Off The Rails (BNHA x Male OC)

By silverowlbells

338K 18.3K 3.9K

Namura Yuji was a normal 15 year old with a pretty crappy quirk. He's quite the trouble maker; a delinquent a... More

1: Introducing...Him
2: Ice To Meet You
3: To Catch An Owl
4: To See A Ghost
5: Test It Out For Yourself
6: I've Got To Go Away
7: Why Is It Always My Problem?
8: Help Me Out Here
9: Partners In (Not) Crime
10: Irresponsible Parenting
11: Real Deal
13: Keep It Clean
14: Good Luck Out There
15: My Dinner With The Problem Child
16: Reunion Tour
17: Ahoy There
18: Calculated Mistakes
19: Surprise?
20: Can You Believe That?
21: Three Trench Coats In A Kid
22: We'll Burn That Bridge When We Get To It
23: Coming In Clutch
24: Get In The Spirit Of Things
25: Your Opinion Is What Matters
26: And So It Begins
27: The Yee To My Haw
28: The 4th Element
29: Take A Chance On Me
30: The Warning Signs
31: Can I Steal That? I Promise To Keep It Safe
32: Where In The World
33: The Great Escape
34: Throw The First Punch-Make It A Good One
35: Enough Hands To Hold Both Of Yours
36: How Many Walls Does A Room Have?
37: Catch 22
38: Welcome To ̶H̶e̶l̶l̶ School Pt. 1
39: Welcome To ̶H̶e̶l̶l̶ School Pt. 2
40: Do It For The Fame
41: Loose Lips Sink Ships
42: Take On Me

12: The Fall From Grace

8.2K 490 72
By silverowlbells

Aizawa didn't wait more than a moment before jumping after the boy. He had no plan, no idea how to stop the fall or if he could even reach him in time, he just knew he couldn't stand there for another millisecond. 

Yuji didn't feel weightless at all. People had always said that falling from great heights made you feel weightless, not unlike floating. 

He wasn't floating. He weighed far too much and he was falling back to the ground far too fast. 

His senses went into overdrive. He could hear it all, the sirens below him, the shouts of the villains above and the sound of Eraserhead's feet made as them took their last step off the edge of the skyscraper. 

He watched with wide, horrified eyes as he saw his own face in Aizawa's eyes. Well, his own mask. 

Yuji tried to figure out the distance between them but couldn't get his brain to connect it. He barely realized he was reaching out-reaching up-for the hero to take his hand. 

Their fingers brushed for just an instant and fear filled Yuji's veins turning them to ice. 

He was going to die here. 

He could tell by the look in Aizawa's eyes that the man thought the same thing. Still, Yuji's body moved on its own accord, reaching up again with the other arm. 

This time the grip stuck and Yuji's right hand was wrapped as securely as possible around Aizawa's left forearm. 

People were also wrong about it feeling like he was falling in slow motion. It was fast. His ears felt like they were going through a wind tunnel or something. It was just such a long way down. 

Aizawa pulled himself closer to Yuji and reached for his belt, but fumbled his grip. The vigilante realized what he was doing. 

Yuji grabbed the grappling hook and shot it at the building nearly blindly. He didn't consider where the best place to hit would be at all-just hoped for the best. 

It took and suddenly Yuji found himself swinging arm first into the glass window of Shino Tower. 

Glass shards imbedded themselves into his shoulder making him cry out in pain. He could feel some along his left hip and the left side of his head. Every gadget on that side of his body was gone for sure, including the voice modulator. 

Yuji gasped for breath when they stopped falling and stopped swinging finally. He continued to pant as his grip on the grappling hook shook from fear and adrenaline. 

The boy had never heard human hearts beat so fast. He was scared that at any second one of the muscles would just-stop. Too tired to keep beating faster and faster. 

'Don't look down don't look down don't look down don't look down don't look down' Yuji thought. Unfortunately he was distracted by Aizawa taking a very injured sounding breath and looked down. 

Nope. Too many floors. Probably around 40 or 50. The world looked tiny. Yuji's stomach dropped painfully as he fixed his eyes back on his own hand and the grappling hook holding them in place and stopping them from plummeting to their deaths. 

At least Eraserhead didn't look that injured. Not as injured as Yuji was at least, although that was a low bar. He was pretty fucked up. There was glass in his entire left side, head included. He was surprised he didn't have a concussion at this point. Actually he probably did, but that could wait. He couldn't exactly take the test right now. 

"Hold still." Aizawa gritted out. The sound of more glass falling was distressing to say the least. "Hey-keep calm. Or as calm as you can be. There's a crack in the window where you hit it-I'm widening it with the capture weapon. I'll find something to hold onto and I'll pull us in. Just stay right where you are, okay kid? You're doing great.". 

Yuji didn't feel like he was doing great. He felt like he was holding himself and a an adult on up with a grappling hook that's construction was not sturdy enough to support that much weight. 

"Okay, I've got something." Aizawa set. "Let go when I say-". 

"NO!" Yuji shouted, tightening his grip on the hero's arm. "No! That's a chair! We'll drop. Find something sturdier.". 

"How do you know-" "It moved along the floor a little. Its probably only being held in place by a desk or something. Keep looking.". 

"We don't have much time." Aizawa said but the capture weapon was already sorting through things. Yuji knew they didn't have much time because he was the one who's entire body was screaming in pain. 

They were running out of time. 

The capture weapon searched blindly because neither of them could see inside the broken room. It was above them. Suddenly it brushed something metal. 

"That!" Yuji blurted out, "Its a support beam.". 

He looked down at Aizawa and tried to tune out the 40 floor drop beneath the man. Looking into his eyes he realized how much genuine trust this man must be putting in him to have such a determined expression. 

"This is just a trust exercise, right?" The vigilante blurted out. "I'm trusting your binding cloth not to hang us or let us fall and you're trusting me to make the right call. I promise its right.". 

"Like I said, my quirk's always working overtime." His voice was shaking an sounded incredibly uncertain, but Aizawa seemed to understand his words. 

"Ghost I-" "Yuji." The boy interrupted, "My name is Yuji.". 

"Okay Yuji," The hero said, "let go on 3."




Yuji let go of the grappling hook right as Aizawa said three and felt the world flash by him again. Suddenly a firm hand was around his torso and he was pulled through what felt like a whole wall to the sound of breaking glass. 

They hit the ground hard with Yuji on top of Aizawa, the man's body curled around his protectively. Both of their heartbeats were still going rapidly and Yuji's blood was rushing through his ears but they were on solid ground. 

They were alive

Shota was the first to move, carefully maneuvering himself out from under Yuji and clearing the broken glass away so he could lie to the boy down. "You've got shards all up your side..." The man trailed off, horrified at the sight in front of him. His breath hitched as he noticed something. 

The fun part about glass was unlike other stab wounds the first thing you had to do was get it out. Every moment it was in there was another moment it could be splintering off, complicating the wound further. Shota got up and ran on shaky legs into the hallway of the building to get the nearest first aid kit. 

He returned and slowly took out the tweezers. "Hold still." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. 

Yuji had been right-there was glass in the left side of his head. He let out some pathetic whimper noise the moment the tweezers came in contact with the glass. Aizawa shushed him calmly, holding his head still with his other hand. 

"There." The man said, breathing a sigh of relief. Then his tone turned cautious. "I need to take your mask off to bandage this up.". 

Yuji's immediate thought was 'no!', but what else was he going to do? Bleed out? 

"Okay." He said softly, "Just don't-promise not to freak out.". 

Aizawa didn't like where this was going. The voice modulator was broken and already Gho-Yuji sounded younger than he would have liked. 

He kept his mouth screwed shut, not saying a word, as his fingers gripped the black fabric at the base of Yuji's neck. 

The mask came off slowly, almost painfully so. Centimeter by centimeter Yuji's face was revealed until Aizawa was pulling the rolled up fabric off of Yuji's bloody blue hair. 

Bright golden eyes stared up at him and Aizawa felt like someone had punched him in the gut. 

Ghost was a fucking child


Welcome to the post-test-I-probably-failed update! 

Seriously I do not think it went well. I studied obsessively too which sucks. 

But at least Yuji and Aizawa are both safe and sound 😊

Well, safe for now. God knows what Yuji's moms are gonna do when they find out Aizawa's the reason their son was dangling off a 50 story building. 

I'm probably on a watch list now after how many head injury and glass shard related things I googled for this chapter 😅

I always try to be as accurate as possible because that's what you guys deserve and also I'm sure that you guys and I are both sick of seeing fanfic characters go through crazy situations without so much as a scratch. 

Honestly half of the reason this scene went the way it did was because people who catch themselves with grappling hooks in most things never slam into the building like you would in real life. 

So yeah basically Yuji's bleeding out 👌

Stay Tuned 😂! 

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