Crimson Heart - George Weasley

By _lxmos

12.3K 193 24

Ellie Gwydion-Black was a year old when her mother was murdered. She was just two years old when her father... More



217 6 0
By _lxmos

Over the course of the next couple of weeks Ellie had decided to listen to her father and vigorously read through her mother's journal. She knew she needed to find a place in the castle grounds to practice her magic and the twins gladly told her about the Room of Requirement. This secret room would only reveal itself to the ones who so desperately needed it and Ellie was hopeful that it would see her needs and reveal itself to her. To her luck she quickly found the room and every day after classes she would dash to the secret room and practice her magic. She could feel herself growing stronger but the one thing she had still yet to attempt was astral projection. She had no clue what she would see when she were to attempt to separate herself from her consciousness but she felt that it had to be done. 

She figured that if she could master this technique then it could be useful to her to continue studying her magic but also be able to hang out with her friends and not miss out on anything. Ellie stood in the middle of the Room of Requirement that had a somewhat darker vibe to it but it was something she had gotten used to. She placed her mother's journal a few feet on the floor in front of her before stepping back and closing her eyes. She slowly raised her hands and began to perform the motions she read about in the journal. She could sense the magic flowing around her body as she controlled her breathing and concentrated on what needed to be done next. She placed her hand on her chest just above her heart and what she felt next was almost indescribable. It was as if a piece of her had left her body as she felt almost weightless. Ellie took a deep breath before slowly opening her eyes and marveling in the sight that was in front of her. 

She watched as what appeared to be a slightly older version of herself floated in the air with red magic surrounding her everywhere as her arms were raised and her hands twisted in the air. Her eyes were red and her hair was slightly crimped and shorter than what it was like now. She wore a deep red leather garment with fingerless gloves and a headpiece sat on her head as she looked through the pages of her mothers, now levitating, journal infront of her. The journal was now torn up and had frayed pieces hanging off of it almost as if it had been through a deadly fire. Ellie slowly walked around as her consciousness continued to float in the air and watched in awe. Was this what she were to become? Is this the final form of the Scarlet Witch? Her destiny? Her future? She could feel the power radiating off of her consciousness as the red streaks of magic flew around in the air. Ellie then remembered what her father had said to her weeks before, about she being the one that can overpower Voldemort. This is what her father meant by that. Ellie was destined to become one of the most powerful witches in the world and she now felt ready to take on anything that came her way. She vowed to herself that she would keep improving in her magic to protect all of her friends and family from the dangers that lingered and the potential threat of Voldemort. 

Later on in the day Ellie was walking alongside Hermione and Ginny with Ron scowling behind them as they walked towards the Black Lake where they saw Harry who sat up against a tree with Neville who was knee deep into the water and appeared to be looking for something. Harry heard their footsteps as he got up and faced them as Ron whispered something to Hermione. She sighed angrily as she stepped towards Harry, "Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvarti that Hagrid is looking for you."

"Is that right? Well you...what?", Harry asked in confusion. Hermione looked back at Ron and the girls as Ellie rolled her eyes at the situation. "This is ridiculous. Hagrid's looking for you, Harry.", Ellie said and Hermione nodded her head in agreement before turning around to walk back, "Well you can tell Ron-"

"I'm not an owl!", Hermione exclaimed as silence settled between all of them before Hermione stomped off with Ginny and Ron in tow. Ellie sighed as she walked towards Harry who had sat back down against the tree. She greeted Neville before taking a seat next to Harry, "I take it you two are still fighting over this nonsense." Harry huffed in frustration as he crossed his arms over his chest, "He's the one who's being a git! I didn't ask for my name to be put in the goblet and I don't want to do this tournament but I have no choice." Ellie understood his frustrations but it was getting to the point where this was going on for far too long. "He's your best friend Harry. You can't fight forever.", she said before getting up and patting him on the shoulder and walking off back to the castle. 

She spent some time in the Room of Requirement practicing her magic while her projected consciousness read more of her mother's journal. She wondered if there were more journals out there about her magic. Maybe from witches before her or her mother's time that could have more information about the magic that coursed through her veins. Before she knew it, it was time for her next class as she stopped her projection and gathered her things before sneaking out of the secret room. She walked down the hall and saw Harry just as he bumped into a student who had soon passed her. She saw the student wearing a pin that had Cedric's face on with the words 'Cedric Rules' that then spun around and turned to a picture of Harry with the words 'Potter Stinks' under it. She huffed as she rushed through the students to walk beside Harry. As they walked along the hall she saw more students with the same pin on as they laughed at Harry and called him a cheat. 

"Like the badge?", a student said as he and another girl blocked their way out of the hall and to the courtyard. "Excuse me.", Harry said as he looked down trying to get them out of the way. "Move!", Ellie yelled at the two students as she gripped onto her bag on her shoulder tight as she felt herself getting angrier by the second. The two students quickly got up and out of the way as they noticed her eyes glowing red and scattered off down the hall. "I'm going to hurt whoever made those stupid pins.", she said to Harry as they walked out into the courtyard. She saw Cedric as he laid across a girl's lap with other students around them. Harry immedately walked up to Cedric with an angry look on his face as Cedric stood up. "Can I have a word?", Harry asked as Cedric nodded his head and the three of them walked off. Ellie quickly stood in front of Cedric and pointed her finger up at him, "You better not have made those idiotic pins.", she said and Cedric immediately shook his head no. "No! I would never do something like that, honest.", he said as he looked from Ellie to Harry as Harry pulled the girl back and beside him. 

"Dragons. That's the first task."

"Dragons?!", Ellie exclaimed as Harry quickly slapped her on the arm, "Sh!" Cedric laughed lightly at the two of them as he looked back at Harry, "Are you serious?"

"Yes, there's one for each of us."

"Fleur and Krum, do they-" "Yes."

Cedric's friends began to holler at him to leave with them as Harry and Ellie began to walk away before Cedric grabbed Harry's arm, "Listen, about the badges. I've told them not to wear them."

"Don't worry about it.", Harry said before walking off. Ellie gave Cedric a kind smile before rushing off after Harry. She saw as Ron and Seamus came into view and were walking towards Harry. 'Oh boy', she thought to herself as she tried to walk faster to them before a pair of arms wrapped around her waist causing her to gasp as she's turned around in the arms and faced to see George holding her and Fred beside him. She sighs in relief before gently swatting the back of her hand at his chest, "You have got to stop scaring me like that." George hummed in response as he gave a quick kiss to her forehead. Fred groans at the two being all lovey dovey before he looks forward and see Harry and Ron along with Seamus. "You're a right foul git, you know that?", Ellie heard Harry say as she turned around to look at the commotion. 

"Anything else?" "Yeah. Stay away from me!"

Ellie rolls her eyes at the two younger boys. She wished they would just get over this and go back to being best friends so she wouldn't have to deal with them both acting like children. She watches as Ron and Seamus walk away before she hears Draco call out to Harry from above, "Why so tense, Potter?" Ellie looks up and sees the blonde haired boy sitting up in a tree and scowls at him. George tightens his arms around her to keep her from doing anything she shouldn't. "Settle down, love.", he whispered into her ear. "I say let her at him.", Fred said with a smirk as George sends him a glare. 

"My father and I have a bet, you see. I don't think you're going to last ten minutes in the tournament.", Draco says as he jumps down from the tree and he and his posse approach Harry. Ellie begins to wriggle in George's arms as she trys to get free and go over to Harry, "Let me at him!" George holds her back as he shakes his head and Fred laughs at the two. Ellie continued to squirm around in George's arms causing him to groan as she rubbed up against him, "You'd better stand still before I take you elsewhere.", he said as he leaned down to whisper in her ear. Ellie noticed the way his voice got deeper and felt a blush rise to her cheeks before she hears Draco continue to antagonize Harry. 

"He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five."

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy.", Harry says as he walks up to Draco and gives him a shove. "He's vile and cruel and you're just pathetic.", Harry says before he turns away. He doesn't realize as Draco begins to pull out his wand and point it at Harry's back to send a spell his way. "Oh no you don't sonny!", a gruff voice exclaims as a flash of magic is sent towards Draco, turning him into a ferret. "I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned!", Moody says as he walks over to Harry and stares down at the ferret. Ellie and the twins laugh as Moody points his wand at the ferret and levitates it up and down making it squeel. 

"You stinking, cowardly, scummy-" "Professor Moody!", McGonagall exclaims as she and other students begin to circle around the scene. "What are you doing?"

"Teaching." "Is that a student?!" 

"Technically it's a ferret.", Moody says as he throws the ferret at Crabbe and puts it in his pants as he begins to sob with the ferret's head sticking out of the top of his pants. "Talk about a cry baby.", Ellie says as she laughs along with all the other students. Goyle tries to get the ferret out of his friends pants before he jumps back from getting bitten on the finger. The ferret finds it's way out of the leg of Crabbe's pants as McGonagall takes out her wand and turns the ferret back into Draco. Draco's hair is a mess as he gets up from the ground and turns to face Moody with a scowl, "My father will hear about this!", he says as he begins to run away as Moody starts to walk after him. 

"Is that a threat?" "Professor Moody!" "Is that a threat? I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair, boy!" 

"Alastor! We never use transfiguration as a punishment! Surely Dumbledore told you that.", McGonagall says as she points her wand at Moody's face. "He might have mentioned it." Ellie covers her mouth with her hand at she tries not to laugh at how childish Moody looked. "Somebody needs a time out.", Fred whispered to her and George as they all smirked. 

"You will do well to remember it.", McGonagall says as she walks away and ushers students to leave as well. Moody makes a face at her back as he turns around and tells Harry to go with him. As they pass by the twins and Ellie, Moody stares at Ellie for a brief second before walking off and into the hall with Harry. "What was that about, El?", Fred asked her as he stood in front of her and George who still hadn't let go of the girl. She shook her head as she stared at the place where Harry had just walked off with the man. "He's a weird man, that's all I can say.", she said as they all agreed and walked off to their classes. 

Fred went his separate way to his own class as George said he would walk Ellie to hers. "I'm worried about this first task. What on earth is Harry going to do to get past a dragon? What are they even going to make them do?", she rambled on as they turned a corner. She came to a stop as George stood in front of her and grabbed her arms in his hands, "I think you're worrying a little too much, El. Harry's smart, I'm sure he'll figure something out. And it better be something that will get him the win so Fred and I don't lose too much money.", he said before his eyes widened as he realized he said that last part out loud. 

"You're betting on him?!" 

George sighed as he looked down at her and nodded his head, "It means we're rooting for him though!" 

"He could get seriously hurt George.", she said softly as her worry increased. George gently placed his hands on her cheeks as he made her look up at him, "I know, love. But he doesn't have a choice. The best thing we can do is give him all of our support and I know you'll do whatever you can to help him with these tasks.", he said and she nodded her head in agreement as she looked up at him with a pout on her lips. He couldn't help himself as he leaned down and captured her lips with his. Ellie placed her hands around the back of his neck and sighed in content as she felt him lower his hands to her waist. He always knew how to get her to relax and calm down and that was one of the many things she loved about him. They slowly leaned away from each other as George leaned his forehead against hers, "I love you."

"I love you too Georgie."

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