~ Emotionless ~ arminxreader

By sashasothertwin

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"You see guys, she isn't emotionless, they just need help expressing them." I told everyone. "So, I'm not.. e... More

Hange's Kid
ODM Gear
The Wolf
Capturing It
The Library
Once In a Blue Moon
The Day Before The Disaster
No Longer a Trio
At Least She'll be Safe... Right?
The Trial

The Plan

622 17 5
By sashasothertwin

Third Person POV:

"I want all of you cadets to stand by. Look sharp!" Some leader instructed everyone.

I like the advice, but they are all traumatized. (y/n) thought.

"I tell you. If we hadn't found the gas we'd have never gotten out of Trost." Connie tells the story.

"That sounds terrible. I'm so sorry," Christa looked down guilty, "We volunteered to run supplies out to everyone, but the situation was so bad."

"We even found some gas and were going to help you guys but.." Ymir added on.

"So, you're saying everyone who isn't here now didn't..."

"Yeah." Connie finished her sentence.

(y/n) puts their hand on Connie's back and tried to comfort him.

I think this is how you comfort people.

Ymir and Christa had shocked looks on their faces. "Wait. What about Mikasa?" Ymir questioned, surprised that one of the best might be dead.

"No, no she's good. I think she made it in after us with the group Jean led," Connie looked at (y/n), "you were with Jean's group right?"

They nodded their head, but before she could confirm that Mikasa made it safely, Ymir turned to Jean. "Hey, Jean! Mikasa got hurt or something?" We all looked at Jean who was with Annie, Berthold, and Reiner. They all had dead looks on their faces.

Jean didn't respond. Instead he drank a some of his water. "Hey talk to us!" (y/n) wanted to respond to her friends, but she knew she couldn't. Finally saving her from her own thoughts, Jean spoke up, "I'd tell you if I could. They slapped us with a gag order. I can't"

"A gag order?" Connie questioned.

"What the, that's nuts." Ymir commented.

"It's the truth." (y/n) backed up Jean just in case they didn't believe him.

"They're nuts if they think people aren't goin got talk. Word will get out and it's for everyone to know. Well, that is, if we survive."

"(y/n)," Christa called for them. Everyone's attention was turned to the short blonde. "How did you survive? Don't be mad at me, I'm more than happy that you survived, but Armin told us that you were dead. And now you're suddenly here."

"That's right! How did you survive (y/n)?" Connie asked.

(y/n) held on a bored expression on her face. She gave a side look to Annie who was already staring at her, giving them the look 'don't tell them'.

(y/n) looked back at Christa, "To be honest, I don't know myself. The details aren't clear to me, but I was running on the rooftops to get some help. And then I saw Connie, Armin, and Mikasa. Together we all made it back to HQ."

Everyone was listening intently to (y/n)'s explanation, but there were four certain people who didn't believe her. Nonetheless, they played along.

"It's a miracle you survived!" One cadet praised (y/n). They just nodded at them as others commented on their survival. "Of course (y/n) survived, they are one of the strongest ones we got." They felt discomfort and left to look for Sasha who ran off the moment people started questioning them about the mission.


"Marco," a cadet held onto his clothing while crying, "I'm... I'm done for. I can't fight the titans anymore!"

(y/n) found Sasha and sat down next to her. They saw the trembling face she was trying to hide and tried their best to comfort her. They placed a hand on their back while rubbing it up and down, and their other hand held out a potato.

Sasha loves potatoes, maybe this will help her. (y/n) thought.

Sasha looked at (y/n) and gave her a small smirk. She took the food from their hands, but didn't bring it to her mouth to eat.

"What's wrong?" Marco questioned the cadet.

"I saw my friends devoured right before my eyes!" He yelled, "I saw them get eaten alive and yet I felt no sorrow, no hatred. Only overwhelming relief that it wasn't me!"

(y/n) saw that Sasha started getting uncomfortable and was gripping on the potato.

Maybe she isn't hungry right at the moment.

"But it's going to be my turn next." The man cried on, "Now I understand. The true nature of our jobs is we're going to have to fight Titans until we are bitten to death! If I'm going to get devoured, I might as well just end my life now!"

The man suddenly pulled his sword Marco stopped him from harming himself and (y/n) assisted him.

"Stop it! Get a hold of yourself! You're not the only one. We're all fighting our fears!" Marco told him. "Just look at (y/n)! They are holding it in together despite going through hell."

(y/n) didn't say anything and kicked the sword on the ground.

"They don't count! Ever since the start, they have been strong and never showed any emotion towards us!"

(y/n) ignored his comment. Sure, it was true, but they are still learning how to express it.

"Fine then, look at Sasha!" Sasha froze as the three of them looked at her. "She remains a proud soldier, despite all she's been through!" Then she screamed, "Um.. I have real bad abdominal pain. So could you please count me as one of the wounded?"

(y/n) didn't hesitate to rush to Sasha's aid.

Maybe that's why she didn't eat the potato.

As the man struggled to get out of Marco's grasp and grab the sword, (y/n) questioned Sasha with a worried expression.

"Are you alright? Where is the exact location you got hurt? Eat the potato, it'll help you fill your stomach. Did a titan harm you? Did you fall? What happened?"

The questions went on and on as well as the yelling.

"It's all over for me!"

"Stop it!"

"Calm down!"

Jean sighed, "I can see why they needed to put out that gag order. Just take a look at the situation they're already in now. If they knew about Eren..."

Suddenly a loud explosion went out catching everyone's attention.

"Cannon fire?"

"What the hell was that?"

"Sasha go with the wounded, if you can no longer fight. I'll help you."

"Another titan?"

"We're gonna die!"

"Why'd they fire just one shot?"

"Hey look! There's smoke!" Someone pointed out.

It must be Eren! (y/n) thought as they tried to comfort Sasha as she was shaking while covering her ears.

"Wait! But it's inside the wall!"


"How come?

"Did they breach the inner wall gate?"

"Saying my prayers right now."

"That's the sturdiest one of all! This can't be happening..."

" I assume that they just fired a bullet after having shut the wall gate"

"But even though, what's with all that smoke?"

"Good heaves... is that Titan vapour?" Jean questioned.

Reiner, Berthold, and Annie used their ODM gear and headed near the smoke.

"Hey!" Jean said and then followed them. (y/n) looked back at Sasha to see her with Connie, Ymir, and Christa. Once they confirmed that she was in safe hands they followed the other four towards the smoke.

If that was a cannon, they must have shot Eren, Armin, and Mikasa!


A big titan skull was over Armin, Eren and Mikasa with the titan skin being absorbed and turning into flames. Mikasa was on high alert, ready to fight. Armin was in shock with some tears. Smoke everywhere. Everyone else who witnessed it was scared.

Berthold, Reiner, Annie, (y/n), and Jean were on the roof and saw the scene. They were just as shocked at everyone else. (y/n) was glad to see that none of them were injured from the canon though.

"What the hell's going on? This is.." Reiner was too stunned to speak.

Armin looked up and saw the bones of a huge skeleton. Mikasa made a conclusion that it was Eren was protecting her and Armin from the canon.

"It's alive.."

"Captain Woerman!" Rio called out for him, but the dude looked like he shit his pants as soon as he saw the big titan skeleton. "Wait and see how it goes! It's too dangerous to get any closer! Maintain formation and stand by. Stand by! Have the cannon squad load another round!" He ordered.

"I can't see anything with all the smoke." (y/n) commented. They were going to head down using their ODM gear, but Jean and Annie held onto their arms.

"Wait! It's dangerous to go down there. They might accuse you too." Jean protested.

"They'll make it out safely. I have a feeling." Annie commented as they both tried to persuade (y/n).

(y/n) sighed in defeat. "Fine."

Inside the skeleton Eren started informing Mikasa and Armin.

"I started to remember one thing. The basement. The basement of my home. My dad said I'd understand everything if I went back there. He's also the one responsible for what I've become. If I get to the basement, I might just find the truth behind the Titans as well."

Eren slammed his fist to one the huge skeleton bones, "Dammit!"

The three of them are in a tight position. They were surrounded with no escape, as soon as they make a move they will shoot their cannons.

"The smoke's clearing up!"

"Let's end this without wasting our time."

"Hold fire!" the Captain ordered.

(y/n) was impatient and ready to jump off the roof any moment. The skull of the head broke and more dust came.

Goddammit! I can't protect them if I can't see anything!

Despite (y/n)'s worries for their friends, they fought the urge to jump towards them. They know it will only make the situation even worse. Another bone from the giant skeleton broke and created more dust. The canons are all loaded, now they're just waiting to fire.

(y/n) thought. Come on, they can do it. They can negotiate this

All of a sudden Armin came into view. He put his arms up, showing that he doesn't have any weapons. There were guns pointed at him.    (y/n) would have killed them if it wasn't for Jean and Annie holding her back on the roof.

"Calm down (y/n)!" Jean whisper-yelled at them, not wanting to be caught by the soldiers that they were on the roof.

"You know, for being all muscles and strength, you sure have no brain. You're an idiot for acting in a tense situation." Annie commented.

"Is this supposed to be your true form monster? I don't buy it! I'll give the signal to fire, I mean it!"

"Eren is not a foe of humanity! We're willing to cooperate with Military Command and we'll share everything we've learned his powers!" Armin tried to persuade them.

"Your please fall on deaf ears!" The Captain yelled at him, "He revealed his true form and because of that threat, he cannot leave her alive! If you insist that he's not an enemy of ours, show me proof! Otherwise, we'll blast him back to whatever nightmare he crawled out of!"

"You don't need any proof! The fact of the matter is it doesn't matter what we perceive him to be!"


"The reports say hundreds of soldiers saw him. And those who were there say they saw him fighting other Titans! And that means they saw him get swarmed by the Titans as well. To put it plainly, the Titans recognise him the same way they see each and every human being, as their prey! It doesn't matter how else you may look at it! That's an irrefutable fact!"

Everyone went silent and (y/n) felt proud. I think he did it. Armin spotted the others at the rooftop and was glad to see them safe. Then the soldiers were convinced by Armin's words.

"Kid's got a point."

"A Titan on our side?"

"It can't be..."


"It must be true.."

"I mean we would all be dead right now if he was truly an enemy."

"If we had a Titan on our side it would be a big help."

The Captain stared in disbelief at his comrades. "Prepare to attack! Don't let yourself be swayed by his cunning lies! The Titan's behaviour has always been beyond our comprehension. I wouldn't put it past them to assume human form. He's speaking our language in an attempt to deceive us! I refuse to let them continue this behavior unchecked!"

Suddenly everyone had their guard up. Their swords and weapons pointed towards the center once again.

Armin had a look of defeat on his face, but he looked at (y/n) on the rooftop and Eren and Mikasa behind him. They all had a look of approval and trust, with that he did not give up. He turned back to the Captain and saluted.

"I am a soldier! And I have dedicated my heart to the restoration of humanity, sir! Nothing could make me prouder than dying for such a noble cause! If we were to use his Titan ability and combine it with the manpower we have left, I believe we can do it! We cna retake this city! For humanity's glory, in what little time I have left to live, I will advocate for his strategic value!"

(y/n) didn't struggle this time to go down and help them, because they saw a man who would help her friends out of the situation coming walking towards them. Besides she was proud of Armin.

They're in good hands.

"Captain Woerman. His words are worth considering, sir. Maybe we should-" One of his cadets said, but we cut off. "Shut up!" He was about to give the order to fire, but someone stopped him.

"That's enough. You should really do something about your nervous disposition, Captain Woerman." A bald man smiled.

"C-comander Pyxis?!" The Captain was shocked and even more nervous than before.

"Can you not see this soldier's heartfelt salute?" He said as he looked at Armin, "I've only just arrived, but I was informed of the situation on the way. You go take command of our reinforcements. I think we could at least do these young soldiers the favour of hearing them out. Also I've heard alot of good things about them from a friend of mine."

He eyed the top of the roof where (y/n), Annie, Jean, Reiner, and Berthold stood.

Armin took deep breaths and sighed in relief. Finally, I thought we were gone for good. He thought to himself.


According to reports from the Scout Regiment, it was anticipated that the Titans would appear from the south. These reports were proven accurate when the Titans attacked Shiganshina District, located on the southern side of Wall Rose. Therefore, it was surmised that their next most likely target would be the fortified city of Trost, on the southern side of Wall Rose.

On the wall Dot Pyxis brought Armin, Mikasa, Eren, and (y/n) along with him. When he spotted (y/n) on the rooftop he sent one of his assistance to bring them along.

Now you must be wondering, how does Pyxis know (y/n)?

Well, he was also one of the few people who knew that Hange was taking them in because Hange trusted him and told him about (y/n). He did meet (y/n) and played a game against them in chess. (y/n) was horrible at it since they didn't know the rules and such, but he taught her how to play when Hange was busy with experiments. Even though (y/n) rarely spoke, he still told them stories. He would like to call them friends because he took interest in her skills. What he picked up was that (y/n) was a fast learner and listens to every information someone tells her.

"Nope not any of you," Pyxis said as he looked down at the titans, "Being eaten by a Titan wouldn't be so bad, if it was a sexy lady one." He turned around at the four of them and his smile brightened when he saw (y/n).

"Ah (y/n), I'm so glad to see you again! How much you've grown too!"

"Nice to see you again sir!" (y/n) bowed at him for respect and he laughed.

"No need to be so formal. I can't wait to play another chess match with you."

"That would be nice." (y/n) gave a small smile at the man.

"What a nice smile you have there. It really brightens your face and makes you less intimidating." He joked.

(y/n) was standing in between Mikasa and Armin as Eren informed the both of them of the plan.

"So, visiting this basement should clear everything up?" He questioned.

"Yes, sir. Wel, at least I think so." Eren responded feeling exhausted.

"For the moment, there is no way to validate all of the claims you've made. For now, I'll just catalogue them in my head. But I can usually tell the difference between the unctuous and the sincere, which is why I personally guarantee your safety."

Armin, Eren, and Mikasa sighed in relief.

"And besides, you guys are friends of my friend, so of course it is my pleasure." He looked at (y/n) who thanked him. Pyxis turned his attention to Armin.

"You're Cadet Armin Arlert. Is that correct?"

"Yes sir."

"You mentioned a plan to harness this so-called "Titan ability" and then utilise your friend's power to retake the city. Do you believe it could work? Or were you grasping at straws to try and save your ass?"

"Uh, well. It's both, Commander. I was going to suggest that Eren, using his strength as a Titan, could lift that giant boulder. We could use it to block off the wrecked gate. That was the best idea I was able to come up with on the spot."

"It's not a bad idea, but it's a really big gamble if Eren can do it or not." (y/n) thought over Armin's idea.

"I just wanted to make everyone see how Eren's ability might provide a solution to the problem we all face."

"Hmm" Pyxis was thinking it over and turned his attention towards Eren. "Well, what do you say, Cadet Jaeger?"

"Say, sir?"

"That hole. Do you think that you can plug it up, son?"

The four of them was shocked that he agreed with the plan.

"Well, I don't know," Eren hesitated. "It's possible, but at the moment, I don't understand my power any more than you do. It's just, I sort of feel irresponsible giving you an answer. Because I don't really know."

"Ah, yes. Of course, my apologies. I asked you the wrong question. Are you willing to, Cadet Jaeger, or not?" Instead of his sweet tone, it turned to a very serious one as he asked the question. Eren thought it through and answered.

"I'll do it." He said proudly, "I don't know if I can, but I will do it!"

Pyxis smiled at him and grabbed him by the shoulders, "Well said. (y/n), your friend here has a heart of a lion."

Then the plan started and everyone prepared for it.

"Eren come walk with me. Mikasa, Armin, and (y/n), inform my team of the plan."


Many of the cadets regretted their decision. They didn't want to die, they wanted to go home. They thought that the plan was absurd and worried more about their safety. Most of them wanted to retreat.

It was Armin's plan afterall and he felt guilty that his plan might send them to their deaths. "They're all cowards." Mikasa scoffed as she saw most of them trying to run away from the formation.

"I wouldn't blame them though," Armin started, he looked down with a heavy weight on his heart, "It is scary. There is also a possibility that many of them will die and all because of my plan."

(y/n) sensed this guilt and felt sympathy towards him. "Scary or not, this is the best plan we have other than turning around and running away."

"But people's lives will be on the line.."

"Everyone's lives are always on the line. Nobody knows when death is going to come, especially with the Titans. This is why we are here, in this team. I would rather die trying to protect others than running away from the problems and die of old age knowing so damn well I could have helped out those people long ago."

Armin stayed silent as (y/n) put their hand on his shoulder.

"Your plans will save us and change history."

"What if it goes wrong and we fail? Then their deaths will be for nothing!"

"We won't know until we try. If we give up now, we will never find out. But if we carry it out, there is chance that we will succeed."

Armin thought over (y/n)'s words and sighed, "You're right."

"Armin! (y/n)!" Mikasa waved at them. The two made their over to Mikasa and informed Pyxis' aqquantances.


"I'm sorry Eren," Armin apologized as (y/n) held onto the tip of his jacket unconsciously, "You ended up shouldering all the responsibility."

"I told you before," Eren responded, "you have a gift for strategy. I believe in you, Armin."

"Eren," Mikasa started, "I really think I should-" But Eren cut her off, "Don't say you're coming with me. You're part of the decoy team, along with (y/n)."

"But, I can't leave you alone! By yourself, you-"

"Enough!" He snapped, "I'm not your little brother or your child! I've told you before."

Mikasa looked down sadly, and (y/n) stepped in. "You should understand that she wants to look out for you Eren. She only wants to protect you from harm." They whispered to him. Eren was going to respond, but before he could he was interrupted by a soldier.

"Ackerman! Hange! I want you on the squad that'll be providing Jaeger with backup. We'll need your skill." Mikasa sighed in relief and (y/n) nodded their head and saluted. Armin and Eren had a small sense of fear.

"Let's go. Execute the strategy!"

"Stay safe." Armin hugged (y/n) as she parted with Eren and Mikasa. "You too." (y/n) replied. Mikasa looked at Eren and Armin looked back at his three friends. Eren and (y/n) ran as they were staring straight ahead.

Armin specifically wanted (y/n) to be beside him with the decoy team, but he didn't argue. He knows that (y/n) has the skills to protect themselves. He knows that it'll be best for her to provide help for Eren. He knows that it is best for the mission. So why did he feel so selfish?


The operation was going well. The decoy was working, which meant the Titans were away from the boulder.

(y/n)'s one goal in mind was to help keep as many people alive as Eren seals the boulder. Nobody has to die today. Nobody deserves to be eaten by Titans.

An image of Mina flashed in (y/n)'s mind. It was Mina smiling at Annie when she finally finished braiding her hair.

You didn't deserve to die that way. You were too good for this world. I'm sorry I couldn't save you Mina.. I promise, I'll be faster to save others. (y/n) thought as they jumped from the wall and killed the first titan that was in their way.

Once (y/n) slit the titans nape, Eren transformed. A huge light came from his area and in seconds he was in his Titan form. (y/n) landed next to Mikasa as Eren screamed in his Titan form. He was standing in front of the boulder, but instead of picking it up he turned around and faced Mikasa and (y/n).

"Eren.." Mikasa said confusingly.

"What is he doing?" (y/n) questioned.

Suddenly he punched his fist at them.

"Mikasa!" (y/n) yelled and pushed them both out of the way before they could get flattened. Mikasa had a cut on her cheek from the impact and (y/n) had a cut on their left arm. It was a small, but deep cut that was going to leave a scar. Mikasa's back hit against a wall as (y/n)'s body made an impact with Mikasa.

(y/n) quickly got up and offered a hand to Mikasa to get them both to safety. As Mikasa stood up Eren was going in for another punch.

"Ackerman! Hange! Look out!"

Mikasa and (y/n) used their ODM gear to get away. (y/n) landed near the roof with the other cadets, but Mikasa landed in front of Eren's face.

"Hey! Ackerman! Stand down! Now! Get away from him, that's an order!"

"Get out of there Mikasa!" (y/n) yelled.

As Mikasa was trying to talk some sense into Eren's titans form (y/n) noticed that the scar on their arm was still there. It hasn't healed.

Maybe it takes time for it to heal like it did before.

They shrugged it off as Rio put up the red flare gun and Eren punched himself in the face as Mikasa dodged it.

"What the hell? You're telling me that kid was a regular Titan all along?"


"Captain!" Someone yelled from the distance, "We've got three Titans bearing down on us from the front. A 10-meter and two 6-meters! Heads up! There's a 12-meter closing in on us from the rear!"

(y/n) looked at the titans, but had to wait for an order.

"Ian, that's it. Please. Just look at him. We need to get out of here, the plan's a bust."

"Agreed. Full withdrawal. We have to leave him as he is." Rio said.

Mikasa looked at them with a venom look in her eyes. (y/n) glared at them. Sure the plan was a bust, but they couldn't just leave Eren there. What if he gets out of his Titan form and gets eaten.

"We're not going to leave him here to die!" (y/n) argued.

"We have t-" One of them started, but as soon as they saw the look on Mikasa's face, they were afraid and shut their mouth.

Meanwhile at the wall..

"Oi! Look! Over there!" Someone shouted as they saw the red smoke.

"What? What's happening?"

"It's over. They failed." Marco said.

"How?" Armin mumbled. dropped the gas tanks and ran.

Mikasa, Eren, and (y/n) must be in danger, maybe even worse! This is my plan after all, I have to do something.. They are going to get hurt because of some risky plan of mine! Ugh, I'm so stupid!

"Armin!? Where are you going?" Marco called out.


"Oi Ian! Snap out of it and give the order! Conserve all the manpower we can. This was the right call. hey, it's not like this is your fault! Come on! We all get that!" A cadet said to Captain Ian, trying to convince him to give the orders to withdrawal, "Was it worth a shot? Sure, whatever! We did the best with what we had!But all we've got left now is going back over the wall."

With that he was going to walk away.

Mikasa was going to punch him, but (y/n) and Ian stopped her.

"Wait!" Ian protested, "Easy. Now's not the time. Team Rico, take out the 12-meter approaching from behind. Team Mitabi and I will handle the three front-runners."

"Are you nuts!?" Rio commented, surprised that the mission was still ongoing.

"In case you've forgotten, I'm the one in charge! Now, do as you're ordered, soldier! We are not leaving Jaeger defenceless, period."

(y/n) thanked him and Mikasa was relieved.

"Change of plans. Our job now is to keep the others off him until he can be recovered. Whether we like it or not, he's still our last best chance. We won't abandon him easily. We're expendable, he isn't. He can't just be replaced."

"He's a failure who's caused countless soldiers to die," Rio rambled, "Just look at him, Ian! Are you saying you want more of us to die saving that?

"That's right. Down to the last man! If that's what it takes, so be it!" This was not the answer the other two were looking for, but they had to follow his orders no matter what. The other two parted to slay the titans.

"Thank you, Captain. That was brave." Mikasa said to Ian.

"No, it wasn't. There's no thanks needed. Fact of the matter is I was petrified of the mess you were about to get into," He looked at (y/n), "both of you. But you're free now. So do your thing. Make good use of that inborn skill."

"Yes, sir."

"Go save the man you love."

Mikasa turned red at this.

love..? (y/n) thought. what is love?

"It's not like that.." Mikasa whispered.

Before Ian could leave, (y/n) followed him.

"Cadet Hange, what are you doing? Stay with Mikasa!"

"I want to help. There are three titans up-front. And this is a three person job, not two. Besides, we both know that there will be more titans coming soon." They responded. Ian was about to protest, but he nodded his head. "Fine."

(y/n) killed the titans swiftly, saving a few soldiers along the way too.

Eren has to get up and seal the gate fast! There are more titans!

(y/n) saw a 13-meter titan about to pounce on Eren. Right next to the crowd of cadets, they saw Mikasa.

"Heads up! We've got four more coming through the gate! All of them 10-meters at least!"

(y/n) looked at Eren's titan form and saw Armin. He was trying to wake Eren up. They killed the 13-meter titan quickly and stayed close by to defend Eren and Armin, but mostly Armin. Eren could most likely heal himself, but Armin can't. And also there is a possibility that Eren's Titan form can harm Armin.

"Mikasa! (y/n)! Why did the plan fail?"

"Armin?" Mikasa questioned, just seeing him there now.

"Why on earth is Eren just sleeping here like this!?"

"Get away! It's dangerous!" Mikasa warned, "Something went wrong. He lost control and wound up like that!"

"He didn't even pick up the boulder! He punched himself and isn't healing! We don't know what's going on with him, but he needs to wake up fast! There are more titans coming, and I think it's because of him!" (y/n) informed.

There was a titan behind Armin and Eren, running towards them. But before it could get any closer (y/n) went over to kill it. This commotion caused other titans in the area to come nearer, but the other cadets went to aid (y/n).

"I tried to snap him out of it, but I couldn't get him to respond. He's been out like this for the pat few minutes." Mikasa said as they watched (y/n), getting ready to support them if they needed any backup with the titans.

"But the plan?" Armin questioned as he tried to ignore the titans running towards him. He knows that (y/n) is protecting him and he trusts them. His top priority right now is try to get Eren to wake up.

"We've have to shift attack. Right now all we can do is protect him. He's defenceless. And there are just so many titans. I don't know how much longer we can keep this up!" Mikasa answered and then aided (y/n).

If Eren doesn't wake up soon everyone will run out of gas... (y/n) thought as they landed on a roof.

"(y/n)!" Armin yelled at them, "Are you alright?!" He saw them knocking on their gas tank and glimpsed on the blood on their arm.

"I'm fine!" (y/n) responded, "Just focus on Eren, I'll protect you from afar."


As time went on, Armin was finally able to get Eren's Titan Form back up with the plan.

"Eren!" Armin smiled that he finally woke him up.

There was a titan that landed right next to Armin and he screamed, but quieted down when he realized it was dead.

"(y/n)!" Armin exclaimed in surprise as she landed on top of the titans head.

"Eren is finally up. Good job Armin, I knew you could do it" (y/n) praised him as he looked away from them with his warm crimson cheeks.

"We'll follow beside him for assistance!" Armin told (y/n), "make sure the other titans don't interfere in his path. They might try to attack him again."


And with that, the plan was finally in motion again.

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