Home. (L.N.)

By sunlover43

41.1K 455 17

"True love does not exist" "It does. I will show it to you" Anna Winter is ambitious and smart. With a Bache... More

1. Anna!
2. Goodbyes
3. Partytime
4. The Streets of Chelsea
5. Sounds like a Plan
6. Game on
7. May I?
8. Warmth
9. Sisters
10. What Now?
11. The Calm Before The Storm
12. Back On Track
14. Dancing Queen
15. Late Night Talks
16. Regrets
17. Porto
18. Go Chelsea!
19. Champions!
20. Our Time
21. The Country Of Love
22. Everything Needs To End
23. When Worlds Collied
24. Someone New
25. Moving On
26. Doubts
27.Painful Realization
28. Confrontation
29. Mason
30. Roomies
31. Studytime
32.The Dutch Roar
33. The Public
34. Monza
35. Infinity
36. Inked Skin
38. The Evil
37. Cultural Bonding
39. Returning
40. Goodbye
41. The American Dream
42. Moving Forward
43. Viva La Vida
44. Birthday Boy
45. Discoballs
46. Utopia
48. Perfection
49. The Future Is Bright
50. Future Pitchblack

47. Glory Days

339 7 0
By sunlover43

With his smell in my nose and his arm around my upper body is by far my favorite way to wake up. Even if the alarm fills out ears with an annoying noise there is no szenario I would rather be in right now. He moans as he turned around to reach his phone and ends the horrible sound.
"Morning" I place a kiss on his bare chest and glimpse up at him. His curls are wild in every direction possible. "Morning" he rubs his sleep out of the eyes while smirking at me. A few moments we stay cuddled up just slowly getting awake. "I should get ready" he yawns while throwing the blanket back. "No" I moan and try to get a hold on his arm but fail to do so. "We can't stay in bed, it's raceday" he yawns while stretching to full height. "I know" I mumble and watch him closely moving to the window to open up the curtains. "I am nervous" I whisper and then the sunlight directly hits my face. "Urgh" I try to dodge it. Again without any success. "For me or Max?" he turns around grinning. "Both of you" "We will be fine." I wish I could be as relaxed as him. Today is quite something on the line. I am rooting for Max. Not only because I think he deserves it but also for Mick. His father and Lewis are tied on championship titles. It's something he is so damn proud of. Even if Michael said records are meant to be broken, this one should be broken by someone who has a purpose. Max knows Michael from when he was a child and he grew up along Mick. In my mind Lewis is not meant to be the one breaking this record and I think deep down Mick would agree. Defeated I swing my body out of the bed and grab a few clothes of Lando. He was going to take a shower and so should I. "I am going to my room now" "You look hot in this" he points at my outfit. I roll my eyes.
"See you later" I wink at him and close the door behind me just in this oversized Quadrant merch shirt. I should get going to get ready for today so I could grab breakfast before heading to the track. "Anna? " I freeze in my motion. Oh please let this not be the person I think it is. Daniel smirks at me cheeky when I slowly turn around. He himself looks also tired and just left his room as it seems. It's just across from Landos so he got a pretty good view of me heading out. "Good morning" I put my most innocent smile on as I step away from the door. "No no no" he shakes his in laughter. "Drop it." And I do as my cheeks turn red. He basically caught me sneaking out of the room. "Had a good night yeah?" he teases as we start to walk towards the elevator. "A full night of sleep, yeah" I say the truth but he seems to not believe me judging by the way he smirks at me. Whatever.

My hands clinch around the barrier in front of me as I follow the last rounds of the last race of the year. I can't believe what my eyes witnessed. This is not the reality. "Cmon Max" I press out quietly praying for a miracle. "He is winning" Landos sister by my side holds on to my arm. She is an absolute Hamilton fan girl as I discovered in the last two hours or so. My eyes are glued to the screen infront of us. For once Lando is not my focus but the one guy that I know is my friend. Max Verstappen, a proud dutch, a Lion and more than worthy to take his crown. I ignore Flos pullon my arm, but play all the scenarios back and forth in my mind. Only a... And there it is.. saftycar. A gasp runs through the whole paddock and the grandstands. It's close. Way to close to the end. I close my eyes and there it is the one chance I see for my dutch mate. My head flicks up. It's a very small chance but boy how I want it to work out.
What happened in the last 10 minutes, I don't recall. I can't remember it. All I know, it's over. And he won. Max Verstappen is the World Champion. "My God" I whisper out in the air. It seems so quiet when Max's wheels cross first the line. Fireworks go off and I flinch. Tears run down my face. I hear someone screaming in my ear and figure out that it's Alex, who got on the radio first. They cheer together while I sink down to the floor. RedBull know their shit, who was I to think they haven't figured that one possibility out. "You alright?" Adam's hand rests on my shoulder. As I sniff away and try to get up. "Take a moment dear." It's over. He did it. Max Verstappen is the worldchampion. Worldchampion. "You bloody king" I gasp out again with my eyes glued on the screen. "Do you want to go?" Charlotte widely smirking at me steps closer. I can just nod heavily. "Go on then" she waves me into the garage away from behind the barrier where I stood for the last hours. She doesn't have to tell me twice. I know I am not supposed to, but today is a day to celebrate. "Run through the pit lane but please be careful" she whispers when she guides me through the garage and off I go. I run as fast as my feet can carry me. It's so incredibly loud out here. Fireworks, screaming, cheering, its absolute chaos. As I run up to the place, where the car will park a security guy steps in my way. "Not authorized" he screams over the noise at me. Helpless I turn around and spot Christian with tears in his eyes coming closer arm in arm with his wife. She is the one catching my searching eyes for support. Mrs Horner marches over and looks at the guy in front of us." She is fine, let her through." "But Ma'am" he starts to discuss. "Don't destroy that, will you" with that she pulls me at my arm along. I kind stop my tears from running down. She hugs me from the side laughing out in joy. "Goodness Anna" even if we probably exchanged words just a couple of times, she remembered me and now helped. "Thank you" I sniff and acknowledge a camera being held in our faces. I try to hide it behind my hands. "Anna" "Kelly" our bodies collide hard as we rush in a hug. We cry in happiness as Max pulls up in the car. Honestly an unreal moment as he stops rolling and goes through the process to get out. My body is covered in goosebumps as he climbs up on the car to rise his fists in victory. Then everything following is like a dream. His Dad already in a world champion shirt hugs him tight, the mechanic lift him on their shoulders until he finally sprints over to Kelly. After holding on tight to her and Helmut its my turn. "I am so proud of you" I scream at him clapping on his helmet before he takes it off. The look in his eyes is something I will never forget and melts my heart. It's like a little boy who achieved something he didn't know was capable of. I take his head in my hands taking in this look in his eyes. I scream at him releasing all this energy that is all over my body. He laughs in response then I let him go. Aware of the media around I lay my head on Kellys shoulder who slings a arm around my waist. God, what did this guy just do. I watch Lando appearing behind Max to congratulate him and that brings everything into the perspective I was searching so long for.


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