... Goodbye... I'll miss you most of all..." she then said quietly before she turned away as a tear rolled down her cheek as she headed outside with her things over to the scooter that Ben got for her.

Luckily, due to the rather late hour and everybody being busy tonight, no one saw Mal as she went right for her scooter. "I don't belong here..." she told herself as she sobbed while getting her stuff together before she got up on the scooter seat and fastened her helmet.

Eventually, Mal drove far away from the Gold mansion and just to the edge of town. She passed the forest and soon, she made it over to the town line along with the "Leaving Storybrooke" sign on the other side which would lead to who knows where. She gazed across the road to see the outside world as she brought her scooter to skid to a halt. She pressed her goggles above her helmet before retrieving her spellbook from her bag and flipping through a couple of pages. "'Noble steed, proud and fair, You shall take me anywhere'," she soon recited before returning her book and adjusting her goggles apprehensively. "Okay... Please work..." she then sighed, getting ready to ride away from Storybrooke before revving up her scooter.

Soon, there was green magic that glowed and sparked all around the scooter. Once Mal noticed that, she suddenly rode her scooter to cross the town line of Storybrooke before the magical barrier that sealed Storybrooke from the separate world in the Land Without Magic, but she kept riding forward. She glanced over her shoulder with a small sniffle before she tried to smile as she left Storybrooke and was probably never going to be seen or heard from ever again. Moments later, she arrived in her new home and was going to go to a certain place, forcing some people to jump out of the way as she seemed to appear out of nowhere. She looked around to see her new location and looked around before heading to an apartment building. She soon removed her helmet and was on her way inside the building and that was where the new chapter in her storybook of life was about to begin.

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