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Time seemed to have flown by as Ellie now made her way to where the first task of the Triwizard Tournament were to take place. She was still quite worried for Harry and how he would do with dragons but she had heard from Hermione that she was helping Harry and taught him a new spell to help in the first task. Ellie knew that she would get in trouble if she were to interfere in any way with the task and Harry made her promise him that she wouldn't do so even if it mean't helping him from getting hurt. Students already thought he was a cheat for being able to compete and Harry didn't want those thoughts to worsen if it Ellie were to help him with her magic in any way. She made her up the stairs of the arena as she heard two familiar voices calling out into the crowd of fellow students. 

"Bets! Place your bets here!" "Bets taken! Bets taken here!" 

Ellie crossed her arms over her chest as she made her way over to where the twins stood with their backs to her as they called out to the students. "Who fancies a flutter in todays bloodbath?" "Smart moneys on Krum to survive! Any bets?"

Ellie cleared her throat loudly making the twins tense up as they both turned around to face the shorter girl. "Bloodbath? Really?", she asked. "You guys know that any one of them could get seriously hurt from this right?" 

George quickly went to stand next to her as he placed an arm around her shoulder, "Of course it's dangerous but we've got to take advantage of this El. Right now George and I have estimated that we'll make about 20 galleons and even more if Krum wins first place.", Fred said as a student came up to him to place a bet. Ellie looked up at George who was already staring down at her, "I know you're worried about Harry, love, but you just have to trust that he'll get through this. Besides if anything does go wrong for him I'm sure you can help him out with some magic, huh?", he said into her ear. 

"I promised him I wouldn't interfere at all. Everyone already thinks he's a cheat, if I do anything to help it'll just make it worse.", she said as the three of them walked up further to take their seats alongside Hermione. Professor Dumbledore's voice rung throughout the arena as he began to welcome everyone to the first task and explain the rules of the task and order the champions would be going in. The objective of the task was for the champions to recieve the golden egg that their dragon would be guarding. Ellie stood in front of the railing as she gripped it turning her knuckles white and watched as Cedric Diggory just barely retrieved his golden egg, leaving the arena with burns scattered everywhere on his body. She felt a chest press against her back as George placed his hands on the railing next to hers trapping her between him and the railing. "You look like you've seen a ghost love.", he said as he kissed her neck with a chuckle as she squirmed from it tickling her. "This is terrible George. Cedric barely survived that dragon and Harry has to do the same. I don't think I can watch.", she said as she turned around and buried her face in his chest. George chuckled at her as he placed his fingers under her chin and leaned her head up to look at him, "Now don't you think Harry would be quite upset if you watched everybody else compete but him?", he teased her as she glared at him and swatted at his chest before turning back around as Dumbledore announced Harry's turn. 

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